993 resultados para domain model


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The dynamics of long slender cylinders undergoing vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) is studied in this work. Long slender cylinders such as risers or tension legs are widely used in the field of ocean engineering. When the sea current flows past a cylinder, it will be excited due to vortex shedding. A three-dimensional time domain model is formulated to describe the response of the cylinder, in which the in-line (IL) and cross-flow (CF) deflections are coupled. The wake dynamics, including in-line and cross-flow vibrations, is represented using a pair of non-linear oscillators distributed along the cylinder. The wake oscillators are coupled to the dynamics of the long cylinder with the acceleration coupling term. A non-linear fluid force model is accounted for to reflect the relative motion of cylinder to current. The model is validated against the published data from a tank experiment with the free span riser. The comparisons show that some aspects due to VIV of long flexible cylinders can be reproduced by the proposed model, such as vibrating frequency, dominant mode number, occurrence and transition of the standing or traveling waves. In the case study, the simulations show that the IL curvature is not smaller than CF curvature, which indicates that both IL and CF vibrations are important for the structural fatigue damage.


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We present a study of magnetic anisotropy by using magneto-transport and direct magnetization measurements on tensile strained (Ga,Mn)As films. The magnetic easy axis of the films is in-plane at low temperatures, while the easy axis flips to out-of-plane when temperature is raised or hole concentration is increased. This easy axis reorientation is explained qualitatively in a simple physical picture by Zeners pd model. In addition, the magneto-crystalline anisotropic resistance was also investigated experimentally and theoretically based on the single magnetic domain model. The dependence of sheet resistance on the angle between the magnetic field and [1 0 0] direction was measured. It is found that the magnetization vector M in the single-domain state deviates from the external magnetic field H direction at low magnetic field, while for high magnetic field, M continuously moves following the field direction, which leads to different resistivity function behaviors.


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笔式用户界面软件以其自然、高效的交互方式,在很多领域中有着广泛的应用笔式用户界面软件具有以交互为中心、用户个性化需求高的特点,由此也决定了用户在软件设计中的主导地位“用户为中心的设计的关键问题在于,如何使用户的思想如实地反映到设计中通过建立笔式用户界面软件特征模型PUIDM(the domain model for pen—based user interface software),构造了一个连接用户与软件设计的平台.从上下文、软件实体、界面特征、体系结构等角度,对该模型的建立进行分析.并给出了相应的XML描述在此基础上,描述了用户使用该模型进行软件设计的过程实例表明,PUIDM能够正确引导用户进行设计,将用户意图充分地引入到软件设计和最终实现中,使软件满足可用性要求。


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A techno-economic model of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant is developed and indicates that fresh water can be produced for as little as £0.45/m3. The advantages of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant are also discussed indicating that the real value of the system is enhanced due to its flexibility for deployment and reduced environmental impact. The modelled plant consists of the Oyster wave energy converter, conventional reverse osmosis membranes and a pressure exchanger–intensifier for energy recovery. A time-domain model of the plant is produced using wave-tank experimentation to calibrate the model of Oyster, manufacturer's data for the model of the reverse osmosis membranes and a hydraulic model of the pressure exchanger–intensifier. The economic model of the plant uses best-estimate cost data which are reduced to annualised costs to facilitate the calculation of the cost of water. Finally, the barriers to the deployment of this technology are discussed, but they are not considered insurmountable.


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The processes of mobilization of land for infrastructures of public and private domain are developed according to proper legal frameworks and systematically confronted with the impoverished national situation as regards the cadastral identification and regularization, which leads to big inefficiencies, sometimes with very negative impact to the overall effectiveness. This project report describes Ferbritas Cadastre Information System (FBSIC) project and tools, which in conjunction with other applications, allow managing the entire life-cycle of Land Acquisition and Cadastre, including support to field activities with the integration of information collected in the field, the development of multi-criteria analysis information, monitoring all information in the exploration stage, and the automated generation of outputs. The benefits are evident at the level of operational efficiency, including tools that enable process integration and standardization of procedures, facilitate analysis and quality control and maximize performance in the acquisition, maintenance and management of registration information and expropriation (expropriation projects). Therefore, the implemented system achieves levels of robustness, comprehensiveness, openness, scalability and reliability suitable for a structural platform. The resultant solution, FBSIC, is a fit-for-purpose cadastre information system rooted in the field of railway infrastructures. FBSIC integrating nature of allows: to accomplish present needs and scale to meet future services; to collect, maintain, manage and share all information in one common platform, and transform it into knowledge; to relate with other platforms; to increase accuracy and productivity of business processes related with land property management.


