961 resultados para hydrogen storage materials
Hydrogen storage in traditional metallic hydrides can deliver about 1.5 to 2.0 wt pct hydrogen but magnesium hydrides can achieve more than 7 wt pct. However, these systems suffer from high temperature release drawback and chemical instability problems. Recently, big improvements of reducing temperature and increasing kinetics of hydrogenation have been made in nanostructured Mg-based composites. This paper aims to provide an overview of the science and engineering of Mg materials and their nanosized composites with nanostructured carbon for hydrogen storage. The needs in research including preparation of the materials, processing and characterisation and basic mechanisms will be explored. The preliminary experimental results indicated a promising future for chemically stable hydrogen storage using carbon nanotubes modified metal hydrides under lower temperatures.
A systematic investigation was performed on the hydrogen storage properties of mechano-chemically prepared MgH2/Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) composites. It is found that the hydrogen absorption capacity and hydriding kinetics of the composites were dependent on the addition amount of SWNTs as well as milling time. A 5 wt.% addition of SVVNTs is optimum to facilitate the hydrogen absorption and desorption of MgH2. The composite MgH2/5 wt.% SWNTs milled for 10h can absorb 6.7 wt.% hydrogen within about 2 min at 573 K, and desorb 6 wt.% hydrogen in about 5 min at 623 K. Prolonging the milling time over 10 h leads to a serious degradation on hydrogen storage property of the MgH2/SWNT composite, and property/structure investigations suggest that the property degradation comes from the structure destruction of the SWNTs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnesium and its alloys have shown a great potential in effective hydrogen storage due to their advantages of high volumetric/ gravimetric hydrogen storage capacity and low cost. However, the use of these materials in fuel cells for automotive applications at the present time is limited by high hydrogenation temperature and sluggish sorption kinetics. This paper presents the recent results of design and development of magnesium-based nanocomposites demonstrating the catalytic effects of carbon nanotubes and transition metals on hydrogen adsorption in these materials. The results are promising for the application of magnesium materials for hydrogen storage, with significantly reduced absorption temperatures and enhanced ab/desorption kinetics. High level Density Functional Theory calculations support the analysis of the hydrogenation mechanisms by revealing the detailed atomic and molecular interactions that underpin the catalytic roles of incorporated carbon and titanium, providing clear guidance for further design and development of such materials with better hydrogen storage properties.
Various Mg/carbon and Mg/noncarbon composite systems were prepared by mechanical milling and their hydrogen storage behaviors were investigated. It was found that all the carbon additives exhibited prominent advantage over the noncarbon additives, such as BN nanotubes (BNNTs) or asbestos in improving the hydrogen capacity and dehydriding/hydriding kinetics of Mg. And among the various carbon additives, purified single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) exhibited the most prominent catalytic effect on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg. The hydrogen capacities of all Mg/C composites at 573 K reached more than 6.2 wt.% within 10 min, about 1.5 wt.% higher than that of pure MgH2 at the identical operation conditions. Under certain operation temperatures, H-absorption/desorption rates of Mg/carbon systems were over one order of magnitude higher than that of pure Mg. Furthermore, the starting temperature of the desorption reaction of MgH2 has been lowered to 60 K by adding SWNTs. On the basis of the hydrogen storage behavior and structure/phase investigations, the possible mechanism involved in the property improvement of Mg upon adding carbon materials was discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports a study on nanostructured magnesium composites with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and catalytic transition metals with high H-2 adsorption capacity and fast adsorption kinetics at reduced hydrogenation temperatures. Nanostructures in such a composite are shown to be responsible for improvements in both adsorption capacity and kinetics. It is found that the carbon nanotubes significantly increase the hydrogen storage capacity, and the catalytic transition metals (Fe and Ti) greatly improve the kinetics. This could be understood from the enhancement of diffusion by CNTs and decrease in energy barrier of hydrogen dissociation at the magnesium surface.
