971 resultados para futures research
Follow-up of utilisation and prediction of primary health care and hospital care from the municipality point of view. Planning, follow-up, and evaluation of primary health care within municipality entail comprehensive information about factors that influence health. In addition to populationbased research, various statistical data and registries serve as sources of information. The present study examined utilisation of primary health care and hospital care with the existing databases, registries, and categorization of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) from the municipality (purchaser) point of view. Research involving the cases of Paimio, Sauvo, and Turku as examples of municipalities pointed out that, even in the small municipalities, it is possible to assess and predict health services to be offered to the inhabitants by following databases and registries. Health-related databases and registries include a plenty of possible uses that have not adequately been employed at the level of municipality. Descriptive futures research and community analysis formed the framework of the study. Descriptive futures research may be used to establish predictions based on past developmental traditions, and quantitative time trend analyses may be employed to make estimations about future events. Community analysis will assist in making conclusions about population- based health care needs, in assessing the functionality or effectiveness of the health care system, and in appropriately targeting limited resources. The aim of the present study was to describe the health service profile so that the arrangements and planning of health services as well as the contract negotiations of hospital care become easier within municipalities. Another aim was to assess the application of Hilmo (registry for posting hospital care periods), Aitta and Sotka (statistical databases) for the purposes of resource planning in the procurement of hospital care. A third aim was to evaluate how the system of the DRGs adapts in the prediction of retaining health services within short (1-year), intermediate (5-year) and long range (10-15-year) intervals. The findings indicated that the follow-up of primary health care utilisation combined with follow-up of hospital care utilisation allows municipalities to plan and predict health services when databases are applied. Information about the past contacts with the databases has indicated that the health care culture and incidence of disease change rather slowly in the area of investigation. For the purposes of health care research, it is recommended that methods of application used in making predictions about health care utilisation need to be further developed
Tutkimuksen selvitettiin miten skenaarioanalyysia voidaan käyttää uuden teknologian tutkimisessa. Työssä havaittiin, että skenaarioanalyysin soveltuvuuteen vaikuttaa eniten teknologisen muutoksen taso ja saatavilla olevan tiedon luonne. Skenaariomenetelmä soveltuu hyvin uusien teknologioiden tutkimukseen erityisesti radikaalien innovaatioiden kohdalla. Syynä tähän on niihin liittyvä suuri epävarmuus, kompleksisuus ja vallitsevan paradigman muuttuminen, joiden takia useat muut tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmät eivät ole tilanteessa käyttökelpoisia. Työn empiirisessä osiossa tutkittiin hilaverkkoteknologian tulevaisuutta skenaarioanalyysin avulla. Hilaverkot nähtiin mahdollisena disruptiivisena teknologiana, joka radikaalina innovaationa saattaa muuttaa tietokonelaskennan nykyisestä tuotepohjaisesta laskentakapasiteetin ostamisesta palvelupohjaiseksi. Tällä olisi suuri vaikutus koko nykyiseen ICT-toimialaan erityisesti tarvelaskennan hyödyntämisen ansiosta. Tutkimus tarkasteli kehitystä vuoteen 2010 asti. Teorian ja olemassa olevan tiedon perusteella muodostettiin vahvaan asiantuntijatietouteen nojautuen neljä mahdollista ympäristöskenaariota hilaverkoille. Skenaarioista huomattiin, että teknologian kaupallinen menestys on vielä monen haasteen takana. Erityisesti luottamus ja lisäarvon synnyttäminen nousivat tärkeimmiksi hilaverkkojen tulevaisuutta ohjaaviksi tekijöiksi.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten Bluetooth-teknologia voi vaikuttaa ICT-alan arvoverkkoon ja alan toimijoiden rooleihin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä ja siinä oli piirteitä tulevaisuuden tutkimuksesta, koska myös eksploratiivisia menetelmiä käytettiin. Tutkimus perustui laajalti kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin, joiden perusteella muodostettiin skenaarioita ICT-alan tulevaisuuden arvoverkosta. Tutkimus sisälsi myös empiirisen osion, jossa järjestettiin kaksi ryhmäkeskustelua, joissa alan toimijat keskustelivat muodostetuista skenaarioista sekä yleisemmin Bluetoothin vaikutuksista arvoverkkoon. Tutkimuksen mukaan ICT-alan arvoverkko tulevaisuudessa on rakenteeltaan strateginen arvoverkko, jota johtaa eri toimija erilaisissa markkinatilanteissa. Verkon strateginen keskus voi muuttua ajan kuluessa kun Bluetoothin sovelluskohteet lisääntyvät ja se voi vaihdella markkina-alueesta toiseen. Bluetooth luo uuden kommunikaatiokanavan nykyisten rinnalle ja se voi paikallisesti korvata nykyisten kanavien käytön tiedon siirrossa. Bluetooth voi synnyttää lukuisia uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja sen avulla voidaan tuottaa lisäarvopalveluita. Suurimpien muutosten voidaan olettaa koskevan teleoperaattoreiden ja sisällöntuottajien liiketoimintaa.
