943 resultados para gastropoda


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No work has been done on the reproduction of Melongena bucephala from northern Arabian Sea (Karachi coast). This paper presents a description of spawning, egg capsule and macromophology of eggs of M. bucephala collected from the rocky shore of Buleji on May 28, 1986 at a tidal height of 0.5m. The individual was found in the act of spawning. The egg mass and development of M. bucephala from Karachi coast are also compared with the Hemifusus ternatanus from the Pacific Ocean (Amio, 1963).


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Proximate composition of 19 species of marine Gastropoda and one of marine Amphineura have been studied. Seasonal variations in proximate composition of the meat of gastropods, Thais rugosa (Born), are reported. Majority of the gastropod species have high protein and ash contents.


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Partial (DNA) sequences were examined for one nuclear (28S rRNA gene) and one mitochondrial (16S rRNA) locus for nine species of pomatiopsid snail (Gastropoda: Rissooidea: Pomatiopsidae) from south-east Asia and south-west China. Fresh field samples were


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Attached to hard substrata on our shores occur the branching colonies of gorgonian corals of the genus Muricella (Fig. 1A, Pl. 1B, C, D). Since there is no report on this genus from Pakistan this report be taken as the first record from here. The family Ovulidae comprises several hundred species of marine gastropods, all of which appear to be obligate associates of cnidarians as stated by Robertson (1970) and Hadfield (1976); the present ovulid gastropod genus Crenovolva lives exclusively on the gorgonians (Morton, 1989). Tirmizi and Zehra (1984) recorded thirty-two families of gastropods from Pakistan, but not any representative of the Ovulidae, so the material at hand may be the first record from Pakistan. Since we are unable to reach to specific level the material is being reported as unspecified.


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Ninteen species of subfamilies Imbricariinae and Cylindromitrinae, family Mitridae, are recorded from the China's seas. Of which, one genus and six species are recorded for the first time from China's seas, i.e., genus Ziba Adams H and Adams A, Cancilla (Cancilla) carnicolor, Ziba duplilirata, Z. insculpta, Neocancilla circula, Scabricola (Scabricola) desetangsii, Scabricola (Swainsonia) ocellata ocellata.


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Two new species of Naticidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected from the coast of China are described: Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis sp. nov. and Sinum. vittatum sp. nov. The morphological characteristics between the new species were described and the related information was provided. The similarities and differenees between the new species and related species were also compared and discussed. The new species Cryptonaitea huanghaiensis differed from Cryptonaitca hirasei and Cryptonaitca andoi in outer shape, operculum and radula. The new species Sinum, vittatum is similar to Sinum, japonicum (Lischke, 1869), but the shell of the former is flat-elliptical in shape, spire very small, slightly convex. While the latter is flat-globular in shape, apex light brown in color, without a brown band on the body whorl. The comparison results revealed that Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis and Sinum vittatum were two new species from the coast of China. Specimens studied were obtained from collections in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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Differences in shell morphology in the intertidal prosobranch mollusc Calliostoma zizyphinum were studied from a number of sites within four geographical reo ions of the British Isles with varying exposures to wave action and crab predation. Mean values of damage scarring were highest in shells sampled from Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, and lowe;t in individuals from the Atlantic Coast. Shells collected front the Isle of Man were smaller than those from either the Atlantic coast of Ireland or Strangford Lough. Shells front Strangford Lough had taller shells (higher aspect ratio) than shells from the County Down and Atlantic Coast and shells from the County Down coast were more squat (lower aspect ratio) than those from all other areas. Shells from Strangford Lough were significantly thinner than shells from all other geographical areas. The relationships between shell damage scarring and shell size and tallness were not consistent among areas. Shells from Strangford Lough are notable in showing a steep, positive relationship between shell size and scarring and a steep, negative relationship between scarring and tallness. The unusual shell phenotypes observed in shells from Strangford 1,Lough may be explained by rapid shell growth, which would not only allow Calliostoma to attain a size refuge from crab predators but also to recover successfully from repeated crab attacks on the shell lip. Such a strategy would result in larger, thinner shells with a high number of damage scars.


