48 resultados para heterotopias foucaultianas


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This paper explores the spatial conceptualisation of the themes of diaspora, displacement and desire in cinema, particularly in the work of Nuri Bilge Ceylan (Uzak) , Fatih Akin (Gegen Die Wand) and Michael Winterbottom (Code 46). All three directors explore the imagined cinematic city as a site of multiple (un)belongings and interrogate how notions of identity are displaced and disrupted by geopolitics, by the city and by cinema itself. Both Ceylan and Akin’s visions of Istanbul are haunted by Beyoglu, both as the site of Istanbul’s contemporary cultural regeneration and by unspoken histories repressed by the Republic’s offical rhetoric of Turkish identity. In contrast Akin and Winterbottom’s heterotopias of the hotel and the hospital provide possible metaphors for these dislocated global identities. This paper will engage with a series of questions. What is the (imagined) place created between the viewer and the screen, or is it a non-place? Do the identities/ memories created there produce a ‘third space’? This paper uses Winnicot, Soja and Bhabha to ask what that third space might be and its consequences for a contemporary global Turkish identity. If these films depict a (Freudian) screen memory of dislocated subjectivities then what is being suppressed and sutured?


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Here we report on 10 male patients with frontonasal dysplasia, cleft lip/palate, mental retardation, lack of language acquisition, and severe central nervous system involvement. Imaging studies disclosed absence of the corpus callosum, midline cysts, and an abnormally modeled cerebellum. Neuronal heterotopias were present in five patients and parieto-occipital encephalocele in three patients. We suggest that this pattern found exclusively in males, most likely represents a newly recognized syndrome distilled from the group of disorders subsumed under frontonasal dysplasia. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Esta tese trata dos corpos de pacientes hospitalizados. Observo que, quando hospitalizados, somos despidos daquilo que tem sido tomado como nossa humanidade e tratados como se fôssemos todos iguais. Enfim, corpos frios, por natureza. Trato dos poderes que determinados saberes têm de construir jeitos de olhar para o corpo, que estão implicados em modos de cuidar do corpo. Faço uma hipótese de leitura dos discursos da Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (REBEn) e de outros textos aos quais a Revista me remete, entendendo-os como os discursos autorizados sobre a enfermagem. Na leitura interessada desses textos mostro como os saberes sobre o corpo são organizados, articulados e colocados em operação, em uma determinada ordem do discurso, para produzir os corpos frios. Apoiada por textos de Foucault e identificada com os Estudos Culturais analiso os discursos considerando suas condições, mostrando seus jogos e os efeitos de verdade que produzem sobre o corpo. Operando com as ferramentas foucaultianas do poder, saber e discurso, procuro responder às questões: Como se articulam os saberes sobre o corpo para compor esses sujeitos que cuidam do corpo dessa maneira? Como são colocados em operação os saberes que esfriam o corpo Qual sua contingência e historicidade? Na primeira parte, ao estudar a ordem do corpo, analiso a disciplina de Anatomia considerando as marcas que ela produz na formação na área da saúde e sua durabilidade. Destaco o cadáver como o primeiro contato da estudante com um corpo humano, objeto de sua futura prática. Na ordem do discurso sobre o cuidado resgato fragmentos da história da enfermagem para reconstituir a organização de seu regime de prática, estudando o modo como se organiza no Brasil, como uma profissão que surge associada ao saber médico e ao hospital. Na segunda parte da tese mostro o papel que a enfermeira desempenhou no governo das populações e dos indivíduos. Analiso como os instrumentos da disciplina e as funções disciplinares se manifestam e como operam para anular as diferenças de sexo, gênero, geração ou raça/etnia, para que todos fiquem iguais, como se não tivessem história ou identidade. Ao percorrer o hospital, um observatório da multiplicidade humana, estudo um conjunto de práticas que produz conhecimentos sobre o homem e uma cultura de si A seguir, analiso as técnicas de enfermagem, quando observo que a disciplina se exerce sobre o corpo e a mente das enfermeiras, até os mínimos detalhes e sobre o tempo de vida dos pacientes, do nascimento até a morte. Ao analisar o exame físico distingo o seu ritual e a visibilidade que produz no corpo do paciente internado, que é diferenciado e escrutinado. O exame transforma sujeitos em objetos e, além disso, subjetiva-os como portadores de anormalidades. Ao considerar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, relembro sua origem na modernidade e destaco-os como um espaçoso arquivo que pretende conter todos os itens relativos à possibilidade de adoecer ou ser saudável. Destaco-os como uma rede objetiva de codificação que possibilita o crescimento do poder e saber sobre os corpos frios.