La recherche dans le domaine de la mémoire sémantique a permis de documenter l’effet de concrétude (avantage pour les mots concrets relativement aux mots abstraits), et plus récemment, l’effet de concrétude inverse (avantage pour les mots abstraits relativement aux mots concrets). Ces effets, observés chez le sujet sain et dans différentes populations cliniques en neurologie, ont suscité de nombreuses interprétations théoriques, autant sur le plan cognitif que neuroanatomique. En effet, cette double dissociation entre les deux types de concepts suggère que leur traitement doit reposer au moins en partie sur des processus mentaux et neuroanatomiques distincts. Néanmoins, les origines de ces différences restent largement débattues et sont caractérisées par une absence notable de consensus. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est d’explorer les substrats cérébraux sous-tendant la compréhension des concepts concrets et abstraits. Dans un premier temps, un article de revue de la littérature dresse un état des lieux des connaissances actuelles portant sur le traitement sémantique des mots concrets et abstraits ainsi que sur leurs fondements cérébraux. Cet article met une emphase particulière sur les différences inter-hémisphériques dans le traitement des mots concrets et abstraits (Article 1). Dans un deuxième temps, une étude expérimentale de la compréhension des mots concrets et abstraits a été réalisée auprès de populations cliniques rares, des patients ayant subi soit i) une résection unilatérale de la partie antérieure du lobe temporal (temporo-polaire), soit ii) une résection unilatérale de la région hippocampique (temporale interne) (Article 2). Le premier article fait ressortir la grande hétérogénéité des résultats dans le domaine, et suggère que les différences observées dans le traitement des mots concrets et abstraits peuvent difficilement être interprétées seulement en termes de différences inter-hémisphériques. Les résultats du second article indiquent qu’une lésion de la région temporale antérieure gauche ou droite entraîne une atteinte plus marquée des concepts concrets comparativement aux abstraits, alors qu’une lésion unilatérale des régions temporales internes affecte de manière équivalente le traitement sémantique des deux types de concepts. Les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées, ainsi que les limites et perspectives futures.
El incremento de la actividad humana en el último siglo y el desarrollo de tecnologías ligadas con el petróleo como vector energético, han generado efectos medioambientales adversos que aunados con las limitadas reservas mundiales de crudo y su estrecha relación con el crecimiento económico mundial ha generado presiones economías, políticas y sociales en todos los países. Esta situación ha dinamizado la investigación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías basadas en el hidrogeno como un nuevo vector energético tecnológicamente compatible que permita la portabilidad de energía con el menor impacto ambiental y económico a la luz de la prospectiva de consumo y la perdurabilidad energética. Este trabajo identifica las experiencias más relevantes respecto a la tecnología del hidrogeno a nivel mundial con el fin de consolidar un plan estratégico para la incorporación del hidrógeno como vector energético al portafolio productivo colombiano mediante la aplicación de un modelo que permite el análisis del nivel de integración de los sectores educativo, empresarial y gubernamental, teniendo como base los resultados del análisis estructural y análisis de actores.
The motivation of this study is based on the expectation of understanding, at least in part, the reason why the brazilian academic production ¿ which is among the largest if compared to the developing countries, has not been translated in a useful way into concrete technology transference for the production sector. The supposition that different cultures and subcultures, in terms of values, behavior, practices among organizations and groups of selected actors involved in that process,- which is the central problem of this study, and peculiar to the technology context, has elected that relationship process the object of this research this study theoretical fundaments rely on culture and technology to analyze the subcultures which manifest themselves through the typified groups of researchers, in the public organizations, small scale employers, acting on technology based companies in the private sector (ebts) and mediators. Who also act in the process the preliminary step was the case study. Several qualitative methods an procedures were used. And the investigation has advanced toward interacting interviews, at the end added by the focal group method. The conclusions reject the existence of incompatibility among the subject groups points of view, however, points out some divergent values, the presence of mutual stereotypes and also confirms the supposition that the research platform is strongly influenced by the financial factor. Although, the study reveals that the presence of common objectives which lay behind the cited divergences make possible to present a core of practical suggestions to implement the studied relationships for the benefit of the production sector as well. The peculiarities perceived while dealing with that singular context suggest futures research to clarify possible new and obscure areas in that complex relationships.
