30 resultados para e-WOM
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study proposes a marketing approach to service recovery (SR) models in order to help to explain what factors affect cumulative satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth following complaint behavior. The model has its base on the definition of perceived justice and its influence on satisfaction with service recovery (SSR) and on emotions (positive and negative). Trust acts as a central construct in the model, receiving influence from the affective and cognitive aspect and mediating the relationship between SSR and cumulative satisfaction and between positive/negative emotions and loyalty. The sample for this study consists of 303 Spanish B2C-EC users who made a complaint after an electronic transaction. Results from the analysis show the influence of perceived justice ?mainly interactional justice and procedural justice? on SSR, and the relevance of positive emotions as a key factor in SSR processes, in contrast to the major role which negative emotions have traditionally played in these models. Furthermore, trust mediates the relation between SSR and cumulative satisfaction, and is the factor which has a higher influence on loyalty, whilst cumulative satisfaction becomes the more relevant factor affecting WOM.
This study proposes a marketing approach to service recovery (SR) models to explain what factors affect cumulative satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM) following complaint behaviour. The model has its base on the definition of perceived justice and its influence on satisfaction with service recovery (SSR) and on emotions (positive and negative). Trust acts as a central construct in the model, receiving influence from the affective and cognitive aspect. The sample for this study consists of 303 Spanish business-to-consumer e-commerce (B2C-EC) users who made a complaint after an electronic transaction. Results from the analysis show the influence of perceived justice ? mainly interactional justice and procedural justice ? on SSR and the relevance of positive emotions as a key factor in SSR processes, in contrast to the major role that negative emotions have traditionally played in these models.
Unripe banana flour (UBF) production employs bananas not submitted to maturation process, is an interesting alternative to minimize the fruit loss reduction related to inappropriate handling or fast ripening. The UBF is considered as a functional ingredient improving glycemic and plasma insulin levels in blood, have also shown efficacy on the control of satiety, insulin resistance. The aim of this work was to study the drying process of unripe banana slabs (Musa cavendishii, Nanicão) developing a transient drying model through mathematical modeling with simultaneous moisture and heat transfer. The raw material characterization was performed and afterwards the drying process was conducted at 40 ºC, 50 ºC e 60 ºC, the product temperature was recorded using thermocouples, the air velocity inside the chamber was 4 m·s-1. With the experimental data was possible to validate the diffusion model based on the Fick\'s second law and Fourier. For this purpose, the sorption isotherms were measured and fitted to the GAB model estimating the equilibrium moisture content (Xe), 1.76 [g H2O/100g d.b.] at 60 ºC and 10 % of relative humidity (RH), the thermophysical properties (k, Cp, ?) were also measured to be used in the model. Five cases were contemplated: i) Constant thermophysical properties; ii) Variable properties; iii) Mass (hm), heat transfer (h) coefficient and effective diffusivity (De) estimation 134 W·m-2·K-1, 4.91x10-5 m-2·s-1 and 3.278?10-10 m·s-2 at 60 ºC, respectively; iv) Variable De, it presented a third order polynomial behavior as function of moisture content; v) The shrinkage had an effect on the mathematical model, especially in the 3 first hours of process, the thickness experienced a contraction of about (30.34 ± 1.29) % out of the initial thickness, finding two decreasing drying rate periods (DDR I and DDR II), 3.28x10-10 m·s-2 and 1.77x10-10 m·s-2, respectively. COMSOL Multiphysics simulations were possible to perform through the heat and mass transfer coefficient estimated by the mathematical modeling.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean Va.
Word of mouth (WOM) communication is a major part of online consumer interactions, particularly within the environment of online communities. Nevertheless, existing (offline) theory may be inappropriate to describe online WOM and its influence on evaluation and purchase.The authors report the results of a two-stage study aimed at investigating online WOM: a set of in-depth qualitative interviews followed by a social network analysis of a single online community. Combined, the results provide strong evidence that individuals behave as if Web sites themselves are primary "actors" in online social networks and that online communities can act as a social proxy for individual identification. The authors offer a conceptualization of online social networks which takes the Web site into account as an actor, an initial exploration of the concept of a consumer-Web site relationship, and a conceptual model of the online interaction and information evaluation process. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc.