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A presente tese, A Produção da Anormalidade Surda nos Discursos da Educação Especial, insere-se no terreno das discussões que pretendem examinar as relações entre normalidade/anormalidade e poder/saber. Tendo como foco principal a Política Nacional de Educação Especial (PNEE), ela aponta para as formas como um dispositivo pedagógico torna possível a produção de um aparato de verdades que, ao dizer coisas sobre os sujeitos deficientes e ao definir modelos para conduzir a ação pedagógica a eles dirigida, operam na constituição de subjetividades anormais. Tal empreendimento analítico foi constituído a partir de um conjunto de ferramentas extraídas do campo dos Estudos Culturais, principalmente aqueles que estão próximos a uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista; entre elas, destaco as noções foucaultianas de poder disciplinar, biopoder e normalização. Tais ferramentas possibilitaram-me operar sobre as formas como os discursos instituídos pelas práticas da Educação Especial colocam em funcionamento estratégias de normalização para os sujeitos surdos. Mostrei, por meio da análise desses discursos, como os surdos são constituídos como sujeitos patológicos e como se incide sobre eles uma terapêutica que é capaz de acionar mecanismos de correção, exame e vigilância, uma vez que analisam, decompõem e classificam esses sujeitos e estabelecem sobre eles a partilha entre normalidade e anormalidade. Também problematizei a norma como uma estratégia de gerenciamento do risco social. Faço isso por meio da análise dos discursos das políticas de inclusão voltadas para os sujeitos surdos. Evidencio, ao final, a pedagogia da diversidade como uma estratégia normalizadora que, ao enaltecer as diferenças, captura-as a partir de uma norma transparente, colocando em funcionamento uma operação de apagamento das diferenças.


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A partir da perspectiva pós-estruturalista e de uma aproximação entre o campo dos Estudos Culturais e algumas contribuições foucaultianas, este estudo analisa a revista Nova Escola, discutindo as representações de sexualidade veiculadas pela revista entre os anos de 1997 e 2001. O foco mais específico desta pesquisa está nas reportagens, sugestões, propostas e exemplos de como trabalhar a temática da sexualidade em sala de aula. Discuto essas “orientações”, especialmente a partir da circulação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). A partir de uma análise cultural que coloca no seu centro a noção de poder, problematizo o modo como a sexualidade é representada nos textos da revista. Em suma, interessou-me ver, nesta Dissertação, como o currículo da revista produziu diferentes representações sobre a temática da sexualidade, de modo a reiterar a construção do sujeito heterossexual como sendo a norma.


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Many have sought to understand the spatial processes, which originate from land development and real estate dynamics, seeking also to build new categories of analysis to put some light on the less evident aspects of this process. The discussion about production of space has been adopted in this study, but has proved insufficient to explain this complex urban reality. Here, it is analysed the ways that, in Natal, the market fosters the material basis for capital accumulation. The research had as methodological basis, the analysis of discourse, having full interviews with institutional agents as background. It aimed at understanding the complex, material configuration in urban space. It thus investigates the theory of practices of existing (private and public) agents towards the real estate market, using several concepts, like production of space (Lefèbvre and Harvey); habitus (Bourdieu); spatial fix (Harvey); and territoriality (Haesbaert). Evidence shows that there has been a process of ‗naturalization of certain practices in the market that has had implications for the production of an urban space that is both segmented and segregated, giving rise also to complex material configurations, including different forms of heterotopies (Foucault). These spaces result from capital s own creative dynamics and of the reach for social realization for different groups of people making a living under different economic conditions of income.


