788 resultados para development community


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Software development guidelines are a set of rules which can help improve the quality of software. These rules are defined on the basis of experience gained by the software development community over time. This paper discusses a set of design guidelines for model-based development of complex real-time embedded software systems. To be precise, we propose nine design conventions, three design patterns and thirteen antipatterns for developing UML-RT models. These guidelines have been identified based on our analysis of around 100 UML-RT models from industry and academia. Most of the guidelines are explained with the help of examples, and standard templates from the current state of the art are used for documenting the design rules.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Área de Especialização em Sistemas Autónomos


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Last decades economic development induced massive international and regional migration flows directed to the urban spaces. The magnitude and swiftness of these processes determined that several cities’ authorities would fail to respond to the increasing demands of many social services. The right to an “adequate housing” emerged as a political concern, leading governments and institutions to develop housing programmes directed to improve the lives of slum dwellers. This paper presents a diachronic evolution of these specific housing policies in the paradigmatic case-study of Brazil, critically analysing the evolving roles played by the multiple levels of decision (from international institutions to local communities) in the development and implementation of such measures.


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A presente dissertação pretende analisar a luta contra a pobreza na Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC), através do estudo do “Caso de Moçambique, 1987 – 2000”. Este estudo analisa também aspetos pertinentes para a Regionalização do Sistema Internacional, dando maior enfase ao surgimento da SADC, os seus obstáculos e a Segurança na região. Relativamente à luta contra a pobreza na Região, Moçambique tem como posição que o combate à pobreza é a forma de luta pela segurança, pois considera um risco existirem “pessoas que vegetam na pobreza e serem facilmente recrutados por grupos interessados em por em causa a segurança mundial, aliás a pobreza provou que é uma ameaça sistémica e sistemática à paz mundial” (Teleinforma 27/09/2013). Neste contexto, este trabalho enfoca o Plano de Ação para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta (PARPA), estudando o caso do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento Local, vulgo 7 milhões de meticais em Moçambique, alocados anualmente aos Distritos e Municípios. Da pesquisa efetuada verifica-se que, a forma usada para a atribuição do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento Local aos camponeses, não tem sido a mais criteriosa, razão pela qual não reembolsam, depois dos prazos estabelecidos. Nota-se ainda, existência de fraca capacidade de controlo de aplicação pela entidade gestora. Como tal, conclui-se que o Governo tem agido como Banco, vocação que não lhe é competente. Assim, se propõe: a) Criação de um Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Local onde cada Distrito teria um Gabinete de Apoio e Monotorização ao Fundo. b) O Gabinete assessoraria os camponeses na promoção dos produtos de forma a rentabilizar os projetos, devido a fraca sensibilização das comunidades locais na gestão do fundo, na elaboração de projetos que possam ser elegíveis ao financiamento bancário.


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Sustainability has become a focal point of the international agenda. At the heart of its range of distribution in the Gran Chaco Region, the elimination of Triatoma infestans has failed, even in areas subject to intensive professional vector control efforts. Chagas disease control programs traditionally have been composed of two divorced entities: a vector control program in charge of routine field operations (bug detection and insecticide spraying) and a disease control program in charge of screening blood donors, diagnosis, etiologic treatment and providing medical care to chronic patients. The challenge of sustainable suppression of bug infestation and Trypanosoma cruzi transmission can be met through integrated disease management, in which vector control is combined with active case detection and treatment to increase impact, cost-effectiveness and public acceptance in resource-limited settings. Multi-stakeholder involvement may add sustainability and resilience to the surveillance system. Chagas vector control and disease management must remain a regional effort within the frame of sustainable development rather than being viewed exclusively as a matter of health pertinent to the health sector. Sustained and continuous coordination between governments, agencies, control programs, academia and the affected communities is critical.


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News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa, and the Iowa Department of Economic Development Community Development Division.


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Adjuvants are increasingly used by the vaccine research and development community, particularly for their ability to enhance immune responses and for their dose-sparing properties. However, they are not readily available to the majority of public sector vaccine research groups, and even those with access to suitable adjuvants may still fail in the development of their vaccines because of lack of knowledge on how to correctly formulate the adjuvants. This shortcoming led the World Health Organization to advocate for the establishment of the Vaccine Formulation Laboratory at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. The primary mission of the laboratory is to transfer adjuvants and formulation technology free of intellectual property rights to academic institutions, small biotechnology companies and developing countries vaccine manufacturers. In this context, the transfer of an oil-in-water emulsion to Bio Farma, an Indonesian vaccine manufacturer, was initiated to increase domestic pandemic influenza vaccine production capacity as part of the national pandemic influenza preparedness plan.


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Na actualidade, tem-se cada vez mais a consciência da necessidade e da importância de ter uma informação financeira credível e em tempo oportuno. A informação financeira passou a ser a base para avaliação do desempenho dos gestores, assim como para análise da situação económico-financeira das Organizações. A informação só é útil para tomada de decisão se tiverem as seguintes características qualitativas: Compreensibilidade, Relevância, Fiabilidade e Comparabilidade. No ambiente concorrencial em que as Organizações estão inseridas, a Contabilidade tem um papel fulcral como instrumento de tomada de decisão. As Organizações que têm como objectivos acções sociais, actuam nas áreas como: culturais e recreativas, solidariedade social, promoção do desenvolvimento comunitário, educacionais, de protecção ao ambiente, Saúde e da promoção da higiene, entre outros. Como essas Organizações não têm com objectivo o lucro, é necessário ter uma boa gestão e para que isso seja possível, é preciso ter-se instrumentos capazes para que isso seja possível e é neste âmbito que a Contabilidade entra como um auxílio para a gestão, como ferramenta capaz de mensurar e controlar processos, resultados e impactos nos projectos executados, a fim de que seus objectivos sociais sejam alcançados de uma forma consistente com o planeado. A sustentabilidade, a necessidade de demonstração e de aplicação dos recursos obtidos é um forte desafio que as Organizações do terceiro sector têm de ultrapassar e, neste âmbito, a Contabilidade pode constituir um meio importante para atingir esses objectivos, através da demonstração dos resultados alcançados. Nesta base, o contributo da Contabilidade na gestão das OSFL tem-se acentuado cada vez mais, demonstrando transparência na apresentação das suas contas, facilitando na captação de recursos e na fidelização dos seus parceiros e financiadores. Nowadays it has become increasingly aware of the need and importance of having credible and timely financial information. The financial information started to be the base for evaluation of the managers acting, as well as for analysis of the economicfinancial situation of the company. The information is only useful for socket of decision if they have the following qualitative characteristics: Comprehensive, Relevance, Reliable and Comparability. In the atmosphere concurrencies in that the Organizations are inserted the accounting has a crucial paper as instrument of socket of decision in the Organizations. The Organizations that have as purpose social action as for instance: cultural and recreational, social solidarity, promotion of the development community, education, of protection to the atmosphere, health and of the promotion of the hygiene, among others. As those Organizations don't have with objective the profit, it is necessary to have a good administration and for that to be possible, it is necessary to have capable instruments for that to be possible and it is in this extent that the accounting enters as an aid for the administration, as tool capable to measure and to control processes, results and impacts in the executed projects, so that their social objectives are reached in a solid way with the planed. Sustainability, the demonstration of the achieved results and the application of resources collected are strong challenges that the Organizations of the third sector have to overcome. To that extent, Accounting can contribute as an important way to reach those objectives through the demonstration of resources collected. In this base, the contribution of the Accounting has been accentuating more and more in the administration of the nonprofit organizations, demonstrating transparency in the presentation of their finance statements, facilitating the fundraising of Organizations and loyal partners and funders.


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BACKGROUND: Molecular interaction Information is a key resource in modern biomedical research. Publicly available data have previously been provided in a broad array of diverse formats, making access to this very difficult. The publication and wide implementation of the Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative Molecular Interactions (HUPO PSI-MI) format in 2004 was a major step towards the establishment of a single, unified format by which molecular interactions should be presented, but focused purely on protein-protein interactions. RESULTS: The HUPO-PSI has further developed the PSI-MI XML schema to enable the description of interactions between a wider range of molecular types, for example nucleic acids, chemical entities, and molecular complexes. Extensive details about each supported molecular interaction can now be captured, including the biological role of each molecule within that interaction, detailed description of interacting domains, and the kinetic parameters of the interaction. The format is supported by data management and analysis tools and has been adopted by major interaction data providers. Additionally, a simpler, tab-delimited format MITAB2.5 has been developed for the benefit of users who require only minimal information in an easy to access configuration. CONCLUSION: The PSI-MI XML2.5 and MITAB2.5 formats have been jointly developed by interaction data producers and providers from both the academic and commercial sector, and are already widely implemented and well supported by an active development community. PSI-MI XML2.5 enables the description of highly detailed molecular interaction data and facilitates data exchange between databases and users without loss of information. MITAB2.5 is a simpler format appropriate for fast Perl parsing or loading into Microsoft Excel.


