782 resultados para entrance examination


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Para a consecução das finalidades de uma disciplina de um curso , várias estratégias de ensino podem ser utilizadas. A estratégia de ensino por objetivos operacionalizados adota, como princípio fundamental, a descrição dos objetivos educacionais em termos do desempenho esperado do aluno e a fixação de padrões mínimos de rendimento aceitável nesse desempenho. A programação de ensino por objetivos operacionalizados deve ser dada a conhecer ao educando, e deve servir de base para o planejamento das atividades docentes e discentes , orientando o aluno nos seus esforços para aprender, e o professor na escolha das técnicas e recursos de ensino que permitam tornar o ensino eficaz. Os resultados da pesquisa empírica realizada mostram que, no nível de efeito principal, o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados é ligeiramente superior ao ensino tradicional . Três turmas foram objeto do experimento, cujo propósito foi comparar , no ensino de Geometria Descritiva, a eficácia relativa das estratégias de ensino com programação por objetivos operacionalizados e a do ensino tradicional. Resultaram os Índices representativos daquela variável: 5,63 para o ensino tradicional, 7,48 para o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados com programação rígida e 7,29 para o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados em que os alunos tiveram liberdade de alguns dos objetivos educacionais. Fortes efeitos de interação foram detectados entre a variável Estratégia de Ensino e as variáveis Escores do Concurso Vestibular, Caracterização Sócio-Econômica e Cultural e Assiduidade, mostrando que, para algumas categorias de alunos, o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados tem rendimento significativamente maior que o ensino tradicional. Os resultados mostram que para algumas categorias a liberdade dada ao aluno para escolher alguns dos objetivos educacionais prejudica o seu nível de aproveitamento no curso, relativamente à mesma estratégia de ensino, porém, com programação totalmente fixada pelo professor. Mesmo nesses casos, o rendimento do ensino por objetivos operacionalizados revela-se superior ao do ensino tradicional.


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The number of disabled students, who have entered the university, in Brazil, since the beginning of this century, is undergoing a speed growth. It is a change that follows a global trend that spreads an inclusive education policy and that has had a profound impact on Brazil, with import results in field researches. This subject has been highlighted due to the significant amount of disabled students enrolled in college institutions (IES), although it is still modest the number of studies about it, especially in what matters the assistance given to the candidates to a university entrance examination. The aim of this paper is to investigate how effectively Natal s IES apply the rules established in Brazilian law concerning disabled students, especially MEC/GM Circular Warning n. 277/96, in what respects the conditions given to disabled students preparing to enter a college. The investigation followed a qualitative methodological approach with support on an exploratory study. The data recollection employed questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documental analyses, and the data have been organized and assessed following Minayo s (1996) stages. What concerns the results, it was observed that none of the ten colleges inquired confirmed to possess places exclusively to disabled candidates; six of them, however, offer Special Examining Board in the selection process of disabled candidates. Among eighteen college bills, only two of them offered specific information related to services and resources offered by IES to the candidates who ask for especial assistance concerning examination. During the interviews, four managers avowed the preoccupation in offering an equal selection process, but two of them proved not dominate the subject. In conclusion, the investigated institutions managers do not still seem to respect the rule that guarantees to disabled candidates equal conditions during all the process of the university entrance examination. With this work, we hope do help changing this focus and contribute to new studies on disabled persons studying for a degree


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In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity. In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity


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In most cultures, dreams are believed to predict the future on occasion. Several neurophysiological studies indicate that the function of sleep and dreams is to consolidate and transform memories, in a cyclical process of creation, selection and generalization of conjectures about the reality. The aim of the research presented here was to investigate the possible adaptative role of anticipatory dreams. We sought to determine the relationship between dream and waking in a context in which the adaptive success of the individual was really at risk, in order to mobilize more strongly the oneiric activity. We used the entrance examination of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as a significant waking event in which performance could be independently quantified. Through a partnership with UFRN, we contacted by e-mail 3000 candidates to the 2009 examination. In addition, 150 candidates were approached personally. Candidates who agreed to participate in the study (n = 94) completed questionnaires specific to the examination and were asked to describe their dreams during the examinaton period. The examination performance of each candidate in the entrance examination was provided by the UFRN to the researcher. A total of 45 participants reported dreams related to the examination. Our results show a positive correlation between performance on the examination and anticipatory dreams with the event, both in the comparison of performance on objective and discursive, and in final approval (in the group that not dreamed with the exam the rate of general approval, 22,45%, was similar to that found in the selection process as a whole, 22.19%, while for the group that dreamed with the examination that rate was 35.56%). The occurrence of anticipatory dreams reflectes increased concern during waking (psychobiological mobilization) related to the future event, as indicated by higher scores of fear and apprehension, and major changes in daily life, in patterns of mood and sleep, in the group that reported testrelated dreams. Furthermore, the data suggest a role of dreams in the determination of environmentally relevant behavior of the vigil, simulating possible scenarios of success (dream with approval) and failure (nightmares) to maximize the adaptive success of the individual


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Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE


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Analisa quantitativa e qualitativamente a avaliação da compreensão leitora do Espanhol Língua Estrangeira em provas de vestibular da região norte do Brasil, para assim evidenciar os tipos de operações e, dessa maneira, os tipos de modelos de leitura privilegiados nos testes analisados; estabelecer uma relação entre as provas coletadas e as concepções didáticas subjacentes; identificar problemas nos itens das provas com base em uma série de parâmetros de qualidade; analisar a validade dos testes selecionados; e detectar possíveis diferenças entre as provas elaboradas por Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas e privadas. Essa análise evidencia, por um lado, a tendência a se priorizarem, nessas provas, modelos ascendentes de leitura, com valorização das operações cognitivas de baixo nível e de aspectos léxico-gramaticais da língua, como conseqüência de uma concepção didática de leitura baseada em um enfoque estruturalista. Por outro lado, o estudo empreendido mostra a existência de sérias deficiências nos itens das provas de vestibular, afetando assim sua validade.


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As funções do exame vestibular à luz das necessidades políticas de diferentes moments históricos. Análise crítica das mudanças ocorridas nesse tipo de concurso a partir da consolidação do capital monopolista no Brasil, bem como do enrijecimento dessa barreira escolar face à crise do mercado de trabalho para formados em nível superior. A problemática do ensino superior pago como decorrência.


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Description based on: No. 12 (Jan. 10, 1903); title from cover.


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Prepared in cooperation with the Educational Testing Service.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.