949 resultados para cultural model


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Apresentamos, neste trabalho, com base na semântica cognitiva, uma análise do significado, em contexto, dos auxiliares modais poder, precisar e dever. Analisamos 120 textos produzidos por candidatos ao vestibular e por alunos do ensino fundamental, como resposta da questão número três da prova discursiva de Língua Portuguesa do vestibular 2005 da UFRN, que pede aos candidatos para explicitar a diferença de sentido entre três frases, observando o uso desses três verbos. Consideramos que um item lexical não é incorporado a uma representação lingüística semântica fixa, limitada e única, mas antes, é ligado a uma representação lingüística semântica flexível e aberta que provê acesso a muitas concepções e sistemas conceituais dependente de cada contexto determinado. Com base em seu significado, um item lexical evoca um grupo de domínios cognitivos, que por sua vez, apresentam um determinado conteúdo conceitual. Isto implica em afirmar que a rede de significados lexicais vai variar conforme o conhecimento de mundo de cada um (LANGACKER, 2000). A relevância deste trabalho é proporcionar uma contribuição para a descrição semântica do português


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Diepkloof Rock Shelter offers an exceptional opportunity to study the onset and evolution of both Still Bay (SB) and Howiesons Poort (HP) techno-complexes. However, previous age estimates based on luminescence dating of burnt quartzites (Tribolo et al., 2009) and of sediments (Jacobs et al., 2008) were not in agreement. Here, we present new luminescence ages for 17 rock samples (equivalent dose estimated with a SAR-ITL protocol instead of classical MAAD-TL) as well as for 5 sediment samples (equivalent dose estimated with SAR-single grain OSL protocol) and an update of the 22 previous age estimates for burnt lithics (modified calibration and beta dose estimates). While a good agreement between the rock and sediment ages is obtained, these estimates are still significantly older than those reported by Jacobs et al. (2008). After our own analyses of the sediment from Diepkloof, it is suspected that these authors did not correctly chose the parameters for the equivalent dose determination, leading to an underestimate of the equivalent doses, and thus of the ages. From bottom to top, the mean ages are 100 ± 10 ka for stratigraphic unit (SU) Noël and 107 ± 11 ka for SU Mark (uncharacterized Lower MSA), 100 ± 10 ka for SU Lynn-Leo (Pre-SB type Lynn), 109 ± 10 ka for SUs Kim-Larry (SB), 105 ± 10 ka for SUs Kerry-Kate and 109 ± 10 ka for SU Jess (Early HP), 89 ± 8 ka for SU Jude (MSA type Jack), 77 ± 8 ka for SU John, 85 ± 9 ka for SU Fox, 83 ± 8 ka for SU Fred and 65 ± 8 ka for SU OB5 (Intermediate HP), 52 ± 5 ka for SUs OB2-4 (Late HP). This chronology, together with the technological analyses, greatly modifies the current chrono-cultural model regarding the SB and the HP and has important archaeological implications. Indeed, SB and HP no longer appear as short-lived techno-complexes with synchronous appearances for each and restricted to Oxygen Isotopic Stage (OIS) 4 across South Africa, as suggested by Jacobs et al. (2008, 2012). Rather, the sequence of Diepkloof supports a long chronology model with an early appearance of both SB and HP in the first half of OIS 5 and a long duration of the HP into OIS 3. These new dates imply that different technological traditions coexisted during OIS 5 and 4 in southern Africa and that SB and HP can no longer be considered as horizon markers.


