898 resultados para equivalent sound pressure level (L EQ) loss of soil


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El presente documento analiza y evalúa el ruido ambiental existente en las zonas de uso residencial ubicadas en el Barrio de “La Estación”, en el entorno de la Avenida San Pablo, pertenecientes al municipio de Coslada (Madrid). La zona que contempla el proyecto es muy completa, ya que en ella están presentes diferentes tipos de ruido medioambiental (tráfico ferroviario, tráfico rodado, tráfico aeroportuario, ruido industrial de instalaciones, ruido de actividades, etc), donde las fuentes de ruido pueden manifestarse aisladas o en diversas combinaciones. Para evaluar el ruido total existente, se analiza por un lado el ruido residual de la zona de estudio, y por otro el ruido específico e intermitente asociado a sucesos aislados, como son el ruido de aviones y el ruido de trenes, donde se estudia individualmente la existencia de componentes de tonalidad, baja frecuencia e impulsividad. Una vez obtenidos los niveles de ruido total y ruido residual en la zona objeto de estudio, el índice Nivel de presión sonora promedio LPm de las muestras analizadas, estima correctamente los niveles obtenidos en el muestreo de larga duración. En las medidas realizadas se detecta la existencia de componentes de tonalidad y baja frecuencia en los pasos de aviones y trenes registrados. Se calculan los niveles sonoros existentes en la zona de estudio. Para ello se realiza una evaluación de los índices de ruido Ld, para el periodo día, y Le, para el periodo tarde, utilizando como herramienta de cálculo el programa IMMI 6.3.1e. Se realiza la validación del mapa de niveles sonoros obtenido con el IMMI 6.3.1e. Para ello se hace una comparación entre los niveles calculados con el modelo, y los niveles medidos “in situ” en los puntos de muestreo. Por último se obtiene la incertidumbre en cada una de las medidas ejecutadas en una segunda campaña “in situ”, correspondientes a niveles de presión sonora continuos equivalentes ponderado A (LAeq,5min), teniendo en cuenta las posibles desviaciones ocasionadas por el equipo de medida, condiciones meteorológicas, procedimiento de realización del ensayo, etc. ABSTRACT. The present document analyzes and evaluates the environmental noise in the residential areas located at “La Estación” district, near the San Pablo Avenue, in the Coslada municipality (Madrid). The area considered in this project is very complete, once it covers different types of environmental noise (railway traffic, vehicular traffic, airport traffic, industrial noise of building systems, activities noise, etc), where noise sources may appear isolated or under several combinations. In order to evaluate the existing total noise, on one hand it is analyzed the residual noise in the study area, and on the other hand it is analyzed the specific and intermittent noise associated to isolated occurrences, such as the noise of the aircrafts and the noise of the trains, where the existence of components of tonality, low frequency and impulsiveness is studied individually. After obtaining the levels of total noise and residual noise in the target study area, the sound pressure level average index (LPm) of the analyzed samples estimates correctly the levels obtained in the sampling of long duration. On what concerns the measures carried out, it is detected the existence of components of tonality and low frequency in the registered aircrafts and trains passage. The sound levels of the study area are calculated. For that it is made a valuation of the Ld noise ratio, concerning the day period, and Le, concerning the afternoon period. The calculation tool used is the IMMI 6.3.1e programme. The validation of the map of sound levels obtained with the IMMI 6.3.1e is made. In order to get this validation, it is made a comparison between the levels calculated with the model and the levels measured “in situ” in the sampling points. Finally the uncertainty is obtained in each one of the measurements made in a second sampling “in situ”, correspondent to equivalent A-weighted continuous sound pressure level (LAeq,5 min), having in mind the possible deviations caused by the equipment of measure, meteorological conditions, essay’s execution procedures, etc.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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El incremento de la contaminación acústica se ha convertido en un problema medioambiental lo cual ha generado un aumento en la demanda del aislamiento de los edificios para lograr el confort acústico. Existen métodos de medición de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de fachadas bajo ensayo “in situ” pero no para techos. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en determinar el aislamiento acústico de prototipos de techos ecológicos multicapas adaptando la metodología recomendada por normas internacionales. Se propusieron cuatro prototipos de techos con distintos materiales naturales como especies vegetales y sustratos de fibra de coco, superpuestos sobre un techo base liviano. Al sustrato se le varió su espesor de 10 a 20 cm, sus condiciones seca o húmeda y su densidad: 100%, 66% y 33% fibra de coco. En los resultados se determinó que las especies vegetales no aportaron aislamiento, pero al incrementar el espesor y densidad del sustrato mejoró el aislamiento sonoro. También se determinó que el aislamiento acústico en condición seca fue mejor que en condición húmeda. Se planteó una metodología para determinar el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en techos bajo ensayo “in situ” empleando el método global con altavoz, ésta se estructuró en tres partes: la primera describe el módulo experimental y la plataforma tecnológica; la segunda aborda procedimientos para medir los niveles de presión sonora, niveles de ruido de fondo y los tiempos de reverberación, en bandas de frecuencia de tercios de