988 resultados para dielectric film system


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采用1/4规整膜系,从电场强度、吸收损耗及散射损耗的分布几个方面,对影响193 nm反射膜性能的因素进行了分析。以分析结果为基础,对低损耗193 nm反射膜的设计进行了探讨。结果表明:在空气侧的外膜层中电场强度较大,随着层数向内过渡,电场强度迅速减小;高折射率材料膜层的吸收损耗明显高于低折射率材料膜层的吸收损耗,而且靠近空气侧最外层的高折射率膜层的吸收损耗最大;按由外层向内层过渡的方向,吸收损耗迅速减小,减小的速度与高低折射率材料折射率的比值相关;表面散射损耗与两种材料的折射率比值成正比,但折射率比值减小后只能通过增加膜层数来获得一定的反射率,而这样又会使表面粗糙度增加,并且引入其它的损耗。因此,选择折射率差值适当大一些的材料对降低散射损耗是有利的。设计了27层膜堆的193 nm反射膜,设计反射率在98%以上。


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The effects of plasma induced damage in different conditions of ICP and PECVD processes on LEDs were presented. For ICP mesa etch, in an effort to confirm the effects of dry etch damage on the optical properties of p-type GaN, a photoluminescence (PL) measurement was investigated with different rf chuck power. It was founded the PL intensity of the peak decreased with increasing DC bias and the intensity of sample etched at a higher DC bias of -400V is less by two orders of magnitude than that of the as-grown sample. Meanwhile, In the IN curve for the etched samples with different DC biases, the reverse leakage current of higher DC bias sample was obviously degraded than the lower one. In addition, plasma induced damage was also inevitable during the deposition of etch masks and surface passivation films by PECVD. The PL intensity of samples deposited with different powers sharply decreased when the power was excessive. The PL spectra of samples deposited under the fixed condition with the different processing time were measured, indicating the intensity of sample deposited with a lower power did not obviously vary after a long time deposition. A two-layer film was made in order to improve the compactness of sparse dielectric film deposited with a lower power.


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In this paper fabrication of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) with combined transparent electrodes on both P-GaN and N-GaN have been demonstrated. Simulation and experimental results show that comparing with traditional metal N electrodes the efficacy of LEDs with transparent N electrode is increased by more than 10% and it is easier in process than the other techniques. Further more, combining the transparent electrodes with dielectric anti-reflection film, the extraction efficiency can be improved by 5%. At the same time, the transparent electrodes were protected by the dielectric film and the reliability of LEDs can be improved.


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The magnetic-type plasmon resonant of a metal-dielectric-metal nanocavity working at the wavelength of 1.55 mu m is explored, in which the upper layer is periodically patterned with metallic nanostrip arrays. In the dielectric film layer, the magnetic energy intensity is enhanced about 1700 times when irradiated with a p-polarized plane wave. We numerically studied the dispersion of the modes and the Q-value of this periodic cavity arrays. Q value is estimated about 18 and still has room for further improvement. It provides a new type of nanocavity that exhibits a strong magnetic response.