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El objetivo de la línea de investigación seguida en esta tesis consiste en identificar palancas de gestión de las personas en las organizaciones que permitan mejorar su rendimiento mediante la gestión del compromiso de los profesionales de las organizaciones inmersas en la denominada sociedad del conocimiento. Para identificar dichas palancas se analizan algunos de los factores que, según la literatura científica, tienen como consecuencia cambios en la productividad, como son el compromiso organizacional y las conductas cívicas dentro de la organización. También, por su actualidad y relevancia en las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos, se han analizado el impacto que tienen en estos factores en las prácticas empresariales que permiten conciliar vida profesional y personal el efecto del género en las distintas variables analizadas. Por todo lo anterior, en la investigación se analizan algunos de los factores de carácter psicosocial que promueven el compromiso en una organización, y se profundiza en dos conceptos: el análisis del compromiso de los profesionales con la organización para la que trabajan, y los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizativa que se exhiben en la organización por sus miembros. Para ello, se realiza un encuadramiento teórico de los siguientes conceptos: el compromiso como eje del trabajo; la ciudadanía organizativa como modelo cultural de la organización que promueve el compromiso; el rol de los líderes; los efectos de las políticas de conciliación; las diferencias de percepciones derivadas del género y un sistema de revisión de retributiva eficiente y coherente con el marco conceptual planteado. La metodología seleccionada para este trabajo ha sido el análisis en profundidad del caso de una empresa española, Red Eléctrica de España a través de tres pilares básicos: el primero consiste en el análisis exhaustivo de los datos obtenidos en las dos encuestas de clima social que dicha empresa realizó en el período 2006-2009; el segundo se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo matemático para el cálculo eficiente de recompensas salariales a través de un modelo de optimización; y el tercero es la consecuencia del conocimiento profundo que el autor tiene de la propia empresa, su cultura y funcionamiento, fruto de su experiencia profesional como directivo en el área de desarrollo de recursos humanos, función que desempeñó en la organización durante nueve años. En el análisis de este caso se ha investigado la influencia del género en el compromiso y la ciudadanía organizativa de los empleados de dicha organización, para identificar las diferencias de percepción que puedan ser explicadas por el género en una empresa muy masculina como es aquella. También, se ha incluido en este estudio de caso el análisis del efecto que presentan las medidas de conciliación en el compromiso de los empleados, por la relevancia que tiene este asunto en el panorama laboral español actual. Este análisis permite conocer hasta qué punto son o no motivadoras estas medidas en la organización analizada y, como consecuencia de ello, el tipo de gestión más oportuna de las mismas para conseguir no sólo los fines sociales que pretenden, garantizar que los empleados puedan compatibilizar sus exigencias laborales con una vida personal adecuada, sino también mejorar el clima, productividad y compromiso de éstos con la empresa. Para completar este análisis del caso, se han identificado de forma analítica los factores que mejor explican el clima de la organización y se ha concluido el papel central de la dirección que se concreta en la actuación de cada jefe, como motor del clima social en el equipo que dirige. Dado que la tesis pivota sobre el papel relevante que tiene la generación de una cultura de ciudadanía organizativa, se ha complementado el análisis con el desarrollo una herramienta de cálculo que facilita la determinación de los incrementos de la retribución fija de acuerdo con los principios de transparencia, equidad y justicia acordes con el modelo de empresa que promueve la virtud cívica de las personas empleadas en ella. Para ello se ha desarrollado un nuevo método de cálculo del incremento de retribución fija mediante un modelo analítico innovador y compacto de programación lineal entera mixta. Este modelo permite a las organizaciones realizar diseños de política retributiva de forma sencilla y rápida, a la vez que facilita la transparencia de las mismas en el proceso de gestión de la compensación. No se ha abordado el asunto de la determinación de la retribución variable, por ser un asunto relativamente menos complejo y profusamente tratado en la práctica directiva de las empresas. La primera de las conclusiones de la investigación realizada se refiere a los aspectos de la cultura organizativa que pueden identificarse como motores del compromiso. Se concluye que en el caso de estudio hay una fuerte relación mutua entre los rasgos que definen el compromiso emocional y los rasgos que determinan un comportamiento caracterizado como de ciudadanía organizativa. Se ha encontrado una correlación significativa y alta entre indicadores de compromiso y factores que recogen comportamientos de ciudadanía organizativa, correlación muy notable tanto para los factores de compromiso racional como para los de compromiso emocional. También se ha evidenciado que la correlación entre compromiso emocional y rasgos de comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional es mayor que la que aparece entre compromiso racional y rasgos de comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional. Desde el punto de vista de la práctica de gestión de recursos humanos, estas relaciones indican la conveniencia de promover una cultura organizacional basada en los principios de la ciudadanía organizativa para alcanzar altos niveles de compromiso emocional de los profesionales y mejorar la eficiencia organizativa. La segunda de las conclusiones se refiere al efecto de las políticas de conciliación en las organizaciones. Sobre este asunto se concluye que en el caso de estudio no puede considerarse que las medidas de conciliación tengan una fuerte relación con el compromiso emocional, y menos que puedan considerarse directamente una herramienta de generación de compromiso emocional. Sin embargo, sí que se detecta una cierta relación entre las percepciones de conciliación y de compromiso con la organización, y sobre todo, con el compromiso racional con la organización, que puede tener que ver con que para los empleados de la organización analizada, las medidas de conciliación son consideradas como una parte más de las condiciones laborales que ofrece la organización a los trabajadores. La tercera conclusión se refiere a la relación entre el género de los trabajadores y su nivel de compromiso y de ciudadanía organizativa. En el caso de estudio no se identifica una relación entre el género y el nivel de compromiso de los profesionales ni tampoco con la percepción de ciudadanía organizativa, variando la situación del período 2006 al período 2009. La cuarta conclusión se refiere al impacto que la actuación de los líderes (jefes) tiene en el clima social. En el caso de estudio, la actuación de los directivos y el nivel de compromiso que genera en los profesionales explica por sí sola más de un tercio de la varianza del clima organizativo, entendido como tal el que refleja el conjunto global de preguntas que constituyen la encuesta de clima del caso de estudio. Del análisis realizado se concluye que en el caso de estudio la percepción que los empleados tienen de sus jefes tiene un efecto relevante sobre el resto de percepciones de compromiso, ciudadanía organizativa y otros factores que conforman el clima social de la organización. La quinta y última conclusión supone la aportación de un modelo novedoso de cálculo de la recompensa económica coherente con un modelo de gestión empresarial mediante una cultura de ciudadanía organizativa. La solución que obtiene este modelo es el incremento salarial individual de cada profesional, que tiene en cuenta su rendimiento, posicionamiento salarial y encuadramiento profesional. Además de las restricciones presupuestarias, se consideran los principios de transparencia, equidad y justicia coherentes con el modelo conceptual planteado. La principal contribución de este trabajo es la formulación matemática de los criterios cualitativos que se emplean habitualmente en el proceso de revisión salarial. El método planteado supone una innovación que permite automatizar la metodología tradicional de gestión de incrementos salariales basados en matrices de incremento, así como evitar la aplicación de limitaciones en las valoraciones de desempeño derivadas de las restricciones presupuestarias que toda organización tiene. De esta manera se puede disponer de un mecanismo de revisión salarial que tiene en cuenta el desempeño de los profesionales, pero que permite la gestión “desacoplada” de la evaluación de rendimiento y la actualización de la retribución fija. ABSTRACT The aim of the research pursued in this thesis is to identify some human resources management levers in organizations to improve their performance through individual’s commitment management, focusing in organizations immersed in the so-called knowledge society. In order to find out these levers, the author analysed some of the psychosocial factors that promote engagement to the organizations and, according to the scientific literature, have effects in their productivity. These factors analysed are organisational commitment and citizenship behaviours. Additionally, the investigation also focuses on work-life balance policies and gender considerations, because of their relevance and topicality for the human resources’ policies. In the light of this, the investigation focuses on some of the psychosocial factors that promote organisational commitment, and delves into two concepts: the analysis of the commitment of professionals to the organization for which they work, and the organizational citizenship behaviours exhibited in the organization by its members. For this, a theoretical framework is performed for the following items: the professional’s commitment which is the pillar of this work; the organisational citizenship as a cultural model to promote that commitment; the role of the leaders; the effects of the work-life balance policies; the different perceptions of the professionals because of their gender; and an efficient salary review system, which is coherent with the conceptual framework set. The methodology selected for this work was the analysis in depth of the case of a Spanish company, Red Eléctrica de España, through three basic subjects: the first consists of a thorough analysis of the data obtained in the two work climate surveys made by this company in 2006 and 2009; the second focuses on the development of a mathematical model for calculating efficient salary reviews through an optimization model; and the third is the result of the author’s deep understanding of the company, its culture and its performance because of his professional experience as a manager in the area of human resource development, which was his role in the organization for nine years. The author investigated in the analysis of this case about the influence of gender on the employees’ organizational commitment and citizenship behaviours, in order to find out perception differences that can be explained by the highly masculine organisational culture such Red Eléctrica de España had during the studied period. Additionally, because of the importance of the work-life balance promotion in the Spanish labour scene, the case study analysis includes their effect in the employees’ commitment. This analysis allows to know motivating are these measures in the studied organization and, as a result, the most appropriate type of management thereof for social purposes, not only intended to ensure that employees can balance their work and personal demands, but also improving the work climate, the productivity and the organisational commitment. The investigation identifies the factors which best explain the work climate of the organization and concludes the central role of the leadership, embodied in the performance of every manager, to boost the work climate in their teams. Since this thesis pivots on the important role the generation of a culture of organizational citizenship has, the investigation has been complemented with the development of a analytic tool that facilitates the calculation of the salary review increments according to the principles of transparency, equity and justice in line with a work culture that promotes organisational citizenship behaviours. For this, this works develops a new method for calculating fixed salary increases through an innovative and compact mixed integer linear programming model. This model enables organizations to design compensation policies easily and quickly, and facilitates the transparency of the compensation management system. The method for determining variable remuneration has not been addressed