925 resultados para embedded phases


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The theory of nonlinear diffraction of intensive light beams propagating through photorefractive media is developed. Diffraction occurs on a reflecting wire embedded in the nonlinear medium at a relatively small angle with respect to the direction of the beam propagation. It is shown that this process is analogous to the generation of waves by a flow of a superfluid past an obstacle. The ""equation of state"" of such a superfluid is determined by the nonlinear properties of the medium. On the basis of this hydrodynamic analogy, the notion of the ""Mach number"" is introduced where the transverse component of the wave vector plays the role of the fluid velocity. It is found that the Mach cone separates two regions of the diffraction pattern: inside the Mach cone oblique dark solitons are generated and outside the Mach cone the region of ""optical ship waves"" (the wave pattern formed by a two-dimensional packet of linear waves) is situated. Analytical theory of the ""optical ship waves"" is developed and two-dimensional dark soliton solutions of the generalized two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the light beam propagation are found. Stability of dark solitons with respect to their decay into vortices is studied and it is shown that they are stable for large enough values of the Mach number.


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Bulk Zn(1-x)Co(x)O samples were synthesized via standard solid-state reaction route with different Co molar concentrations up to 21%. A detailed microstructural analysis was carried out to investigate alternative sources of ferromagnetism, such as secondary phases and nanocrystals embedded in the bulk material. Conjugating different techniques we confirmed the Zn replacement by Co ions in the wurtzite ZnO structure, which retains, however, a high crystalline quality. No segregated secondary phases neither Co-rich nanocrystals were detected. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry demonstrates a paramagnetic Curie-Weiss behavior with antiferromagnetic interactions. We discuss the observed room temperature paramagnetism of our samples considering the current models for the magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3459885]


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The electron properties of artificially disordered superlattices embedded in a wide AlGaAs parabolic well were investigated in a strong magnetic field. We demonstrated that in the extreme quantum limit the interlayer disorder results in formation of a new correlated phase. A nearly uniform electron distribution over the superlattice wells was found in a weak magnetic field. However, a nonuniform phase with partially localized electrons, representing well-developed fractional quantum Hall effect features, was observed in high magnetic field (at the filling factor v < 1). A distinct magnetic field-induced transition separates these two phases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3576134]


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We construct and analyze a microscopic model for insulating rocksalt ordered double perovskites, with the chemical formula A(2)BB'O(6), where the B' atom has a 4d(1) or 5d(1) electronic configuration and forms a face-centered-cubic lattice. The combination of the triply degenerate t(2g) orbital and strong spin-orbit coupling forms local quadruplets with an effective spin moment j=3/2. Moreover, due to strongly orbital-dependent exchange, the effective spins have substantial biquadratic and bicubic interactions (fourth and sixth order in the spins, respectively). This leads, at the mean-field level, to three main phases: an unusual antiferromagnet with dominant octupolar order, a ferromagnetic phase with magnetization along the [110] direction, and a nonmagnetic but quadrupolar ordered phase, which is stabilized by thermal fluctuations and intermediate temperatures. All these phases have a two-sublattice structure described by the ordering wave vector Q=2 pi(001). We consider quantum fluctuations and argue that in the regime of dominant antiferromagnetic exchange, a nonmagnetic valence-bond solid or quantum-spin-liquid state may be favored instead. Candidate quantum-spin-liquid states and their basic properties are described. We also address the effect of single-site anisotropy driven by lattice distortions. Existing and possible future experiments are discussed in light of these results.


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A photoluminescence (PL) study of the individual electron states localized in a random potential is performed in artificially disordered superlattices embedded in a wide parabolic well. The valence band bowing of the parabolic potential provides a variation of the emission energies which splits the optical transitions corresponding to different wells within the random potential. The blueshift of the PL lines emitted by individual random wells, observed with increasing disorder strength, is demonstrated. The variation of temperature and magnetic field allowed for the behavior of the electrons localized in individual wells of the random potential to be distinguished.