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Thin, oxidised Al films grown an one face of fused silica prisms are exposed. tinder ambient conditions, to single shots from an excimer laser operating at wavelength 248 nm. Preliminary characterisation of the films using attenuated total reflection yields optical and thickness data for the Al and Al oxide layers; this step facilitates the subsequent, accurate tuning of the excimer laser pulse to the: surface plasmon resonance at the Al/(oxide)/air interface and the calculation of the fluence actually absorbed by the thin film system. Ablation damage is characterised using scanning electron, and atomic force microscopy. When the laser pulse is incident, through the prism on the sample at less than critical angle, the damage features are molten in nature with small islands of sub-micrometer dimension much in evidence, a mechanism of film melt-through and subsegment blow-off due to the build up of vapour pressure at the substrate/film interface is appropriate. By contrast, when the optical input is surface plasmon mediated, predominately mechanical damage results with the film fragmenting into large flakes of dimensions on the order of 10 mu m. It is suggested that the ability of surface plasmons to transport energy leads to enhanced, preferential absorption of energy at defect sites causing stress throughout the film which exceeds the ultimate tensile stress for the film: this in turn leads to film break-up before melting can onset. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Die lokale Anlagerung molekularer Substanzen auf Oberflächen ist technologisch von großem Interesse. Die Beeinflussung selbstassemblierender Materialien bietet dabei große Vorteile, da sie kostengünstig und großflächig angewendet werden kann. Untersuchungen einer solchen Beeinflussung mithilfe von magnetischen Feldern wurden bisher jedoch noch nicht durchgeführt. Ursache hierfür ist das, insbesondere bei der Verwendung von diamagnetischen Substanzen, geringe induzierte magnetische Moment und die daraus resultierenden geringen magnetischen Kräfte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob es möglich ist, die lokale Anlagerung von selbstassemblierenden, diamagnetischen Substanzen durch die Verwendung von magnetischen Streufeldern zu beeinflussen und somit ein Schichtwachstum bevorzugt in gewünschten Bereichen eines Substrats zu erreichen. Es wurde ein austauschverschobenes Dünnschichtsystem über das Verfahren der ionenbeschuss-induzierten magnetischen Strukturierung mit einem künstlichen Domänenmuster in streifenförmiger Anordnung im Mikrometermaßstab erzeugt. Über experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden die aus diesem Schichtsystem austretenden magnetischen Streufelder erstmals quantifiziert. Die experimentell unvermeidbaren Mittelungen und technischen Limitierungen wurden mithilfe eines theoretischen Modells herausgerechnet, sodass letztlich die resultierende Magnetfeldlandschaft in allen drei Dimensionen über der Probenoberfläche erhalten wurde. Durch die Bestimmung der magnetischen Suszeptibilitäten der hier verwendeten thioethersubstituierten Subphthalocyanin-Derivate konnte somit die Berechnung der induzierten magnetischen Kräfte erfolgen, deren Vergleich mit Literaturwerten eine erfolgreiche Beeinflussung der Anlagerung dieser Substanzen erhoffen ließ. Aufgrund der Kombination diverser, anspruchsvoller Nachweisverfahren konnte der experimentelle Beweis für die erfolgreiche Positionierung der molekularen Substanzen durch die magnetischen Streufelder des Dünnschichtsystems erbracht werden. Zunächst wurde nachgewiesen, dass sich die Subphthalocyanin-Derivate auf der Probenoberfläche befinden und in einer mit der Periode der magnetischen Domänenstruktur korrelierenden Geometrie anlagern. Über Untersuchungen an Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen konnte die magnetische Streifenstruktur mit der Struktur der angelagerten Moleküle überlagert werden, sodass bekannt wurde, dass sich die Moleküle bevorzugt in den magnetisch begünstigten Bereichen anlagern. Um mögliche Einflüsse einer eventuell durch den magnetischen Strukturierungsprozess lokal modifizierten Substratoberfläche als Ursache für die lokale Molekülanlagerung ausschließen zu können, wurden zusätzliche Referenzmessungen durchgeführt. Alle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Molekülpositionierung auf der Wechselwirkung der diamagnetischen Substanzen mit den Streufeldern des Substrats zurückzuführen ist. Der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Mechanismus der magnetischen Beeinflussung der lokalen Molekülanlagerung besagt dabei, dass insbesondere die Oberflächendiffusion der selbstassemblierenden Substanz durch die in-plane-Magnetfeldkomponente beeinflusst wird und vermutlich die Nukleationsphase der Selbstassemblierung entscheidend für die lokale Materialabscheidung ist. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit somit gezeigt werden, dass eine Beeinflussung der Selbstassemblierung von diamagnetischen Subphthalocyanin-Derivaten und somit eine lokal bevorzugte Anlagerung dieser Substanzen durch magnetische Streufelder von magnetisch strukturierten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsystemen erreicht werden kann. Es resultiert somit eine neue Möglichkeit die technologisch wichtigen Selbstassemblierungsprozesse nun auch über magnetische Streufelder beeinflussen und kontrollieren zu können. Durch die hohe Flexibilität bei den Strukturierungsmöglichkeiten der magnetischen Domänengeometrien der hier verwendeten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsysteme resultieren aus den hier gezeigten Ergebnissen vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Beschichtungstechnik.


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The design and manufacture of dielectric-film interference filters for cooled FIR stronmy is described. The bands are 16.5-21.5µm, 17.5-19.5µm, 19.5-21.5µm and 27µm cut on. The films are PbTe/CdSe and the substrates are CdTe (some 1/2 mm thick), without absorption in the region: KRS-6 films are used for antireflection.


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Neste projeto foi desenvolvido um método computacional para verificação da melhor combinação tela intensificadora - filme para exames mamográficos através do estudo de suas características sensitométricas. O software, desenvolvido em ambiente Delphi para windows, apresenta na tela do microcomputador a imagem a ser obtida para cada tipo de combinação tela intensificadora - filme, utilizando imagens de \"Phantoms\" e de mamas reais. Em razão da ampla quantidade de fatores que influenciam a imagem mamográfica final, tais como magnificação, característica dos filmes e telas intensificadoras e condições da processadora, o método proposto pode proporcionar uma ampla avaliação da qualidade dos sistemas de imagem mamográfica de uma forma simples, rápida e automática, através de procedimentos de simulação computacional. A simulação investigou a influência que um determinado sistema de registro exerce sobre a qualidade da imagem, possibilitando conhecer previamente a imagem final a ser obtida com diferentes equipamentos e sistemas de registro. Dentre os sistemas investigados, três filmes (Kodak Min R 2000, Fuji UM MA-HC e Fuji ADM) e duas telas intensificadoras (Kodak Min R 2000 e Fuji AD Mammo Fine), aquele que apresentou melhores resultados, com melhor qualidade de imagens e menor exposição à paciente foi o de tela Min R 2000 com filme Min R 2000 da Kodak.