because it is relatively less complex issue and widely discussed. The first conclusion of the conducted investigation concerns aspects of organizational culture that could be identified as commitment drivers. In the case study exists a strong and mutual relationship between the characteristics defining the emotional commitment and the organisational citizenship behaviours. The investigation has found out a meaningful and high correlation between indicators of commitment and the factors collecting organizational citizenship behaviour. This correlation with organisational citizenship is remarkable for both, rational and emotional, commitment. The correlation between organizational citizenship behaviours and emotional commitment and is greater than the one with rational commitment. From the practitioner point of view, these relationships show the importance of promoting an organizational culture based on the principles of organizational citizenship to achieve high levels of emotional engagement of professionals and improve organizational efficiency. The second conclusion relates to the effect of work-life balance policies in organizations. On this matter, the investigation concludes that for the case study, work-life balance measures do not have a strong relationship with the emotional commitment, and unless they can be usually considered as a tool to improve employees’ emotional commitment. However, a certain relationship between perceptions of work-life facilities and organisational commitment exists, especially with the rational commitment to the organization. This relationship appears because for employees of the analysed organization, work-life balance measures could be considered as a part of working conditions offered to them by the organization. The third conclusion concerns the relationship between the gender of workers and their level of commitment and organizational citizenship. In this case study, there is not any relationship between gender and the professional’s commitment level nor the perception of organizational citizenship; and the situation varies during the period studied. The fourth conclusion refers to the impact that the actions of the leaders have on the work climate. In the case study, the performance of management and the level of commitment generated, explains more than a third of the variance of work climate - understood as such reflecting the overall set of questions that constitute the work climate survey -. The analysis concludes that in the case study perception that employees have of their leaders has a significant effect on the rest of perceptions of commitment, organizational citizenship and other factors making the work climate of the organization. The fifth and last conclusion represents the contribution of a new model for calculating the salary increment, coherent with a corporate citizenship management culture. The solution obtained from this model consists of salary increases for each employee; these increases consider the employee’s professional performance, salary level relative to peers within the organization, and professional group. In addition to budget constraints, we modelled other elements typical of compensation systems, such as equity and justice. The major contribution of this work is the mathematical formulation of the criteria that are typically the basis for salary management. The compact formulation and the ease of obtaining the optimal solution facilitate its use in large companies that maintain very high levels of homogeneity across employees. Designing different strategies for specific groups within a company is also possible. A major benefit of this method is that it allows a company to independently manage its salary and assessment policies. Because obtaining salary-revision matrices without using the mathematical model we present in this paper is typically done iteratively by tuning previously defined matrices, managers commonly tune values for assessing employee performance to ensure that salary increases and performance assessments are consistent; however, this distorts the evaluation process and decreases employee motivation. In this MILP model, employee performance is only one parameter of several input parameters used in designing a salary policy that is independent of the results of performance-assessment values.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The matrix of this dissertation research permeates the design of complex environmental education. Its purpose is the realistic utopia of sustainability focused on the elucidation of a cultural model, a way of life that can guarantee the preservation of the living and non-living wight, to compose a world in which all coexist in harmony. To do so, thinking that model permeates the understanding that we are nature. This understanding can be evidenced both in Karl Marx in his book, the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts says: "Nature is the essential body of the human being", and Joël de Rosnay, in his book The Symbiotic Man explains that we humans, "are the neurons of the earth." In this same perspective, Elisabet Sahtouris, in his book The Dance of the Earth, has pointed out how little is accurate to say that "there is life on Earth," because we are knowledgeable that our planet is a living organism, then there is the "life of the Earth ". Thus, we are part of this life, we are a part of the whole. With long experience in the environmental field, I seek the collective understanding that environmental education is a process belonging to all areas of knowledge, while margins for its subdivision occasion that begins the role of librarian I am, as a mediator of educational, cultural process, and disseminate information, is an environmental educator. Research conducted lead me to propose a revision of values and attitudes, from a certain reorganization of thought, an ecology of ideas and action, evidenced by readings of education and complexity, especially tuned to the writings of Edgar Morin. This thesis makes use of metaphor as a cognitive operator to emphasize the solar cycle, linking it to the development stages of this work. In summary, we have as a goal to emphasize the importance of the human condition, respect for nature and the principle of natural, cultural and social interdependence. In order for us to have a society that values relationships of solidarity with each other, respect and gratitude for living beings and Mother Earth. What leads me to converge, the reframing of the environment, understanding it as Integer Environment