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Des variations importantes du surenroulement de l’ADN peuvent être générées durant la phase d’élongation de la transcription selon le modèle du « twin supercoiled domain ». Selon ce modèle, le déplacement du complexe de transcription génère du surenroulement positif à l’avant, et du surenroulement négatif à l’arrière de l’ARN polymérase. Le rôle essentiel de la topoisomérase I chez Escherichia coli est de prévenir l’accumulation de ce surenroulement négatif générée durant la transcription. En absence de topoisomérase I, l’accumulation de ce surenroulement négatif favorise la formation de R-loops qui ont pour conséquence d’inhiber la croissance bactérienne. Les R-loops sont des hybrides ARN-ADN qui se forment entre l’ARN nouvellement synthétisé et le simple brin d’ADN complémentaire. Dans les cellules déficientes en topoisomérase I, des mutations compensatoires s’accumulent dans les gènes qui codent pour la gyrase, réduisant le niveau de surenroulement négatif du chromosome et favorisant la croissance. Une des ces mutations est une gyrase thermosensible qui s’exprime à 37 °C. La RNase HI, une enzyme qui dégrade la partie ARN d’un R-loop, peut aussi restaurer la croissance en absence de topoisomérase I lorsqu’elle est produite en très grande quantité par rapport à sa concentration physiologique. En présence de topoisomérase I, des R-loops peuvent aussi se former lorsque la RNase HI est inactive. Dans ces souches mutantes, les R-loops induisent la réponse SOS et la réplication constitutive de l’ADN (cSDR). Dans notre étude, nous montrons comment les R-loops formés en absence de topoisomérase I ou RNase HI peuvent affecter négativement la croissance des cellules. Lorsque la topoisomérase I est inactivée, l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif conduit à la formation de nombreux R-loops, ce qui déclenche la dégradation de l’ARN synthétisé. Issus de la dégradation de l’ARNm de pleine longueur, des ARNm incomplets et traductibles s’accumulent et causent l’inhibition de la synthèse protéique et de la croissance. Le processus par lequel l’ARN est dégradé n’est pas encore complètement élucidé, mais nos résultats soutiennent fortement que la RNase HI présente en concentration physiologique est responsable de ce phénotype. Chose importante, la RNase E qui est l’endoribonuclease majeure de la cellule n’est pas impliquée dans ce processus, et la dégradation de l’ARN survient avant son action. Nous montrons aussi qu’une corrélation parfaite existe entre la concentration de RNase HI, l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif et l’inhibition de la croissance bactérienne. Lorsque la RNase HI est en excès, l’accumulation de surenroulement négatif est inhibée et la croissance n’est pas affectée. L’inverse se produit Lorsque la RNase HI est en concentration physiologique. En limitant l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif, la surproduction de la RNase HI prévient alors la dégradation de l’ARN et permet la croissance. Quand la RNase HI est inactivée en présence de topoisomérase I, les R-loops réduisent le niveau d’expression de nombreux gènes, incluant des gènes de résistance aux stress comme rpoH et grpE. Cette inhibition de l’expression génique n’est pas accompagnée de la dégradation de l’ARN contrairement à ce qui se produit en absence de topoisomérase I. Dans le mutant déficient en RNase HI, la diminution de l’expression génique réduit la concentration cellulaire de différentes protéines, ce qui altère négativement le taux de croissance et affecte dramatiquement la survie des cellules exposées aux stress de hautes températures et oxydatifs. Une inactivation de RecA, le facteur essentiel qui déclenche la réponse SOS et le cSDR, ne restaure pas l’expression génique. Ceci démontre que la réponse SOS et le cSDR ne sont pas impliqués dans l’inhibition de l’expression génique en absence de RNase HI. La croissance bactérienne qui est inhibée en absence de topoisomérase I, reprend lorsque l’excès de surenroulement négatif est éliminé. En absence de RNase HI et de topoisomérase I, le surenroulement négatif est très relaxé. Il semble que la réponse cellulaire suite à la formation de R-loops, soit la relaxation du surenroulement négatif. Selon le même principe, des mutations compensatoires dans la gyrase apparaissent en absence de topoisomérase I et réduisent l’accumulation de surenroulement négatif. Ceci supporte fortement l’idée que le surenroulement négatif joue un rôle primordial dans la formation de R-loop. La régulation du surenroulement négatif de l’ADN est donc une tâche essentielle pour la cellule. Elle favorise notamment l’expression génique optimale durant la croissance et l’exposition aux stress, en limitant la formation de R-loops. La topoisomérase I et la RNase HI jouent un rôle important et complémentaire dans ce processus.


