1000 resultados para diffraction and scattering measurements


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The electromagnetic scattering and absorption properties of small (kr~1/2) inhomogeneous magnetoplasma columns are calculated via the full set of Maxwell's equations with tensor dielectric constitutive relation. The cold plasma model with collisional damping is used to describe the column. The equations are solved numerically, subject to boundary conditions appropriate to an infinite parallel strip line and to an incident plane wave. The results are similar for several density profiles and exhibit semiquantitative agreement with measurements in waveguide. The absorption is spatially limited, especially for small collision frequency, to a narrow hybrid resonant layer and is essentially zero when there is no hybrid layer in the column. The reflection is also enhanced when the hybrid layer is present, but the value of the reflection coefficient is strongly modified by the presence of the glass tube. The nature of the solutions and an extensive discussion of the conditions under which the cold collisional model should yield valid results is presented.


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The structure of silicon surfaces in the orientation range (113)-(5,5,12)-(337)-(112) has been investigated using high resolution LEED and photoemission both on a spherical and on flat samples. We find that Si(5,5,12) [5.3 degrees from (113) and 0.7 degrees from (937)] is the only stable orientation between (113) and (111) and confirm the result of Baski et al. [Science 269, 1556 (1995)] that it has a 2 x 1 superstructure with a very large unit cell of 7.68 x 53.5 Angstrom(2). Adsorption measurements of water on Si(5,5,12) yield a mobile precursor kinetics with two kinds of regions saturating at 0.25 and 0.15 ML which are related to adsorption on different sites. Using these results, a modified structure model is proposed. Surfaces between (113) and (5,5,12) separate into facets of these two orientations; between (5,5,12) and (112), they separate into (5,5,12) and (111) facets. (337) facets in this range may be considered as defective (5,5,12) facets.


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The crystallinity of two series of uniform oligo(oxyethylene) mono-n-alkyl ethers has been investigated: alpha-alkyl,omega-hydroxyoligo(oxyethylene)s, H(CH2)n(OCH2CH2)mOH, and alpha-alkyl,omega-methoxyoligo(oxyethylene)s, H(CH2)n(OCH2CH2)mOCH3. The hydroxy-ended oligomers formed bilayer crystals, and the methoxy-ended oligomers formed monolayer crystals. The helical oxyethylene blocks were oriented normal to the layer-crystal end-group plane, whilst the trans-planar alkyl blocks were generally tilted at an angle delta = 60-degrees. The melting temperature and enthalpy of fusion were higher for hydroxy-ended oligomers than for corresponding methoxy-ended oligomers.


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In the ocean, natural and artificial processes generate clouds of bubbles which scatter and attenuate sound. Measurements have shown that at the individual bubble resonance frequency, sound propagation in this medium is highly attenuated and dispersive. Theory to explain this behavior exists in the literature, and is adequate away from resonance. However, due to excessive attenuation near resonance, little experimental data exists for comparison. An impedance tube was developed specifically for exploring this regime. Using the instrument, unique phase speed and attenuation measurements were made for void fractions ranging from 6.2 × 10^−5 to 2.7 × 10^−3 and bubble sizes centered around 0.62 mm in radius. Improved measurement speed, accuracy and precision is possible with the new instrument, and both instantaneous and time-averaged measurements were obtained. Behavior at resonance was observed to be sensitive to the bubble population statistics and agreed with existing theory, within the uncertainty of the bubble population parameters. Scattering from acoustically compact bubble clouds can be predicted from classical scattering theory by using an effective medium description of the bubbly fluid interior. Experimental verification was previously obtained up to the lowest resonance frequency. A novel bubble production technique has been employed to obtain unique scattering measurements with a bubbly-liquid-filled latex tube in a large indoor tank. The effective scattering model described these measurements up to three times the lowest resonance frequency of the structure.


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The thermal transport properties—thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity—of potassium selenate crystal have been measured through the successive phase transitions, following the photo-pyroelectric thermal wave technique. The variation of thermal conductivity with temperature through the incommensurate (IC) phase of this crystal is measured. The enhancement in thermal conductivity in the IC phase is explained in terms of heat conduction by phase modes, and the maxima in thermal conductivity during transitions is due to enhancement in the phonon mean free path and the corresponding reduction in phonon scattering. The anisotropy in thermal conductivity and its variation with temperature are reported. The variation of the specific heat with temperature through the high temperature structural transition at 745 K is measured, following the differential scanning calorimetric method. By combining the results of photo-pyroelectric thermal wave methods and differential scanning calorimetry, the variation of the specific heat capacity with temperature through all the four phases of K2SeO4 is reported. The results are discussed in terms of phonon mode softening during transitions and phonon scattering by phase modes in the IC phase.


