990 resultados para discontinuous-Galerkin method


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In this article, we derive an a posteriori error estimator for various discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods that are proposed in (Wang, Han and Cheng, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48: 708-733, 2010) for an elliptic obstacle problem. Using a key property of DG methods, we perform the analysis in a general framework. The error estimator we have obtained for DG methods is comparable with the estimator for the conforming Galerkin (CG) finite element method. In the analysis, we construct a non-linear smoothing function mapping DG finite element space to CG finite element space and use it as a key tool. The error estimator consists of a discrete Lagrange multiplier associated with the obstacle constraint. It is shown for non-over-penalized DG methods that the discrete Lagrange multiplier is uniformly stable on non-uniform meshes. Finally, numerical results demonstrating the performance of the error estimator are presented.


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In this article, we analyse several discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the Stokes problem under minimal regularity on the solution. We assume that the velocity u belongs to H-0(1)(Omega)](d) and the pressure p is an element of L-0(2)(Omega). First, we analyse standard DG methods assuming that the right-hand side f belongs to H-1(Omega) boolean AND L-1(Omega)](d). A DG method that is well defined for f belonging to H-1(Omega)](d) is then investigated. The methods under study include stabilized DG methods using equal-order spaces and inf-sup stable ones where the pressure space is one polynomial degree less than the velocity space.


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In this article, we prove convergence of the weakly penalized adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Unlike other works, we derive the contraction property for various discontinuous Galerkin methods only assuming the stabilizing parameters are large enough to stabilize the method. A central idea in the analysis is to construct an auxiliary solution from the discontinuous Galerkin solution by a simple post processing. Based on the auxiliary solution, we define the adaptive algorithm which guides to the convergence of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods.


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We study discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the p-biharmonic equation for p∈(1,∞) from a variational perspective. We propose a discrete variational formulation of the problem based on an appropriate definition of a finite element Hessian and study convergence of the method (without rates) using a semicontinuity argument. We also present numerical experiments aimed at testing the robustness of the method.


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In this article, we develop the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian fluid flows in a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ ℝd, d = 2, 3. In the latter case, computable upper and lower bounds on the error are derived in terms of a natural energy norm, which are explicit in the local mesh size and local polynomial degree of the approximating finite element method. A series of numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicators within an automatic hp-adaptive refinement algorithm.


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The focal point of this paper is to propose and analyze a P 0 discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulation for image denoising. The scheme is based on a total variation approach which has been applied successfully in previous papers on image processing. The main idea of the new scheme is to model the restoration process in terms of a discrete energy minimization problem and to derive a corresponding DG variational formulation. Furthermore, we will prove that the method exhibits a unique solution and that a natural maximum principle holds. In addition, a number of examples illustrate the effectiveness of the method.


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In this paper three p-adaptation strategies based on the minimization of the truncation error are presented for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods. The truncation error is approximated by means of a ? -estimation procedure and enables the identification of mesh regions that require adaptation. Three adaptation strategies are developed and termed a posteriori, quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected. All strategies require fine solutions, which are obtained by enriching the polynomial order, but while the former needs time converged solutions, the last two rely on non-converged solutions, which lead to faster computations. In addition, the high order method permits the spatial decoupling for the estimated errors and enables anisotropic p-adaptation. These strategies are verified and compared in terms of accuracy and computational cost for the Euler and the compressible Navier?Stokes equations. It is shown that the two quasi- a priori methods achieve a significant reduction in computational cost when compared to a uniform polynomial enrichment. Namely, for a viscous boundary layer flow, we obtain a speedup of 6.6 and 7.6 for the quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected approaches, respectively.


