847 resultados para elevers syn


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Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur lärare ser på närområdet och hur de bedriver undervisning i närområdet utanför klassrummet inom de samhällsorienterande ämnena i årskurs 1-3. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vad lärare hade för åsikter om undervisningens inverkan på elevers lärande i årskurs 1-3 samt vad de såg för möjligheter och problem med undervisningsformen. För att besvara studiens syfte intervjuades sex lärare genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med en innehållsanalys där mönster söktes i informanternas svar. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare anser att undervisning i närområdet utanför klassrummet har en positiv inverkan på elevers lärande men att alla lärare inte bedriver undervisning i denna form. Problem som hindrar lärare från att bedriva undervisning i närområdet är tids- och ekonomibrist samt bristen på forskning inom ämnet och vissa lärare saknar även viljan till att bedriva undervisning på detta sätt. I resultatet presenteras även några olika exempel på hur lärare undervisar i närområdet utanför klassrummet och vad de ser för möjligheter med denna undervisningsform.


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Internationella studier, PIRLS 2011 och PISA 2012, visar svenska elevers försämrade kunskapsnivåer i läsförståelse. Skolan styrdokument från 2011, Lgr 11, uttrycker explicit undervisning av läsförståelsestrategier i ämnet svenska i grundskolans alla stadier. Den nedåtgående trenden har medfört att diskussionerna kring utvecklingen av läsförståelseundervisning har ökat. Läsforskare varnar för att lärarna lämnas att ensamma tolka hur de ska undervisa i lässtrategier som påverkar läsförståelsen. Våren 2014 lanserades läromedlet En läsande klass som är en privat satsning med ett långsiktigt mål att öka elevers läsförståelse och syftet att lyfta vikten av läsförståelse. Omfattande svensk forskning saknas dock på området. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur undervisande lärare på låg- och mellanstadiet ser på sin läsförståelseundervisning och användandet av metoder och strategier för elever med god läsförståelse men även för elever som upplever hinder i sin läsförståelse. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer som hade halvstrukturerad form. Fyra lärare, som alla undervisar i svenska och arbetar med läsförståelse i sin undervisning, intervjuades. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare arbetar med läsförståelsestrategier på olika nivåer och att de använder materialet En läsande klass i olika utsträckning i sin undervisning. I resultatet kan man även utläsa att det finns ett behov hos lärare att få direktiv hur explicit läsförståelseundervisning ska bedrivas i skolan för att säkerställa kvalitet i sitt arbete med läsförståelse.


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Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier ger ut tidningen 8 SIDOR med nyheter på lättläst svenska,  som riktar sig till alla med lässvårigheter. Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på om läsare i  målgruppen och skribenter till texter i tidningen har samma syn på vad som är en lättläst och  begriplig text, och vad de tycker förenklar och försvårar en text. Tio elever i årskurs 7-8 i grundsärskolan och grundskolan har fått samtala i tre fokusgrupper om  tre texter från tidningens webbsida. Samtalen har analyserats utifrån begreppet textrörlighet,  som är ett verktyg som analyserar läsarens relation till texten. Textrörlighet delas upp i  textbaserad rörlighet, rörlighet utåt och interaktiv rörlighet. De två journalister som har skrivit  texterna har intervjuats om begreppet lättläst, mottagaranpassning och texterna. I många fall resonerar elever och journalister lika, men eleverna önskar tydligare rubriker och i  viss mån ämnen som är mer anpassade till dem själva. Det som fungerar bäst för elevernas  textbaserade rörlighet är när texten är logiskt uppbyggd och har lagom svåra ord samt en  välvald bild. För textrörligheten utåt fungerar det bäst när eleverna har intresse och  förkunskaper i ämnet. Den interaktiva rörligheten fungerar inte särskilt bra inför någon av  texterna, vilket kan bero på ovana vid att läsa tidningsartiklar och/eller ovana vid att reflektera  över texter. Slutsatsen är att en tydlig mottagaranpassning är viktig och ger resultat, men är  svår att genomföra när tidningen har ett stort urval av ämnen och många olika målgrupper. 