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The difference between cirrus emissivities at 8 and 11 μm is sensitive to the mean effective ice crystal size of the cirrus cloud, De. By using single scattering properties of ice crystals shaped as planar polycrystals, diameters of up to about 70 μm can be retrieved, instead of up to 45 μm assuming spheres or hexagonal columns. The method described in this article is used for a global determination of mean effective ice crystal sizes of cirrus clouds from TOVS satellite observations. A sensitivity study of the De retrieval to uncertainties in hypotheses on ice crystal shape, size distributions, and temperature profiles, as well as in vertical and horizontal cloud heterogeneities shows that uncertainties can be as large as 30%. However, the TOVS data set is one of few data sets which provides global and long-term coverage. Having analyzed the years 1987–1991, it was found that measured effective ice crystal diameters De are stable from year to year. For 1990 a global median De of 53.5 μm was determined. Averages distinguishing ocean/land, season, and latitude lie between 23 μm in winter over Northern Hemisphere midlatitude land and 64 μm in the tropics. In general, larger Des are found in regions with higher atmospheric water vapor and for cirrus with a smaller effective emissivity.


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Gallaborane (GaBH6, 1), synthesized by the metathesis of LiBH4 with [H2GaCl]n at ca. 250 K, has been characterized by chemical analysis and by its IR and 1H and 11B NMR spectra. The IR spectrum of the vapor at low pressure implies the presence of only one species, viz. H2Ga(μ-H)2BH2, with a diborane-like structure conforming to C2v symmetry. The structure of this molecule has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) measurements afforced by the results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Hence the principal distances (rα in Å) and angles ( α in deg) are as follows: r(Ga•••B), 2.197(3); r(Ga−Ht), 1.555(6); r(Ga−Hb), 1.800(6); r(B−Ht), 1.189(7); r(B−Hb), 1.286(7); Hb−Ga−Hb, 71.6(4); and Hb−B−Hb, 110.0(5) (t = terminal, b = bridging). Aggregation of the molecules occurs in the condensed phases. X-ray crystallographic studies of a single crystal at 110 K reveal a polymeric network with helical chains made up of alternating pseudotetrahedral GaH4 and BH4 units linked through single hydrogen bridges; the average Ga•••B distance is now 2.473(7) Å. The compound decomposes in the condensed phases at temperatures exceeding ca. 240 K with the formation of elemental Ga and H2 and B2H6. The reactions with NH3, Me3N, and Me3P are also described.


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We discuss some phenomenological applications of an infrared finite gluon propagator characterized by a dynamically generated gluon mass. In particular we compute the effect of the dynamical gluon mass on pp and ${\bar{p}}p$ diffractive scattering. We also show how the data on gammap photoproduction and hadronic gg reactions can be derived from the pp and ${\bar{p}}p$ forward scattering amplitudes by assuming vector meson dominance and the additive quark model.


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New glasses have been prepared in the oxifluoride mixed system TeO2-PbF2-CdF2. Starting from pure TeO2 the addition of the fluorides leads to a decrease in the glasses characteristic temperatures. Also from Raman scattering results a structural evolution was observed where the number of structural units described as [TeO3] trigonal pyramids and [TeO3+1] polyhedra increases at the expense of the [TeO4] trigonal bipyramids supposed to exist in the TeO2, rich samples. Transparent glass ceramics were obtained from the glass with composition 80TeO(2)-10PbF(2)-10CdF(2), (mol%) with the PbTe3O7 crystalline phase being identified by X-ray diffraction and EXAFS measurements performed at the Te K, Cd K and Pb L-III edges. Also from Exafs measurements it is proposed that cadmium ions are preferentially surrounded by oxygen atoms although they were in a fluoride anion environment in the starting material. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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We recently proposed a QCD Pomeron described by the exchange of two nonperturbative gluons characterized by a dynamically generated gluon mass. It is shown here that data on elastic scattering, exclusive rho production in deep inelastic scattering, and the J/psi-nucleon total cross section can be successfully described in terms of a single gluon mass m(g) congruent-to 0.37 GeV. We observe that the total cross sections of hadrons with small radii, such as J/psi, have a marked dependence on the effective gluon mass.