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Introduction: The 'scaly-foot gastropod' (Chrysomallon squamiferum Chen et al., 2015) from deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems of the Indian Ocean is an active mobile gastropod occurring in locally high densities, and it is distinctive for the dermal scales covering the exterior surface of its foot. These iron-sulfide coated sclerites, and its nutritional dependence on endosymbiotic bacteria, are both noted as adaptations to the extreme environment in the flow of hydrogen sulfide. We present evidence for other adaptations of the 'scaly-foot gastropod' to life in an extreme environment, investigated through dissection and 3D tomographic reconstruction of the internal anatomy.

Results: Our anatomical investigations of juvenile and adult specimens reveal a large unganglionated nervous system, a simple and reduced digestive system, and that the animal is a simultaneous hermaphrodite. We show that Chrysomallon squamiferum relies on endosymbiotic bacteria throughout post-larval life. Of particular interest is the circulatory system: Chrysomallon has a very large ctenidium supported by extensive blood sinuses filled with haemocoel. The ctenidium provides oxygen for the host but the circulatory system is enlarged beyond the scope of other similar vent gastropods. At the posterior of the ctenidium is a remarkably large and well-developed heart. Based on the volume of the auricle and ventricle, the heart complex represents approximately 4 % of the body volume. This proportionally giant heart primarily sucks blood through the ctenidium and supplies the highly vascularised oesophageal gland. Thus we infer the elaborate cardiovascular system most likely evolved to oxygenate the endosymbionts in an oxygen poor environment and/or to supply hydrogen sulfide to the endosymbionts.

Conclusions: This study exemplifies how understanding the autecology of an organism can be enhanced by detailed investigation of internal anatomy. This gastropod is a large and active species that is abundant in its hydrothermal vent field ecosystem. Yet all of its remarkable features-protective dermal sclerites, circulatory system, high fecundity-can be viewed as adaptations beneficial to its endosymbiont microbes. We interpret these results to show that, as a result of specialisation to resolve energetic needs in an extreme chemosynthetic environment, this dramatic dragon-like species has become a carrying vessel for its bacteria.


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First described more that 150 years ago, the systematics of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia (Arionidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) is still challenging. The taxonomic classification of arionid species is based on extremely labile characters such as body size or color that depends both on diet and environment, as well as age. Moreover, there is little information on the genetic diversity and population structure of the Iberian slugs that could provide extra clues to disentangle their problematic classification. The present work uses different analytical tools such as habitat suitability (Ecological Niche Modeling - ENM), cytogenetic analysis and phylogeography to establish the geographical distribution and evolutionary history of these pulmonate slugs. The potential distribution of the four Geomalacus species was modeled using ENM, which allowed the identification of new locations for G. malagensis, including a first report in Portugal. Also, it was predicted a much wider distribution for G. malagensis and G. oliveirae than previously known. Classical cytogenetic analyses were assayed with reproductive and a novel use of somatic tissues (mouth and tentacles) returning the number of chromosomes for the four Geomalacus species and L. numidica (n = 31, 2n = 62) and the respective karyotypes. G. malagensis and L. numidica present similar chromosome morphologies and karyotypic formulae, being more similar to each other than the Geomalacus among themselves. We further reconstructed the phylogeny of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (18S rRNA), and applied an independent evolutionary rate method, the indicator vectors correlation, to evaluate the existence of cryptic diversity within species. The five nominal species of Geomalacus and Letourneuxia comprise 14 well-supported cryptic lineages. Letourneuxia numidica was retrieved as a sister group of G. malagensis. G. oliveirae is paraphyletic with respect to G. anguiformis. According to our dating estimates, the most recent common ancestor of Geomalacus dates back to the Middle Miocene (end of the Serravallian stage). The major lineage splitting events within Geomalacus occurred during the dry periods of the Zanclean stage (5.3-3.6 million years) and some lineages were confined to more humid mountain areas of the Iberian Peninsula, which lead to a highly geographically structured mitochondrial genetic diversity. The major findings of this are the following: (1) provides updated species distribution maps for the Iberian Geomalacus expanding the known geographic distribution of the concerned species, (2) unravels the cryptic diversity within the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia, (3) Geomalacus oliveirae is paraphyletic with G. anguiformis and (4) Letourneuxia numidica is sister group of G. malagensis.


