999 resultados para heat-labile toxin


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Possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), originally introduced from Australia, are spread over 90% of New Zealand and cause major economic and environmental damage. Immunocontraception has been suggested as a humane means to control them. Marsupial-specific reproductive antigens expressed at high levels in edible transgenic plant tissue might provide a safe, effective, and cheap oral delivery bait for immuno-contraceptive control. As proof of concept, female possums vaccinated with immunocontraceptive antigens showed reduced fertility, and possums fed with potato-expressed heat labile toxin-B (LT-B) had mucosal and systemic immune responses to the antigen. This demonstrated that immunocontraception was effective in possums and that oral delivery in edible plant material might be possible. Nuclear transformation with reporter genes showed that transgenic carrot roots accumulate high levels of foreign protein in edible tissues, indicating their potential as a delivery vector. However, prior to attempts at large scale production, more effective immunocontraceptive antigen-adjuvant formulations are probably required before plant-based immunocontraception can become a major tool for immunocontraceptive control of overabundant vertebrate pests. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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GM1-ganglioside receptor binding by the B subunit of cholera toxin (CtxB) is widely accepted to initiate toxin action by triggering uptake and delivery of the toxin A subunit into cells. More recently, GM1 binding by isolated CtxB, or the related B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB), has been found to modulate leukocyte function, resulting in the down-regulation of proinflammatory immune responses that cause autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Here, we demonstrate that GM1 binding, contrary to expectation, is not sufficient to initiate toxin action. We report the engineering and crystallographic structure of a mutant cholera toxin, with a His to Ala substitution in the B subunit at position 57. Whereas the mutant retained pentameric stability and high affinity binding to GM1-ganglioside, it had lost its immunomodulatory activity and, when part of the holotoxin complex, exhibited ablated toxicity. The implications of these findings on the mode of action of cholera toxin are discussed.


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B. cereus is one of the most frequent occurring bacteria in foods . It produces several heat-labile enterotoxins and one stable non-protein toxin, cereulide (emetic), which may be pre-formed in food. Cereulide is a heat stable peptide whose structure and mechanism of action were in the past decade elucidated. Until this work, the detection of cereulide was done by biological assays. With my mentors, I developed the first quantitative chemical assay for cereulide. The assay is based on liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with ion trap mass spectrometry and the calibration is done with valinomycin and purified cereulide. To detect and quantitate valinomycin and cereulide, their [NH4+] adducts, m/z 1128.9 and m/z 1171 respectively, were used. This was a breakthrough in the cereulide research and became a very powerful tool of investigation. This tool made it possible to prove for the first time that the toxin produced by B. cereus in heat-treated food caused human illness. Until this thesis work (Paper II), cereulide producing B. cereus strains were believed to represent a homogenous group of clonal strains. The cereulide producing strains investigated in those studies originated mostly from food poisoning incidents. We used strains of many origins and analyzed them using a polyphasic approach. We found that the cereulide producing B. cereus strains are genetically and biologically more diverse than assumed in earlier studies. The strains diverge in the adenylate kinase (adk) gene (two sequence types), in ribopatterns obtained with EcoRI and PvuII (three patterns), tyrosin decomposition, haemolysis and lecithine hydrolysis (two phenotypes). Our study was the first demonstration of diversity within the cereulide producing strains of B. cereus. To manage the risk for cereulide production in food, understanding is needed on factors that may upregulate cereulide production in a given food matrix and the environmental factors affecting it. As a contribution towards this direction, we adjusted the growth environment and measured the cereulide production by strains selected for diversity. The temperature range where cereulide is produced was narrower than that for growth for most of the producer strains. Most cereulide was by most strains produced at room temperature (20 - 23ºC). Exceptions to this were two faecal isolates which produced the same amount of cereulide from 23 ºC up until 39ºC. We also found that at 37º C the choice of growth media for cereulide production differed from that at the room temperature. The food composition and temperature may thus be a key for understanding cereulide production in foods as well as in the gut. We investigated the contents of [K+], [Na+] and amino acids of six growth media. Statistical evaluation indicated a significant positive correlation between the ratio [K+]:[Na+] and the production of cereulide, but only when the concentrations of glycine and [Na+] were constant. Of the amino acids only glycine correlated positively with high cereulide production. Glycine is used worldwide as food additive (E 640), flavor modifier, humectant, acidity regulator, and is permitted in the European Union countries, with no regulatory quantitative limitation, in most types of foods. B. subtilis group members are endospore-forming bacteria ubiquitous in the environment, similar to B. cereus in this respect. Bacillus species other than B. cereus have only sporadically been identified as causative agents of food-borne illnesses. We found (Paper IV) that food-borne isolates of B. subtilis and B. mojavensis produced amylosin. It is possible that amylosin was the agent responsible for the food-borne illness, since no other toxic substance was found in the strains. This is the first report on amylosin production by strains isolated from food. We found that the temperature requirement for amylosin production was higher for the B. subtilis strain F 2564/96, a mesophilic producer, than for B. mojavensis strains eela 2293 and B 31, psychrotolerant producers. We also found that an atmosphere with low oxygen did not prevent the production of amylosin. Ready-to-eat foods packaged in micro-aerophilic atmosphere and/or stored at temperatures above 10 °C, may thus pose a risk when toxigenic strains of B. subtilis or B. mojavensis are present.