Although many managers recognize that Facebook Fans represent a marketing opportunity, there has been little research into the nature of different Fan types. This study explores a typology of Fans, drawn from a sample of 438 individuals who "Like" brands on Facebook. Fans' brand loyalty, brand love, use of self-expressive brands, and word of mouth (WOM) for Liked brands were used to suggest four Fan types: the "Fan"-atic, the Utilitarian, the Self-Expressive, and the Authentic. The results of this exploratory study highlight the value of cluster analysis as a strategy for identifying different Fan types and provide insights to prompt further research into Facebook Fan types.
Az on-line térben a vállalatok elveszítik a hagyományos tömegkommunikációban gyakorolt kontrollt, ugyanakkor kommunikációs szerepükből fakadóan megmarad egy ráhatási képességük. Ahhoz azonban, hogy e ráhatási képességet ki tudják használni, megfelelő eszközöket kell alkalmazniuk, amelyek közül az egyik lehetőség az on-line szájreklám (electronic word-of-mouth, e-WOM). A cikk egy szakirodalmi összefoglalót nyújt az e-WOM-ról, kitérve arra, hogy milyen új kommunikációs kihívásokkal és lehetőségekkel néznek szembe a fogyasztók és a vállalatok az on-line térben. Továbbá hogyan értelmezhető az e-WOM, milyen alapvető tulajdonságokkal és a fogyasztókra, valamint a vállalatokra gyakorolt hatásokkal rendelkezik. Ezen ismeretekre építve pedig a szerző bemutatja azt is, hogy a fogyasztók között zajló on-line kommunikáció (vagyis az e-WOM) hogyan integrálható a marketingkommunikációs tevékenységbe.
No mercado automóvel as diferenças de qualidade nos vários produtos tem vindo a esbater-se ao longo dos últimos anos, desta forma, o desempenho das marcas resulta cada vez mais do esforço e das estratégias de marketing. Apesar da decisão de compra do automóvel ser exigente e requerer um elevado envolvimento dos consumidores, os fatores hedónicos assumem um protagonismo crescente, afinal o automóvel é, para a maioria das pessoas, uma extenção da sua personalidade ou da imagem que pretendem transmitir para a sociedade, não sendo somente um meio de transporte. Cada marca de automóveis e cada modelo transmite uma mensagem e um simbolismo que o consumidor deseja ou despreza e que condicionam a sua Intenção de Compra. Assim, interessa conhecer os fatores que influenciam a Intenção de Compra do automóvel. Nesse sentido, com base numa amostra de 861 potenciais compradores de automóvel realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, de natureza descritiva e conclusiva, com a finalidade de confirmar em que medida as variáveis selecionadas: Brand Equity, Brand Experience, Publicidade, Experiência Anterior, Word-of-Mouth Recebido e Imagem do País de Origem, determinam, direta ou indiretamente, a intenção de compra da marca de automóveis. Os resultados da estimação do modelo estrutural, através do PLS, evidenciaram que as experiências sensoriais e comportamentais explicam 22% da avaliação das experiências anteriores com a marca; a experiência anterior com a marca, a imagem do país de origem e o WOM explicam 52,8% da qualidade percecionada; a experiência anterior com a marca, a publicidade e o WOM recebido contribui para determinar 18,8% das associações à marca; a lealdade à marca, a qualidade percecionada e as associações à marca explicam 57,4% do brand equity; por fim, a lealdade à marca, a experiência anterior e o brand equity explicam 47,6% da intenção de compra de uma determinada marca de automóveis. Acresce ainda que o grupo de marcas de maior prestígio se destacam por uma maior promoção do marketing relacional e experiencial. Deste estudo, conclui-se que práticas do marketing relacional e experiencial devem ser usadas para estreitar o relacionamento com clientes e potenciais clientes e para promover o valor da marca. As experiências de marketing devem ser objeto de uma boa estratégia de comunicação integrada, suportada nas novas tecnologias.