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No seu hábitat, muitos organismos, entre eles os caracóis, estão expostos a um grande número de variáveis ambientais como temperatura, umidade, fotoperiodicidade e disponibilidade de alimento. O caracol Megalobulimus oblongus é um gastrópode terrestre que, durante épocas de estiagem, costuma permanecer enterrado no solo. Com esse comportamento o animal evita a perda de água durante o período de seca, embora nessa condição (enterrado no solo) o animal tenha que enfrentar uma situação de disponibilidade de oxigênio reduzida (hipóxia). O metabolismo dos gastrópodes terrestres está baseado na utilização de carboidratos e as reservas desse polissacarídeo são depletadas durante situações de hipóxia/anoxia. Estudos sobre o metabolismo de moluscos frente a essas condições ambientais adversas, como a própria anoxia, têm sido realizados apenas em tecidos de reserva. Trabalhos relacionando o metabolismo do sistema nervoso durante essa situação são escassos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o metabolismo de carboidratos do sistema nervoso central do caracol Megalobulimus oblongus submetido a diferentes períodos de anoxia e recuperação aeróbia pós-anoxia. Para isso, após o período experimental foram dosadas a concentração de glicogênio e a concentração de glicose livre nos gânglios do sistema nervoso central do animal, além da concentração de glicose hemolinfática. Juntamente com essa abordagem bioquímica, foi realizado um estudo histoquímico semiquantitativo com o objetivo de verificar a atividade da forma ativa da enzima glicogênio fosforilase (GFa) nos gânglios cerebrais dos caracóis submetidos aos períodos de anoxia e recuperação. Foi verificado um aumento da concentração de glicose hemolinfática após o período inicial de 1,5h de anoxia, que se manteve elevado ao longo de todo o período anóxico. A concentração de glicogênio estava significativamente reduzida às 12h de anoxia e a concentração de glicose livre permaneceu constante ao longo de todo o período anóxico, enquanto foi observada uma redução progressiva da GFa. Não foram verificadas mudanças significativas nesses metabólitos nos animais do grupo simulação (“sham”) quando comparados ao grupo controle basal. Durante o período de recuperação aeróbia após 3h de anoxia, os valores de glicose hemolinfática foram reduzidos, retornando aos valores basais após 3h de recuperação aeróbia. A atividade GFa, reduzida durante a anoxia, também retornou aos valores do grupo controle durante a fase de recuperação. A concentração de glicose livre teve uma queda significativa no tempo de 1,5h de recuperação e existiu uma tendência à redução do glicogênio do tecido nervoso às 3h de recuperação aeróbia. A enzima GFa retornou a sua atividade basal durante o período de recuperação. Os resultados sugerem que, em função da elevada concentração de glicose hemolinfática, outros tecidos possam estar fornecendo a glicose necessária para a manutenção do tecido nervoso de Megalobulimus oblongus durante a anoxia, enquanto a redução do glicogênio do tecido nervoso verificada às 12h de anoxia deva estar relacionada ao aumento de atividade do animal durante a escotofase (o grupo 12h de anoxia foi dissecado à noite) somado ao próprio efeito da anoxia. A redução da GFa ao longo do período anóxico pode indicar uma depressão metabólica no tecido nervoso. Durante o início da fase de recuperação aeróbia pós-anoxia, a queda da concentração de glicose livre e a tendência à redução na concentração de glicogênio podem estar relacionadas ao fornecimento da energia necessária para o restabelecimento dos estoques energéticos utilizados durante às 3h iniciais de anoxia, já que a glicose hemolinfática retornou à concentração basal. Como não foi verificada qualquer redução significativa durante às 3h iniciais de anoxia nas concentrações de glicose livre e de x glicogênio nos gânglios nervosos centrais de Megalobulimus oblongus, discute-se a possibilidade de que o tecido nervoso do caracol tenha utilizado reservas de fosfogênios e ATP para satisfazer suas demandas energéticas durante as 3h iniciais de ausência de oxigênio.