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Ti-rich Ti-Si-B alloys can be considered for structural applications at high temperatures (max. 700 degrees C), however, phase equilibria data is reported only for T = 1250 degrees C. Thus, in this work the phase stability of this system has been evaluated at 700 degrees C. In order to attain equilibrium conditions in shorter time, rapid solidified samples have been prepared and carefully characterized. The microstructural characterization of the produced materials were based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-BSE), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), High Temperature X-ray diffraction with Synchrotron radiation (XRDSR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Amorphous and amorphous with embedded nanocrystals have been observed after rapid solidification from specific alloy compositions. The values of the crystallization temperature (Tx) of the alloys were in the 509-647 degrees C temperature range. After Differential Scanning Calorimetry and High Temperature X-ray Diffraction with Synchrotron radiation, the alloys showed crystalline and basically formed by two or three of the following phases: alpha Ti, Ti(6)Si(2)B; Ti(5)Si(3); Ti(3)Si and TiB. It has been shown the stability of the Ti(3)Si and Ti(6)Si(2)B phases at 700 degrees C and the proposition of an isothermal section at this temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CoB, CO(2)B, CoSi, Co(2)Si and CO(5)Si(2)B phases can be formed during heat-treatment of amorphous co-Si-B soft magnetic materials. Thus, it is important to determine their magnetic behavior as a function of applied field and temperature. In this study, polycrystalline single-phase samples of the above phases were produced via arc melting and heat-treatment under argon. The single-phase nature of the samples was confirmed via X-ray diffraction experiments. AC and DC magnetization measurements showed that Co(2)Si and CO(5)Si(2)B phases are paramagnetic. Minor amounts of either Co(2)Si or CoSi(2) in the CoSi-phase sample suggested a paramagnetic behavior of the CoSi-phase, however, it should be diamagnetic as shown in the literature. The diamagnetic behavior of the CoB phase was also confirmed. The paramagnetic behavior of CO(5)Si(2)B is for the first time reported. The magnetization results of the phase CO(2)B have a ferromagnetic signature already verified on previous NMR studies. A detailed set of magnetization measurements of this phase showed a change of the easy magnetization axis starting at 70K, with a temperature interval of about 13K at a very small field of 1 mT. As the strength of the field is increased the temperature interval is enlarged. The strength of field at which the magnetization saturates increases almost linearly as the temperature is increased above 70K. The room temperature total magnetostriction of the CO(2)B phase was determined to be 8 ppm at a field of 1T. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The development of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconductors is of great interest for the applied superconductivity area. These intermetallics composites are obtained normally by heat treatment reactions at high temperature. Processes that allow formation of the superconducting phases at lower temperatures (<1000 degrees C), particularly for Nb(3)Al, are of great interest. The present work studies phase formation and stability of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconducting phases using mechanical alloying (high energy ball milling). Our main objective was to form composites near stoichiometry, which could be transformed into the superconducting phases using low-temperature heat treatments. High purity Nb-Sn and Nb-Al powders were mixed to generate the required superconducting phases (Nb-25at.%Sn and Nb-25at.%Al) in an argon atmosphere glove-box. After milling in a Fritsch mill, the samples were compressed in a hydraulic uniaxial press and encapsulated in evacuated quartz tubes for heat treatment. The compressed and heat treated samples were characterized using X-ray diffractometry. Microstructure and chemical analysis were accomplished using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Nb(3)Al XRD peaks were observed after the sintering at 800 degrees C for the sample milled for 30 h. Nb(3)Sn XRD peaks could be observed even before the heat treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermal expansion anisotropy of the V(5)Si(3) and T(2)-phase of the V-Si-B system were determined by high-temperature X-ray diffraction from 298 to 1273 K. Alloys with nominal compositions V(62.5)Si(37.5) (V5Si3 phase) and V(63)Si(12)B(25) (T(2)-phase) were prepared from high-purity materials through arc-melting followed by heat-treatment at 1873 K by 24 h, under argon atmosphere. The V(5)Si(3) phase exhibits thermal expansion anisotropy equals to 1.3, with thermal expansion coefficients along the a and c-axis equal to 9.3 x 10(-6) K(-1) and 11.7 x 10(-6) K(-1), respectively. Similarly, the thermal expansion anisotropy value of the T(2)-phase is 0.9 with thermal expansion coefficients equal to 8.8 x 10(-6) K(-1) and 8.3 x 10(-6) K(-1) along the, a and c-axis respectively. Compared to other isostructural silicides of the 5:3 type and the Ti(5)Si(3) phase, the V(5)Si(3) phase presents lower thermal expansion anisotropy. The T(2)-phase present in the V-Si-B system exhibits low thermal expansion anisotropy, as the T(2)-phase of the Mo-Si-B, Nb-Si-B and W-Si-B systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work the Mn(5)Si(3) and Mn(5)SiB(2) phases were produced via arc melting and heat treatment at 1000 degrees C for 50 h under argon. A detailed microstructure characterization indicated the formation of single-phase Mn(5)Si(3) and near single-phase Mn(5)SiB(2) microstructures. The magnetic behavior of the Mn(5)Si(3) phase was investigated and the results are in agreement with previous data from the literature, which indicates the existence of two anti-ferromagnetic structures for temperatures below 98 K. The Mn(5)SiB(2) phase shows a ferromagnetic behavior presenting a saturation magnetization M(s) of about 5.35 x 10(5) A/m (0.67 T) at room temperature and an estimated Curie temperature between 470 and 490 K. In addition, AC susceptibility data indicates no evidence of any other magnetic ordering in 4-300 K temperature range. The magnetization values are smaller than that calculated using the magnetic moment from previous literature NMR results. This result suggests a probable ferrimagnetic arrangement of the Mn moments. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a compact embedded fuzzy system for three-phase induction-motor scalar speed control. The control strategy consists in keeping constant the voltage-frequency ratio of the induction-motor supply source. A fuzzy-control system is built on a digital signal processor, which uses speed error and speed-error variation to change both the fundamental voltage amplitude and frequency of a sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation inverter. An alternative optimized method for embedded fuzzy-system design is also proposed. The controller performance, in relation to reference and load-torque variations, is evaluated by experimental results. A comparative analysis with conventional proportional-integral controller is also achieved.


