888 resultados para hydrogen implantation (HI)
A series of C2-C8 hydrocarbons (including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from deep-frozen core samples taken during DSDP Leg 75 (Holes 530A and 532) were analyzed by a combined hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization method. Concentrations representing both hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces vary in Hole 530A from about 10 to 15,000 ng/g of dry sediment weight depending on the lithology (organic-carbon-lean calcareous oozes versus "black shales"). Likewise, the organic-carbon-normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from 3,500 to 93,100 ng/g Corg, reflecting drastic differences in the hydrogen contents and hence the hydrocarbon potential of the kerogens. The highest concentrations measured of nearly 10**5 ng/g Corg are about two orders of magnitude below those usually encountered in Type-II kerogen-bearing source beds in the main phase of petroleum generation. Therefore, it was concluded that Hole 530A sediments, even at 1100 m depth, are in an early stage of evolution. The corresponding data from Hole 532 indicated lower amounts (3,000-9,000 ng/g Corg), which is in accordance with the shallow burial depth and immaturity of these Pliocene/late Miocene sediments. Significant changes in the light hydrocarbon composition with depth were attributed either to changes in kerogen type or to maturity related effects. Redistribution pheonomena, possibly the result of diffusion, were recognized only sporadically in Hole 530A, where several organic-carbon lean samples were enriched by migrated gaseous hydrocarbons. The core samples from Hole 530A were found to be severely contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures on board Glomar Challenger.
The organic matter contents of sediments and rocks sampled during DSDP Leg 93 have been characterized by CHN and Rock-Eval analyses. Most samples from Sites 604 and 605 on the New Jersey continental slope and from Site 603 on the Hatteras outer continental rise contained less than 0.5% organic carbon. Some Neogene samples from the slope contained 1 to 2% organic carbon, and Cretaceous samples from the outer rise were as rich as 13.6% organic carbon by weight. Thin layers of black claystones of Santonian, Cenomanian, and Albian age were found interbedded in organiccarbon- lean, bioturbated, turbiditic claystones. Similar layers of turbiditic black marlstones were interspersed among Neocomian limestones and sandstones. Although the organic matter in many of the samples appeared to be detrital continental material, according to Rock-Eval and C/N values, Cenomanian black shales, in particular, contained substantial proportions of marine-derived organic matter.
The Hi content of Hickson Compact Groups in the southern hemisphere is measured using data from the Hi Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS), and dedicated observations using the narrow band filter on the Multibeam instrument on the Parkes telescope. The expected Hi mass of these groups was estimated using the luminosity, diameter, and morphological types of the member galaxies, calibrated from published data. Taking careful account of non-detection limits, the results show that the compact group population that has been detected by these observations has an Hi content similar to that of galaxies in the reference field sample. The upper limits for the undetected groups lie within the normal range; improvement of these limits will require a large increase in sensitivity.
We demonstrate that a controllable cracking can be realized in Si with a buried strain layer when hydrogen is introduced using traditional H-ion implantation techniques. However, H stimulated cracking is dependent on H projected ranges; cracking occurs along a Si0.8Ge0.2 strain layer only if the H projected range is shallower than the depth of the strained layer. The absence of cracking for H ranges deeper than the strain layer is attributed to ion-irradiation induced strain relaxation, which is confirmed by Rutherford-backscattering-spectrometry channeling angular scans. The study reveals the importance of strain in initializing continuous cracking with extremely low H concentrations.