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Results of differential scanning calometry (DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and F-19 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of InF3-based glasses, treated at different temperatures, ranging from glass transition temperature (T-g) to crystallization temperature (T-c), are reported. The main features of the experimental results are as follows. DSC analysis emphasizes several steps in the crystallization process. Heat treatment at temperatures above T-g enhances the nucleation of the first growing phases but has little influence on the following ones. XRD results show that several crystalline phases are formed, with solid state transitions when heated above 680 K, the F-19 NMR results show that the spin-lattice relaxation, for the glass samples heat treated above 638 K, is described by two time constants. For samples treated below this temperature a single time constant T-1 was observed. Measurements of the F-19 spin-lattice relaxation time (T-1), as a function of temperature,made possible the identification of the mobile fluoride ions. The activation energy, for the ionic motion, in samples treated at crystallization temperature was found to be 0.18 +/- 0.01 eV. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Risk analyses indicate that more than 90% of the world's reefs will be threatened by climate change and local anthropogenic impacts by the year 2030 under "business-as-usual" climate scenarios. Increasing temperatures and solar radiation cause coral bleaching that has resulted in extensive coral mortality. Increasing carbon dioxide reduces seawater pH, slows coral growth, and may cause loss of reef structure. Management strategies include establishment of marine protected areas with environmental conditions that promote reef resiliency. However, few resilient reefs have been identified, and resiliency factors are poorly defined. Here we characterize the first natural, non-reef coral refuge from thermal stress and ocean acidification and identify resiliency factors for mangrove-coral habitats. We measured diurnal and seasonal variations in temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and seawater chemistry; characterized substrate parameters; and examined water circulation patterns in mangrove communities where scleractinian corals are growing attached to and under mangrove prop roots in Hurricane Hole, St. John, US Virgin Islands. Additionally, we inventoried the coral species and quantified incidences of coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery for two major reef-building corals, Colpophyllia natans and Diploria labyrinthiformis, growing in mangrove-shaded and exposed (unshaded) areas. Over 30 species of scleractinian corals were growing in association with mangroves. Corals were thriving in low-light (more than 70% attenuation of incident PAR) from mangrove shading and at higher temperatures than nearby reef tract corals. A higher percentage of C. natans colonies were living shaded by mangroves, and no shaded colonies were bleached. Fewer D. labyrinthiformis colonies were shaded by mangroves, however more unshaded colonies were bleached. A combination of substrate and habitat heterogeneity, proximity of different habitat types, hydrographic conditions, and biological influences on seawater chemistry generate chemical conditions that buffer against ocean acidification. This previously undocumented refuge for corals provides evidence for adaptation of coastal organisms and ecosystem transition due to recent climate change. Identifying and protecting other natural, non-reef coral refuges is critical for sustaining corals and other reef species into the future.


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Inverse dynamics is the most comprehensive method that gives access to the net joint forces and moments during walking. However it is based on assumptions (i.e., rigid segments linked by ideal joints) and it is known to be sensitive to the input data (e.g., kinematic derivatives, positions of joint centres and centre of pressure, inertial parameters). Alternatively, transducers can be used to measure directly the load applied on the residuum of transfemoral amputees. So, the purpose of this study was to compare the forces and moments applied on a prosthetic knee measured directly with the ones calculated by three inverse dynamics computations - corresponding to 3 and 2 segments, and « ground reaction vector technique » - during the gait of one patient. The maximum RMSEs between the estimated and directly measured forces (i.e., 56 N) and moment (i.e., 5 N.m) were relatively small. However the dynamic outcomes of the prosthetic components (i.e., absorption of the foot, friction and limit stop of the knee) were only partially assessed with inverse dynamic methods.


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Objective: To assess the relationship between Bayesian MUNE and histological motor neuron counts in wild-type mice and in an animal model of ALS. Methods: We performed Bayesian MUNE paired with histological counts of motor neurons in the lumbar spinal cord of wild-type mice and transgenic SOD1 G93A mice that show progressive weakness over time. We evaluated the number of acetylcholine endplates that were innervated by a presynaptic nerve. Results: In wild-type mice, the motor unit number in the gastrocnemius muscle estimated by Bayesian MUNE was approximately half the number of motor neurons in the region of the spinal cord that contains the cell bodies of the motor neurons supplying the hindlimb crural flexor muscles. In SOD1 G93A mice, motor neuron numbers declined over time. This was associated with motor endplate denervation at the end-stage of disease. Conclusion: The number of motor neurons in the spinal cord of wild-type mice is proportional to the number of motor units estimated by Bayesian MUNE. In SOD1 G93A mice, there is a lower number of estimated motor units compared to the number of spinal cord motor neurons at the end-stage of disease, and this is associated with disruption of the neuromuscular junction. Significance: Our finding that the Bayesian MUNE method gives estimates of motor unit numbers that are proportional to the numbers of motor neurons in the spinal cord supports the clinical use of Bayesian MUNE in monitoring motor unit loss in ALS patients. © 2012 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.