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The objective of this work is to present the finite element modeling of laminate composite plates with embedded piezoelectric patches or layers that are then connected to active-passive resonant shunt circuits, composed of resistance, inductance and voltage source. Applications to passive vibration control and active control authority enhancement are also presented and discussed. The finite element model is based on an equivalent single layer theory combined with a third-order shear deformation theory. A stress-voltage electromechanical model is considered for the piezoelectric materials fully coupled to the electrical circuits. To this end, the electrical circuit equations are also included in the variational formulation. Hence, conservation of charge and full electromechanical coupling are guaranteed. The formulation results in a coupled finite element model with mechanical (displacements) and electrical (charges at electrodes) degrees of freedom. For a Graphite-Epoxy (Carbon-Fibre Reinforced) laminate composite plate, a parametric analysis is performed to evaluate optimal locations along the plate plane (xy) and thickness (z) that maximize the effective modal electromechanical coupling coefficient. Then, the passive vibration control performance is evaluated for a network of optimally located shunted piezoelectric patches embedded in the plate, through the design of resistance and inductance values of each circuit, to reduce the vibration amplitude of the first four vibration modes. A vibration amplitude reduction of at least 10 dB for all vibration modes was observed. Then, an analysis of the control authority enhancement due to the resonant shunt circuit, when the piezoelectric patches are used as actuators, is performed. It is shown that the control authority can indeed be improved near a selected resonance even with multiple pairs of piezoelectric patches and active-passive circuits acting simultaneously. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) performance of passenger vehicles strongly depends on the fluid-structure interaction between the air in the vehicle cavity and the sheet metal structure of the vehicle. Most of the noise and vibration problems related to this interaction come from resonance peaks of the sheet metal, which are excited by external forces (road, engine, and wind). A reduction in these resonance peaks can be achieved by applying bitumen damping layers, also called deadeners, in the sheet metal. The problem is where these deadeners shall be fixed, which is usually done in a trial-and-error basis. In this work, one proposes the use of embedded sensitivity to locate the deadeners in the sheet metal of the vehicle, more specifically in the vehicle roof. Experimental frequency response functions (FRFs) of the roof are obtained and the data are processed by adopting the embedded sensitivity method, thus obtaining the sensitivity of the resonance peaks on the local increase in damping due to the deadeners. As a result, by examining the sensitivity functions, one can find the optimum location of the deadeners that maximize their effect in reducing the resonance peaks of interest. After locating the deadeners in the optimum positions, it was possible to verify a strong reduction in resonance peaks of the vehicle roof, thus showing the efficiency of the procedure. The main advantage of this procedure is that it only requires FRF measurements of the vehicle in its original state not needing any previous modification of the vehicle structure to find the sensitivity functions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4000769]


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This work extends a previously presented refined sandwich beam finite element (FE) model to vibration analysis, including dynamic piezoelectric actuation and sensing. The mechanical model is a refinement of the classical sandwich theory (CST), for which the core is modelled with a third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT). The FE model is developed considering, through the beam length, electrically: constant voltage for piezoelectric layers and quadratic third-order variable of the electric potential in the core, while meclianically: linear axial displacement, quadratic bending rotation of the core and cubic transverse displacement of the sandwich beam. Despite the refinement of mechanical and electric behaviours of the piezoelectric core, the model leads to the same number of degrees of freedom as the previous CST one due to a two-step static condensation of the internal dof (bending rotation and core electric potential third-order variable). The results obtained with the proposed FE model are compared to available numerical, analytical and experimental ones. Results confirm that the TSDT and the induced cubic electric potential yield an extra stiffness to the sandwich beam. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A Raman scattering study on multiple phase generation in silicon submitted to successive Vickers microindentation cycles, in different crystallographic orientations, was performed. The microindentations were perfon-ned in a virgin single crystal (100)-oriented surface, in the [001] and [011] directions. The results indicated that the formation of multiple phases by cyclic microindentation may depend on the crystallographic direction and number of successive cycles: the onset of several different structural phases was detected after the third cycle for the [001] direction and only after 15 cycles for the [011] direction, indicating that there is a crystallographic orientation dependence for multiple phase generation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.