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During the project we get familiar with Linksys WRT54GL wireless router and its network managing methods. Operating system is OpenWRT which is Linux-based distribution for embedded devices. OpenWRT uses two kind of approach for its network administration. The first one is web-based user interface and the second one is command line based. Both methods are working but do not solve all problems that competent network administrator can need for secured network managing. The goal of the project was design an NCurses-based user interface for network administration that can be run from command line. The user interface can be use for example from terminal via SSH which is yet faster and also light to use. The idea is to combine the user friendly of WWW-interface and the advanced options that command line based network managing can offer. Linux-based open source OpenWRT offers good development tools. There exist also a compact development community if there is need for further development of software in future. So far user interface for command line based network administrator is not available.


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, kuinka hyvä tekoäly tietokonepeliin on mahdollista toteuttaa nykytiedolla ja -tekniikalla. Tekoäly rajattiin tarkoittamaan tekoälyn ohjaamia pelihahmoja. Lisäksi yksinkertaisia tekoälytoteutuksia ei huomioitu. Työ toteutettiin tutustumalla aiheeseen liittyvään kirjallisuuteen sekä kehittäjäyhteisön web-sivustojen tietoon. Hyvän tekoälyn kriteereiksi valikoituivat viihdyttävyys ja uskottavuus. Katsaus suosituimpiin toteuttamistekniikoihin ja tekoälyn mahdollisuuksiin osoitti, että teoriassa hyvinkin edistynyt tekoäly on toteutettavissa. Käytännössä tietokoneen rajalliset resurssit, kehittäjien rajalliset taidot ja pelinkehitysprojektien asettamat vaatimukset näyttävät kuitenkin rajoittavan tekoälyn toteuttamista kaupallisessa tuotteessa.


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Chaque année, un nombre considérable d’élèves récemment immigrés intègrent les écoles du Québec. Pour ces jeunes, les risques de faire face à des difficultés socioscolaires sont potentiellement élevés, en particulier chez ceux pour qui des facteurs tels que l’allophonie et la défavorisation s’additionnent. De nombreuses recherches soulignent la réussite de l’adaptation socioscolaire de plusieurs de ces élèves, mais il demeure que d’autres jeunes éprouvent des difficultés et il est capital de chercher à mieux comprendre comment les accompagner à travers ce processus. L’objectif général de cette recherche est de décrire le phénomène de la résilience scolaire chez des jeunes allophones du primaire récemment immigrés dans le but de savoir comment mieux soutenir leur intégration sociale ainsi que leur réussite scolaire. Le concept de la résilience a été employé comme cadre théorique afin de capter le caractère systémique de l’intégration socioscolaire de ces élèves immigrants qui, à leur arrivée, ne maîtrisent pas le français. Les résultats de l’analyse de nos données révèlent que les caractéristiques qui ont soutenu l’adaptation socioscolaire des jeunes que nous avons rencontrés appartiennent à quatre catégories : l’élève (motivation scolaire et importance accordée aux études en général, volonté d’apprentissage du français), son environnement familial (intérêt porté par les parents à l’éducation de l’enfant, discours positif du parent quant à l’éducation), son environnement extra-familial (lieux de culte et espaces d’épanouissement socioculturel pour le jeune, organismes communautaires, adultes significatifs qui peuvent soutenir la résilience du jeune) et son vécu scolaire (enseignants engagés, disponibles, qui inspirent confiance et qui sont outillés, climat psychosocial positif en classe et à l’école).


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Infographic providing a timeline of important events in the history of open source software since the fifties. Also includes stats for OSS licenses, usage in Business and reasons for participating in an OSS community.


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En el año 2007 el Instituto Rosarista de Acción Social y varios profesores de distintas facultades, en un esfuerzo por integrar la docencia, la investigación y la extensión, crean el Equipo interdisciplinario de estudios en desarrollo local. La iniciativa buscaba contribuir a la formulación de respuestas a problemáticas del desarrollo local por medio de la implementación de proyectos en una comunidad. Para ello, los profesores articularon sus capacidades y conocimientos en la construcción de un programa de intervención integral en el sector de El Codito. La búsqueda por construir, desde un análisis integral, procesos que atiendan los retos que impone el subdesarrollo, hace que la propuesta del Equipo Interdisciplinario sea muy interesante. Es por eso que en el capítulo 1de esta sistematización se considera pertinente rescatar las acciones del equipo a través de una sistematización de su experiencia desde sus inicios en el año 2007, hasta su desintegración en el 2013. En los capítulos 2 y 3, de manera detallada, se recoge el diagnóstico, la planificación y la ejecución de dos de los proyectos que se implementaron en el sector de El Codito: la “Escuela juvenil de formación en democracia, proyectos sociales y trabajo comunitario para el sector El Codito” e “Imaginarios y representaciones sociales en torno a la discapacidad en comunidades vulnerables. Estudio de caso sector El Codito, Bogotá.”. Por último, se presentan algunas conclusiones, lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones de esta experiencia de trabajo comunitario.