Atualmente, a forte concorrência e a acentuada instabilidade que as empresas enfrentam conduzem à procura constante de novas formas de atuação, que permitam às organizações manterem-se competitivas. Como tal, a continuidade de uma organização depende da sua capacidade para descobrir e satisfazer as necessidades dos atuais e potenciais clientes, oferecendo-lhes produtos e serviços capazes de acrescentarem valor. O presente trabalho analisa o impacto da qualidade do serviço, da qualidade do produto e da conveniência na Satisfação. Analisa também as consequências da Satisfação e o impacto da mesma no word-of-mouth (WOM) positivo, na conquista da lealdade e na confiança das farmácias para com o seu fornecedor. Desta forma, torna-se possível a criação e manutenção de uma relação de longo prazo mutuamente benéfica para a farmácia e para a Indústria Farmacêutica. Em suma, o objetivo geral da presente Dissertação é a análise dos determinantes da satisfação das farmácias comunitárias, bem como das consequências desta mesma variável. Para se alcançar este objetivo, delinearam-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) análise dos fatores que impactam na satisfação e (ii) verificação das consequências da satisfação. Com efeito, para alcançar este objetivo foi desenvolvido um modelo concetual que contempla as variáveis que explicam a satisfação das farmácias, tendo a presente investigação como base uma amostra de 82 farmácias, essencialmente do distrito de Leiria e Santarém. Os clientes foram inquiridos através de um questionário estruturado onde se visava identificar quais os fatores que mais impactavam na satisfação relativamente aos seus fornecedores e que consequências promoviam. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que a qualidade do produto e do serviço contribuem para a melhoria dos níveis de satisfação das farmácias. Consequentemente, o aumento dos níveis de satisfação das farmácias produz consequências positivas no WOM, lealdade e confiança das farmácias para com os seus fornecedores.
Internetin kehitys on vaikuttanut monen vähittäiskaupan alaan, mutta erityisesti se on muuttanut autokaupan markkinointia. Se on lisäksi laajentanut perinteisen word-of-mouth -markkinoinnin käsitettä ja hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia huomattavasti, mikä on saanut sekä tutkijat että ammatinharjoittajat kiinnostumaan eWOM-markkinoinnista sen poikkeuksellisen suuren suosion, kasvun ja vaikutusten takia. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia eWOM-markkinointia ja sen hyödyntämistä autoalalla Suomessa. Tutkimusongelma voidaan jakaa neljään osaongelmaan: 1. Mitä on eWOM-markkinointi? 2. Miten yritykset voivat hyödyntää eWOM-markkinointia? 3. Hyödyntävätkö automaahantuojat eWOM-markkinointia? 4. Miten automaahantuojat voisivat paremmin hyödyntää eWOM-markkinointia? Tutkimus pohjautuu WOMin ja sosiaalisen median teorioihin, joiden pohjalta eWOM-markkinointi määriteltiin yritysten tarkoituksellisiksi pyrkimyksiksi vaikuttaa kuluttajienväliseen WOMiin tavoilla, jotka edistävät yritysten markkinointiviestien leviämistä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Yritykset voivat hyödyntää eWOM-markkinointia käyttämällä maksettuja WOM-viestinvälittäjiä, kannustamalla tuoteorientoituneita keskusteluita myynninedistämisstrategialla tai sopeutumalla verbaaliseen toimintaan sen kontrolloinnin sijaan. Kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina, joissa haastateltiin automaahantuojien edustajia. Haastatteluiden tulkinta perustui teoriaohjaavaan analyysiin, josta ilmeni, että automaahantuojat Suomessa käyttävät eWOM-markkinointia hyvin vähän. eWOM-markkinointia käyttävät automaahantuojat käyttävät sitä pääasiassa jakamalla sosiaaliseen mediaan WOM-alkuja ja tekemällä yhteistyötä mielipidejohtajien kanssa. Koska eWOM-markkinoinnin käyttö on vähäistä, voidaan sen hyödyntämistä parantaa monilla eri tavoilla. Aktiivisempi keskusteluun osallistuminen, tarkemman osaamisen hankkiminen, taktisuus, tulosten mittaaminen, ketteryyden kehittäminen, uusien toimintatapojen löytäminen, rohkeus innovoida ja luovuuden lisääminen ovat tapoja kehittää eWOM-markkinointia. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että automaahantuojat Suomessa hyödyntävät eWOM -markkinointia hyvin vähän, ja näin ollen sen hyödyntämistä voitaisiin parantaa kokeilemalla rohkeammin ja luovemmin tätä sosiaalisen median tarjoamaa mahdollisuutta. Liika strukturointi sotii ilmiön perusperiaatteita vastaan, joten automaahantuojien tulisi pyrkiä keksimään uusia luovia toimintatapoja, toimimaan joustavasti ja reagoimaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen.