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O estudo que ora se apresenta, examina a formação e aparição do discurso da educação higienista no Jornal das Moças, em 1926, ano de criação do periódico, na cidade de Caicó. Para tanto, partimos da hipótese de que ele se constituiu em um privilegiado veículo para a intervenção educativa da sociedade caicoense, no período inicial do Regime Republicano, reconhecido pelas intensas movimentações sociais. Para a execução do proposto, optou-se pela base teórica estabelecida pelo paradigma historiográfico instaurado pela Escola dos Annales, que permitiu a conjugação entre os pressupostos conceituais de Norbert Elias, Roger Chartier e Michel Foucault, com vistas a abranger um estudo da configuração social em que se formou a prática discursiva disposta no jornal em estudo, tendo como linha investigativa as proposições da história cultural. Quanto à compreensão e tratamento metodológico do discurso, contido como prática materialmente construída, aderiu-se ao enfoque analítico apresentado nas postulações foucaultianas, nas quais são considerados os conjuntos das formações enunciativas, esparsas em fontes e documentos que, coligidas, formam grupos de enunciados pertinentes à descrição de um mesmo objeto. A principal fonte de pesquisa foi a coleção dos números do Jornal das Moças, editados, apenas, em 1926, parte dela composta por peças documentais originais, a que tivemos acesso nos locais de pesquisa durante o esforço investigativo, como o Acervo da Biblioteca Central Zila Mamede, o Laboratório de Documentação Histórica do Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Desse modo, constatou-se que a prática discursiva que se examinou, na constituição desta dissertação, foi um meio para a compreensão das representações advindas do momento histórico e social das primeiras décadas do século XX, quando se tornam evidentes as articulações discursivas de uma prática pedagógica como dispositivos higienistas


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This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students


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In this research study, in which I discuss the discursive constitution of ethnic-racial identity of black male and female teachers, I understand that the process of identity formation of the subject covers both personal/family and social/professional areas. In it, I propose, in general terms, to analyze the discursive practices present in narratives of black male and female teachers when they look for their social insertion into different social contexts, identifying outbreaks of resistance that are present in their process of ethnicracial identities. The fundamental issue that permeates the survey investigates: how can black male and female teachers behave discursively in the construction of ethnicracial identities in multiple distinct contexts? The theoretical foundations that support this research work come from theoretical fields that complement each other; among them, French Discourse Analysis, Foucault s Theory and cultural studies. These, even with their singularities, are being interlaced by the conception that conceives language as social practice. Methodologically, I adopt an interpretative and qualitative paradigm to examine not only the linguistic repertoires that compose these teachers written narratives written but also the data that were generated by semi-structured interviews. The results show that the subjects, realizing contrary forces that interfere in their process of social inclusion, make use of acetic techniques to (re)signify the history of their lives


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This thesis, which is entitled Registration discourse of subjectivity homo affective in G Magazine, is proposed to describe / interpret modes of subjectivity that is set in the discourse of homo affective confessions, recorded in letters addressed to G Magazine. The study is based on the theories of Discourse Analysis French, with a focus in the discussions Foucaultian remarkably discursive practices that produce meanings about the processes of subjectivity and sexuality. Methodologically, the research is of appreciative/qualitative character and falls in the field of Applied Linguistics (LA), at a press that the historical and cultural reality of the subject, establishing dialogues with many other fields of knowledge, which deal of the subject matter of speech and sexuality. Data analysis indicates that the magazine G Magazine works as a discursive space, where individuals on condition that homosexual, take it as the place that it gives security to talk to you, it's worrying, because the nature of the journal it suggests a belonging to the same discursive formation - that of homo affective . Thus, some of which are felt constructed for the investigation of the letters selected for this study showed that the forms of subjectivity of such homo affective are emerging in the game of the bans, the other is that as a subject of sexuality and to materialize in operation the confession. These homo affective, in a gesture of incessant registration of alternatives to be subject to its own truth of their sexuality, to seek his party in the case, the psychologist, a referral, a "light" that can guide them in an attempt to get rid of the forms of to subject. Installs itself in this way, as a point of resistance: the attempt to dissociate itself be of some states of submission, opening itself to other ways of being subject