Introdution: The transcatheter aortic valve implantation in the treatment of high-risk symptomatic aortic stenosis has increased the number of implants every year. The learning curve for transcatheter aortic valve implantation has improved since the last 12 years, allowing access alternatives. The aim of this study is to approach the implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through transaortic via associated with off-pump cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in a 67-year-old man, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension and kidney transplant. Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery was performed and the valve in the aortic position was released successfully. There were no complications in the intraoperative and postoperative period. Gradient reduction, effective orifice increasing of the prosthesis and absence of valvular regurgitation after implantation were observed by transesophageal echocardiography. Procedural success demonstrates that implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through the ascending aorta associated with coronary artery bypass surgery without CPB is a new option for these patients.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) in eyes with neovascular glaucoma (NVG) undergoing Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation. This was a multicentre, prospective, randomized clinical trial that enrolled 40 patients with uncontrolled neovascular glaucoma that had undergone panretinal photocoagulation and required glaucoma drainage device implantation. Patients were randomized to receive IVB (1.25 mg) or not during Ahmed valve implant surgery. Injections were administered intra-operatively, and 4 and 8 weeks after surgery. After a mean follow-up of 2.25 ± 0.67 years (range 1.5-3 years), both groups showed a significant decrease in IOP (p < 0.05). There was no difference in IOP between groups except at the 18-month interval, when IOP in IVB group was significantly lower (14.57 ± 1.72 mmHg vs. 18.37 ± 1.06 mmHg - p = 0.0002). There was no difference in survival success rates between groups. At 24 months, there was a trend to patients treated with IVB using less antiglaucoma medications than the control group (p = 0.0648). Complete regression of rubeosis iridis was significantly more frequent in the IVB group (80%) than in the control group (25%) (p = 0.0015). Intravitreal bevacizumab may lead to regression of new vessels both in the iris and in the anterior chamber angle in patients with neovascular glaucoma undergoing Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation. There is a trend to slightly lower IOPs and number of medications with IVB use during AGV implantation for neovascular glaucoma.
Abstract Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the alteration of human enamel bleached with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide associated with different activators. Materials and methods. Fifty enamel/dentin blocks (4 × 4 mm) were obtained from human third molars and randomized divided according to the bleaching procedure (n = 10): G1 = 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP - Whiteness HP Maxx); G2 = HP + Halogen lamp (HL); G3 = HP + 7% sodium bicarbonate (SB); G4 = HP + 20% sodium hydroxide (SH); and G5 = 38% hydrogen peroxide (OXB - Opalescence Xtra Boost). The bleaching treatments were performed in three sessions with a 7-day interval between them. The enamel content, before (baseline) and after bleaching, was determined using an FT-Raman spectrometer and was based on the concentration of phosphate, carbonate, and organic matrix. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA for repeated measures and Tukey's test. Results. The results showed no significant differences between time of analysis (p = 0.5175) for most treatments and peak areas analyzed; and among bleaching treatments (p = 0.4184). The comparisons during and after bleaching revealed a significant difference in the HP group for the peak areas of carbonate and organic matrix, and for the organic matrix in OXB and HP+SH groups. Tukey's analysis determined that the difference, peak areas, and the interaction among treatment, time and peak was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The association of activators with hydrogen peroxide was effective in the alteration of enamel, mainly with regards to the organic matrix.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the tissue compatibility of a silorane-based resin system (FiltekTM Silorane) and a methacrylate-based nanoparticle resin (FiltekTM Supreme XT) after implantation in the subcutaneous connective tissue of isogenic mice. One hundred and thirty five male isogenic BALB/c mice were randomly assigned to 12 experimental and 3 control groups, according to the implanted material and the experimental period of 7, 21 and 63 days. At the end of each period, the animals were killed and the tubes with the surrounding tissues were removed and processed for microscopic analysis. Samples were subjected to a descriptive and a semi-quantitative analyses using a 4-point scoring system (0-3) to evaluate the collagen fiber formation and inflammatory infiltrate. Data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test (?=0.05). The results showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups considering the three evaluation periods (p>0.05). The silorane-based and the methacrylate-based nanoparticle resins presented similar tissue response to that of the empty tube (control group) after subcutaneous implantation in isogenic mice.
This study evaluated the influence of internal tooth bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the permeability of the coronal dentin in maxillary anterior teeth and premolars. Seventy teeth (14 per group) were used: central incisors (CI), lateral incisor (LI), canines (C), first premolars (1PM) and second premolars (2PM). Pulp chamber access and transversal sectioning at 2 mm from the cementoenamel junction were performed and the specimens were divided into 2 groups (n= 7): a) no treatment and b) bleaching with 38% H2O2. The bleaching agent was applied to the buccal surface and to the pulp chamber for 10 min. This procedure was repeated 3 times. The specimens were processed histochemically with copper sulfate and rubeanic acid, sectioned longitudinally, and digitalized in a scanner. The area of stained dentin was measured using Image Tool software. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test (?=0.05). There was statistically significant difference (p<0.001) among the untreated groups, CI (0.23 ± 0.26) having the lowest permeability and LI (10.14 ± 1.89) the highest permeability. Among the bleached groups, dentin permeability was increased in all groups of teeth except for 2PM. It may be concluded that bleaching with 38% H2O2 affected dentin permeability near the pulp chamber in maxillary anterior teeth and in first and second premolars.