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The present study compose an analysis on the process of internal communication at a public organization, built on the survey data originary of administrative conduct, observation on the cultural model of the organization and how the interdepartmental and interpersonal relations shows up. The research, exploratory descriptive kind, had theoretical basis on two knowledge areas Administrative Science and Social Communication and was developed at Instituto do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Meio Ambiente IDEMA, in Rio Grande do Norte. During data collection, were conducted spontaneous and semi structured interviews with directors and coordinators, besides the application of directed questionnaire to functionaries in two unites of the institution. Through the analysis and interpretation of the data, we came to the conclusion that the process of internal communication at a public organization fall in with same challenges of private organizations, but with peculiarities that attracts the scientific look specially, in concern of the attitude assumed by the administrators in the conduction of communication functions inside the organization, the profile of social actor and the communication channels used. Although the organizational communication represents more and more a strategic function, as an administration tool, the point that research gets to shows that in public organizations the communication refrains from administrative purpose and with the major objective of giving publicity to the institutional acts and actions


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The present study compose an analysis on the process of internal communication at a public organization, built on the survey data originary of administrative conduct, observation on the cultural model of the organization and how the interdepartmental and interpersonal relations shows up. The research, exploratory descriptive kind, had theoretical basis on two knowledge areas Administrative Science and Social Communication and was developed at Instituto do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Meio Ambiente IDEMA, in Rio Grande do Norte. During data collection, were conducted spontaneous and semi structured interviews with directors and coordinators, besides the application of directed questionnaire to functionaries in two unites of the institution. Through the analysis and interpretation of the data, we came to the conclusion that the process of internal communication at a public organization fall in with same challenges of private organizations, but with peculiarities that attracts the scientific look specially, in concern of the attitude assumed by the administrators in the conduction of communication functions inside the organization, the profile of social actor and the communication channels used. Although the organizational communication represents more and more a strategic function, as an administration tool, the point that research gets to shows that in public organizations the communication refrains from administrative purpose and with the major objective of giving publicity to the institutional acts and actions