octava; en la tercera se explica ellculo de los promedios de estos parámetros, así como también la diferencia de niveles estandarizada, el índice de reducción sonora aparente con sus valores globales y su incertidumbre. Así mismo, se determinó un algoritmo de predicción del aislamiento acústico, analizando los valores obtenidos en las mediciones “in situ” como la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada ponderada y el Índice ponderado de reducción sonora, los cuales se relacionaron con el peso y el espesor de los materiales de las diferentes multicapas. A través de un análisis de regresión se establecieron modelos para predecir la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada y el Índice de reducción sonora aparente en bandas de octavas. Los resultados del modelo propuesto son cercanos a los datos medidos “in situ”. Por otra parte, se realizaron mediciones térmicas en un módulo experimental y otro de referencia en tres períodos del día. En el módulo experimental se construyeron los prototipos de techos ecológicos y en el de referencia un techo de construcción tradicional, se compararon los resultados de ambos módulos y su interacción con la temperatura exterior. Se detectó que las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental en condición seca tienden a mantener sus valores durante todo el día, en horas de la mañana sus valores son superiores a los del módulo de referencia y temperatura exterior. Al mediodía y en la tarde las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental son inferiores a las del módulo de referencia, incrementándose esta última a medida que aumenta temperatura exterior. Finalmente, a partir de las mediciones “in situ” se realizaron cuatro modelos de correlación acústica-térmica, los tres primeros relacionando la temperatura y el nivel de presión sonora en tres momentos del día, en la tarde se aprecia que a medida que aumenta la temperatura aumentan los niveles de presión sonora. En el cuarto modelo se estableció una correlación acústica-térmica entre la resistencia térmica de los materiales de las multicapas con su índice de reducción sonora, obteniéndose un coeficiente de correlación moderado. La presente investigación plantea retos desde el punto de vista ambiental, permite cuantificar el aislamiento acústico de los techos y mejorar la calidad de vida en áreas urbanas; el empleo de los materiales de procedencia local como los utilizados fomenta el respeto por la naturaleza y producen un menor impacto ambiental. ABSTRACT Sound contamination increase has generated a raise in insulation demand of buildings in order to achieve a sound comfort, and this has become into an environmental problem. There are measurements methods for air borne soundproofing in facades through “in situ” test but there are not for roofs. The purpose of this research is to determine sound insulation of multilayer green roof prototypes following the methodology suggested by international standards. Four prototypes of roofs with different types of vegetation and overlapped coconut fiber substrates over a light roof were proposed. Thickness of substrate varied from 10 to 20 cm, as well as its dry a humid condition and its density: 100%, 66% y 33% of coconut fiber. Results determined that vegetation did not contribute to insulation but when increasing substrate’s thickness and density, sound insulation was improved. Likewise, it was determined that sound insulation in dry condition was greater than in humid condition. A methodology to determine airborne sound insulation in roofs through “in situ” test using a speaker global method was stated. This was structured in three parts: the first part describes the experimental module and the technological platform; the second one establishes the procedures to measure sound pressure levels; levels of background noise and time of reverberation in frequency bands of thirds of octave, and in the third part, averages of these parameters, as well as the difference of standardized levels, the apparent sound reduction with its global values and uncertainty were calculated. Likewise, a prediction algorithm of sound insulation was determined by analyzing values obtained in “in-situ” measures such as the difference of weighted standardized level and the weighted index of sound reduction which they were related to weight and thickness of different multilayer materials. Models to predict the standardized level difference and the apparent sound reduction index in bands of octaves were established by a regression analysis. Results for the proposed model are close to data measured “in situ”. On the other hand, thermal measures were done in an experimental module, as well as in another as for reference in three periods of the day. Green prototypes roofs were built in the experimental module and a traditional roof were built in the reference one. Results of both modules were compared as well as the interaction with outside temperature. Internal temperatures of the experimental module in dry condition tend to keep their values throughout the day; in the morning, its values are higher than those of the reference module and external temperatures. Finally, four models of sound-thermal correlation were done from measures “in situ”. The first three were related to temperature and sound pressure level in three moments of the day. In the afternoon, it is observed that when temperature increases, sound pressure levels increases too. In the fourth model, a sound and thermal correlation was established between thermal resistance of multilayer materials with their sound reduction index, and a moderated correlation coefficient was obtained. This research poses challenges from the environmental point of view, and it allows quantifying sound insulation of roofs as well as improving quality of life in urban areas; the use of local vegetation promotes respect for nature and it produces a smaller environmental impact as well.