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Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur ungdomar, som tillfrågats informellt av lärare att utöva socialt stöd till en utsatt skolkamrat, upplever situationen och vilken innebörd socialt stöd har för dem. Genom tolkande fenomenologisk metod har kvalitativa intervjuer med sex ungdomar i åldern 15-18 år genomförts och analyserats. Resultatet visade tre huvudteman i upplevelsen. Dubbla känslor beskriver en kluvenhet inför rollen med såväl positiva som negativa upplevelser. De upplevde förståelse av stödet som en arbetssituation genom att tala om rollen som ett uppdrag, beskriva den utsatte som annorlunda än de själva och markera stödets avgränsning till skoltiden. I informanternas berättelser om stödets utformning framkom deras syn på innebörden av socialt stöd, som att få med den utsatte i gemenskapen. De uttryckte även en önskan att fler elever ska involveras i stödarbetet. Slutsatsen är att rollen kan innebära en utsatt position och att barn och ungdomar, som utövar informellt socialt stöd till en skolkamrat på uppdrag av lärare, behöver uppmärksammas och vikten av stöttning till dem belysas samt beforskas ytterligare. Studien bidrar med ny kunskap om upplevelser av att utöva informellt stöd i skolan.


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Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur lärare på mellanstadiet ser på användandet av en matematik kopplad till elevers vardag och erfarenheter. Vad betyder det för dem, använder de det i sin undervisning, anser de att det hjälper eller hindrar eleven i sin inlärningsprocess? Undersökningen har varit empirisk och utförts genom intervjuer med fem lärare som alla har behörighet att undervisa i matematik på mellanstadiet. De resultat som framkommit visar att lärare använder sig av en konkretiserad matematik genom att ta hjälp av olika material och koppla uppgifter till de intressen och erfarenheter eleverna bär med sig. En del lärare menar att vissa elever påverkas negativt av det här då det finns vissa delar i en konkretiserad, vardagsanknuten, matematik som gör att de kan uppleva problem och förvirring. Andra lärare menar istället att de märker hur elevernas förståelse ökar och att de tycker att matematik är roligt när de ser hur skolmatematiken kan kopplas samman och relateras till deras vardag och närliggande miljö.


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The nematode Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a zoonotic helminth found mainly infecting rats. It was studied the prevalence of C. hepaticum infection in Rattus norvegicus in an urban area of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), with low urban planning and sanitation. The presence of C. hepaticum was identified through visible yellowish-white lesions in liver tissue and histological analyses. The total prevalence of infection was 45%, with no significant differences between sex and age. The presence of infected rodents near the peridomestic area poses substantial risk to human health.


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RESUMOQuatro cultivares de bertalha (Basella alba L. syn B. rubra) foram comparadas em um experimento instalado em Ouro Preto D'Oeste, Rondônia, de janeiro a abril de 1985. As cultivares usadas foram: INPA 80, INPA 81, TATÁ e CALCUTÁ. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas entre cultivares para a produção de galhos e folhas no segundo corte e produção toral. A cultivar TATÁ foi a que melhor se comportou, produzindo, respectivamente 685 e 992 g/planta no 2ocorte e produção total.


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Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a nematode of the Capillariidae family that infects rodents and other mammals. In Brazil, human spurious infections of C. hepaticum have been detected in indigenous or rural communities from the Amazon Basin, but not in the southern states of the country. Here, we report the highest occurrence (13.5% of 37 residents) of C. hepaticum human spurious infection detected in Brazil and the first record in a southern region, Guaraqueçaba. The finding is explained by the area being located in the Atlantic Forest of the state of Paraná, surrounded by preserved forests and because the inhabitants consume the meat of wild mammals.


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Donateur : Kouropatkine, Alexeï Nicolaïévitch (1848-1926)