The concept of industrial clustering has been studied in-depth by policy makers and researchers from many fields, mainly due to the competitive advantages it may bring to regional economies. Companies often take part in collaborative initiatives with local partners while also taking advantage of knowledge spillovers to benefit from locating in a cluster. Thus, Knowledge Management (KM) and Performance Management (PM) have become relevant topics for policy makers and cluster associations when undertaking collaborative initiatives. Taking this into account, this paper aims to explore the interplay between both topics using a case study conducted in a collaborative network formed within a cluster. The results show that KM should be acknowledged as a formal area of cluster management so that PM practices can support knowledge-oriented initiatives and therefore make better use of the new knowledge created. Furthermore, tacit and explicit knowledge resulting from PM practices needs to be stored and disseminated throughout the cluster as a way of improving managerial practices and regional strategic direction. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2012) 10, 368-379. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2012.23
The seriousness of the current crisis urgently demands new economic thinking that breaks the austerity vs. deficit spending circle in economic policy. The core tenet of the paper is that the most important problems that natural and social science are facing today are inverse problems, and that a new approach that goes beyond optimization is necessary. The approach presented here is radical in the sense that it identifies the roots in key assumptions in economic theory such as optimal behavior and stability to provide an inverse thinking perspective to economic modeling, of use in economic and financial stability policy. The inverse problem provides a truly multidisciplinary platform where related problems from different disciplines can be studied under a common approach with comparable results.
Optimización de la densidad de energía en vigas de material compuesto (PRF) sometidas a flexión pura
Las necesidades energéticas actuales requieren el desarrollo de tecnologías eficaces y eficientes en producción, transporte y distribución de energía. Estas necesidades han impulsado nuevos desarrollos en el ámbito energético, entre los cuales se encuentran sistemas de almacenamiento de energía. El avance en ingeniería de materiales permite pensar en la posibilidad de almacenamiento mediante deformación elástica de vigas. Concretamente se parte de un concepto de mecanismo acumulador de energía basado en la deformación elástica de resortes espirales a torsión. Dichos resortes se pueden considerar como elementos vigas sometidos a flexión pura y grandes deflexiones. Esta Tesis de centra en el diseño y optimización de estos elementos con el fin de maximizar la densidad de energía que son capaces de absorber. El proceso de optimización comienza con la identificación del factor crítico del que depende dicho proceso, en este caso de trata de la densidad de energía. Dicho factor depende de la geometría de la sección resistente y del material empleado en su construcción. En los últimos años ha existido un gran desarrollo de los materiales compuestos de tipo polimérico reforzados con fibras (PRF). Estos materiales están sustituyendo gradualmente a otros materiales, como los metales, debido principalmente a su excelente relación entre propiedades mecánicas y peso. Por otro lado, analizando las posibles geometrías para la sección resistente, se observó que la más adecuada es una estructura tipo sándwich. Se implementa así un procedimiento de diseño de vigas sándwich sometidas a flexión pura, con las pieles fabricadas en materiales compuestos tipo PRF y un núcleo que debe garantizar el bajo peso de la estructura. Se desarrolla así un procedimiento sistemático que se puede particularizar dependiendo de los parámetros de entrada de la viga, y que tiene en cuenta y analiza la aparición de todos los posibles modos de fallo posibles. Así mismo se desarrollan una serie de mapas o ábacos de diseño que permiten seleccionar rápidamente las dimensiones preliminares de la viga. Finalmente se llevan a cabo ensayos que permiten, por un lado, validar el concepto del mecanismo acumulador de energía a través del ensayo de un muelle con sección monolítica, y por otro validar los distintos diseños de vigas sándwich propuestos y mostrar el incremento de la densidad de energía con respecto a la alternativa monolítica. Como líneas futuras de investigación se plantean la investigación en nuevos materiales, como la utilización de nanotubos de carbono, y la optimización del mecanismo de absorción de energía; optimizando el mecanismo de absorción a flexión pura e implementando sistemas que permitan acumular energía mediante la deformación elástica debida a esfuerzos de tracción-compresión. ABSTRACT Energy supply requires the development of effective and efficient technologies for the production, transport and distribution of energy. In recent years, many energy storage systems have been developed. Advances in the field of materials engineering has allowed the development of new concepts as the energy storage by elastic deformation of beams. Particularly, in this Thesis an energy storage device based on the elastic deformation of torsional springs has been studied. These springs can be considered as beam elements subjected to pure bending loads and large deflections. This Thesis is focused on the design and optimization of these beam elements in order to maximize its density of stored energy. The optimization process starts with the identification of the critical factors for the elastic energy storage: the density. This factor depends on the geometry of the cross section of the beam and the materials from which it is made. In the last 20 years, major advances in the field of composite materials have been made, particularly in the field of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP). This type of material is substituting gradually metallic materials to their excellent weight-mechanical properties ratio. In the other side, several possible geometries are analyzed for its use in the cross section of the beam; it was concluded that the best option, for maximum energy density, is using a sandwich beam. A design procedure for sandwich beams with skins made up with FRP composites and a light weight core is developed. This procedure can be particularized for different input parameters and it analyzes all the possible failure modes. Abacus and failure mode maps have been developed in order to simplify the design process. Finally several tested was made. Firstly, a prototype of the energy storage system which uses a monolithic composite beam was tested in order to validate the concept of the energy storage by elastic deformation. After that sandwich beam samples are built and tested, validating the design and showing the increase of energy density with respect to the monolithic beam. As futures research lines the following are proposed: research in new materials, as carbon nanotubes; and the optimization of the energy storage mechanism, that means optimizing the pure bending storage mechanism and developing new ones based on traction-compression mechanisms.