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El proyecto fin de carrera consiste en un estudio acústico del Estadio de la Peineta (estadio de fútbol perteneciente al club Atlético de Madrid el cual se encuentra en construcción). Se realizará el diseño por completo de una maqueta del estadio utilizando el programa EASE. Esta maqueta se hará a escala real, exactamente como se está construyendo el estadio. A dicha maqueta se le incorporarán los diferentes materiales absorbentes específicos a cada una de las superficies que compongan el estadio. Se crearán tantas zonas de audiencia como superficies se obtenga en cada grada sobre donde se realizarán dos estudios acústicos diferentes. El primer estudio se realizará con un total de 24 clústeres de altavoces los cuales están compuestos por 10 altavoces Aero 50. La colocación estratégica de cada uno de estos altavoces se estudiará con la herramienta EASE Focus 2. Una vez obtenidas las posiciones se importarán cada uno de estos clústeres de altavoces su respectiva configuración. El otro estudio se realizará con la mitad de arrays de altavoces con la intención de tener una comparativa de recubrimiento entre un estudio y otro. Las pruebas de simulación serán analizando el nivel de presión sonora que provoca cada uno de estos estudios cuando tienen sus altavoces en funcionamiento. Se utilizará el módulo de “Area mapping” para estudiar el mapeo en cada una de las zonas de audiencia definidas, así como cada una de las distribuciones por área que predominan. Se irán anotando cada uno de los problemas e ideas que van surgiendo a lo largo de dicho proyecto para proponer una continuación y mejora del mismo. Se planteará una serie de pasos e pruebas al final de la memoria ya que se trata de un proyecto sin cerrar y puede ser continuado por otra persona. ABSTRACT. The final project is an acoustic studio Peineta Stadium (soccer stadium belongs to the club Atletico Madrid which is under construction). The design is made entirely of a model of the stadium using the EASE program. This model will be full scale, exactly as is building the stadium. A model that should be incorporated into the various specific absorbent material to each of the surfaces that make up the stadium. Hearing so many areas as surfaces is obtained in each tier on which two different acoustic studies will be conducted will be created. The first study was conducted with a total of 24 speaker clusters which are composed of 10 speakers Aero 50. The strategic placement of each of these speakers will be studied with the EASE Focus 2. Once obtained tool positions are imported each these clusters of the respective speaker configuration. The other study was conducted with half speaker arrays with the intention of having a comparative study between a coating and another. Simulation tests will be analyzing the sound pressure level which causes each of these studies have their speakers when in operation. Module "mapping area" will be used to study the mapping in each of the areas defined audience, and each of the area distributions predominate. They will be written down each of the issues and ideas that arise throughout the project to propose a continuation and improvement. a series of steps and tests at the end of the memory will be raised because it is a project without closing and may be continued for another person.


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The propagation of inhomogeneous, weakly nonlinear waves is considered in a cochlear model having two degrees of freedom that represent the transverse motions of the tectorial and basilar membranes within the organ of Corti. It is assumed that nonlinearity arises from the saturation of outer hair cell active force generation. I use multiple scale asymptotics and treat nonlinearity as a correction to a linear hydroelastic wave. The resulting theory is used to explain experimentally observed features of the response of the cochlear partition to a pure tone, including: the amplification of the response in a healthy cochlea vs a dead one; the less than linear growth rate of the response to increasing sound pressure level; and the amount of distortion to be expected at high and low frequencies at basal and apical locations, respectively. I also show that the outer hair cell nonlinearity generates retrograde waves.


