960 resultados para e-business adoption
Modern procurement is being shifted from paper-based, people-intensive buying systems toward electronic-based purchase procedures that rely on Internet communications and Web-enhanced buying tools. Develops a typology of e-commerce tools that have come to characterize cutting-edge industrial procurement. E-commerce aspects of purchasing are organized into communication and transaction tools that encompass both internal and external buying activities. Further, a model of the impact of e-commerce on the structure and processes of an organization's buying center is developed. The impact of the changing buying center on procurement outcomes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness is also analyzed. Finally, implications for business-to-business marketers and researchers are discussed.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become an increasingly important initiative among organisations. The factors affecting adoption decisions have been well-documented, but there is a paucity of empirical studies that examine the adoption of e-commerce in developing economies in the Arab world. The aim of this study is to provide insights into the salient e-commerce adoption issues by focusing on Saudi Arabian businesses. Based on the Technology-Organisational-Environmental framework, an integrated research model was developed that explains the relative influence of 19 known determinants. A measurement scale was developed from prior empirical studies and revised based on feedback from the pilot study. Non-interactive adoption, interactive adoption and stabilisation of e-commerce adoption were empirically investigated using survey data collected from Saudi manufacturing and service companies. Multiple discriminant function analysis (MDFA) was used to analyse the data and research hypotheses. The analysis demonstrates that (1) regarding the non-interactive adoption of e-commerce, IT readiness, management team support, learning orientation, strategic orientation, pressure from business partner, regulatory and legal environment, technology consultants‘ participation and economic downturn are the most important factors, (2) when e-commerce interactive adoption is investigated, IT readiness, management team support, regulatory environment and technology consultants‘ participation emerge as the strongest drivers, (3) pressure from customers may not have much effect on the non-interactive adoption of e-commerce by companies, but does significantly influence the stabilisation of e-commerce use by firms, and (4) Saudi Arabia has a strong ICT infrastructure for supporting e-commerce practices. Taken together, these findings on the multi-dimensionality of e-commerce adoption show that non-interactive adoption, interactive adoption and stabilisation of e-commerce are not only different measures of e-commerce adoption, but also have different determinants. Findings from this study may be valuable for both policy and practice as it can offer a substantial understanding of the factors that enhance the widespread use of B2B e-commerce. Also, the integrated model provides a more comprehensive explanation of e-commerce adoption in organisations and could serve as a foundation for future research on information systems.
A cikk legfontosabb megválaszolandó kérdése: Milyen esélyekkel és milyen szükséges lépésekkel indulhatnak a nemzetközileg kevéssé ismert hazai célállomások és vállalkozásaik a turisztikai piac globális versenyében, melynek egyre jelentősebb színterét az internet adja? A turisztikai piacon az internet piacalakító hatása és az individualista, élmény, és értékközpontú kereslet megjelenése olyan változásokat indított el az elmúlt közel húsz évben, melyek befolyásolva a szereplők erőviszonyait a fejlődés lehetőségét hordozzák a regionális célállomások, a kevéssé ismert desztinációk számára. Mindezen trendek egyúttal kihívást jelentenek, mivel élesítik a versenyt, és megújulásra ösztönzik a globálisan ismert desztinációkat is, valamint számos nehézség megoldására késztetik a több szempontból hátrányban szenvedő vidéki régiókat. A cikkben ismertetendő kutatás célja az, hogy egy best practice-ként ismert osztrák és három hazai eset alapján felderítse azon tényezőket, melyek a desztinációfejlesztés kezdeti lépésétől az e-business sikeres adaptációjához, a desztinációmenedzsment-rendszerek bevezetéséhez és működtetéséhez vezetnek. __________ The main question of the paper: What kind of steps should the Hungarian less-known destinations take to meet the challenges of the global competition increasingly taking place on the internet? The trends of “new tourism” – driven by post-materialistic values –, and the growing role of internet in touristy activity have formed new conditions and changed the balance of forces in the touristy market. These two trends hand in hand have intensified the competition: on the one hand force global destinations to renew, on the other hand give great but challenging possibilities for regional destinations in comparative disadvantage. The aim of the paper is to identify the success-factors of adopting e-business solution called destination management system in the regional, undeveloped areas starting destination management from zero position. For this purpose case studies were examined by analyzing Hungarian regional destinations’ development and making a benchmark analysis through an Austrian best practice.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for radio frequency identification (RFID) technology adoption considering company size and five dimensions of analysis: RFID applications, expected benefits business drivers or motivations barriers and inhibitors, and organizational factors. Design/methodology/approach - A framework for RFID adoption derived from literature and the practical experience on the subject is developed. This framework provides a conceptual basis for analyzing a survey conducted with 114 companies in Brazil. Findings - Many companies have been developing RFID initiatives in order to identify potential applications and map benefits associated with their implementation. The survey highlights the importance business drivers in the RFID implementation stage, and that companies implement RFID focusing on a few specific applications. However, there is a weak association between expected benefits and business challenges with the current level of RFID technology adoption in Brazil. Research limitations/implications - The paper is not exhaustive, since RFID adoption in Brazil is at early stages during the survey timeline. Originality/value - The main contribution of the paper is that it yields a framework for analyzing RFID technology adoption. The authors use this framework to analyze RFID adoption in Brazil, which proved to be a useful one for identifying key issues for technology adoption. The paper is useful to any researchers or practitioners who are focused on technology adoption, in particular, RFID technology.