Os surtos de doenças infeciosas estão atualmente no topo das preocupações relacionadas com riscos de saúde, devido à grande capacidade de disseminação e difusão que as caracteriza e, não menos importante, por causa da eventual possibilidade de evolução dos surtos para o nível de pandemia. A nível global, os Governos e as organizações oficiais de saúde estão empenhados em criar planos para lidar com os riscos de saúde, de forma a mitigar e controlar os efeitos nefastos provocados pelas doenças infeciosas na população. O mundo mudou, devido às novas tecnologias, tornou-se globalmente digital. As pessoas, hoje, têm um novo estatuto, são atores sociais, unidos por laços sociais no seio das redes digitais, dentro das quais, têm acesso a uma vasta panóplia de informação - acerca de assuntos de saúde por exemplo, que flui livremente através da rede e diminui os limites entre o cidadão comum e os profissionais e os peritos acerca dos mais diversos temas. O utilizador atual de internet, é um "prosumer". A tecnologia permite-lhe pesquisar a informação que procura e, adicionalmente, compartilhar e comentar o resultado das suas pesquisas e da sua própria experiência pessoal. No contexto dos riscos de saúde, a comunicação é um elemento preponderante em qualquer estratégia de planeamento de risco. Por sua vez, a internet, os novos media digitais e as redes sociais online, são ferramentas postas à disposição dos consumidores, que lhes possibilitam a procura a partilha e o armazenamento de informação. Em virtude da importância que assume a comunicação nos cenários de crise, no âmbito deste trabalho, centraremos o foco da nossa atenção, nos fenómenos de comunicação, conhecidos por “passa-palavra” e “passa-palavra eletrónico” (WOM e WOM), revelando a sua influência na participação dos consumidores na dinâmica comportamental de partilha de eWOM, dentro do grupo restrito de cada indivíduo (eWOM dentro do grupo). Para produzir o nosso modelo concetual, usaram-se medidas adaptadas de outros construtos retirados da literatura, nomeadamente, “Credibilidade da fonte”; “Credibilidade de informação” e “eWOM Dentro do Grupo”.
Repercussions of innovation adoption and diffusion studies have long been imperative to the success of novel introductions. However, perceptions and deductions of current innovation understandings have been changing over time. The paradigm shift from the goods-dominant (G-D) logic to the service-dominant (S-D) logic potentially makes the distinction between product (goods) innovation and service innovation redundant as the S-D logic lens views all innovations as service innovations (Vargo and Lusch, 2004; 2008; Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). From this perspective, product innovations are in essence service innovations, as goods serve as mere distribution mechanisms to deliver service. Nonetheless, the transition to such a broadened and transcending view of service innovation necessitates concurrently a change in the underlying models used to investigate innovation and its subsequent adoption. The present research addresses this gap by engendering a novel model for the most crucial period of service diffusion within the S-D logic context – the post-initial adoption phase, which demarcates an individual’s behavior after the initial adoption decision of a service. As a wellfounded understanding of service diffusion and the complementary innovation adoption still lingers in its infancy, the current study develops a model based on interdisciplinary domains mapping. Here fore, knowledge of the relatively established viral source domain is mapped to the comparatively undetermined target domain of service innovation adoption. To assess the model and test the importance of the explanatory variables, survey data from 750 respondents of a bank in Northern Germany is scrutinized by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings reveal that the continuance intention of a customer, actual usage of the service and the customer influencer value all constitute important postinitial adoption behavior that have meaningful implications for a successful service adoption. Second, the four constructs customer influencer value, organizational commitment, perceived usefulness and service customization are evidenced to have a differential impact on a iv customer’s post-initial adoption behavior. Third, this study indicates that post-initial adoption behavior further underlies the influence of a user’s age and besides that is also provoked by the internal and external environments of service adoption. Finally, this research amalgamates the broad view of service innovation by Nambisan and Lusch (2015) with the findings ensuing this enquiry’s model to arrive at a framework that it both, generalizable and practically applicable. Implications for academia and practitioners are captured along with avenues for future research.