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Background: Inadvertent drilling on the ossicular chain is one of the causes of sensorineural hearing loss (HL) that may follow tympanomastoid surgery. A high-frequency HL is most frequently observed. It is speculated that the HL is a result of vibration of the ossicular chain resembling acoustic noise trauma. It is generally considered that using a large cutting burr is more likely to cause damage than a small diamond burr. Aim: The aim was to investigate the equivalent noise level and its frequency characteristics generated by drilling onto the short process of the incus in fresh human temporal bones. Methods and Materials: Five fresh cadaveric temporal bones were used. Stapes displacement was measured using laser Doppler vibrometry during short drilling episodes. Diamond. and cutting burrs of different diameters were used. The effect of the drilling on stapes footplate displacement was compared with that generated by an acoustic signal. The equivalent noise level (dB sound pressure level equivalent [SPL eq]) was thus calculated. Results: The equivalent noise levels generated ranged from 93 to 125 dB SPL eq. For a 1-mm cutting burr, the highest equivalent noise level was 108 dB SPL eq, whereas a 2.3-mm cutting burr produced a maximal level of 125 dB SPL eq. Diamond burrs generated less noise than their cutting counterparts, with a 2.3-mm diamond burr producing a highest equivalent noise level of 102, dB SPL eq. The energy of the noise increased at the higher end of the frequency spectrum, with a 2.3-mm cutting burr producing a noise level of 105 dB SPL eq at 1 kHz and 125 dB SPL eq at 8 kHz. In contrast, the same sized diamond burr produced 96 dB SPL eq at 1 kHz and 99 dB at 8 kHz. Conclusion:This study suggests that drilling on the ossicular chain can produce vibratory force that is analogous with noise levels known to produce acoustic trauma. For the same type of burr, the larger the diameter, the greater the vibratory force, and for the same size of burr, the cutting burr creates more vibratory force than the diamond burr. The cutting burr produces greater high-frequency than lower-frequency vibratory energy.


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Lead (Pb)-induced hypertension is characterized by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a decrease in nitric oxide (NO). In the present study we evaluated the effect of L-arginine (NO precursor), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA, a chelating agent and ROS scavenger), and the association of L-arginine/DMSA on tissue Pb mobilization and blood pressure levels in plumbism. Tissue Pb levels and blood pressure evolution were evaluated in rats exposed to: 1) Pb (750 ppm, in drinking water, for 70 days), 2) Pb plus water for 30 more days, 3) Pb plus DMSA (50 mg kg-1 day-1, po), L-arginine (0.6%, in drinking water), and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA for 30 more days, and 4) their respective matching controls. Pb exposure increased Pb levels in the blood, liver, femur, kidney and aorta. Pb levels in tissues decreased after cessation of Pb administration, except in the aorta. These levels did not reach those observed in nonintoxicated rats. All treatments mobilized Pb from the kidney, femur and liver. Pb mobilization from the aorta was only effective with the L-arginine/DMSA treatment. Blood Pb concentrations in Pb-treated groups were not different from those of the Pb/water group. Pb increased blood pressure starting from the 5th week. L-arginine and DMSA treatments (4th week) and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA (3rd and 4th weeks) decreased blood pressure levels of intoxicated rats. These levels did not reach those of nonintoxicated rats. Treatment with L-arginine/DMSA was more effective than the isolated treatments in mobilizing Pb from tissues and in reducing the blood pressure of intoxicated rats.


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Acoustic conditions in hospitals have been shown to influence a patient’s physical and psychological health. Noise levels in an Omaha, Nebraska, hospital were measured and compared between various times: before, during, and after renovations of a hospital wing. The renovations included cosmetic changes and the installation of new in-room patient audio-visual systems. Sound pressure levels were logged every 10-seconds over a four-day period in three different locations: at the nurses' station, in the hallway, and in a nearby patient’s room. The resulting data were analyzed in terms of the hourly A-weighted equivalent sound pressure levels (


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Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common sequel of bacterial meningitis (BM) and is observed in up to 30% of survivors when the disease is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. BM is the single most important origin of acquired SNHL in childhood. Anti-inflammatory dexamethasone holds promises as potential adjuvant therapy to prevent SNHL associated with BM. However, in infant rats, pneumococcal meningitis (PM) increased auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds [mean difference = 54 decibels sound pressure level (dB SPL)], measured 3 wk after infection, irrespective to treatment with ceftriaxone plus dexamethasone or ceftriaxone plus saline (p < 0.005 compared with mock-infected controls). Moreover, dexamethasone did not attenuate short- and long-term histomorphologic correlates of SNHL. At 24 h after infection, blood-labyrinth barrier (BLB) permeability was significantly increased in infected animals of both treatment groups compared with controls. Three weeks after the infection, the averaged number of type I neurons per square millimeter of the Rosenthal's canal dropped from 0.3019 +/- 0.0252 in controls to 0.2227 +/- 0.0635 in infected animals receiving saline (p < 0.0005). Dexamethasone was not more effective than saline in preventing neuron loss (0.2462 +/- 0.0399; p > 0.05). These results suggest that more efficient adjuvant therapies are needed to prevent SNHL associated with pediatric PM.


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Purpose: To investigate the temporal course of corneal sensitivity loss & the role of aldose reductase inhibitors (ARI) in an animal model of diabetic ocular complications. Methods: Weanling male S-D rats were randomly grouped to received ad libitum water & diet consisting of Purina (#5001) w/ either: 50% starch (CON,n=15) or 50% D-galactose (GAL,n=30). Half the galactosemic rats (ARI,n=15) received topical 0.25% CT-112 (3x daily, 20µl, Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Japan). Control & remaining half of the galactosemic animals received equivalent doses of saline eyedrops. Rats were restrained w/o medication during sensitivity measurements conducted w/ a Cochet-Bonnet Aesthesiometer mounted on a micromanipulator. The end of the filament (0.012mm dia.), which applied a mean pressure of 0.96 g/mm perpendicular to the corneal surface at center, was in the plane of focus of a slit-lamp biomicroscope. Measurements were conducted by two investigators which were masked to the treatment group. The average blink-responses from 10 consecutive stimuli to each cornea were expressed as a percent. Results: Mean (±SD) baseline corneal sensitivity in all groups were similar (CON 73%±11, GAL 71%±15, ARI 74%±16). Corneal sensitivity in the galactosemic rat was decreased (p


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OBJECTIVES Sensorineural hearing loss from sound overexposure has a considerable prevalence. Identification of sound hazards is crucial, as prevention, due to a lack of definitive therapies, is the sole alternative to hearing aids. One subjectively loud, yet little studied, potential sound hazard is movie theaters. This study uses smart phones to evaluate their applicability as a widely available, validated sound pressure level (SPL) meter. Therefore, this study measures sound levels in movie theaters to determine whether sound levels exceed safe occupational noise exposure limits and whether sound levels in movie theaters differ as a function of movie, movie theater, presentation time, and seat location within the theater. DESIGN Six smart phones with an SPL meter software application were calibrated with a precision SPL meter and validated as an SPL meter. Additionally, three different smart phone generations were measured in comparison to an integrating SPL meter. Two different movies, an action movie and a children's movie, were measured six times each in 10 different venues (n = 117). To maximize representativeness, movies were selected focusing on large release productions with probable high attendance. Movie theaters were selected in the San Francisco, CA, area based on whether they screened both chosen movies and to represent the largest variety of theater proprietors. Measurements were analyzed in regard to differences between theaters, location within the theater, movie, as well as presentation time and day as indirect indicator of film attendance. RESULTS The smart phone measurements demonstrated high accuracy and reliability. Overall, sound levels in movie theaters do not exceed safe exposure limits by occupational standards. Sound levels vary significantly across theaters and demonstrated statistically significant higher sound levels and exposures in the action movie compared to the children's movie. Sound levels decrease with distance from the screen. However, no influence on time of day or day of the week as indirect indicator of film attendance could be found. CONCLUSIONS Calibrated smart phones with an appropriate software application as used in this study can be utilized as a validated SPL meter. Because of the wide availability, smart phones in combination with the software application can provide high quantity recreational sound exposure measurements, which can facilitate the identification of potential noise hazards. Sound levels in movie theaters decrease with distance to the screen, but do not exceed safe occupational noise exposure limits. Additionally, there are significant differences in sound levels across movie theaters and movies, but not in presentation time.


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OBJECTIVES A dissociation between behavioural (in-control) and physiological parameters (indicating loss-of-control) is associated with cardiovascular risk in defensive coping (DefS) Africans. We evaluated relationships between DefS, sub-clinical atherosclerosis, low-grade inflammation and hypercoagulation in a bi-ethnic sex cohort. METHODS Black (Africans) and white Africans (Caucasians) (n = 375; aged 44.6 ± 9.7 years) were included. Ambulatory BP, vascular structure (left carotid cross-sectional wall area (L-CSWA) and plaque counts), and markers of coagulation and inflammation were quantified. Ethnicity/coping style interaction was revealed only in DefS participants. RESULTS A hypertensive state, less plaque, low-grade inflammation, and hypercoagulation were more prevalent in DefS Africans (27-84%) than DefS Caucasians (18-41%). Regression analyses demonstrated associations between L-CSWA and 24 hour systolic BP (R(2) = 0.38; β = 0.78; p < 0.05) in DefS African men but not in DefS African women or Caucasians. No associations between L-CSWA and coagulation markers were evident. CONCLUSION Novel findings revealed hypercoagulation, low-grade inflammation and hyperkinetic BP (physiological loss-of-control responses) in DefS African men. Coupled to a self-reported in-control DefS behavioural profile, this reflects dissociation between behaviour and physiology. It may explain changes in vascular structure, increasing cerebrovascular disease risk in a state of hyper-vigilant coping.