949 resultados para elliptical core non-hexagonal symmetry


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A tese de doutorado apresenta uma aplicação de técnicas de teoria de campos em um sistema da matéria condensada. Motivados por experimentos em gases atômicos, apresentamos um estudo sobre misturas binárias de gases atômicos na presença de uma interação do tipo Josephson. O foco principal é o estudo de um modelo de dois campos complexos não-relativisticos com simetria O(2). Esta simetria é quebrada por interações que produzem um desbalanço nas populações das duas espécies bosônicas. Estudamos o modelo na aproximação de campo médio mais flutuações gaussianas, usando o formalismo de teoria de campos a temperatura finita em tempo imaginário. Os resultados mostram que, num certo intervalo de temperaturas, as duas espécies bosônicas condensam à mesma temperatura crítica e a fase relativa do condensado é fixa, determinada pela fase do campo externo aplicado.


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By using ab initio electronic structure calculations within density functional theory, we study the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Si doped with a transition metal impurity. We consider the transition metals of the 3d series V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. To get insight into the level filling mechanism and the magnetization saturation, we first investigate the transition metal-Si alloys in the zinc-blende structure. Next, we investigate the doping of bulk Si with a transition metal atom, in which it occupies the substitutional site, the interstitial site with tetrahedral symmetry, and the interstitial site with hexagonal symmetry. It is found that all of these transition metal impurities prefer an interstitial position in Si. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to interpret the electronic and magnetic properties by using a simple level filling picture and a comparison is made to Ge doped with the same transition metal atoms. In order to get insight into the effect of a strained environment, we calculate the formation energy as a function of an applied homogeneous pressure and we show that an applied pressure can stabilize the substitutional position of transition metal impurities in Si. Finally, the energies of the ferromagnetic states are compared to those of the antiferromagnetic states. It is shown that the interstitial site of the Mn dopant helps us to stabilize the nearest neighbor substitutional site to realize the ferromagnetic state. For doping of Si with Cr, a ferrimagnetic behavior is predicted.


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A monolithic structured polymer preform was formed by in-situ chemical polymerization of high-purity MMA monomer in a home-made mould. The conditions for fabrication of the preforms were optimized and the preform was drawn to microstructured polymer optical fibre. The optical properties of the resultant elliptical-core fibre were measured. This technique provides advantages over alternative preform fabrication methods such as drilling and capillary stacking, which are less suitable for mass production. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymers, we have investigated the morphology of H-shaped ABC block copolymers (A(2)BC(2)) and compared them with those of the linear ABC block copolymers. By changing the ratios of the volume fractions of two A arms and two C arms, one can obtain block copolymers with different architectures ranging from linear block copolymer to H-shaped block copolymer. By systematically varying the volume fractions of block A, B, and C, the triangle phase diagrams of the H-shaped ABC block copolymer with equal interactions among the three species are constructed. In this study, we find four different morphologies ( lamellar phase ( LAM), hexagonal lattice phase ( HEX), core-shell hexagonal lattice phase (CSH), and two interpenetrating tetragonal lattice (TET2)). Furthermore, the order-order transitions driven by architectural change are discussed.


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The reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+ in SrB6O10 prepared in air by a high-temperature solid state reaction was studied. The luminescent properties of Eu2+ in this matrix show f-d broad band emission peaking at about 386 and 432 nm at room temperature. A charge compensation mechanism is proposed as a possible explanation. The luminescence of Eu3+ with f-f transitions was studied in this sample and reflected that the Eu3+ ion occupied a site with non-centro-symmetry. The ESR spectrum was used to detect the existence of Eu2+ in the samples. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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This paper presents a scalable, statistical ‘black-box’ model for predicting the performance of parallel programs on multi-core non-uniform memory access (NUMA) systems. We derive a model with low overhead, by reducing data collection and model training time. The model can accurately predict the behaviour of parallel applications in response to changes in their concurrency, thread layout on NUMA nodes, and core voltage and frequency. We present a framework that applies the model to achieve significant energy and energy-delay-square (ED2) savings (9% and 25%, respectively) along with performance improvement (10% mean) on an actual 16-core NUMA system running realistic application workloads. Our prediction model proves substantially more accurate than previous efforts.


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The relationship of the anharmonic force constants in curvilinear internal coordinates to the observed vibration-rotation spectrum of a molecule is reviewed. A simplified method of setting up the required non-linear coordinate transformations is described: this makes use of an / tensor, which is a straightforward generalization of the / matrix used in the customary description of harmonic force constant calculations. General formulae for the / tensor elements, in terms of the familiar L matrix elements, are presented. The use of non-linear symmetry coordinates and redundancies are described. Sample calculations on the water and ammonia molecules are reported.