The paper presents how the Committee on Futures Research, within Section IX. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), sees the possible futures for Hungary for the year 2025, based on the expertise of Hungarian futurists and social scientists, including the opinions of younger generations. It offers insight to Hungarian society in 18 years from 2007, when the research began. In cooperation with experts coming from diverse scientific backgrounds and with those who feel responsibility for the future and are willing to act upon it, we need to continue discovering our horizon albeit in a different way and to embark on new roads. In summary, we need to change the HOW and the WHAT.
Önkényuralom, totalitarizmus. A XX. század történelme, többek között, a modernitás legszörnyűbb társadalmi-politikai következményeit is példázza, kevesek szinte totális uralmát sokak fölött. Az azonban új fejlemény, hogy az uralom mára a Föld élő rendszerének a szintjén is egyre teljesebbé válik. A modern kor, számos kétségtelen vívmánya ellenére, az erőteljes uralom technológiáit is a rendelkezésünkre bocsátotta, s a totalitás immár nem csak negatív utópia, hanem állandó fenyegetés, sőt olykor kézzelfogható valóság. Közvetlen célunk a globális népesedés elemzése, amit a humán és a nem humán élet technológia általi kontrolljának, alávetettségének szempontjából vizsgálunk.
A magyar jövőkutatás intézményesült fennállásának és egyetemi szintű oktatásának 40 éves évfordulóját ünnepeltük 2008-ban. A Római Klub alapításával azonos évben, 1968 szeptemberében egyetemünk jogelődjén, a Marx Károly Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetemen, a Népgazdaság Tervezése Tanszéken Dr. Kovács Géza, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár által a jövőkutatás témakörében meghirdetett, kutatószemináriumként működő szakszeminárium tekinthető az első meghatározó lépésnek a hazai jövőkutatás és annak oktatása terén. A sok tekintetben újszerű vállalkozásnak (ami adódott a jövőkutatás mint sajátos ismerethalmaz és mint tudományterület újszerűségéből, valamint a kutatás és az oktatás sajátos szerves egységéből, azaz: az oktatómunkához kapcsolódó tudományos kutatásban partnerségi alapon egyetemi hallgatók is részt vettek) különösen erős volt akkor a kisugárzó hatása. Ez ösztönözte leginkább, volt hallgatóin keresztül is, a jövőkutatás további kutatóhelyeken, egyetemeken való megjelenését és művelését. Ez az oka annak is, hogy a hazai jövőkutatók és a külföldi jövőkutatási műhelyek is a Kovács Géza professzor által alapított kutatóhelyet tekintik a hazai jövőkutatás bölcsőjének.
A tanulmány a modern jövőkutatás három olyan sajátosságát/tulajdonságát kapcsolja össze, amelyek egyének, társadalmi intézmények jövőhöz való viszonyában meghatározóak lehetnek. Ezek a jövőorientáltság, a participativitás és az interaktivitás. Logikailag is belátható (és remélhetőleg empirikusan is bizonyítható), hogy ezek között kölcsönös összefüggés létezik.
Purpose – The paper aims to explore the gap between theory and practice in foresight and to give some suggestions on how to reduce it. Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of practical foresight activities and suggestions are based on a literature review, the author's own research and practice in the field of foresight and futures studies, and her participation in the work of a European project (COST A22). Findings – Two different types of practical foresight activities have developed. One of them, the practice of foresight of critical futures studies (FCFS) is an application of a theory of futures studies. The other, termed here as praxis foresight (PF), has no theoretical basis and responds directly to practical needs. At present a gap can be perceived between theory and practice. PF distinguishes itself from the practice and theory of FCFS and narrows the construction space of futures. Neither FCFS nor PF deals with content issues of the outer world. Reducing the gap depends on renewal of joint discourses and research about experience of different practical foresight activities and manageability of complex dynamics in foresight. Production and feedback of self-reflective and reflective foresight knowledge could improve theory and practice. Originality/value – Contemporary practical foresight activities are analysed and suggestions to reduce the gap are developed in the context of the linkage between theory and practice. This paper is thought provoking for futurists, foresight managers and university researchers.