903 resultados para cost-informed process improvement


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The project arises from the need to develop improved teaching methodologies in field of the mechanics of continuous media. The objective is to offer the student a learning process to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills and the responsibility and autonomy to professional development in this area. Traditionally the teaching of the concepts of these subjects was performed through lectures and laboratory practice. During these lessons the students attitude was usually passive, and therefore their effectiveness was poor. The proposed methodology has already been successfully employed in universities like University Bochum, Germany, University the South Australia and aims to improve the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition through use by the student of a virtual laboratory. This laboratory allows to adapt the curricula and learning techniques to the European Higher Education and improve current learning processes in the University School of Public Works Engineers -EUITOP- of the Technical University of Madrid -UPM-, due there are not laboratories in this specialization. The virtual space is created using a software platform built on OpenSim, manages 3D virtual worlds, and, language LSL -Linden Scripting Language-, which imprints specific powers to objects. The student or user can access this virtual world through their avatar -your character in the virtual world- and can perform practices within the space created for the purpose, at any time, just with computer with internet access and viewfinder. The virtual laboratory has three partitions. The virtual meeting rooms, where the avatar can interact with peers, solve problems and exchange existing documentation in the virtual library. The interactive game room, where the avatar is has to resolve a number of issues in time. And the video room where students can watch instructional videos and receive group lessons. Each audiovisual interactive element is accompanied by explanations framing it within the area of knowledge and enables students to begin to acquire a vocabulary and practice of the profession for which they are being formed. Plane elasticity concepts are introduced from the tension and compression testing of test pieces of steel and concrete. The behavior of reticulated and articulated structures is reinforced by some interactive games and concepts of tension, compression, local and global buckling will by tests to break articulated structures. Pure bending concepts, simple and composite torsion will be studied by observing a flexible specimen. Earthquake resistant design of buildings will be checked by a laboratory test video.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A structured approach to process improvement is described in the context of the human resources division of a UK police force. The approach combines a number of established techniques of process improvement such as the balanced scorecard and process mapping with a scoring system developed to prioritise processes for improvement. The methodology described presents one way of ensuring the correct processes are identified and redesigned at an operational level in such a way as to support the organisation's strategic aims. In addition, a performance measurement system is utilised to attempt to ensure that the changes implemented do actually achieve the desired effect over time. The case demonstrates the need to choose and in some cases develop in-house tools and techniques dependent on the context of the process improvement effort.


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To meet changing needs of customers and to survive in the increasingly globalised and competitive environment, it is necessary for companies to equip themselves with intelligent tools, thereby enabling managerial levels to use the tactical decision in a better way. However, the implementation of an intelligent system is always a challenge in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, a new and simple approach with 'process rethinking' ability is proposed to generate ongoing process improvements over time. In this paper, a roadmap of the development of an agent-based information system is described. A case example has also been provided to show how the system can assist non-specialists, for example, managers and engineers to make right decisions for a continual process improvement. Copyright © 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Currently, there are two federal programs related to excess federal property in which the South Carolina Forestry Commission participates. There is a need to streamline the process for applying for federal excess property as well as tracking its location once it has been received and assigned.


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Historically, business process design has been driven by business objectives, specifically process improvement. However this cannot come at the price of control objectives which stem from various legislative, standard and business partnership sources. Ensuring the compliance to regulations and industrial standards is an increasingly important issue in the design of business processes. In this paper, we advocate that control objectives should be addressed at an early stage, i.e., design time, so as to minimize the problems of runtime compliance checking and consequent violations and penalties. To this aim, we propose supporting mechanisms for business process designers. This paper specifically presents a support method which allows the process designer to quantitatively measure the compliance degree of a given process model against a set of control objectives. This will allow process designers to comparatively assess the compliance degree of their design as well as be better informed on the cost of non-compliance.


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Työn tarkoituksena on tuottaa liikkeenjohdon konsulttiyritykselle uusi työmenetelmä, jonka avulla se voi vetää kehitysprojekteja joissa asiakasyritysten teollisia palveluprosesseja parannetaan. Prosessiparannusten tulisi tuottaa selvää hyötyä asiakkaille sekä palveluntarjoajan henkilöstölle ja johdolle pian sen jälkeen kun ajanmukaistetut prosessit on menestyksellisesti otettu käyttöön. Menetelmän luonti käynnistyy kirjallisuuskatsauksella, jossa käsitellään aiheita kuten palvelut, teolliset palvelut ja liiketoimintaprosessien uudelleensuunnittelu. Menetelmän luonnin vaatimukset määritellään. Asiakasprojekti, jossa menetelmää koekäytetään, esitellään. Menetelmä esitellään. Se on ylhäältä alaspäin muodostettu kehitysprosessin vetäjän opas. Päätavoitteet asetettiin ensin. Niitä tukevat alitavoitteetasetettiin seuraavaksi. Työohjeet luotiin siten, että tavoitteiden saavuttaminen mahdollistuisi. Samalla kehitettiin menetelmää tukevia työkaluja. Alustavat työohjeet ja työkalut jalostuivat menetelmän koekäytön aikana nykyiseen muotoonsa.Menetelmän laatua arvioidaan koekäytön jälkeen asetettujen tavoitteiden ja saavutettujen tulosten eroja vertaamalla. Valmistumisen jälkeen toteutettavat menetelmän jatkokehitystoimenpiteet esitellään.