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Each player in the financial industry, each bank, stock exchange, government agency, or insurance company operates its own financial information system or systems. By its very nature, financial information, like the money that it represents, changes hands. Therefore the interoperation of financial information systems is the cornerstone of the financial services they support. E-services frameworks such as web services are an unprecedented opportunity for the flexible interoperation of financial systems. Naturally the critical economic role and the complexity of financial information led to the development of various standards. Yet standards alone are not the panacea: different groups of players use different standards or different interpretations of the same standard. We believe that the solution lies in the convergence of flexible E-services such as web-services and semantically rich meta-data as promised by the semantic Web; then a mediation architecture can be used for the documentation, identification, and resolution of semantic conflicts arising from the interoperation of heterogeneous financial services. In this paper we illustrate the nature of the problem in the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) industry and the viability of the solution we propose. We describe and analyze the integration of services using four different formats: the IFX, OFX and SWIFT standards, and an example proprietary format. To accomplish this integration we use the COntext INterchange (COIN) framework. The COIN architecture leverages a model of sources and receivers’ contexts in reference to a rich domain model or ontology for the description and resolution of semantic heterogeneity.


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Although the development of geographic information system (GIS) technology and digital data manipulation techniques has enabled practitioners in the geographical and geophysical sciences to make more efficient use of resource information, many of the methods used in forming spatial prediction models are still inherently based on traditional techniques of map stacking in which layers of data are combined under the guidance of a theoretical domain model. This paper describes a data-driven approach by which Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can be trained to represent a function characterising the probability that an instance of a discrete event, such as the presence of a mineral deposit or the sighting of an endangered animal species, will occur over some grid element of the spatial area under consideration. A case study describes the application of the technique to the task of mineral prospectivity mapping in the Castlemaine region of Victoria using a range of geological, geophysical and geochemical input variables. Comparison of the maps produced using neural networks with maps produced using a density estimation-based technique demonstrates that the maps can reliably be interpreted as representing probabilities. However, while the neural network model and the density estimation-based model yield similar results under an appropriate choice of values for the respective parameters, the neural network approach has several advantages, especially in high dimensional input spaces.


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Australia national survey of graduates from 1993 onward. In addition to quantitative items, the CEQ also includes an invitation to respondents to write open-ended comments on the best aspects (BA) of their university course experience and those most needing improvement (NI). These responses provide a rich source additional information that can help in understanding what students had in mind when agreeing or disagreeing with the CEQ response items. Based on more than 160,000 comments from students graduating from 14 Australian universities over the period 2001-2004, Scott (2006) developed a five domain model (Outcomes, Staff, Course design, Assessment and Support) for the classification of CEQ comments, as well as a software package (CEQuery) to automate the analysis of CEQ BA and NI comment data. While computer automated comment analysis is convenient, there are a number of known limitations to this approach, and where the number of student comments is not large, manual coding/classification is a viable, and arguably superior, approach.


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With the constant grow of enterprises and the need to share information across departments and business areas becomes more critical, companies are turning to integration to provide a method for interconnecting heterogeneous, distributed and autonomous systems. Whether the sales application needs to interface with the inventory application, the procurement application connect to an auction site, it seems that any application can be made better by integrating it with other applications. Integration between applications can face several troublesome due the fact that applications may not have been designed and implemented having integration in mind. Regarding to integration issues, two tier software systems, composed by the database tier and by the “front-end” tier (interface), have shown some limitations. As a solution to overcome the two tier limitations, three tier systems were proposed in the literature. Thus, by adding a middle-tier (referred as middleware) between the database tier and the “front-end” tier (or simply referred application), three main benefits emerge. The first benefit is related with the fact that the division of software systems in three tiers enables increased integration capabilities with other systems. The second benefit is related with the fact that any modifications to the individual tiers may be carried out without necessarily affecting the other tiers and integrated systems and the third benefit, consequence of the others, is related with less maintenance tasks in software system and in all integrated systems. Concerning software development in three tiers, this dissertation focus on two emerging technologies, Semantic Web and Service Oriented Architecture, combined with middleware. These two technologies blended with middleware, which resulted in the development of Swoat framework (Service and Semantic Web Oriented ArchiTecture), lead to the following four synergic advantages: (1) allow the creation of loosely-coupled systems, decoupling the database from “front-end” tiers, therefore reducing maintenance; (2) the database schema is transparent to “front-end” tiers which are aware of the information model (or domain model) that describes what data is accessible; (3) integration with other heterogeneous systems is allowed by providing services provided by the middleware; (4) the service request by the “frontend” tier focus on ‘what’ data and not on ‘where’ and ‘how’ related issues, reducing this way the application development time by developers.