PURPOSE: This study evaluated the inflammatory reaction caused by the implantation of iodoform and calcium hydroxide in the back of rats. These drugs may be used as intracanal dressings to eliminate residual bacteria of the root canal system. METHODS: Twenty albinic rats (Rattus norvegicus, var Wistar) were divided into four groups: control group 1 (CG1) had normal skin; control group 2 (CG2) had wounded tissue without drugs; in groups 3 and 4, iodoform (IG) and calcium hydroxide (CHG) were inserted into the wounds, respectively. After 3, 5 and 11 days, slices of the implanted areas were macroscopically and microscopically observed regarding to their qualitative and quantitative aspects. RESULTS: In the macroscopical analysis, the CHG showed a large area of necrosis and swelling, which progressively decreased; in the IG the presence of iodoform surrounded by normal tissue was observed. The qualitative and quantitative histological analysis showed that IG promoted a shorter delay in the inflammatory response than the CHG. CONCLUSION: The inflammatory reaction for iodoform had a peak period five days after the drug insertion. By comparison, calcium hydroxide showed a very large area of necrosis that could only be partially eliminated after eleven days.
We describe the design and implementation of a high voltage pulse power supply (pulser) that supports the operation of a repetitively pulsed filtered vacuum arc plasma deposition facility in plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (Mepiiid) mode. Negative pulses (micropulses) of up to 20 kV in magnitude and 20 A peak current are provided in gated pulse packets (macropulses) over a broad range of possible pulse width and duty cycle. Application of the system consisting of filtered vacuum arc and high voltage pulser is demonstrated by forming diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films with and without substrate bias provided by the pulser. Significantly enhanced film/substrate adhesion is observed when the pulser is used to induce interface mixing between the DLC film and the underlying Si substrate. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3518969]
Shallow subsurface layers of gold nanoclusters were formed in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) polymer by very low energy (49 eV) gold ion implantation. The ion implantation process was modeled by computer simulation and accurately predicted the layer depth and width. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to image the buried layer and individual nanoclusters; the layer width was similar to 6-8 nm and the cluster diameter was similar to 5-6 nm. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption effects were observed by UV-visible spectroscopy. The TEM and SPR results were related to prior measurements of electrical conductivity of Au-doped PMMA, and excellent consistency was found with a model of electrical conductivity in which either at low implantation dose the individual nanoclusters are separated and do not physically touch each other, or at higher implantation dose the nanoclusters touch each other to form a random resistor network (percolation model). (C) 2009 American Vacuum Society. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3231449]
We have investigated the fundamental structural properties of conducting thin films formed by implanting gold ions into polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) polymer at 49 eV using a repetitively pulsed cathodic arc plasma gun. Transmission electron microscopy images of these composites show that the implanted ions form gold clusters of diameter similar to 2-12 nm distributed throughout a shallow, buried layer of average thickness 7 nm, and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) reveals the structural properties of the PMMA-gold buried layer. The SAXS data have been interpreted using a theoretical model that accounts for peculiarities of disordered systems.
A buried conducting layer of metal/polymer nanocomposite was formed by very low energy gold ion implantation into polymethylmethacrylate. The conducting layer is similar to 3 nm deep and of width similar to 1 nm. In situ resistivity measurements were performed as the implantation proceeded, and the conductivity thus obtained as a function of buried gold concentration. The measured conductivity obeys the behavior well established for composites in the percolation regime. The critical concentration, below which the polymer remains an insulator, is attained at a dose similar to 1.0 x 10(16) atoms/cm(2) of implanted gold ions. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Hydrogen bond interactions between acetone and supercritical water are investigated using a combined and sequential Monte Carlo/quantum mechanics (S-MC/QM) approach. Simulation results show a dominant presence of con. gurations with one hydrogen bond for different supercritical states, indicating that this specific interaction plays an important role on the solvation properties of acetone in supercritical water. Using QM MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ the calculated average interaction energy reveals that the hydrogen-bonded acetone-water complex is energetically more stable under supercritical conditions than ambient conditions and its stability is little affected by variations of temperature and/or pressure. All average results reported here are statistically converged.