La comunicación boca-oreja/boca-boca o Word of Mouth, término adquirido del idioma anglosajón, es considerada una de las formas de comunicación con mayor influencia en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores, jugando un importante rol en la modificación de las actitudes y patrones de consumo (Brown & Reingen, 1987). En la actualidad, los avances en la tecnología de la comunicación, han permitido que la información compartida entre consumidores supere las barreras geográficas propagándose de forma inmediata. Internet ofrece numerosas plataformas y puntos de reunión donde los consumidores pueden compartir sus visiones, preferencias o experiencia con los productos (Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels, 2009) El WOM que se genera en las redes sociales en Internet (eWOM) puede ser observado, medido y analizado. Debido a que estas conversaciones que se dan en plataformas de opinión quedan semi permanentemente archivadas, las marcas pueden explotar la información, extrayendo conocimiento acerca del consumidor que pueda facilitar la gestión de sus estrategias de marketing (Kozinets, Valck, Wojnicki, & Wilner, 2010). Esto ofrece grandes oportunidades para la investigación de la comunicación y el marketing permitiendo medir la repercusión de la comunicación interpersonal en el negocio de las compañías. La investigación que se plantea en esta Tesis Doctoral pretende conocer y analizar el fenómeno del WOM como factor influenciador en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores. El objetivo principal es entender el comportamiento del WOM electrónico como variable influyente en las ventas de un producto y cuantificar su eficacia. Es decir, identificar en qué medida la información acerca de un producto compartida por los usuarios en entornos online, puede tener un efecto significativo en su resultado de ventas...
Brands are those lifestyles which consumers chose to buy in order to gain the value offered by the company, in order to be part of the community created through the brand equity elements and validated in the purchase of the products. Companies have understood how important it is to build a strong brand and many of them spend millions on aligning the brand with the design and style of the products, projecting the face and values of the company into the advertising campaigns. One of the most popular methods is through endorsement, placing a renounced celebrity and leveraging on the positive feedback of those customers that also follow the activities of the star whose face is on the cover of the marcom campaign. Celebrities have been used for a very long time to promote brands, sell products and services. Research has shown that those spokesmen of a brand who are more attractive can improve the statistics of recall and appeal more interest to the promotion campaign, as well as influence more on customer’s intention of buying the product (Kahle and Homer, 1985). The main purpose of this research is to investigate how celebrity endorsements influence the brand equity dimensions (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations) as well as stimulate consumers’ word-of-mouth through brand identification, growth in interest and the advertising memorability. The hypotheses were tested with the aid of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the PLS (Partial Least Squares) software. The survey is comprised of a target group of 589 respondents, from three countries – Brazil, Moldova and Portugal. Results evidence that the Attitude towards the Celebrity influences different Brand Equity dimensions and affects brand identification, growth in advertisement interest and advertising memorability, generating positive word of mouth (or negative, depending on the type of advertisement and reputation). Based on these findings we suggest further investigation in this area with the possibility to gain more data about the different fields of marcom and the different types of CE which are more appropriate for the given type of business.