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Snake venom metalloproteases (SVMPs) embody zinc-dependent multidomain enzymes responsible for a relevant pathophysiology in envenomation. including local and systemic hemorrhage. The molecular features responsible for hemorrhagic potency of SVMPs have been associated with their multidomains structures which can target these proteins them to several receptors of different tissues and cellular types. BjussuMP-I. a SVMP isolated from the Bothrops jararacussu venom, has been characterized as a P-III hemorrhagic metalloprotease. The complete cDNA sequence of BjussuMP-I with 1641bp encodes open reading frames of 547 amino acid residues, which conserve the common domains of P-III high molecular weight hemorrhagic metalloproteases: (i) pre-pro-peptide, (ii) metalloprotease, (iii) disintegrin-like and (iv) rich cysteine domain. BjussuMP-I induced lyses in fibrin clots and inhibited collagen- and ADP-induced platelet aggregation. We are reporting, for the first time, the primary structure of an RGD-P-III class snake venom metalloprotease. A phylogenetic analysis of the BjussuMP-1 metalloprotease/catalytic domain was performed to get new insights into the molecular evolution of the metalloproteases. A theoretical molecular model of this domain was built through folding recognition (threading) techniques and refined by molecular dynamics simulation. Then, the final BjussuMP-I catalytic domain model was compared to other SVMPs and Reprolysin family proteins in order to identify eventual structural differences, which could help to understand the biochemical activities of these enzymes. The presence of large hydrophobic areas and some conserved surface charge-positive residues were identified as important features of the SVMPs and other metalloproteases. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work is to present a frequency domain model to demonstrate the operation of an electromagnetic arrangement for controlling the injection of zero-sequence currents in the electrical system. Considering the diversity of sequential distribution of harmonic components of a current, the device proposed can be used in the process of mitigation of zero-sequence components. This device, here called electromagnetic suppressor, consists of a blocker and filter both electromagnetic, whose joint operation can provide paths of high and low impedances that can be conveniently adjusted in order to search for a desired performance. This study presents physical considerations, mathematical modeling and computer simulations that clearly demonstrate the viability of this application as a more viable alternative in the conception of filtering systems. The performance analysis is based on the frequency response of harmonic transmittances. The efficacy of this technique in direct actions to maximize the harmonic mitigation process is demonstrated. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper describes a computational model based on lumped elements for the mutual coupling between phases in transmission lines without the explicit use of modal transformation matrices. The self and mutual parameters and the coupling between phases are modeled using modal transformation techniques. The modal representation is developed from the intrinsic consideration of the modal transformation matrix and the resulting system of time-domain differential equations is described as state equations. Thus, a detailed profile ofthe currents and the voltages through the line can be easily calculated using numerical or analytical integration methods. However, the original contribution of the article is the proposal of a time-domain model without the successive phase/mode transformations and a practical implementation based on conventional electrical circuits, without the use of electromagnetic theory to model the coupling between phases. © 2003-2012 IEEE.


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The last decades have seen an unrivaled growth and diffusion of mobile telecommunications. Several standards have been developed to this purposes, from GSM mobile phone communications to WLAN IEEE 802.11, providing different services for the the transmission of signals ranging from voice to high data rate digital communications and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). In this wide research and market field, this thesis focuses on Ultra Wideband (UWB) communications, an emerging technology for providing very high data rate transmissions over very short distances. In particular the presented research deals with the circuit design of enabling blocks for MB-OFDM UWB CMOS single-chip transceivers, namely the frequency synthesizer and the transmission mixer and power amplifier. First we discuss three different models for the simulation of chargepump phase-locked loops, namely the continuous time s-domain and discrete time z-domain approximations and the exact semi-analytical time-domain model. The limitations of the two approximated models are analyzed in terms of error in the computed settling time as a function of loop parameters, deriving practical conditions under which the different models are reliable for fast settling PLLs up to fourth order. Besides, a phase noise analysis method based upon the time-domain model is introduced and compared to the results obtained by means of the s-domain model. We compare the three models over the simulation of a fast switching PLL to be integrated in a frequency synthesizer for WiMedia MB-OFDM UWB systems. In the second part, the theoretical analysis is applied to the design of a 60mW 3.4 to 9.2GHz 12 Bands frequency synthesizer for MB-OFDM UWB based on two wide-band PLLs. The design is presented and discussed up to layout level. A test chip has been implemented in TSMC CMOS 90nm technology, measured data is provided. The functionality of the circuit is proved and specifications are met with state-of-the-art area occupation and power consumption. The last part of the thesis deals with the design of a transmission mixer and a power amplifier for MB-OFDM UWB band group 1. The design has been carried on up to layout level in ST Microlectronics 65nm CMOS technology. Main characteristics of the systems are the wideband behavior (1.6 GHz of bandwidth) and the constant behavior over process parameters, temperature and supply voltage thanks to the design of dedicated adaptive biasing circuits.