983 resultados para curriculum management


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El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es diseñar un Modelo de Educación que permita formar ingenieros industriales en Perú que sean capaces de enfrentar los retos modernos de fuerte y sostenido crecimiento económico y social. Las necesidades que se han generado a lo largo de los últimos años llevan a identificar que una gran carencia es el poco dominio del concepto, naturaleza y gestión de un proyecto y la marcada ausencia de habilidades humanas y funcionales al momento de ejercer la profesión; entendiendo proyecto como “Un esfuerzo temporal que se lleva a cabo para crear un producto, servicio o resultado único. La naturaleza temporal de los proyectos indica un principio y un final definidos. El final se alcanza cuando se logran los objetivos del proyecto o cuando se termina el proyecto porque sus objetivos no se cumplirán o no pueden ser cumplidos, o cuando ya no existe la necesidad que dio origen al proyecto…. los proyectos pueden tener impactos sociales, económicos y ambientales susceptibles de perdurar mucho más que los propios proyectos.”1. Entonces, formularnos la hipótesis que es posible tener un modelo educativo para la Ingeniería Industrial de Perú que permita y estimule alcanzar estas características tan reclamadas por la sociedad, confiando desde el inicio que su diseño y empleo tendrá fuerte repercusión tanto en el desarrollo personal de los estudiantes, como en el social y económico, por las habilidades y condiciones que serán capaces de desplegar los egresados en sus ámbitos de acción laboral. Para lograr el objetivo se ha hecho una definición de la identidad de la universidad latinoamericana y una verificación de si es posible o no tomar modelos y experiencias de otros lugares y trasladarlos con éxito a escenarios nuevos y distintos. Luego, se han determinado las tendencias más fuertes en la formación de ingenieros industriales en los contextos más exitosos actualmente. Para definir esas habilidades tan reclamadas por el sector público y privado de la sociedad, se busca y define una codificación de competencias genéricas que permite tener un ingeniero moderno bien perfilado para las exigencias globales. Los pasos finales son determinar el Modelo para la Educación Superior de la Ingeniería Industrial de Perú desde las Competencias (MESIC) a partir de novedosos enfoques para la educación como la contextualización, la gestión del conocimiento experto y experimentado, el enfoque socioformativo y la definición de Aspectos Clave del modelo antes de iniciar una planificación curricular de ingeniería. Al final se muestra una aplicación del modelo llegando a detalles de definición de competencias muy interesantes y a la necesidad de contar con un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad de la gestión curricular. Al término de la investigación concluimos que es posible definir un modelo apropiado para formar ingenieros industriales en Perú desde las competencias, capaces de enfrentar los modernos retos locales y globales. También determinamos que el proceso no puede ser impuesto, debe pasar por un transitorio periodo de adecuación de docentes y alumnos y requiere de compromiso, pues se suele enfocar este cambio como una forma de desestimar todo lo anterior, cuando debe entenderse que son procesos complementarios, ya que los importantes logros con clases magistrales y resolución de problemas son evidentes y se trata de estilos diferentes de encarar la educación. El resultado de la imposición puede ser devastador para algunos estudiantes y frustrante para algunos docentes, consecuencias que no se desean y deben evitarse. La aplicación se realiza en una universidad del norte de Perú, la Universidad de Piura, y puede observarse en el último capítulo de este trabajo. ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to find an Educational Modell in order to train industrial engineers in Peru who are able to face modern challenges of strong and sustained economic and social growth. Over recent years the generated needs have led to understand that a major weakness in our professionals is the poor skills in project management and the marked absence of functional and human skills when exercising the profession. This diagnose has led to formulate the hypothesis that it is possible to have an educational model for Peru Industrial Engineering that allows and encourages to achieve these features which are claimed by society. A project which we trust will have a strong impact from the beginning on both, personal development of students as well as in the social and economic conditions, considering the skills graduates will be able to deploy in their work fields. To achieve the goal first it was defined the identity of the Latin American university and verified whether it is possible or not to take models and experiences elsewhere and move successfully to new and different scenarios. Then there were determined the strongest trends in the industrial engineers training in currently successful contexts. In order to define these demanded skills by the public and private sectors of society, there are defined a set of generic skills that allows to have a modern engineer well profiled for global context. Considering these elements, a Model for Higher Education in Industrial Engineering from Peru Competence (MESIC)is proposed considering novel approaches to education such as territoriality, skilled and experienced knowledge management, socio - formative approach and set the definition of Key aspects of the model before starting a engineering curricular planning. Finally detailed records of an application of the model is shown through modern learning methodologies, development and assessment of skills and the need to have a quality assurance system for entire curriculum management. Through this research it can be concluded that it is possible to determine an appropriate model to train industrial engineers in Peru from the skills, in order to meet the modern local and global challenges. Results show that the process cannot be imposed, instead it must go through a transitional period of adaptation from teachers and students and requires commitment, focusing that this change usually is a way to dismiss the above, and is important to address that there are obvious achievements on education lectures and problem solving, and it should be understood that they are complementary processes. The result of change imposition can be devastating for some students and frustrating for some teachers, unwanted consequences and they should be avoided. The proposed model is applied at a university in northern Peru, the University of Piura, and the results can be seen in the last chapter of this work.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Remontaremos à introdução do Projecto da Gestão Flexível do Currículo e a tempos anteriores a ele, partindo, assim, para uma investigação sobre o modo como as práticas pedagógico-didácticas se mantiveram, se alteraram porventura, ou mesmo inovaram aquando da transição dos tempos lectivos de 50 para 90 minutos. Com este trabalho pretendemos também fazer uma análise da Reorganização Curricular dos Tempos Lectivos, tentando compaginá-la com as noções de atenção, fadiga e memória. /RÉSUMÉ: Nous nous rapportons à l’introduction du Projecto da Gestão Flexível do Currículo (Projet de la Gestion Flexible du Curriculum) et aux temps qui l'ont précédée, partant, ainsi, à la recherche de la façon dont les pratiques pédagogiques et didactiques se sont maintenues, se sont, possiblement, modifiées, ou même comment elles ont innové, lors de la transition des temps scolaires de 50 pour 90 minutes. Ce travail prétend aussi faire une analyse de la Reorganização Curricular dos Tempos Lectivos (Réorganisation Curriculaire des Temps Scolaires), en essayant de la mettre en rélation avec les notions d'attention, de fatigue et de mémoire. /ABSTRACT: Pedagogic-didactic practices developed by Teachers of Portuguese, in the Third Cycle of Basic Education, resulting from newly implemented 90-minute teaching classes. We will retrace to the introduction of the Projecto de Gestão Flexível do Currículo (Flexible Curriculum Management Project) and to times prior to it, as a starting point for an investigation about the way pedagogic-didactic practices have been kept, have, eventually, changed or have even innovated when the transition from 50 to 90-minute teaching time has taken place. With this work we also intend to analyse the Reorganização Curricular dos Tempos Lectivos (Curriculum Reorganization of Teaching Times), trying to compare it with the notions of attention, fatigue and memory.


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Traditional business approaches do not take account of the rapid technological developments underpinning today's world. Further understanding the role of technology and its efficient management to build and maintain a competitive edge in business can allow project managers to more successfully manage organisations, and to adapt to and capitalise on, today’s rapidly changing environment. Strategic Technology Management links engineering, science and management principles to identify, choose, and implement the most effective means of attaining compatibility between internal skills and resources of an organisation and its competitive, economic and social environment. This paper reviews the rationale and the development of a new Strategic Technology Management subject in QUT’s Master of Project Management program. It discusses recent developments in the area of technology management from an international perspective, provides details of the curriculum developed and discusses the experience of completing two years of teaching the new program.


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At a time of rapid curriculum reform, some schools are turning to external change agents for assistance, but what's the best way to initiate such an approach?


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This article investigates the role of information communication technologies (ICTs) in establishing a well-aligned, authentic learning environment for a diverse cohort of non-cognate and cognate students studying event management in a higher education context. Based on a case study which examined the way ICTs assisted in accommodating diverse learning needs, styles and stages in an event management subject offered in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, the article uses an action research approach to generate grounded, empirical data on the effectiveness of the dynamic, individualised curriculum frameworks that the use of ICTs makes possible. The study provides insights into the way non-cognate and cognate students respond to different learning tools. It finds that whilst non-cognate and cognate students do respond to learning tools differently, due to a differing degree of emphasis on technical, task or theoretical competencies, the use of ICTs allows all students to improve their performance by providing multiple points of entry into the content. In this respect, whilst the article focuses on the way ICTs can be used to develop an authentic, well-aligned curriculum model that meets the needs of event management students in a higher education context, with findings relevant for event educators in Business, Hospitality, Tourism and Creative Industries, the strategies outlined may also be useful for educators in other fields who are faced with similar challenges when designing and developing curriculum for diverse cohorts.


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There is a growing awareness of the high levels of psychological distress being experienced by law students and the practising profession in Australia. In this context, a Threshold Learning Outcome (TLO) on self-management has been included in the six TLOs recently articulated as minimum learning outcomes for all Australian graduates of the Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). The TLOs were developed during 2010 as part of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s (ALTC’s) project funded by the Australian Government to articulate ‘Learning and Teaching Academic Standards’. The TLOs are the result of a comprehensive national consultation process led by the ALTC’s Discipline Scholars: Law, Professors Sally Kift and Mark Israel.1 The TLOs have been endorsed by the Council of Australian Law Deans (CALD) and have received broad support from members of the judiciary and practising profession, representative bodies of the legal profession, law students and recent graduates, Legal Services Commissioners and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee. At the time of writing, TLOs for the Juris Doctor (JD) are also being developed, utilising the TLOs articulated for the LLB as their starting point but restating the JD requirements as the higher order outcomes expected of graduates of a ‘Masters Degree (Extended)’, this being the award level designation for the JD now set out in the new Australian Qualifications Framework.2 As Australian law schools begin embedding the learning, teaching and assessment of the TLOs in their curricula, and seek to assure graduates’ achievement of them, guidance on the implementation of the self-management TLO is salient and timely.


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The Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Discipline Scholars for Law, Professors Sally Kift and Mark Israel, articulated six Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for the Bachelor of Laws degree as part of the ALTC’s 2010 project on Learning and Teaching Academic Standards. One of these TLOs promotes the learning, teaching and assessment of self-management skills in Australian law schools. This paper explores the concept of self-management and how it can be relevantly applied in the first year of legal education. Recent literature from the United States (US) and Australia provides insights into the types of issues facing law students, as well as potential antidotes to these problems. Based on these findings, I argue that designing a pedagogical framework for the first year law curriculum that promotes students’ connection with their intrinsic interests, values, motivations and purposes will facilitate student success in terms of their personal well-being, ethical dispositions and academic engagement.


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National Basic Research Program of China; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Information Society Technologies; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhuhai National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone


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The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast is committed to enhancing the quality of student learning. A plan to implement curriculum change around this goal has been formulated and is already several years underway. A specific part of the plan involved instigating a first year introductory module to engage the students in the practice of their engineering discipline. The complicated nature of devising this type of module with regard to objectives, resources, timeframe and the number of students involved meant that a very systematic approach had to be adopted. This paper presents the simple but definitive change management process that facilitated in the creation of a first year Introduction to Engineering module. The generic nature of this process is described and its application to other facets of curriculum change is discussed. Within this process the importance of collaboration to establish a forward momentum is emphasised. This enables academic staff to progress as a group and build curriculum development based on their own experiences, expertise and established practice


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The development of Information Security as a discipline has only occurred in recent years. Currently Information Security topics are widely taught at tertiary institutions but these topics are taught from a technical perspective and in other cases from a business perspective.

This paper discusses the development of a new security curriculum within Australia and how Australian tertiary institutions responded to that curriculum, the paper also puts forwards a framework that assists in curriculum development.