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Résumé: Dans le but de rechercher de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, les extraits dichlorométhanique et méthanolique de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), une brosse à dents africaine ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Un dépistage des activités: antifongiques contre le champignon phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum et la levure commensale responsable de mycoses chez l'homme Candida albicans, antibactérienne contre la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, larvicide contre le moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et molluscicide contre Biomphalaria glabrata, un escargot impliqué dans la transmission de la schistosomiase urinaire a été réalisé. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l'acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont aussi été dépistées. Sur la base des résultats obtenus lors de ce screening, l'investigation phytochimique de ces extraits a été entreprise. Elle a abouti à l'isolement de 14 composés, actifs pour la majorité contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Bacillus subtilis, dont la structure a été établie au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Des méthodes chimiques (hydrolyse, acétylation) ont été requises pour la confirmation de structures. L'extrait dichlorométhanique a fourni un nouveau composé, un dérivé du phényléthane, ainsi que dix composés connus, dont trois dérivés du phénylpropane, un lignane, un alcaloïde de la famille des benzophénanthridines, un triterpène, deux amides phénoliques et deux amides oléfmiques. L'extrait méthanolique a fourni un nouveau composé avec une fonction endoperoxyde, qui avait montré une activité inhibitrice modérée de l'acétylcholinestérase, ainsi que l'hespéridine et un dérivé de la chélérythrine. Par ailleurs, l'analyse LC/UV/APC1-MS de cet extrait a permis de détecter on-une sept produits connus. Parmi ces composés, se trouvent l'acide divanilloylquinique, la chélérythrine et quatre de ses dérivés: norchélérythrin.e, 6-(2-oxybutyl) dihydrochélérythrine, 6-hydroxy-dihydrochélérythrine et avicine, ainsi qu'une amide phénolique, l'amottianamide. La présence de ces dérivés de la chélérythrine a été mise en évidence dans deux autres espèces du même genre lors d'une étude LC/UV/APCI-MS comparative. Les activités fongicides contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Candida albicans et bactéricides contre Bacillus subtilis et Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, mises en évidence sur plaque CCM et par les tests de dilution dans l'agar de ces composés, permettent de justifier l'utilisation de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepemick et Timler comme brosse à dents africaine. Les techniques couplées de pointe utilisées dans cette étude ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique et les applications futures dans le domaine de déréplication d'extraits bruts. Abstract: With the aim of discovering new natural therapeutics, the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of the African toothbrush tree Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), were submitted to biological and chemical assays. The former included: the antifimgal activities of the extracts against the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast which causes human mycoses Candida albicans, the bactericidal activity against the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the larvicidal activity against the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the molluscicidal effect on the snail Biomphalaria glabrata involved in the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides was undertaken. Their fractionation led to the isolation of 14 compounds, the majority of which were active against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Bacillus subtilis, whose structures were elucidated by spectroscopic techniques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR). Chemical methods (hydrolysis, acetylation) were performed to confirm the structures. The dichloromethane extract yielded a new phenylethane derivative, together with ten known compounds: three phenylpropane derivatives, a lignan, a benzophenanthridine alkaloid, a triterpene and four phenolic and olefinic amides. The methanol extract yielded a new compound with an endoperoxide moiety, which showed moderate acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting activity, together with hesperidin and a chelerythrine derivative. Seven more compounds were detected on-line by LC/UV/APCI-MS. Among the compounds detected were divanilloylquinic acid, chelerythrine and four chelerythrine derivatives: norchelerythrine, 6-(2-oxybuty1)-dihydrochelerythrine, 6-hydroxy dihydrochelerythrine and avicine, together with the phenolic amide amottianamide. Most of the chelerythrine derivatives were also found in two other Zanthoxylum species following LC/UV/APCI-MS analysis. The antifungal activities against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans and antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, may explain the utilization in traditional medicine of the roots of this plant as a toothbrush. The advanced hyphenated techniques used in this study showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research and applications in the field of dereplication of crude extracts.