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B. cereus is a gram-positive bacterium that possesses two different forms of life:the large, rod-shaped cells (ca. 0.002 mm by 0.004 mm) that are able to propagate and the small (0.001 mm), oval shaped spores. The spores can survive in almost any environment for up to centuries without nourishment or water. They are insensitive towards most agents that normally kill bacteria: heating up to several hours at 90 ºC, radiation, disinfectants and extreme alkaline (≥ pH 13) and acid (≤ pH 1) environment. The spores are highly hydrophobic and therefore make them tend to stick to all kinds of surfaces, steel, plastics and live cells. In favorable conditions the spores of B. cereus may germinate into vegetative cells capable of producing food poisoning toxins. The toxins can be heat-labile protein formed after ingestion of the contaminated food, inside the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhoeal toxins), or heat stable peptides formed in the food (emesis causing toxin, cereulide). Cereulide cannot be inactivated in foods by cooking or any other procedure applicable on food. Cereulide in consumed food causes serious illness in human, even fatalities. In this thesis, B. cereus strains originating from different kinds of foods and environments and 8 different countries were inspected for their capability of forming cereulide. Of the 1041 isolates from soil, animal feed, water, air, used bedding, grass, dung and equipment only 1.2 % were capable of producing cereulide, whereas of the 144 isolates originating from foods 24 % were cereulide producers. Cereulide was detected by two methods: by its toxicity towards mammalian cells (sperm assay) and by its peculiar chemical structure using liquid-chromatograph-mass spectrometry equipment. B. cereus is known as one of the most frequent bacteria occurring in food. Most foods contain more than one kind of B. cereus. When randomly selected 100 isolates of B. cereus from commercial infant foods (dry formulas) were tested, 11% of these produced cereulide. Considering a frequent content of 103 to 104 cfu (colony forming units) of B. cereus per gram of infant food formula (dry), it appears likely that most servings (200 ml, 30 g of the powder reconstituted with water) may contain cereulide producers. When a reconstituted infant formula was inoculated with >105 cfu of cereulide producing B. cereus per ml and left at room temperature, cereulide accumulated to food poisoning levels (> 0.1 mg of cereulide per serving) within 24 hours. Paradoxically, the amount of cereulide (per g of food) increased 10 to 50 fold when the food was diluted 4 - 15 fold with water. The amount of the produced cereulide strongly depended on the composition of the formula: most toxin was formed in formulas with cereals mixed with milk, and least toxin in formulas based on milk only. In spite of the aggressive cleaning practices executed by the modern dairy industry, certain genotypes of B. cereus appear to colonise the silos tanks. In this thesis four strategies to explain their survival of their spores in dairy silos were identified. First, high survival (log 15 min kill ≤ 1.5) in the hot alkaline (pH >13) wash liquid, used at the dairies for cleaning-in-place. Second, efficient adherence of the spores to stainless steel from cold water. Third, a cereulide producing group with spores characterized by slow germination in rich medium and well preserved viability when exposed to heating at 90 ºC. Fourth, spores capable of germinating at 8 ºC and possessing the psychrotolerance gene, cspA. There were indications that spores highly resistant to hot 1% sodium hydroxide may be effectively inactivated by hot 0.9% nitric acid. Eight out of the 14 dairy silo tank isolates possessing hot alkali resistant spores were capable of germinating and forming biofilm in whole milk, not previously reported for B. cereus. In this thesis it was shown that cereulide producing B. cereus was capable of inhibiting the growth of cereulide non-producing B. cereus occurring in the same food. This phenomenon, called antagonism, has long been known to exist between B. cereus and other microbial species, e.g. various species of Bacillus, gram-negative bacteria and plant pathogenic fungi. In this thesis intra-species antagonism of B. cereus was shown for the first time. This brother-killing did not depend on the cereulide molecule, also some of the cereulide non-producers were potent antagonists. Interestingly, the antagonistic clades were most frequently found in isolates from food implicated with human illness. The antagonistic property was therefore proposed in this thesis as a novel virulence factor that increases the human morbidity of the species B. cereus, in particular of the cereulide producers.


