965 resultados para fluorogenic probes
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioengenharia (MIT)
Inorganic Chemistry 50(21):10600-7
Understanding how the brain works will require tools capable of measuring neuron elec-trical activity at a network scale. However, considerable progress is still necessary to reliably increase the number of neurons that are recorded and identified simultaneously with existing mi-croelectrode arrays. This project aims to evaluate how different materials can modify the effi-ciency of signal transfer from the neural tissue to the electrode. Therefore, various coating materials (gold, PEDOT, tungsten oxide and carbon nano-tubes) are characterized in terms of their underlying electrochemical processes and recording ef-ficacy. Iridium electrodes (177-706 μm2) are coated using galvanostatic deposition under different charge densities. By performing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in phosphate buffered saline it is determined that the impedance modulus at 1 kHz depends on the coating material and decreased up to a maximum of two orders of magnitude for PEDOT (from 1 MΩ to 25 kΩ). The electrodes are furthermore characterized by cyclic voltammetry showing that charge storage capacity is im-proved by one order of magnitude reaching a maximum of 84.1 mC/cm2 for the PEDOT: gold nanoparticles composite (38 times the capacity of the pristine). Neural recording of spontaneous activity within the cortex was performed in anesthetized rodents to evaluate electrode coating performance.
Genomic DNA fragments from males of Psychodopygus wellcomei were isolated and shown to be useful as sensitive diagnostic probles for positively separting individuals of this species from those of Ps. complexus. These two members of the Ps. squamiventris series are found sympatrically in foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the hill forests of southern Pará State. Of the two species, only Ps. welcomei is thought to be an important vector of Leishmania braziliensis sensu stricto, buth this is based on circumstantial evidence because of the difficulties of identifying female sandflies wothin the series. The diagnostic probes were isolated from a library of Ps. wellcomei built by ligationg short fragments of Sau 3A-resistricted, genomic DNA into the plasmid vector PUC 18. Differential screening of 1316 library clones with total genomic DNA of Ps. Wellcomei and Ps. complexus identified 5 recombinants, with cross-hybridizing inserts of repetitive DNA, that showed strong specificity for Ps. wellcomei. As little as 0.4% of the DNA extracted from an individual sandfly (=ca. 0.5 namograms) was specifically detected. The diagnostic probes were used to identify as Ps. wellcomei a wild-caught female sandfly found infected with L. braziliensis s.s., providing only the second positive association between these two species.
We have developed and tested a new way of typing Trypanosoma cruzi, mamely the use of cloned nuclear DNA fragments as genetic markers. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were verified on Soutern blots hybridized to random probes. Fragment patterns were analyzed and dendrograms constructed. Our results on well characterized laboratory strains correlate well to published isoenzyme studies. Some of the probes were also hybridized to chromosomes separated by pulse field gel electrophoresis a higher degree of heterogeneity was observed at this level.
The use of molecular tools to detect and type Leishmania species in humans, reservoirs or sandflies has been pursued using different approaches. The polymerase chain reaction provided sensitivity to case this task, since the use of hybridization procedures alone employing specifics probes is hampered due to the low detection limit. In this report, we describe the different molecular targets used in our laboratory, aiming at the detection and specific typing of these protozoa. Different kits based on hybridization assays and PCR amplification using kinetoplast and nuclear targets are described and the results obtained from their use are reported.
Background: Hirschsprung disease is characterized by the absence of intramural ganglion cells in the enteric plexuses, due to a fail during enteric nervous system formation. Hirschsprung has a complex genetic aetiology and mutations in several genes have been related to the disease. There is a clear predominance of missense/nonsense mutations in these genes whereas copy number variations (CNVs) have been seldom described, probably due to the limitations of conventional techniques usually employed for mutational analysis. In this study, we have looked for CNVs in some of the genes related to Hirschsprung (EDNRB, GFRA1, NRTN and PHOX2B) using the Multiple Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) approach. Methods: CNVs screening was performed in 208 HSCR patients using a self-designed set of MLPA probes, covering the coding region of those genes. Results: A deletion comprising the first 4 exons in GFRA1 gene was detected in 2 sporadic HSCR patients and in silico approaches have shown that the critical translation initiation signal in the mutant gene was abolished. In this study, we have been able to validate the reliability of this technique for CNVs screening in HSCR. Conclusions: The implemented MLPA based technique presented here allows CNV analysis of genes involved in HSCR that have not been not previously evaluated. Our results indicate that CNVs could be implicated in the pathogenesis of HSCR, although they seem to be an uncommon molecular cause of HSCR.