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This Masters thesis investigates and analyzes the homoerotic expressions in Fernando Pessoa s poetry and in his heteronyms : Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis. Through the elaboration of deceptive strategies as a way to escape from the insults and the constraints, the poet by means of creative runaway lines builds up a homoerotic poetry that differ from the established patterns and representational models of the literature. We can find, bearing in mind a problematic sexuality which overflows in the various I s, of the sinuous identities and the movable boundaries, and intense mask games. They become real in poems, especially by means of sensations, yielding the possibility of a queer discourse and generating a homoerotic poetry. Pessoa s homoerotism is, thus, presented amid friendly relationships, smooth spaces, of heterotrophy of the city, or others space and the closet s aesthetics. Based on this, it is noted the articulations of a performance gender as body scripture and inscription, thus establishing a physical-writing which reveals a transgressive sexuality, with multiple entrances and exits, affirmations and denials that originate paradoxes. In this matter, we develop links between Foucault conceptions (2010a, 2010b, 2011) towards the history of sexuality, friendship and the power-knowledge relations with traces of significance and subjectivity, in processes of faciality and BwO (Body-without-Organs) in Deleuze and Guattari (1996). We still consider the ontological questionings towards the Gay dimension in Eribon (2008) and we raise aspects concerning the construction of the idea of masculinity in Bourdieu (2010). Finally, we base ourselves on Sedgwick s 1993 closet epistemological approach, as well as on Butler s 2012 gender and performance theory, also going through a few Bataille 1987 passages about erotism, that redimension the homoaffective images of the Portuguese poet


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This treatise analyzes the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira (Brazilian Venice) which is subscribed to the discoursive materialization related to the imagetic setting (literary and mediatic) produced about the city of Recife. The main investigation of this research is to examine the way how the identitary setting called Veneza Brasileira has been constructed in the imagetic setting practices about the city of Recife in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This study is subscribed to the Applied Linguistics and considers the theoretical perspectives that come from the Cultural Studies which investigation basis is focused on authors such as: Hall (2006); Bauman (1999; 2001;2005); Silva (2000); and Castells (2000) related to the discussion over identity, as well as the discussion over Urban Studies presented in Santos (1997; 1999); Ferrara (1998); and Pesavento (2001). Moreover it is also based on the theoretical basis found in Foucault (2004; 2006; 2007). Furthermore theoretical-methodological approaches rely on the French Discourse Analysis (DA) found in Orlandi (2001); Gregolin (2007); and Courtine (2006). On being so, this treatise aims to: analyze the meaning effects over the production of the identitary setting, especially the so-called Veneza Brasileira, in the imagetic setting discoursive practices (Poems, Post Cards and Touristic Guides) which are produced over the urban setting of the city of Recife. This research is characterized by being qualitative and interpretative and the theoretical analytical approaches contributed to the reading of both poetic and iconic images presented in the excerpts of poems from the nineteenth century and early twentieth century in: Manuel Bandeira s poems, Carlos Pena Filho s poems, and João Cabral de Melo Neto s poems which were produced in the early and late twentieth century. Moreover, this study observed some photographic images in Post Cards and Touristic Guides related to the visiting of historical sites in Recife. One could conclude that the imagetic setting discourse about Recife produced different identitary effects over the so-called Veneza Brasileira along these three centuries: in the nineteenth century, the poetry constructed the utopia city along with the meaning effect of identitary unit; as for the twentieth century, one observed an oscillation between a utopia/heteroutopia city meaning effect of both united and fragmented identity, the latter one is prevalent. As for the twenty-first century, the media reconstructed over again the utopia city, and consequently, produced meaning effect of identitary unit. These same meaning effects of identity either corroborate or contradict to/with the concepts of the postmodernism over identity along these three centuries. In other words, considering the imagetic setting, this oscillation occurs in the proportion of one finds an (ex) inclusion of social agents that construct these same identities.


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This thesis proposes a new thinking on the English teacher and their continuing education, leaving the picture emerging of a new professional, who is producing and being produced. From this perspective, I present an analysis of self writing of thirteen student-teachers, teachers on how they position themselves to be discursively constituted as subjects in the context of continuing education. As part of Applied Linguistics, the theory and method that supports the analysis of data are articulate key elements of Foucault notions, namely:The care of the self, seeking their connection with one another and care of and the self writing. In the theoretical notions of these elements are implied notions of others, such as speech, ethics, technology of the self, subject and truth. (Foucault, 1984, 1995, 2004c, 2006), and questioning the ethics of the subject. I propose to examine selected excerpts from the self writings of student teachers with a specialization in Teaching and Learning the English Language, seeking linguistic processes in the material production of subjectivities.In order to analyze the process of subjectivation, I examine the discursive statements of selected cuts, aiming to learn more specifically, the points of identification and fragments of the uniqueness of the teachers, showing how they care for themselves and reflect upon them in building their subjectivity from the technologies of the self, to occupy the position of English Language teachers. The results show that, in the exercise of self writing, the subject falls, and a practice of asceticism, discursively construct her/his subjectivity


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC