997 resultados para growth acceleration
This article focuses on the financial crisis beginning in 2008. Drawing on the work of Lebaron (2010; 2011) and (Grün 2010), the study seeks to grasp the cognitive dimension of the crisis through the discourses produced (and reproduced) by members of the Brazilian government involved in controlling the crisis and by the pension fund sector and its strategies. The method was based on analysis of documents produced by the pension fund sector and the Lula Administration in 2008 and the spinoffs of the discourses and strategies. The text indicates the construction of a discourse emphasizing the importance of state regulation (as opposed to market self-regulation) and the central role of pension funds during the process, since they partially abandoned government bonds and migrated to productive investment, in alliance with the private equity sector, especially in financing construction works under the Growth Acceleration Program.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This is an ecological, analytical and retrospective study comprising the 645 municipalities in the State of Sao Paulo, the scope of which was to determine the relationship between socioeconomic, demographic variables and the model of care in relation to infant mortality rates in the period from 1998 to 2008. The ratio of average annual change for each indicator per stratum coverage was calculated. Infant mortality was analyzed according to the model for repeated measures over time, adjusted for the following correction variables: the city's population, proportion of Family Health Programs (PSFs) deployed, proportion of Growth Acceleration Programs (PACs) deployed, per capita GDP and SPSRI (Sao Paulo social responsibility index). The analysis was performed by generalized linear models, considering the gamma distribution. Multiple comparisons were performed with the likelihood ratio with chi-square approximate distribution, considering a significance level of 5%. There was a decrease in infant mortality over the years (p < 0.05), with no significant difference from 2004 to 2008 (p > 0.05). The proportion of PSFs deployed (p < 0.0001) and per capita GDP (p < 0.0001) were significant in the model. The decline of infant mortality in this period was influenced by the growth of per capita GDP and PSFs.
Interventions that seek to change the areas occupied by squatters have been one of the most common forms of Urban Management Policies, trying revolver one of the major problems of Brazilian metropolises, namely the precarious living conditions of a large part of the population in the city. A Pedreira Prado Lopes, a slum located in the northwestern region of Belo Horizonte, is one of twelve local benefit program by urbanization of slums Vila Viva, a program of structural intervention in Slums at the municipal level. These interventions, which are benefiting 9,000 residents have funds of R$37,4 millions the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) and were guided by PGE - Specific Global Plan prepared by technicians URBEL (Urbanization Company of Belo Horizonte) in 1998. This project intervention was the creation of a set of housing for former slum housing. The objective of this research is to know how this intervention impacted the lives of residents after settling in condominiums, seeking to describe the changes on the horizon of women who are in most household heads residents of these buildings, as shown by studies of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), 2011
Interventions that seek to change the areas occupied by squatters have been one of the most common forms of Urban Management Policies, trying revolver one of the major problems of Brazilian metropolises, namely the precarious living conditions of a large part of the population in the city. A Pedreira Prado Lopes, a slum located in the northwestern region of Belo Horizonte, is one of twelve local benefit program by urbanization of slums Vila Viva, a program of structural intervention in Slums at the municipal level. These interventions, which are benefiting 9,000 residents have funds of R$37,4 millions the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) and were guided by PGE - Specific Global Plan prepared by technicians URBEL (Urbanization Company of Belo Horizonte) in 1998. This project intervention was the creation of a set of housing for former slum housing. The objective of this research is to know how this intervention impacted the lives of residents after settling in condominiums, seeking to describe the changes on the horizon of women who are in most household heads residents of these buildings, as shown by studies of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), 2011
Interventions that seek to change the areas occupied by squatters have been one of the most common forms of Urban Management Policies, trying revolver one of the major problems of Brazilian metropolises, namely the precarious living conditions of a large part of the population in the city. A Pedreira Prado Lopes, a slum located in the northwestern region of Belo Horizonte, is one of twelve local benefit program by urbanization of slums Vila Viva, a program of structural intervention in Slums at the municipal level. These interventions, which are benefiting 9,000 residents have funds of R$37,4 millions the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) and were guided by PGE - Specific Global Plan prepared by technicians URBEL (Urbanization Company of Belo Horizonte) in 1998. This project intervention was the creation of a set of housing for former slum housing. The objective of this research is to know how this intervention impacted the lives of residents after settling in condominiums, seeking to describe the changes on the horizon of women who are in most household heads residents of these buildings, as shown by studies of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), 2011
The documentary is available in Portuguese at the following link: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/17580
The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.
O Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) abrange uma série de medidas de caráter econômico, e teve como finalidade promover a retomada dos investimentos em setores estratégicos da economia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal comparar um período sem o programa (1994-2006) com o período em que foi implantado o PAC (2007-2013). Assim, pode-se verificar que o crescimento da economia brasileira, medido através do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) a preços correntes, foi influenciado pelos investimentos ocorridos através do programa, mesmo que esse intervalo seja marcado por uma grande crise, em 2008. Pois, como apontam os resultados obtidos desse estudo, no intervalo 2007-2013 as taxas médias de crescimento do PIB, Formação Bruta de Capital Fixo (FBCF) e Utilização da Capacidade Instalada (UCI) são maiores do que as do intervalo 1994- 2006.
Recently, de Roany and Pacheco (Gen Relativ Gravit, doi:10.1007/s10714-010-1069-2) performed a Newtonian analysis on the evolution of perturbations for a class of relativistic cosmological models with Creation of Cold Dark Matter (CCDM) proposed by the present authors (Lima et al. in JCAP 1011:027, 2010). In this note we demonstrate that the basic equations adopted in their work do not recover the specific (unperturbed) CCDM model. Unlike to what happens in the original CCDM cosmology, their basic conclusions refer to a decelerating cosmological model in which there is no transition from a decelerating to an accelerating regime as required by SNe type Ia and complementary observations.
Includes bibliography
To investigate the relation between cell division and expansion in the regulation of organ growth rate, we used Arabidopsis thaliana primary roots grown vertically at 20°C with an elongation rate that increased steadily during the first 14 d after germination. We measured spatial profiles of longitudinal velocity and cell length and calculated parameters of cell expansion and division, including rates of local cell production (cells mm−1 h−1) and cell division (cells cell−1 h−1). Data were obtained for the root cortex and also for the two types of epidermal cell, trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. Accelerating root elongation was caused by an increasingly longer growth zone, while maximal strain rates remained unchanged. The enlargement of the growth zone and, hence, the accelerating root elongation rate, were accompanied by a nearly proportionally increased cell production. This increased production was caused by increasingly numerous dividing cells, whereas their rates of division remained approximately constant. Additionally, the spatial profile of cell division rate was essentially constant. The meristem was longer than generally assumed, extending well into the region where cells elongated rapidly. In the two epidermal cell types, meristem length and cell division rate were both very similar to that of cortical cells, and differences in cell length between the two epidermal cell types originated at the apex of the meristem. These results highlight the importance of controlling the number of dividing cells, both to generate tissues with different cell lengths and to regulate the rate of organ enlargement.