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The home is an important societal arena for upbringing and learning. A child can experience a feeling of participation in the household he or she belongs to very early in life. In this manner, the home environment constitutes an essential foundation for instruction in the subject of Home Economics. At school, Home Economics pupils should fulfill the intentions that school curriculum has for the subject, that is to say develop the knowledge, skills, and values that allow pupils to be able to take responsibility for their health, finances, comfort, and safety in their close environment. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the study aims to examine what knowledge and attitudes children and teenagers have acquired from their home environment, close environment, as well as school. Secondly, the study aims to evaluate the effects of instruction in Home Economics, at the 7th grade level, as regards diet and health, consumption and private finances, as well as household and the environment. The study’s methodological foundation focuses on pupils’ understanding of the surrounding world. A phenomenographical approach to the research phenomenon basis itself on the supposition that knowledge is fixed in human beings’ consciousness and experiences. Furthermore, the study stresses individual variations in conjunction with the experienced phenomenon. The empirical portion of the study is based on semistructured interviews of 30 pupils divided into two reference groups. The pupils were interviewed before instruction in the subject of Home Economics started and upon completing instruction. The interview data was analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the “multistage model”. The study results show that upbringing in the home environment is determinative as pertains to understanding of the socio-cultural household environment. Mealtime traditions, for example, are deeply ingrained but nonetheless influenced by lifestyle changes. The study shows that a didactic challenge exists to draw attention to the consequences of poor mealtime habits and stress for everyone raising or educating children and teenagers. Despite good knowledge of what a healthy diet is, the majority of pupils choose fast-food and junk-food when they eat out to save time and money. Studies of pupils’ preparedness for consumption show that a purposeful upbringing in the home in combination with relevant instruction in Home Economics, results in knowledgeable consumers. This study also shows that upbringing in the home environment and instruction in Home Economics requires an intense and conscious focus on the consequences of a household not run in accordance with nature, where the household lifestyle is nonsustainable. Pupils’ understanding is often based on the disregarding of the survival perspective for a comfort perspective. Parents and Home Economics teachers should be able to bring up and teach children and teenagers in a manner that allows children and teenagers to take responsibility for their health, private finances, as well as comfort and safety in the close environment. The method is conscious nurturing and instruction.


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The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.


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Avhandlingen har sitt utspring i mitt engasjement for elevers møte med kunst i grunnskolen i faget kunst og håndverk og mitt syn på ungdom som kompetente bidragsytere til forskningen om fenomener som angår deres liv. Elevene er informanter til, eller aktører i, forskning på fenomenet dialog med kunst. Dialog med kunst er her definert som en helhetlig prosess som innlemmer alt fra elevenes møte med visuelle kunstverk til deres eget skapende arbeid. At avhandlingens fagdidaktiske problemområde er elevers praktisk skapende virksomhet, knytter undersøkelsen til slöjdpedagogisk forskning. Avhandlingens overgripende hensikt er å bidra til utvikling av fagdidaktikken i kunst og håndverk med utgangspunkt i elevenes erfaringer med kunstundervisningens innhold og metode på ungdomsskoletrinnet. Studien består av kasusstudier på to ungdomsskoler. Data ble innsamlet igjennom intervjuer, deltakende observasjon, dokumenter, prosessbøker og foto av formingsprodukter. Ungdoms dialog med kunst i skolen blir analysert og fremstilt ut fra et erfart og et operasjonalisert perspektiv. Funnene speiles i ulike fagdidaktiske tendenser, det vil si ulike hovedoppfatninger i debatten om det moderne samfunn, og i et virksomhetsteoretisk perspektiv. Resultatene fra undersøkelsen utfordrer oss til en fagdidaktisk nyorientering når det gjelder ungdoms møte med kunstverk i skolen, i retning av et mer ungdomskulturelt innhold og relasjonelle kunstmøter som er narrative, tolkningsorientert, opplevelsesorientert, dialogiske og flerstemmige. Undersøkelsen viser at elevene liker det praktisk skapende arbeidet, men at undervisningen i sterkere grad bør ta i bruk digital kunnskap og handle om hvordan kunst kan brukes som utgangspunkt for skapende arbeid, og den bør legge til rette for det læringspotensialet som ligger i dialogen elevene imellom. Elevene liker en undervisning som ikke bare handler om estetiske virkemidler, materialer og teknikker, men også om kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet. Resultatene viser at det frie skapende arbeid består av tre likeverdige aspekter: det individuelle, det kulturelle og det sosiale. Både funnene og avhandlingens virksomhetsteoretiske perspektiv kan bidra til diskursen om kreativitetsbegrepet og identitetskonstruksjon i vårt moderne samfunn. Virksomhetssystemet blir i denne avhandlingen utviklet til en teori for skapende arbeid i faget kunst og håndverk, et overgripende fagdidaktisk rammeverk for bild/bildkonst og slöjdfaget satt inn i et nordisk utdanningsperspektiv.