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In this work a p-adaptation (modification of the polynomial order) strategy based on the minimization of the truncation error is developed for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods. The truncation error is approximated by means of a truncation error estimation procedure and enables the identification of mesh regions that require adaptation. Three truncation error estimation approaches are developed and termed a posteriori, quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected. Fine solutions, which are obtained by enriching the polynomial order, are required to solve the numerical problem with adequate accuracy. For the three truncation error estimation methods the former needs time converged solutions, while the last two rely on non-converged solutions, which lead to faster computations. Based on these truncation error estimation methods, algorithms for mesh adaptation were designed and tested. Firstly, an isotropic adaptation approach is presented, which leads to equally distributed polynomial orders in different coordinate directions. This first implementation is improved by incorporating a method to extrapolate the truncation error. This results in a significant reduction of computational cost. Secondly, the employed high order method permits the spatial decoupling of the estimated errors and enables anisotropic p-adaptation. The incorporation of anisotropic features leads to meshes with different polynomial orders in the different coordinate directions such that flow-features related to the geometry are resolved in a better manner. These adaptations result in a significant reduction of degrees of freedom and computational cost, while the amount of improvement depends on the test-case. Finally, this anisotropic approach is extended by using error extrapolation which leads to an even higher reduction in computational cost. These strategies are verified and compared in terms of accuracy and computational cost for the Euler and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The main result is that the two quasi-a priori methods achieve a significant reduction in computational cost when compared to a uniform polynomial enrichment. Namely, for a viscous boundary layer flow, we obtain a speedup of a factor of 6.6 and 7.6 for the quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected approaches, respectively. RESUMEN En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una estrategia de adaptación-p (modificación del orden polinómico) para métodos Galerkin discontinuo de alto orden basada en la minimización del error de truncación. El error de truncación se estima utilizando el método tau-estimation. El estimador permite la identificación de zonas de la malla que requieren adaptación. Se distinguen tres técnicas de estimación: a posteriori, quasi a priori y quasi a priori con correción. Todas las estrategias requieren una solución obtenida en una malla fina, la cual es obtenida aumentando de manera uniforme el orden polinómico. Sin embargo, mientras que el primero requiere que esta solución esté convergida temporalmente, el resto utiliza soluciones no convergidas, lo que se traduce en un menor coste computacional. En este trabajo se han diseñado y probado algoritmos de adaptación de malla basados en métodos tau-estimation. En primer lugar, se presenta un algoritmo de adaptacin isótropo, que conduce a discretizaciones con el mismo orden polinómico en todas las direcciones espaciales. Esta primera implementación se mejora incluyendo un método para extrapolar el error de truncación. Esto resulta en una reducción significativa del coste computacional. En segundo lugar, el método de alto orden permite el desacoplamiento espacial de los errores estimados, permitiendo la adaptación anisotropica. Las mallas obtenidas mediante esta técnica tienen distintos órdenes polinómicos en cada una de las direcciones espaciales. La malla final tiene una distribución óptima de órdenes polinómicos, los cuales guardan relación con las características del flujo que, a su vez, depenen de la geometría. Estas técnicas de adaptación reducen de manera significativa los grados de libertad y el coste computacional. Por último, esta aproximación anisotropica se extiende usando extrapolación del error de truncación, lo que conlleva un coste computational aún menor. Las estrategias se verifican y se comparan en téminors de precisión y coste computacional utilizando las ecuaciones de Euler y Navier Stokes. Los dos métodos quasi a priori consiguen una reducción significativa del coste computacional en comparación con aumento uniforme del orden polinómico. En concreto, para una capa límite viscosa, obtenemos una mejora en tiempo de computación de 6.6 y 7.6 respectivamente, para las aproximaciones quasi-a priori y quasi-a priori con corrección.


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This work is concerned with the design and analysis of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element methods for boundary-value problems involving the biharmonic operator. The first part extends the unified approach of Arnold, Brezzi, Cockburn & Marini (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39, 5 (2001/02), 1749-1779) developed for the Poisson problem, to the design of DG methods via an appropriate choice of numerical flux functions for fourth order problems; as an example we retrieve the interior penalty DG method developed by Suli & Mozolevski (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 196, 13-16 (2007), 1851-1863). The second part of this work is concerned with a new a-priori error analysis of the hp-version interior penalty DG method, when the error is measured in terms of both the energy-norm and L2-norm, as well certain linear functionals of the solution, for elemental polynomial degrees $p\ge 2$. Also, provided that the solution is piecewise analytic in an open neighbourhood of each element, exponential convergence is also proven for the p-version of the DG method. The sharpness of the theoretical developments is illustrated by numerical experiments.