This paper is concerned with the effects of adding tin and/or titanium dopant to sodium aluminium hydride for both dehydrogenation and re-hydrogenation reactions during their reversible storage of molecular hydrogen. Temperature programmed decomposition (TPD) measurements show that the dehydrogenation kinetics of NaAlH4 are significantly enhanced upon doping the material with 2 mol% of tributyltin hydride, Sn(Bu)(3)H but the tin catalyst dopant is shown to be inferior than titanium. On the other hand, in this preliminary work, a significant synergetic catalytic effect is clearly revealed in material co-doped with both titanium and tin catalysts which shows the highest reversible rates of dehydrogenation and re-hydrogenation (after their hydrogen depletion). The re-hydrogenation rates of depleted Sn/Ti/NaAlH4 evaluated at both 9.5 and 140 bars hydrogen are also found to be favourable compared to the Ti/NaAlH4, which clearly suggest the importance of the catalyst choice. Basing on these results some mechanistic insights for the catalytic reversible dehydrogenation and re-hydrogenation processes of Sn/Ti/NaAlH4 are therefore made. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently microporous oxidic materials including zeolites are attracting interest as potential hydrogen storage materials. Understanding how molecular hydrogen interacts with these materials is important in the rational development of hydrogen storage materials and is also challenging theoretically. In this paper, we present an incoherent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of the adsorption of molecular hydrogen and hydrogen deuteride (HD) in a copper substituted ZSM5 zeolite varying the hydrogen dosage and temperature. We have demonstrated how inelastic neutron scattering can help us understand the interaction of H-2 molecules with a binding site in a particular microporous material, Cu ZSM5, and by implication of other similar materials. The H-2 molecule is bound as a single species lying parallel with the surface. As H-2 dosing increases, lateral interactions between the adsorbed H-2 molecules become apparent. With rising temperature of measurement up to 70 K (the limit of our experiments), H-2 molecules remain bound to the surface equivalent to a liquid or solid H-2 phase. The implication is that hydrogen is bound rather strongly in Cu ZSM5. Using the simple model for the anisotropic interaction to calculate the energy levels splitting, we found that the measured rotational constant of the hydrogen molecule is reduced as a consequence of adsorption by the Cu ZSM5. From the decrease in total signal intensity with increasing temperature, we were able to observe the conversion of para-hydrogen into ortho-hydrogen at paramagnetic centres and so determine the fraction of paramagnetic sites occupied by hydrogen molecules, ca. 60%. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports results from electrochemical evaluations of electrodes used as cathodes for a hydrogen evolution reaction and anodes in Ni-MH batteries that had been surface-modified by micro-encapsulation, co-deposition and sol-gel methods. The surface modifications produced actual improvements in the corresponding electrochemical reactions by enhancing the performance and/or the mechanical stability of the electrode material. (c) 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Questo lavoro riguarda la sintesi e caratterizzazione di nanoparticelle basate sul magnesio per l'immagazzinamento di idrogeno. Le nanoparticelle sono state cresciute mediante Inert Gas Condensation, una tecnica aerosol in cui il materiale viene sublimato e diretto verso i substrati tramite un flusso di gas inerte, e caratterizzate attraverso microscopia elettronica e diffrazione di raggi X. Queste operazioni sono state eseguite presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Bologna. Sono stati sintetizzati due tipi di particelle: nel primo il magnesio viene deposto direttamente sul substrato, nel secondo esso incontra un flusso di ossigeno prima di depositarsi sulla superficie. In questo modo si formano delle particelle con struttura core-shell in cui la parte interna è formata da magnesio e quella esterna dal suo ossido. La presenza di una shell consistente dovrebbe permettere, secondo il modello di deformazioni elastiche, di diminuire il valore assoluto dell'entropia di formazione dell'idruro di magnesio, condizione necessaria affinché il desorbimento di idrogeno possa avvenire in maniera più agevole rispetto a quanto non accada col materiale bulk. Tutti i campioni sono stati ricoperti di palladio, il quale favorisce la dissociazione della molecola di idrogeno. La capacità di assorbimento dell'idrogeno da parte dei campioni è stata studiata mediante idrogenografia, una tecnica ottica recentemente sviluppata in cui la quantità di gas assorbita dal materiale è legata alla variazione di trasmittanza ottica dello stesso. Le misure sono state eseguite presso l'Università Tecnica di Delft. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che le nanoparticelle di solo magnesio mostrano dei chiari plateau di pressione corrispondenti all'assorbimento di idrogeno, tramite cui sono stati stimati i valori di entalpia di formazione. Al contrario, i campioni con struttura core-shell, la cui crescita rappresenta di per sé un risultato interessante, non presentano tale comportamento.