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La toxine stable à la chaleur de type b (STb) est une des toxines produites par les souches Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) impliquée dans le développement de la diarrhée. Une étude antérieure par Goncalves et al. (2009) a démontré que les cellules ayant internalisé la toxine STb démontraient une morphologie qui rappelle l’apoptose. Le changement du potentiel membranaire observé par Goncalves et al. (2009) nous a incité à vérifier la capacité de la toxine STb à induire l’apoptose des cellules HRT-18 et IEC-18 par la voie intrinsèque. Les cellules HRT-18 et IEC-18 ont été traitées avec de la toxine purifiée pour une durée de 24 heures puis ells ont été récoltées et examinées pour des caratéristiques de l’apoptose. L’activation des caspases-9 et -3, mais pas de la caspase-8, a été observée dans les deux lignées cellulaires à l’aide des substrats fluorescents spécifiques pour chaque caspase. L’ADN extrait des cellules HRT-18 et IEC-18 a révélé une fragmentation lorsque migré sur gel d’agarose. La condensation et la fragmentation des noyaux ont été observées en microscopie à fluorescence suite à une coloration de l’ADN au Hoechst 33342. Les indices apoptotiques des cellules HRT-18 et IEC-18 traitées avec des quantités croissantes de STb montrent une dose-réponse pour les deux lignées. L’activation de la caspase-9 est une indication que la voie intrinsèque de l’apoptose est activée dans les cellules HRT-18 et IEC-18. L’absence de l’activation de la caspase-8 démontre que la voie extrinsèque n’est pas impliquée dans la mort cellulaire médiée par STb.


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Escherichia coli produit diverses entérotoxines thermolabiles et thermostables. STb est une toxine de faible poids moléculaire résistant à la chaleur chargée de la diarrhée chez les animaux de la ferme. Une étude antérieure a montré que les cellules ayant internalisé la toxine STb provoquent un dysfonctionnement de la barrière épithéliale par des changements dans les protéines des jonctions serrées (TJ). Ces modifications contribuent probablement à la diarrhée observée. Pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme de l'augmentation de la perméabilité intestinale, nous avons traité les cellules du côlon humain (T84) avec la toxine purifiée STb une fois que les cellules ont été récoltées et les protéines extraites. Après l'utilisation d'une solution contenant 1% de Nonidet P-40 (un détergent non dénaturant, non ionique), nous avons étudié la distribution de la claudine -1, une protéine majeure des TJs, responsable de l'imperméabilité de l'épithélium, entre la membrane (NP40-insoluble) et le cytoplasme (NP40-soluble). En utilisant l’immunoblot et la microscopie confocale, nous avons observé que le traitement des monocouches de cellules T84 avec STb induit la redistribution de la claudine-1. Après 24h, les cellules cultivées en milieu faible en Ca+ (5 uM) et traitées par STb, ont montré qu’environ 40 % de plus de la claudine-1 se sont délogées dans le cytoplasme par comparaison au contrôle. En passant d’un milieu faible à un milieu contenant des quantités physiologiques de Ca++ (1,8 mM) nous avons observé une augmentation du taux de claudine- 1 délogé, comme la délocalisation comparable et ce, après 6h. Un milieu supplémenté avec la même concentration de Mg++ ou Zn++ n'a pas affecté le taux de délogement comparé au milieu contenant une faible teneur en Ca++. En utilisant des anticorps anti-phosphosérine et anti-phosphothréonine, nous avons observé que la perte des claudines-1 de la membrane a été accompagnée par une déphosphorylation de cette protéine des TJs. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats ont montré une importante redistribution de la claudine-1 dans les cellules traitées par la toxine STb. La perte de la claudine-1 phosphorylée de la membrane est susceptible d'être impliquée dans la perméabilité accrue observée. Les mécanismes par lesquels ces changements sont provoqués restent à élucider.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed at enumerating molds (heat-labile and heat-resistant) on the surface of paperboard material to be filled with tomato pulps through an aseptic system and at determining the most heat-and hydrogen peroxide-resistant strains. A total of 118 samples of laminated paperboard before filling were collected, being 68 before and 50 after the hydrogen peroxide bath. Seven molds, including heat-resistant strains (Penicillium variotii and Talaromyces flavus) with counts ranging between 0.71 and 1.02 CFU/cm(2) were isolated. P. variotii was more resistant to hydrogen peroxide than T. flavus and was inactivated after heating at 85 degrees C/15 min. When exposed to 35 % hydrogen peroxide at 25 degrees C, T. flavus (F5E2) and N. fischeri (control) were less resistant than P. variotti (F1A1). P. citrinum (F7E2) was shown to be as resistant as P. variotti. The D values (the time to cause one logarithmic cycle reduction in a microbial population at a determined temperature) for spores of P. variotii (F1A1) and N. fischeri (control) with 4 months of age at 85 and 90 degrees C were 3.9 and 4.5 min, respectively. Although the contamination of packages was low, the presence of heat-and chemical-resistant molds may be of concern for package sterility and product stability during shelf-life. To our knowledge, this is the first report that focuses on the isolation of molds, including heat-resistant ones, contaminating paperboard packaging material and on estimating their resistance to the chemical and physical processes used for packaging sterilization.


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Clostridium difficile is the leading definable cause of nosocomial diarrhea worldwide due to its virulence, multi-drug resistance, spore-forming ability, and environmental persistence. The incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) has been increasing exponentially in the last decade. Virulent strains of C. difficile produce either toxin A and/or toxin B, which are essential for the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Current methods for diagnosing CDI are mostly qualitative tests that detect the bacterium, the toxins, or the toxin genes. These methods do not differentiate virulent C. difficile strains that produce active toxins from non-virulent strains that do not produce toxins or produce inactive toxins. Based on the knowledge that C. difficile toxins A and B cleave a substrate that is stereochemically similar to the native substrate of the toxins, uridine diphosphoglucose, a quantitative, cost-efficient assay, the Cdifftox activity assay, was developed to measure C. difficile toxin activity. The concept behind the activity assay was modified to develop a novel, rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for C. difficile toxins in the form of a selective and differential agar plate culture medium, the Cdifftox Plate assay (CDPA). This assay combines in a single step the specific identification of C. difficile strains and the detection of active toxin(s). The CDPA was determined to be extremely accurate (99.8% effective) at detecting toxin-producing strains based on the analysis of 528 C. difficile isolates selected from 50 tissue culture cytotoxicity assay-positive clinical stool samples. This new assay advances and improves the culture methodology in that only C. difficile strains will grow on this medium and virulent strains producing active toxins can be differentiated from non-virulent strains. This new method reduces the time and effort required to isolate and confirm toxin-producing C. difficile strains and provides a clinical isolate for antibiotic susceptibility testing and strain typing. The Cdifftox activity assay was used to screen for inhibitors of toxin activity. Physiological levels of the common human conjugated bile salt, taurocholate, was found to inhibit toxin A and B in vitro activities. When co-incubated ex vivo with purified toxin B, taurocholate protected Caco-2 colonic epithelial cells from the damaging effects of the toxin. Furthermore, using a caspase-3 detection assay, taurocholate reduced the extent of toxin B-induced Caco-2 cell apoptosis. These results suggest that bile salts can be effective in protecting the gut epithelium from C. difficile toxin damage, thus, the delivery of physiologic amounts of taurocholate to the colon, where it is normally in low concentration, could be useful in CDI treatment. These findings may help to explain why bile rich small intestine is spared damage in CDI, while the bile salt poor colon is vulnerable in CDI. Toxin synthesis in C. difficile occurs during the stationary phase, but little is known about the regulation of these toxins. It was hypothesized that C. difficile toxin synthesis is regulated by a quorum sensing mechanism. Two lines of evidence supported this hypothesis. First, a small (KDa), diffusible, heat-stable toxin-inducing activity accumulates in the medium of high-density C. difficile cells. This conditioned medium when incubated with low-density log-phase cells causes them to produce toxin early (2-4 hrs instead of 12-16 hrs) and at elevated levels when compared with cells grown in fresh medium. These data suggested that C. difficile cells extracellularly release an inducing molecule during growth that is able to activate toxin synthesis prematurely and demonstrates for the first time that toxin synthesis in C. difficile is regulated by quorum signaling. Second, this toxin-inducing activity was partially purified from high-density stationary-phase culture supernatant fluid by HPLC and confirmed to induce early toxin synthesis, even in C. difficile virulent strains that over-produce the toxins. Mass spectrometry analysis of the purified toxin-inducing fraction from HPLC revealed a cyclic compound with a mass of 655.8 Da. It is anticipated that identification of this toxin-inducing compound will advance our understanding of the mechanism involved in the quorum-dependent regulation of C. difficile toxin synthesis. This finding should lead to the development of even more sensitive tests to diagnose CDI and may lead to the discovery of promising novel therapeutic targets that could be harnessed for the treatment C. difficile infections.


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Groundwater is routinely analyzed for fecal indicators but direct comparisons of fecal indicators to the presence of bacterial and viral pathogens are rare. This study was conducted in rural Bangladesh where the human population density is high, sanitation is poor, and groundwater pumped from shallow tubewells is often contaminated with fecal bacteria. Five indicator microorganisms (E. coli, total coliform, F+RNA coliphage, Bacteroides and human-associated Bacteroides (HuBacteroides)) and various environmental parameters were compared to the direct detection of waterborne pathogens by quantitative PCR in groundwater pumped from 50 tubewells. Rotavirus was detected in groundwater filtrate from the largest proportion of tubewells (40%), followed by Shigella (10%), Vibrio (10%), and pathogenic E. coli (8%). Spearman rank correlations and sensitivity-specificity calculations indicate that some, but not all, combinations of indicators and environmental parameters can predict the presence of pathogens. Culture-dependent fecal indicator bacteria measured on a single date did not predict bacterial pathogens, but annually averaged monthly measurements of culturable E. coli did improve prediction for total bacterial pathogens. F+RNA coliphage were neither correlated nor sufficiently sensitive towards rotavirus, but were predictive of bacterial pathogens. A qPCR-based E. coli assay was the best indicator for the bacterial pathogens, rotavirus and all pathogens combined. Since groundwater cannot be excluded as a significant source of diarrheal disease in Bangladesh and neighboring countries with similar characteristics, the need to develop more effective methods for screening tubewells with respect to microbial contamination is necessary.


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The catalytic, or third domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PEIII) catalyzes the transfer of ADP ribose from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to elongation factor-2 in eukaryotic cells, inhibiting protein synthesis. We have determined the structure of PEIII crystallized in the presence of NAD to define the site of binding and mechanism of activation. However, NAD undergoes a slow hydrolysis and the crystal structure revealed only the hydrolysis products, AMP and nicotinamide, bound to the enzyme. To better define the site of NAD binding, we have now crystallized PEIII in the presence of a less hydrolyzable NAD analog, beta-methylene-thiazole-4-carboxamide adenine dinucleotide (beta-TAD), and refined the complex structure at 2.3 angstroms resolution. There are two independent molecules of PEIII in the crystal, and the conformations of beta-TAD show some differences in the two binding sites. The beta-TAD attached to molecule 2 appears to have been hydrolyzed between the pyrophosphate and the nicotinamide ribose. However molecule 1 binds to an intact beta-TAD and has no crystal packing contacts in the vicinity of the binding site, so that the observed conformation and interaction with the PEIII most likely resembles that of NAD bound to PEIII in solution. We have compared this complex with the catalytic domains of diphtheria toxin, heat labile enterotoxin, and pertussis toxin, all three of which it closely resembles.


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Background & Aims: We have developed a therapeutic strategy for gastrointestinal infections that is based on molecular mimicry of host receptors for bacterial toxins on the surface of harmless gut bacteria. The aim of this study was to apply this to the development of a recombinant probiotic for treatment and prevention of diarrheal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains that produce heat-labile enterotoxin. Methods: This was achieved by expressing glycosyltransferase genes from Neisseria meningitidis or Campylobacter jejuni in a harmless Escherichia coli strain (CWG:308), resulting in the production of a chimeric lipopolysaccharide capable of binding heat-labile enterotoxin with high avidity. Results: The strongest heat-labile enterotoxin binding was achieved with a construct (CWG308:pLNT) that expresses a mimic of lacto-N-neotetraose, which neutralized ≥ 93.8% of the heat-labile enterotoxin activity in culture lysates of diverse enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of both human and porcine origin. When tested with purified heat-labile enterotoxin, it was capable of adsorbing approximately 5% of its own weight of toxin. Weaker toxin neutralization was achieved with a construct that mimicked the ganglioside GM2. Preabsorption with, or coadministration of, CWG308:pLNT also resulted in significant in vivo protection from heat-labile enterotoxin-induced fluid secretion in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Conclusions: Toxin-binding probiotics such as those described here have considerable potential for prophylaxis and treatment of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-induced travelers' diarrhea.


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Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing glycosides found in brassicaceous plants that can be hydrolysed enzymatically by plant myrosinase or non-enzymatically to form primarily isothiocyanates and/or simple nitriles. From a human health perspective, isothiocyanates are quite important because they are major inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes. Two of the most potent inducers are benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) present in garden cress (Lepidium sativum), and phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) present in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Previous studies on these salad crops have indicated that significant amounts of simple nitriles are produced at the expense of the isothiocyanates. These studies also suggested that nitrile formation may occur by different pathways: (1) under the control of specifier protein in garden cress and (2) by an unspecified, non-enzymatic path in watercress. In an effort to understand more about the mechanisms involved in simple nitrile formation in these species, we analysed their seeds for specifier protein and myrosinase activities, endogenous iron content and glucosinolate degradation products after addition of different iron species, specific chelators and various heat treatments. We confirmed that simple nitrile formation was predominantly under specifier protein control (thiocyanate-forming protein) in garden cress seeds. Limited thermal degradation of the major glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin (benzyl glucosinolate), occurred when seed material was heated to >120 degrees C. In the watercress seeds, however, we show for the first time that gluconasturtiin (phenylethyl glucosinolate) undergoes a non-enzymatic, iron-dependent degradation to a simple nitrile. On heating the seeds to 120 degrees C or greater, thermal degradation of this heat-labile glucosinolate increased simple nitrile levels many fold.


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The effect of the addition of different concentratons of cystine and cysteine on sporulation and parasporal crystal formation in Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis was studied. The effect was well pronounced when the systine/cysteine additions were made after the stationary phase. Heat stable spores and crystals were formed when the culture was provided with a low concentration of cystine/cysteine (0.05 per cent w/v). At a moderate concentration of cystine or cysteine (0.15%), only heat labile spores were formed without the production of the crystal. When the cystine/cysteine concentration was high (0.25%), spore and crystal formation were completely inhibited. Partial reversal of inhibition of sporulation was brought about by sodium sulphate or zinc sulphate and lead, copper, cadmium or cobalt acetate at 0.2 mM or at 0.2% of sodium or potassium pyruvate, citrate, isaconitate, oxalosuccinate, ∝ -keto-glutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate, or oxalacetate. Glutamate (0.2%) overcame the inhibitory effect of cystine/cysteine completely. The structural changes observed using phase contrast microscopy were dependent upon the concentration of cystine/cysteine.


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The rates of NADH oxidation in presence of xanthine oxidase increase to a small and variable extent on addition of high concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase and other dehydrogenases. This heat stable activity is similar to polyvanadate-stimulation with respect to pH profile and SOD sensitivity. Isocitric dehydrogenase (NADP-specific) showed heat labile, SOD-sensitive polyvanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity. Polyvanadate-stimulated SOD-sensitive NADH oxidation was also found to occur with riboflavin, FMN and FAD in presence of a non-specific protein, BSA, suggesting that some flavoproteins may possess this activity.