The new environment of the companies, result of the relative opening of the market caused by the globalization has set a new challenge to assure the continuity of the businesses. Competitive strategies have been implemented aiming to overcome such challenge and, amongst them, strategic alliances have shown to be a viable alternative. In this context, this article has as objective to investigate the degree of use of strategic alliances by the medium and large companies of the shoes industries located in clusters of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (RS) and Franca (SP). This exploratory and descriptive research had the participation of 54 companies, being 3 from Vale do Rio dos Sinos and 21 from Franca, which answered a questionnaire with closed questions. The analysis of the data was given through descriptive statistics. Main conclusions, follow as: (1) the majority of the companies have joint activities; (2) the companies are nearer to alliances that do business than to the strategic ones; (3) alliances with competitors are inexpressive - suppliers and customers predominate; (4) the control of alliances result is insufficient; (5) trust and adequate partner are determinative factors.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is recognized, both in the academic and business world, as one of the most powerful strategic management accounting tools. Thus, we launched in October 2004 a questionnaire survey applied to the 250 largest Portuguese companies aiming at observing the knowledge, use, and companies’ characteristics which are adopting this management instrument. Despite the majority of the companies inquired recognize BSC more as a strategic management tool than a performance valuation system, the results show that there is still a reduced and recent utilization of BSC in Portugal. Similarly to other countries Portugal is still in the initial state of BSC utilization. Our work has shown that the companies that use more BSC belong mainly to the secondary sector of industry. Nevertheless, unlike other studies, we did not get empirical evidence on the influence of variables such as geographical localization, dimension and internationalization, in the use and knowledge of BSC in Portugal.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
This paper addresses the impact of payment systems on the rate of technology adoption. We present a model where technological shift is driven by demand uncertainty, increased patients’ benefit, financial variables, and the reimbursement system to providers. Two payment systems are studied: cost reimbursement and (two variants of) DRG. According to the system considered, adoption occurs either when patients’ benefits are large enough or when the differential reimbursement across technologies offsets the cost of adoption. Cost reimbursement leads to higher adoption of the new technology if the rate of reimbursement is high relative to the margin of new vs. old technology reimbursement under DRG. Having larger patient benefits favors more adoption under the cost reimbursement payment system, provided that adoption occurs initially under both payment systems.
This study analyses the access and use of financial services by small business owners in the cities of Mozambique, as an important tool for boosting economic growth and diminishing inequality. It correlates owners’ and business characteristics with the probability of adopting Points-of-Sale (POS), Mobile Banking and Mobile Money in everyday transactions. The main findings highlight that what mostly affects the use of POS is the size of business and the volume of transactions (positively correlated with POS adoption), while using mobile phone technologies for payments predominantly depends on the owner’s age and whether he/she is a frequent cellphone user. Moreover, to increase the use of electronic means of payment it is necessary to increase financial literacy and improve the banking services.
The Portuguese consumer foodservice industry is experiencing a boost in technology adoption, driven by significant changes in consumer behavior and business dynamics, due to mobile increasing penetration. Accordingly, the present work project consists on developing a business plan for meeting an identified opportunity in the technological foodservice landscape. Therefore, this report is divided into three sections, each of which addressing different objectives: (A) External Environment, providing key external insights that support the opportunity; (B) Strategy Formulation, establishing a strategic direction; and (C) Action Plan, determining an implementation plan for starting the business
Until recently, much of the discussion regarding the type of organization theory needed in management studies focused on normative vs. descriptive roles of management science. Some authors however noticed that even a descriptive theory can have a normative impact. Among others, management theories are used by practitioners to make sense of their identity and roles in given contexts, and so guide their attitude, decision process, and behavior. The sensemaking potential of a theory might in this view represent an important element for predicting the adoption of a theory by practitioners. Accordingly, theories are needed which better grasp the increased complexity of today's business environment in order to be more relevant for practitioners. This article proposes a multi-faceted perspective of organizations. This implies leaving a simplistic view of organizations and building a 'cubist' conception. Picasso's cubism paintings are characterized by the use of multiple perspectives within a single drawing. Similarly, I argue here that managers must learn not only to add multiple responsibilities in their work, but to develop an integrated conception of their managerial identity and of their organizations in which the multiple social and economic dimensions are enmeshed. Social entrepreneurship is discussed as illustration of typical multi-faceted business.
