997 resultados para crossing over


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提出了一种新型蛇形机器人机构。该机构既可以实现平面运动又可以实现空间运动。建立了其空间运动学模型并实现了空间翻滚运动。实验结果表明 :翻滚运动不需依靠模块与地面之间动摩擦力方向差来实现驱动 ,而是通过模块与地面之间静摩擦力和互相垂直的两个运动平面内异相波的相互作用产生驱动力。翻滚的方向和姿态由两个波形曲线的相差和传播方向决定。利用翻滚运动 ,实现了少模块数蛇形机器人的越障运动


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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A diminutive species of Aglaothamnion (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta), A. diaphanum sp. nov., is described from Brittany (Atlantic France), the Isles of Scilly (off S.W. England) and western Ireland. Aglaothamnion diaphanum is confined to the sublittoral zone, where it grows almost exclusively on algae and sessile animals attached to hard substrata. Thalli are delicate, and branched distichously in one plane. The main axes are ecorticate but may form loose non-corticating rhizoidal filaments. The lateral branches bear a characteristic, regularly alternate distichous series of branchlets, the first of which is always adaxial. All vegetative cells are uninucleate. The majority of field-collected plants bear only bisporangia, but a few bisporangial plants also form spermatangia; some male plants and a single female specimen have been collected. The spermatangial branchlets consist of 3-5 spermatangial mother cells each bearing 2-4 spermatangia, which are constricted around a central nucleus. None of the U-shaped carpogonial branches showed any sign of fertilization, and the gametangia appear to be non-functional. The bisporangia are ovoid and contain two uninucleate spores separated by an oblique curved wall. The occurrence of bisporangia and the lack of adherent cortication distinguish A. diaphanum from two similar species, Aglaothamnion bipinnatum (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Feldmann-Mazoyer and Aglaothamnion decompositum (J. Agardh) Halos. The life history in culture of French and Irish isolates of A. diaphanum consists of a series of bisporangial generations, a single plant of which also formed spermatangia. Apical cells of bisporophytes are haploid (n = c. 32), but the first division of meiosis, with chromosome pairing and crossing over, occurs in dividing bisporocytes. The germinating bispores are haploid. Endodiploidization may occur in the early stages of sporangium development, as in some phycomycete fungi, or in vegetative cells that subsequently give rise to bisporocytes. This is the first demonstration in the red algae of meiotic bisporangia on plants of which the apical cells, at least, are haploid.


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The chromosomal speciation hypothesis suggests that irregularities in synapsis, recombination, and segregation in heterozygotes for chromosome rearrangements may restrict gene flow between karyotypically distinct populations and promote speciation. Ctenomys talarum is a South American subterranean rodent inhabiting the coastal regions of Argentina, whose populations polymorphic for Robertsonian and tandem translocations seem to have a very restricted gene flow. To test if chromosomal differences are involved in isolation among its populations, we examined chromosome pairing, recombination, and meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin in male meiosis of simple and complex translocation heterozygotes using immunolocalization of the MLH1 marking mature recombination nodules and phosphorylated histone γH2A.X marking unrepaired double-strand breaks. We observed small asynaptic areas labeled by γH2A.X in pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes involved in the trivalents and quadrivalents. We also observed a decrease of recombination frequency and a distalization of the crossover distribution in the heterozygotes and metacentric homozygotes compared to acrocentric homozygotes. We suggest that the asynapsis of the pericentromeric regions are unlikely to induce germ cell death and decrease fertility of the heterozygotes; however, suppressed recombination in pericentromeric areas of the multivalents may reduce gene flow between chromosomally different populations of the Talas tuco-tuco.


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The concept of guilt is seen here as debt beyond repayment. Following Derrida, the gesture of giving is placed in the economy of gift, an aneconomical gift that is not part of the exchange cycle. At the same time, guilt is linked to desire, the desire to give and to be free from guilt. Desire is described as the urge to cross over, to apprehend the non-identical and to give oneself away. In this reinforced crossing, where the improbability of giving conditions the improbability of reaching out, guilt and its impetus are found locked up in claustrophobic self-reference. For this reason, the author consults Kierkegaard and Luhmann whose contributions show that the gesture of giving acquires its relevance not so much on account of its recipient, but precisely because of the absence of such a recipient. The combination of an absent recipient and an absented giver fills the gift with an emptiness that can only be channelled back upon itself, in the autopoietics of guilt. This is exactly the fate of the law, which can deal with the guilty but never with guilt (in the above sense). In its attempt to give away guilt, the law attempts to become other than itself: justice. The improbability of crossing over becomes more obvious than ever.