The increase of atmospheric CO2 has been identified as the primary cause for the observed global warming over the past century. The geological and oceanic sequestration of CO2 has issues, such as cost and leakage as well as effects on sea biota. The ideal solution should be the conversion of CO2 into useful materials. However, most processes require high energy input. Therefore, it is necessary to explore novel processes with low energy demands to convert CO2 to useful solid materials. Amorphous carbon nitride and graphone received much attention due to their unusual structures and properties as well as their potential applications. However, to date there has been no attempt to synthesize those solid materials from CO2. Lithium nitride (Li3N) and lithium imide (Li2NH) are important hydrogen storage materials. However, their optical properties and reactivity has not yet studied. This dissertation research is aimed at the synthesis of carbon nitrides and graphone from CO2 and CO via their reaction with Li3N and Li2NH. The research was focused on (1) the evaluation of Li3N and Li2NH properties, (2) thermodynamic analysis of conversion of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into carbon nitride and other solid materials, (3) synthesis of carbon nitride from carbon dioxide, and (4) synthesis of graphone from carbon monoxide. First, the properties of Li3N, Li2NH, and LiNH2 were investigated. The X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that heat-treatment at 500°C introduce a phase transformation of β-Li3N to α-Li3N. Furthermore, the UV-visible absorption evaluation showed that the energy gaps of α-Li3N and β-Li3N are 1.81 and 2.14 eV, respectively. The UV-visible absorption measurements also revealed that energy gaps are 3.92 eV for Li2NH and 3.93 eV for LiNH2. This thermodynamic analysis was performed to predict the reactions. It was demonstrated that the reaction between carbon dioxide and lithium nitride is thermodynamically favorable and exothermic, which can generate carbon nitride and lithium cyanamide. Furthermore, the thermodynamic calculation indicated that the reaction between carbon monoxide and lithium imide can produce graphone and lithium cyanamide along with releasing heat. Based on the above thermodynamic analysis, the experiment of CO2 and Li3N reaction and CO and Li2NH were carried out. It was found that the reaction between CO2 and Li3N is very fast and exothermic. The XRD and element analysis revealed that the products are crystal lithium cyanamide and amorphous carbon nitrides with Li2O and Li2CO3. Furthermore, TEM images showed that carbon nitrides possess layer-structure, namely, it is graphene-structured carbon nitride. It was found that the reaction between Li2NH and CO was also exothermic, which produced graphone instead of carbon nitride. The composition and structures of graphone were evaluated by XRD, element analysis, TEM observation, and Raman spectra.
New insights on electrochemical hydrogen storage in nanoporous carbons by in situ Raman spectroscopy
In situ Raman spectroscopy was exploited to analyze the interaction between carbon and hydrogen during electrochemical hydrogen storage at cathodic conditions. Two different activated carbons were used and characterized by different electrochemical techniques in two electrolytes (6 M KOH and 0.5 M Na2SO4). The in situ Raman spectra collected showed that, in addition to the D and G bands associated to the graphitic carbons, two bands appear simultaneously at about 1110 and 1500 cm−1 under cathodic conditions, and then they disappear when the potential increases to more positive values. This indicates that carbon–hydrogen bonds are formed reversibly in both electrolytes during cathodic conditions. Comparing the two activated carbons, it was confirmed that, in both electrolytes, the hydrogenation of carbon atoms is produced more easily for the sample with lower amount of surface oxygen groups. In KOH medium, for the two samples, the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds proceeds at more positive potential with respect to the thermodynamic potential value for hydrogen evolution. Furthermore, changes in the shape of the D band (due to an intensity increase of the D1 band) during the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds suggest that hydrogenation of the carbon atoms increases the number of edge planes.
Porous adsorbents are currently investigated for hydrogen storage application. From a practical point of view, in addition to high porosity developments, high material densities are required, in order to confine as much material as possible in a tank device. In this study, we use different measured sample densities (tap, packing, compacted and monolith) for analyzing the hydrogen adsorption behavior of activated carbon fibres (ACFs) and activated carbon nanofibres (ACNFs) which were prepared by KOH and CO2 activations, respectively. Hydrogen adsorption isotherms are measured for all of the adsorbents at room temperature and under high pressures (up to 20 MPa). The obtained results confirm that (i) gravimetric H2 adsorption is directly related to the porosity of the adsorbent, (ii) volumetric H2 adsorption depends on the adsorbent porosity and importantly also on the material density, (iii) the density of the adsorbent can be improved by packing the original adsorbents under mechanical pressure or synthesizing monoliths from them, (iv) both ways (packing under pressure or preparing monoliths) considerably improve the storage capacity of the starting adsorbents, and (v) the preparation of monoliths, in addition to avoid engineering constrains of packing under mechanical pressure, has the advantage of providing high mechanical resistance and easy handling of the adsorbent.