Enterprise-wide architecture has become a necessity for organizations to (re)align information technology (IT) to changing business requirements. Since a city planning metaphor inspired enterprise-wide architecture, this dissertation's research axes can be outlined by similarities between cities and enterprises. Both are characterized as dynamic super-systems that need to address the evolving interest of various architecture stakeholders. Further, both should simultaneously adhere to a set of principles to guide the evolution of architecture towards the expected benefits. The extant literature on enterprise-wide architecture not only disregards architecture adoption's complexities but also remains vague about how principles guide architecture evolution. To bridge this gap, this dissertation contains three interrelated research streams examining the principles and adoption of enterprise-wide architecture. The first research stream investigates organizational intricacies inherent in architecture adoption. It characterizes architecture adoption as an ongoing organizational adaptation process. By analyzing organizational response behaviors in this adaptation process, it also identifies four archetypes that represent very diverse architecture approaches. The second research stream ontologically clarifies the nature of architecture principles along with outlining new avenues for theoretical contributions. This research stream also provides an empirically validated set of principles and proposes a research model illustrating how principles can be applied to generate expected architecture benefits. The third research stream examines architecture adoption in multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs are Specified by unique organizational characteristics that constantly strive for balancing global integration and local responsiveness. This research stream characterizes MNCs' architecture adoption as a continuous endeavor. This endeavor tries to constantly synchron ize architecture with stakeholders' beliefs about how to balance global integration and local responsiveness. To conclude, this dissertation provides a thorough explanation of a long-term journey in Which organizations learn over time to adopt an effective architecture approach. It also clarifies the role of principles to purposefully guide the aforementioned learning process. - L'Architecture d'Entreprise (AE) est devenue une nécessité pour permettre aux organisations de (ré)aligner les technologies de l'information (TI) avec les changements en termes de besoins métiers. En se basant sur la métaphore de la planification urbaine dont l'AE s'est inspirée, cette dissertation peut être présentée comme une comparaison entre les villes et les entreprises; les deux sont des super-systèmes dynamiques ayant besoin de répondre aux intérêts d'acteurs divers et variés en constants évolution. De plus, les deux devraient souscrire simultanément à un ensemble de principes afin de faire converger l'évolution de l'architecture vers les bénéfices attendus. La littérature sur l'AE, non seulement ne prend pas en considération les complexités de l'adoption d'architecture, mais aussi reste vague sur la manière dont les principes guident l'évolution de l'architecture. Pour pallier ce manque, cette dissertation est composée de trois volets de recherche étroitement liés examinant les principes et l'adoption de l'AE. Le premier volet examine la complexité organisationnelle inhérente à l'adoption de l'architecture. Il caractérise l'adoption de l'architecture en tant que processus d'adaptation continu. En analysant le comportement organisationnel en réponse à ce processus d'adaptation, ce volet distingue quatre archétypes représentant la diversité des approches de l'architecture. Le deuxième volet de recherche clarifie de manière ontologique la nature des principes d'architecture et envisage les contributions théoriques futures possibles. Cet axe de recherche fournit aussi un ensemble de principes, validés de manière empirique, et propose un modèle de recherche illustrant la manière dont ces principes peuvent être appliqués afin de générer les bénéfices attendus de l'architecture. Le troisième volet examine l'adoption de l'architecture dans les entreprises multinationales. Ces dernières possèdent des caractéristiques organisationnelles uniques et sont constamment à la recherche d'un équilibre entre une intégration globale et une flexibilité locale tout en prenant en compte les convictions des divers acteurs sur la manière d'atteindre cet équilibre. Pour conclure, cette dissertation fournit une explication sur le long voyage au cours duquel les entreprises apprennent à adopter une approche d'architecture efficace. Elle clarifie aussi le rôle des principes dans l'accompagnement de ce processus d'apprentissage.
These are exciting days in Iowa and the Upper Midwest—the preferred location for developing the green economy and the renewable energy industry. Forward looking policies of Governor Chet Culver, who has set a goal of making our state energy independent, and a ready response to new opportunities are moving Iowa forward in the vanguard of energy transformation. The adoption and consumption of alternative energy will continue to increase. We have succeeded where others are just beginning because we have the grain and crop residues that have made Iowa first in biofuels, sustained winds to get more of our electricity from wind than any other state, and research universities that are hotbeds of renewable energy innovation.
Beyond EA Frameworks: Towards an Understanding of the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Management
Enterprise architectures (EA) are considered promising approaches to reduce the complexities of growing information technology (IT) environments while keeping pace with an ever-changing business environment. However, the implementation of enterprise architecture management (EAM) has proven difficult in practice. Many EAM initiatives face severe challenges, as demonstrated by the low usage level of enterprise architecture documentation and enterprise architects' lack of authority regarding enforcing EAM standards and principles. These challenges motivate our research. Based on three field studies, we first analyze EAM implementation issues that arise when EAM is started as a dedicated and isolated initiative. Following a design-oriented paradigm, we then suggest a design theory for architecture-driven IT management (ADRIMA) that may guide organizations to successfully implement EAM. This theory summarizes prescriptive knowledge related to embedding EAM practices, artefacts and roles in the existing IT management processes and organization.