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[Français] Une fraction importante des génomes eucaryotes est constituée de Gènes Répétés en Tandem (GRT). Un mécanisme fondamental dans l’évolution des GRT est la recombinaison inégale durant la méiose, entrainant la duplication locale (en tandem) de segments chromosomiques contenant un ou plusieurs gènes adjacents. Différents algorithmes ont été proposés pour inférer une histoire de duplication en tandem pour un cluster de GRT. Cependant, leur utilisation est limitée dans la pratique, car ils ne tiennent pas compte d’autres événements évolutifs pourtant fréquents, comme les inversions, les duplications inversées et les délétions. Cette thèse propose différentes approches algorithmiques permettant d’intégrer ces événements dans le modèle de duplication en tandem classique. Nos contributions sont les suivantes: • Intégrer les inversions dans un modèle de duplication en tandem simple (duplication d’un gène à la fois) et proposer un algorithme exact permettant de calculer le nombre minimal d’inversions s’étant produites dans l’évolution d’un cluster de GRT. • Généraliser ce modèle pour l’étude d’un ensemble de clusters orthologues dans plusieurs espèces. • Proposer un algorithme permettant d’inférer l’histoire évolutive d’un cluster de GRT en tenant compte des duplications en tandem, duplications inversées, inversions et délétions de segments chromosomiques contenant un ou plusieurs gènes adjacents.


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The work undertaken by departmental advisers who assist teachers to implement particular state education policies such as syllabus and curriculum documents is the focus of this paper. The author's doctoral thesis involved an analysis of the interactions between teachers, the texts of the Queensland English Syllabus, and two women who worked as 'official interpreters' guiding teachers in their uses of the texts. This paper examines the complex positions taken up by these interpreters. On the one hand, their expertness is demonstrated by the official knowledge they hold and by the torchbearing work they do with teachers. But on the other hand, the choices and selections made during this torchbearing work are governed by the interpreters' regulation by the discourses surrounding their official knowledge. The research undertaken on these interpreters' work informs the author's final call to recognise the complexity surrounding implementations of new curriculum and syllabus documents. Such recognition would include making use of the departmental advisers' expertness and depth of knowledge in particular curriculum areas in innovative and collegial projects crossing over traditional boundaries between academic research and teachers' practices.


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In this article five women explore (female) embodiment in academic work in current workplaces. In a week-long collective biography workshop they produced written memories of themselves in their various workplaces and memories of themselves as children and as students. These memories then became the texts out of which the analysis was generated. The authors examine the constitutive and seductive effects of neoliberal discourses and practices, and in particular, the assembling of academic bodies as particular kinds of working bodies. They use the concept of chiasma, or crossing over, to trouble some aspects of binary thinking about bodies and about the relations between bodies and discourses. They examine the way that we simultaneously resist and appropriate, and are seduced by and appropriated within, neoliberal discourses and practices.


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The research reported in this paper investigated the relationship between information usage and individual ticket-purchasing activity of Opera Australia customers in relation to specific Opera Australia products, namely, operetta and opera. The results provide some support for the notion that consumers of operetta and opera can be distinguished on the basis of their different behaviour in some areas. However, there is substantial “crossing-over” or inconsistency in the data. Longevity of association with the art-form, and purchasing tickets to both types of productions, tended to be related to increased reliance on information sources closer to Opera Australia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A method for spatial electric load forecasting using elements from evolutionary algorithms is presented. The method uses concepts from knowledge extraction algorithms and linguistic rules' representation to characterize the preferences for land use into a spatial database. The future land use preferences in undeveloped zones in the electrical utility service area are determined using an evolutionary heuristic, which considers a stochastic behavior by crossing over similar rules. The method considers development of new zones and also redevelopment of existing ones. The results are presented in future preference maps. The tests in a real system from a midsized city show a high rate of success when results are compared with information gathered from the utility planning department. The most important features of this method are the need for few data and the simplicity of the algorithm, allowing for future scalability.


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In this work the problem of defects location in power systems is formulated through a binary linear programming (BLP) model based on alarms historical database of control and protection devices from the system control center, sets theory of minimal coverage (AI) and protection philosophy adopted by the electric utility. In this model, circuit breaker operations are compared to their expected states in a strictly mathematical manner. For solving this BLP problem, which presents a great number of decision variables, a dedicated Genetic Algorithm (GA), is proposed. Control parameters of the GA, such as crossing over and mutation rates, population size, iterations number and population diversification, are calibrated in order to obtain efficiency and robustness. Results for a test system found in literature, are presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.


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HLA-G has an important role in the modulation of the maternal immune system during pregnancy, and evidence that balancing selection acts in the promoter and 3′UTR regions has been previously reported. To determine whether selection acts on the HLA-G coding region in the Amazon Rainforest, exons 2, 3 and 4 were analyzed in a sample of 142 Amerindians from nine villages of five isolated tribes that inhabit the Central Amazon. Six previously described single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) and PHASE algorithms were used to computationally reconstruct SNP haplotypes (HLA-G alleles). A new HLA-G allele, which originated in Amerindian populations by a crossing-over event between two widespread HLA-G alleles, was identified in 18 individuals. Neutrality tests evidenced that natural selection has a complex part in the HLA-G coding region. Although balancing selection is the type of selection that shapes variability at a local level (Native American populations), we have also shown that purifying selection may occur on a worldwide scale. Moreover, the balancing selection does not seem to act on the coding region as strongly as it acts on the flanking regulatory regions, and such coding signature may actually reflect a hitchhiking effect.Genes and Immunity advance online publication, 3 October 2013; doi:10.1038/gene.2013.47.