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Sloyd as an activity concretizes man’s ability to, with the help of mind and body, reshape materials into objects and change her conditions for survival. The sloyd actor outside school works when the spirit moves her, while the pupil in school is expected to sloyd regardless of motivation. Subject teachers become experts on sloyd in educational settings, while the qualification requirements may set the class teachers’ voluntariness within parenthesis. All class teachers qualify to teach all core subjects of the national curriculum in Finland from preschool to grade six. The aim of the current thesis is to deepen the knowledge on how the science of sloyd education can support class teacher students’ future teaching in sloyd. In the empirical part of the study, Swedish-speaking Finnish class teacher students’ views on technical sloyd as one of their future subjects for teaching are examined. The class teacher’s qualifying skills in teaching technical sloyd are expected to take shape during only a few ECTS study points. The teacher students’ experience of the subject from the pupil’s perspective is supposed to move into a budding teacher subject. In a research-based teacher education, self-reflection and reflection as a dialogue are extended aided by research results. Intuitive thinking interplays with rational thinking during this time. The teacher student’s approach to make use of the autonomous free space in teaching is, in the current thesis, as considerations where the individual weighs the pros and cons in relation to various phenomena in sloyd and the school overall. The basis for an individual autonomy is shaped and is expected to interplay on the common arena of autonomy. In the exercise of their profession, the class teacher teaching sloyd is expected to oscillate between the sloyd educational practice and theory. The first step in this movement within the teacher education is the coverage of a selection of theories during the studies. The empirical part of the study is carried out at two separate occasions with directed open-ended interviews with fifteen class teacher students in the beginning and end of their first year of study. The data was analysed with a hermeneutic approach and a qualitatively oriented approach to content analysis. The results are mirrored against theory within the science of sloyd education. The results show that class teacher students have a versatile view of educational sloyd. The overall results overthrow parts of the researcher’s pre-understanding. The viewpoint of the students seems to broaden from a merely manual activity to seeing sloyd as an educational activity. In order for the results to gain significance in the teacher education of the future, a line of reasoning is conducted in order to recommend an extended dialogue and thirteen possible themes for enriching discussions are put forth as a result of the present study. The extended dialogue focuses on that teacher education should make conscious ventures to create opportunities for the students to take part in effective discussions on the subject of sloyd, complementing the existing dialogue between the teacher educator and the students. This thesis lends support to reflections on the following aspects of educational sloyd in these dialogues: the reasons for why the sloyd subject exists, the ambitions of the subject, the content and organization of the subject for students as well as for the teacher educators.


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Reports have shown that a growing number of students are leaving school without adequate reading and writing skills. At the same time, finnish children have improved in reading lit-eracy over the past decade. The school´s primary mission is to support student´s reading and writing development and follow it over time. Not only individual students´development has to be followd over time, as seen in this study, to be able to plan interventions. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study how the results in grades 1–6 exhibit in reading compre-hension and spelling over time in a school for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. Even gender differences in reading comprehension and spelling are being examined, as well as students with low performance. The data collection has been done during a period of twelwe years, 1997–2009, where data from practically every two years has been used for this study. Results are reported for the years 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2009. The measuring instruments are standardized and normative tests in reading comprehension and spelling. The same instruments were used all of the years. The number of students was 1 037 and when possible, students partici-pated more than once. There was a minimal loss of data. The groups of students mostly came from urban districts, and a smaller number came from rural districts. Students with special needs were included in the group, but none of the students in special units participat-ed. The results show that the skills in reading comprehension and spelling haven´t changed appreciably over time. The trend shows slightly positive or unchanged direction except in spelling in grade 1 and reading comprehension in grade 5 where the trend is slightly nega-tive. The most obvious change can be noticed over time in reading comprehension in grade 2, where performance has improved significantly. Significant differences between boys´and girls´performances occur some years and in favor of the girls, but more often in spelling than in reading comprehension. In grade 4, there are no differences in results between boys and girls in any year, neither in reading comprehension nor in spelling, nor in grade 2 in reading comprehension. When the results shows gender differences, there are always differ-ences in both reading comprehension and spelling. Poor performances are also analyzed over time. Isolated reading comprehension difficulties were common for those who was performing poorly. In grade 2, as the only grade, most common was a double deficit in both reading comprehension and spelling, and in grade 4, most students who performed poorly had isolated difficulties in spelling. The amount of poor results varies over time, and no particular trend can be discerned. In grade 2, however, the poor results decreased over time, especially for the boys. Even in reading comprehension for grade 6 the amount of poor results, especially for the boys (10th percentile), has decreased over time, at least in the later years, while the poor results in-creased in spelling generally. In grade 4 the amount of poor results in spelling (10th perc.) seems to be reduced for the girls.