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In this article we propose a new symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Here, particular emphasis is devoted to the construction of an optimal numerical method for the evaluation of certain target functionals of practical interest, such as the lift and drag coefficients of a body immersed in a viscous fluid. With this in mind, the key ingredients in the construction of the method include: (i) An adjoint consistent imposition of the boundary conditions; (ii) An adjoint consistent reformulation of the underlying target functional of practical interest; (iii) Design of appropriate interior-penalty stabilization terms. Numerical experiments presented within this article clearly indicate the optimality of the proposed method when the error is measured in terms of both the L_2-norm, as well as for certain target functionals. Computational comparisons with other discontinuous Galerkin schemes proposed in the literature, including the second scheme of Bassi & Rebay, cf. [11], the standard SIPG method outlined in [25], and an NIPG variant of the new scheme will be undertaken.


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Condensation technique of degree of freedom is firstly proposed to improve the computational efficiency of meshfree method with Galerkin weak form. In present method, scattered nodes without connectivity are divided into several subsets by cells with arbitrary shape. The local discrete equations are established over each cell by using moving kriging interpolation, in which the nodes that located in the cell are used for approximation. Then, the condensation technique can be introduced into the local discrete equations by transferring equations of inner nodes to equations of boundary nodes based on cell. In the scheme of present method, the calculation of each cell is carried out by meshfree method with Galerkin weak form, and local search is implemented in interpolation. Numerical examples show that the present method has high computational efficiency and convergence, and good accuracy is also obtained.


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A sub‒domain smoothed Galerkin method is proposed to integrate the advantages of mesh‒free Galerkin method and FEM. Arbitrarily shaped sub‒domains are predefined in problems domain with mesh‒free nodes. In each sub‒domain, based on mesh‒free Galerkin weak formulation, the local discrete equation can be obtained by using the moving Kriging interpolation, which is similar to the discretization of the high‒order finite elements. Strain smoothing technique is subsequently applied to the nodal integration of sub‒domain by dividing the sub‒domain into several smoothing cells. Moreover, condensation of DOF can also be introduced into the local discrete equations to improve the computational efficiency. The global governing equations of present method are obtained on the basis of the scheme of FEM by assembling all local discrete equations of the sub‒domains. The mesh‒free properties of Galerkin method are retained in each sub‒domain. Several 2D elastic problems have been solved on the basis of this newly proposed method to validate its computational performance. These numerical examples proved that the newly proposed sub‒domain smoothed Galerkin method is a robust technique to solve solid mechanics problems based on its characteristics of high computational efficiency, good accuracy, and convergence.


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Condensation technique of degree of freedom is first proposed to improve the computational efficiency of meshfree method with Galerkin weak form for elastic dynamic analysis. In the present method, scattered nodes without connectivity are divided into several subsets by cells with arbitrary shape. Local discrete equation is established over each cell by using moving Kriging interpolation, in which the nodes that located in the cell are used for approximation. Then local discrete equations can be simplified by condensation of degree of freedom, which transfers equations of inner nodes to equations of boundary nodes based on cells. The global dynamic system equations are obtained by assembling all local discrete equations and are solved by using the standard implicit Newmark’s time integration scheme. In the scheme of present method, the calculation of each cell is carried out by meshfree method, and local search is implemented in interpolation. Numerical examples show that the present method has high computational efficiency and good accuracy in solving elastic dynamic problems.


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We study a class of symmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods on graded meshes. Optimal order error estimates are derived in both the energy norm and the L 2 norm, and we establish the uniform convergence of V-cycle, F-cycle and W-cycle multigrid algorithms for the resulting discrete problems. Numerical results that confirm the theoretical results are also presented.


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We revisit the a posteriori error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for the obstacle problem derived in 25]. Under a mild assumption on the trace of obstacle, we derive a reliable a posteriori error estimator which does not involve min/max functions. A key in this approach is an auxiliary problem with discrete obstacle. Applications to various discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods are presented. Numerical experiments show that the new estimator obtained in this article performs better.