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The paper presents investigations into compact zero-thickness wideband antennas capable of operating in many frequency bands within 800-3000MHz. Multi-band operation of these antennas is accomplished by suitable meandering of conducting segments that may be supported by a thin dielectric film. The antennas are capable of operating with a very small ground plane formed by an adjacent conducting surface or a feeding transmission line. Because of the use of flexible materials, these antennas can be conformed to planar or cylindrical structures. Their operation is tested experimentally in stand-alone configurations as well as in the presence of enclosures.


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The inclusion of a water-soluble polymer, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), into a surface active film composition before application to the water surface leads to the formation of a dynamic duolayer; a novel surface film system. This duolayer shows improved surface viscosity over the monolayer compound alone, while the addition of polymer maintains other film properties such as evaporation control and equilibrium spreading pressure. Brewster Angle Microscopy shows that the duolayer film undergoes a different formation mechanism upon film compression, and the resultant surface pressure/area isotherm is different at lower surface pressures indicating the PVP is present on the water surface at these pressures and squeezed out to the water subphase at higher pressures. The addition of water-soluble polymers to form a dynamic duolayer provides a unique way to produce defect-free and tightly packed films while polymer is associated with the film. This finding provides new knowledge for the design of surface films with improved properties with potential applications in many areas.


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The Packaging Research Center has been developing next generation system-on-a-package (SOP) technology with digital, RF, optical, and sensor functions integrated in a single package/module. The goal of this effort is to develop a platform substrate technology providing very high wiring density and embedded thin film passive and active components using PWB compatible materials and processes. The latest SOP baseline process test vehicle has been fabricated on novel Si-matched CTE, high modulus C-SiC composite core substrates using 10mum thick BCB dielectric films with loss tangent of 0.0008 and dielectric constant of 2.65. A semi-additive plating process has been developed for multilayer microvia build-up using BCB without the use of any vacuum deposition or polishing/CMP processes. PWB and package substrate compatible processes such as plasma surface treatment/desmear and electroless/electrolytic pulse reverse plating was used. The smallest line width and space demonstrated in this paper is 6mum with microvia diameters in the 15-30mum range. This build-up process has also been developed on medium CTE organic laminates including MCL-E-679F from Hitachi Chemical and PTFE laminates with Cu-Invar-Cu core. Embedded decoupling capacitors with capacitance density of >500nF/cm2 have been integrated into the build-up layers using sol-gel synthesized BaTiO3 thin films (200-300nm film thickness) deposited on copper foils and integrated using vacuum lamination and subtractive etch processes. Thin metal alloy resistor films have been integrated into the SOP substrate using two methods: (a) NiCrAlSi thin films (25ohms per square) deposited on copper foils (Gould Electronics) laminated on the build-up layers and two step etch process for resistor definition, and (b) electroless plated Ni-W-P thin films (70 ohms to few Kohms per square) on the BCB dielectric by plasma surface treatment and activation. The electrical design and build-up layer structure along- - with key materials and processes used in the fabrication of the SOP4 test vehicle were presented in this paper. Initial results from the high density wiring and embedded thin film components were also presented. The focus of this paper is on integration of materials, processes and structures in a single package substrate for system-on-a-package (SOP) implementation


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Shadow nations face particular problems in constructing competitive film industries. Shadow nations refer to nations whose relative competitiveness suffers from easy product substitutability by products initiated, produced and distributed by powerful actors, such as media conglomerates located in Hollywood. The dominant literature has so far neglected the developing policy recommendations for dealing explicitly with the challenges of shadow nations. This paper aims to develop and apply a normative model for the development of film industries in shadow nations. The model integrates insights from innovation system studies and place branding. The developed model is applied to the Australian film industry as Australia represents a typical shadow nation within the film industry.


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Despite the widespread use of paper, plastic or ceramics in dielectric capacitors, water has not been commonly used as a dielectric due to its tendency to become conductive as it easily leaches ions from the environment. We show here that when water is confined between graphene oxide sheets, it can retain its insulating nature and behave as a dielectric. A hydrated graphene oxide film was used as a dielectric spacer to construct a prototype water-dielectric capacitor. The capacitance depends on the water content of the hydrated GO film as well as the voltage applied to the device. Our results show that the capacitance per unit area of the GO film is in the range of 100–800 mF cm �2, which is 5–40 times that of the double layer capacitance per surface area of activated carbon.


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Thin film supercapacitors are produced by using electrochemically exfoliated graphene (G) and wet-chemically produced graphene oxide (GO). Either G/GO/G stacked film or sole GO film are sandwiched by two Au films to make devices, where GO is the dielectric spacer. The addition of graphene film for charge storage can increase the capacitance about two times, compared to the simple Au electrode. It is found that the GO film has very high dielectric constant, accounting for the high capacitance of these devices. AC measurements reveal that the relative permittivity of GO is in the order of 104 within the frequency range of 0.1–70 Hz.