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Neste trabalho estuda-se a formação de novas fases de carbono amorfo através da irradiação iônica de filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H polimérico. Os efeitos da irradiação iônica na modificação das propriedades ópticas e mecânicas dos filmes de carbono irradiados são analisados de forma correlacionada com as alterações estruturais a nivel atômico. O estudo envolve tanto a análise dos danos induzidos no fulereno pela irradiação iônica a baixas fluências, correspondendo a baixas densidades de energia depositada, quanto a investigação das propriedades físico-químicas das fases amorfas obtidas após irradiações dos filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H com altas densidades de energia depositada. As propriedades ópticas, mecânicas e estruturais das amostras são analisadas através de técnicas de espectroscopia Raman e infravermelho, espectrofotometria UV-VIS-NIR, microscopias ópticas e de força atômica, nanoindentação e técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, tais como retroespalhamento Rutherford e análises por reação nuclear. As irradiações produzem profundas modificações nas amostras de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H, e por conseqüência significativas alterações em suas propriedades ópticas e mecânicas. Após máximas fluências de irradiação fases amorfas rígidas (com dureza de 14 e 17 GPa) e com baixos gaps ópticos (0,2 e 0,5 eV) são formadas. Estas estruturas não usuais correspondem a arranjos atômicos com 90 a 100% de estados sp2. Em geral fases sp2 são planares e apresentam baixa dureza, como predito pelo modelo de “cluster”. Entretanto, os resultados experimentais mostram que as propriedades elásticas das novas fases formadas são alcançadas através da criação de uma estrutura sp2 tridimensional. A indução de altas distorções angulares, através da irradiação iônica, possibilita a formação de anéis de carbono não hexagonais, tais como pentágonos e heptágonos, permitindo assim a curvatura da estrutura. Utilizando um modelo de contagem de vínculos é feita uma análise comparativa entre a topologia (estrutura geométrica) de ligações C-sp2 e as propriedades nanomecânicas. São comparados os efeitos de estruturas sp2 planares e tridimensionais (aleatórias) no processo de contagem de vínculos e, conseqüentemente, nas propriedades elásticas de cada sistema. Os resultados mostram que as boas propriedades mecânicas das novas fases de carbono formadas seguem as predições do modelo de vínculos para uma rede atômica sp2 tridimensional. A formação de uma fase amorfa dura e 100% sp2 representa uma importante conquista na procura de novas estruturas rígidas de carbono. A síntese da estrutura desordenada sp2 tridimensional e vinculada aqui apresentada é bastante incomum na literatura. O presente trabalho mostra que o processo de não-equilíbrio de deposição de energia durante a irradiação iônica permite a formação de distorções angulares nas ligações sp2-C, possibilitando a criação de estruturas grafíticas tridimensionais.


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Supersymmetry is formulated for integrable models based on the sl(2 1) loop algebra endowed with a principal gradation. The symmetry transformations which have half-integer grades generate supersymmetry. The sl(2 1) loop algebra leads to N=2 supersymmetric mKdV and sinh-Gordon equations. The corresponding N=1 mKdV and sinh-Gordon equations are obtained via reduction induced by twisted automorphism. Our method allows for a description of a non-local symmetry structure of supersymmetric integrable models. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By combining galvanic displacement and electrodeposition techniques, an ordered Fe20Rh80 structure deposited onto brass was investigated by X-ray diffractometry, Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements. Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction analyses suggest that the Fe-Rh alloy directly electrodeposited onto brass displays a nanocrystalline state while a similar alloy deposited onto Ag/brass shows a faced centered cubic-like structure, with dendrites-like features. These results directly indicate that the presence of Ag seed layer is responsible for the Fe-Rh alloy crystallization process. In addition, room temperature Mössbauer data indicate firstly paramagnetic states for two Fe-species. In the dominant Fe-species (major fraction of the Mössbauer spectra), Fe atoms are situated at a cubic environment and it can be attributed to the γ-Fe20Rh80 alloy based on their hyperfine parameters. In the second species, Fe atoms are placed in a non-local symmetry, which can be related to Fe atoms at the grain boundaries or/and Fe small clusters. These Fe-clusters are in superparamagnetic state at room temperature, but they may be ordered below 45 K, as suggested by magnetization data. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Der 'gestopfte Hochquarz' ß-Eukryptit (LiAlSiO4) ist bekannt für seine außergewöhnliche anisotrope Li-Ionenleitfähigkeit und die nahe Null liegende thermische Ausdehnung.Untersucht wurde die temperaturabhängige ß-Eukryptit-Phasenabfolge, insbesondere die modulierte Phase. Deren Satellitenreflexe sind gegenüber den normalen Reflexen erheblich verbreitert, überlappen miteinander sowie mit den dazwischen liegenden 'a-Reflexen' zu Tripletts. Für die Separation der Triplett-Intensitäten waren bisherige Standardverfahren zur Beugungsdatensammlung ungeeignet. Mit 'axialen q-Scans' wurde ein neuartiges Verfahren entwickelt. Intensitäten wurden mit dem neu-entwickelten least squares-Programm GKLS aus 2000 Profilen seriell und automatisch gewonnen und erfolgreich auf Standarddaten skaliert. Die Verwendung verbreiterter Reflexprofile erwies sich als zulässig.Die Verbreiterung wurde auf eine verminderte Fernordnung der Modulation von 11 bis 16 Perioden zurückgeführt (Analyse mit der Gitterfunktion), womit ein ungewöhnliches beugungswinkelabhängiges Verhalten der Reflexbreiten korrespondiert und mit typischen Antiphasendomänendurchmessern (andere Autoren) korreliert.Eine verminderte Si-/ Al-Ordnung wird als ursächlich für geringe Domänengrößen und Fernordnung angesehen, sowie für Eigenschaften wie z.B. a/c-Verhältnisse, Ausdehnungskoeffizienten, Ionenleitfähigkeit, Strukturtyp und Umwandlungstemperaturen. Änderungen des SiO2-Gehaltes, der Temperatur oder der Si- /Al-Ordnung zeitigen für einige Eigenschaften ähnliche Wirkungen.Die gemittelte Struktur der modulierten Phase wurde erstmals zuverlässig bestimmt, die Rolle des Li charakterisiert, Zweifel an der hexagonalen Symmetrie des ß-Eukryptits wurden ausgeräumt und die Bestimmung der modulierten Struktur wurde weitgehend vorbereitet.