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Peer review of teaching is recognized increasingly as one strategy for academic development even though historically peer review of teaching is often unsupported by policy, action and culture in many Australian universities. Higher education leaders report that academics generally do not engage with peer review of teaching in a systematic or constructive manner, and this paper advances and analyses a conceptual model to highlight conditions and strategies necessary for the implementation of sustainable peer review in higher education institutions. The model highlights leadership, development and implementation, which are critical to the success and formation of a culture of peer review of teaching. The work arises from collaborative research funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching to foster and advance a culture of peer review of teaching across several universities in Australia.


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An important feature of Axelrod`s model for culture dissemination or social influence is the emergence of many multicultural absorbing states, despite the fact that the local rules that specify the agents interactions are explicitly designed to decrease the cultural differences between agents. Here we re-examine the problem of introducing an external, global interaction-the mass media-in the rules of Axelrod`s model: in addition to their nearest neighbors, each agent has a certain probability p to interact with a virtual neighbor whose cultural features are fixed from the outset. Most surprisingly, this apparently homogenizing effect actually increases the cultural diversity of the population. We show that, contrary to previous claims in the literature, even a vanishingly small value of p is sufficient to destabilize the homogeneous regime for very large lattice sizes.


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The application of a 'global' model, in practice usually British or American, and generalised sociological concepts to a particular sport and its social and cultural context is not always appropriate. In Australian academia, the custom is particularly appealing, due to the Australian colonial 'cultural cringe', the pattern of automatic deference to overseas (termed 'international') knowledge. This article argues that 'Fresh Prince of Coloma! Dome: Indigenous Logic in the AFL' (Football Studies, 8(1), 2005) inappropriately applies American sociological, and American football, logic to the indigenous Australian game Australian football, which differs in character both as a game and in its social, cultural and political context. The three researchers do not take account of the factors of height and weight in Australian football, and the average size of Aboriginal players, and of the relationship between speed and strength in the game as strategies and tactics change. Both omissions constitute fundamental flaws. American football and sports sociology's ideas of 'central position theory', with a suggestion of underlying racism, is of limited relevance to Australian football. It is also possible that the American sitcom, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, was neither a helpful muse nor a suitable metaphor for research into this subj ect. In Australian football, a game in which few 'central positions' are crucial and in which 'leadership positions' can be found in many parts of the ground, including the half-back flank and the wing, neither size nor position are the only major determinants of significance in the team.


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This paper will discuss the contributing factors of; increasing numbers of international students, and the advancement of learning technologies; that lead to the development of an exploratory research study into the creation of a three phase online lecture model. Aspects such as the differences between the major cultural groups currently enrolled in Australian Universities, indicates the variations that can be expected in student learning styles. This research study aims at determining the educational value of the inclusion of online lectures for a diverse and distributed cross-cultural audience.


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This paper will discuss how blended learning has been used in cross-cultural classrooms as a means to improve the International students learning. Issues such as interaction and reuse of unit resources have been the focus of this research. This paper is about putting the theory of blended learning into practice with two teaching artifacts; an ice-breaker exercise and online lectures. Through the implementation of the two blended learning artifacts we are able to assess how the theory of blended learning really impact cross-cultural learning.


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Cultural change in organisations is both difficult to implement and hard to achieve. In this paper, theory from strategic human resource management, organisational cultural change, systemic thinking and practice, and punctuated equilibrium, is integrated in order to build a model for organisational culture change. Evidence is provided showing the capacity of the model to enable researchers and organisational change agents to improve the success of organisational cultural change programs.