A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) hybridisation probes combined with melting curve analysis was developed to detect Schistosoma japonicum in experimentally infected snails and in faecal samples of infected mice. This procedure is based on melting curve analysis of a hybrid between an amplicon from the S. japonicum internal transcribed spacer region 2 sequence, which is a 192-bp S. japonicum-specific sequence, and fluorophore-labelled specific probes. Real-time FRET PCR could detect as little as a single cercaria artificially introduced into a pool of 10 non-infected snails and a single egg inoculated in 100 mg of non-infected mouse faeces. All S. japonicum-infected snails and all faecal samples from infected mice were positive. Non-infected snails, non-infected mouse faeces and genomic DNA from other parasites were negative. This assay is rapid and has potential for epidemiological S. japonicum surveys in snails, intermediate hosts and faecal samples of final hosts.
Five phosphatase-labelled oligonucleotide probes were evaluated in respect to their sensitivity, with the help of an optimized chemiluminescent protocol, for DNA-VNTR polymorphism determination. Their usefulness for the identification of biological traces is illustrated with casework examples.
Few studies on sugar cane have evaluated the root system of the crop, in spite of its importance. This is mainly due to the difficulty of evaluation and high variability of results. The objective of this study was to develop an evaluation method of the cane root system by means of probes so as to evaluate the mass, distribution and metabolically active roots related to N fertilization at planting. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted in an Arenic Kandiustults with medium texture in Jaboticabal/SP, in a randomized block design with four replications and four treatments: control (without N) and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 of N applied in the form of urea in the planting furrow of the cane variety SP81 3250. One week before harvest, a urea-15N solution was applied at the cane stalk base to detect active metabolism in the root system. Trenches of 1.5 m length and 0.6 m depth were opened between two sugar cane rows for root sampling by two methods: monoliths (0.3, 0.2 and 0.15 m wide, deep and long respectively) taken from the trench wall and by probe (internal diameter 0.055 m). For each method, 15 samples per plot were collected. The roots were separated from the soil in a sieve (2 mm mesh), oven-dried (at 65 ºC) and the dry matter was measured. Root sampling by probes resulted in root mass that did not differ from the evaluation in monoliths, indicating that this evaluation method may be used for sugar cane root mass, although neither the root distribution in the soil profile nor the rhizome mass were efficiently evaluated, due to the small sample volume. Nitrogen fertilization at planting did not result in a greater root accumulation in the sugar cane plant, but caused changes in the distribution of the root system in the soil. The absence of N fertilization led to a better root distribution in the soil profile, with 50, 34 and 16 % in the 0-0.2, 0.2-0.4 and 0.4-0.6 m layers, respectively; in the fertilized treatments the roots were concentrated in the surface layer, with on average 70, 17 and 13 % for the same layers. The metabolically active roots were concentrated in the center of the cane stool, amounting to 40 % of the total root mass, regardless of N fertilization (application of 120 kg ha-1 N or without N).
If there are large extra dimensions and the fundamental Planck scale is at the TeV scale, then the question arises of whether ultrahigh energy cosmic rays might probe them. We study the neutrino-nucleon cross section in these models. The elastic forward scattering is analyzed in some detail, hoping to clarify earlier discussions. We also estimate the black hole production rate. We study energy loss from graviton mediated interactions and conclude that they cannot explain the cosmic ray events above the GZK energy limit. However, these interactions could start horizontal air showers with characteristic profile and at a rate higher than in the standard model.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha)is a nuclear receptor for various fatty acids, eicosanoids, and hypolipidemic drugs. In the presence of ligand, this transcription factor increases expression of target genes that are primarily associated with lipid homeostasis. We have previously reported PPARalpha as a nuclear receptor of the inflammatory mediator leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) and demonstrated an anti-inflammatory function for PPARalpha in vivo (Devchand, P. R., Keller, H., Peters, J. M., Vazquez, M., Gonzalez, F. J., and Wahli, W. (1996) Nature 384, 39-43). LTB(4) also has a cell surface receptor (BLTR) that mediates proinflammatory events, such as chemotaxis and chemokinesis (Yokomizo, T., Izumi, T., Chang, K., Takuwa, Y., and Shimizu, T. (1997) Nature 387, 620-624). In this study, we report on chemical probes that differentially modulate activity of these two LTB(4) receptors. The compounds selected were originally characterized as synthetic BLTR effectors, both agonists and antagonists. Here, we evaluate the compounds as effectors of the three PPAR isotypes (alpha, beta, and gamma) by transient transfection assays and also determine whether the compounds are ligands for these nuclear receptors by coactivator-dependent receptor ligand interaction assay, a semifunctional in vitro assay. Because the compounds are PPARalpha selective, we further analyze their potency in a biological assay for the PPARalpha-mediated activity of lipid accumulation. These chemical probes will prove invaluable in dissecting processes that involve nuclear and cell surface LTB(4) receptors and also aid in drug discovery programs.