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Microprocessori basati su singolo processore (CPU), hanno visto una rapida crescita di performances ed un abbattimento dei costi per circa venti anni. Questi microprocessori hanno portato una potenza di calcolo nell’ordine del GFLOPS (Giga Floating Point Operation per Second) sui PC Desktop e centinaia di GFLOPS su clusters di server. Questa ascesa ha portato nuove funzionalità nei programmi, migliori interfacce utente e tanti altri vantaggi. Tuttavia questa crescita ha subito un brusco rallentamento nel 2003 a causa di consumi energetici sempre più elevati e problemi di dissipazione termica, che hanno impedito incrementi di frequenza di clock. I limiti fisici del silicio erano sempre più vicini. Per ovviare al problema i produttori di CPU (Central Processing Unit) hanno iniziato a progettare microprocessori multicore, scelta che ha avuto un impatto notevole sulla comunità degli sviluppatori, abituati a considerare il software come una serie di comandi sequenziali. Quindi i programmi che avevano sempre giovato di miglioramenti di prestazioni ad ogni nuova generazione di CPU, non hanno avuto incrementi di performance, in quanto essendo eseguiti su un solo core, non beneficiavano dell’intera potenza della CPU. Per sfruttare appieno la potenza delle nuove CPU la programmazione concorrente, precedentemente utilizzata solo su sistemi costosi o supercomputers, è diventata una pratica sempre più utilizzata dagli sviluppatori. Allo stesso tempo, l’industria videoludica ha conquistato una fetta di mercato notevole: solo nel 2013 verranno spesi quasi 100 miliardi di dollari fra hardware e software dedicati al gaming. Le software houses impegnate nello sviluppo di videogames, per rendere i loro titoli più accattivanti, puntano su motori grafici sempre più potenti e spesso scarsamente ottimizzati, rendendoli estremamente esosi in termini di performance. Per questo motivo i produttori di GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), specialmente nell’ultimo decennio, hanno dato vita ad una vera e propria rincorsa alle performances che li ha portati ad ottenere dei prodotti con capacità di calcolo vertiginose. Ma al contrario delle CPU che agli inizi del 2000 intrapresero la strada del multicore per continuare a favorire programmi sequenziali, le GPU sono diventate manycore, ovvero con centinaia e centinaia di piccoli cores che eseguono calcoli in parallelo. Questa immensa capacità di calcolo può essere utilizzata in altri campi applicativi? La risposta è si e l’obiettivo di questa tesi è proprio quello di constatare allo stato attuale, in che modo e con quale efficienza pùo un software generico, avvalersi dell’utilizzo della GPU invece della CPU.


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The anionic cluster Pt-19(CO)(22)](4-) (1), of pentagonal symmetry, reacts with CO and AuPPh3+ fragments. Upon increasing the Au:Pt-19, molar ratio, different species are sequentially formed, but only the last two members of the series could be characterized by X-ray diffraction, namely, Pt-19(CO)(24)(mu(4)-AuPPh3)(3)](-) (2) and Pt-19(CO)(24){mu(4)-Au-2(PPh3)(2)}(2)] (3).The metallic framework of the starting cluster is completely modified after the addition of CO and AuL+, and both products display the same platinum core of trigonal symmetry, with closely packed metal atoms. The three AuL+ units cap three different square faces in 2, whereas four AuL+ fragments are grouped in two independent bimetallic units in the neutral cluster 3. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies on 2 showed that its redox ability is comparable with that of the homometallic 1.


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A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.