966 resultados para contingency table
Los niños que presentan dolor abdominal agudo representan una de las principales demandas de atención en los servicios de Urgencias Pediátricas, convirtiéndose en un reto para quien realiza la valoración inicial la decisión de que paciente amerita realizar estudios adicionales, para descartar una patología quirúrgica. Considerando que la apendicitis es la primera emergencia quirúrgica en niños, y que sus complicaciones son un problema frecuente, es imprescindible que el clínico conozca cual es la utilidad y beneficio que le brindan las herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para realizar un diagnóstico más certero. Objetivo: Describir el manejo de los pacientes menores de 18 años con sospecha de apendicitis en la FCI y determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad de la ecografía en esta población. Métodos: Estudio de Prueba Diagnóstica. Revisión expedita de los niños valorados en la FCI con sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda durante un periodo de 4 meses. Se tomaron datos de hallazgos ecográficos para apendicitis (positivos, negativos o indeterminados) y del desenlace de tener o no apendicitis. Posteriormente se realizó una inferencia mediante una tabla de contingencia, teniendo en cuenta intervalos de confianza para determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad, VPP, VPN y exactitud de la prueba basados en el diagnóstico final. Resultados: En 52% de pacientes que consultaron por dolor abdominal se sospecho patología quirúrgica, grupo en el que se utilizó la ecografía abdominal como herramienta diagnóstica para descartar apendicitis encontrando: sensibilidad: 63%(IC 95%, 48.6-75.5), especificidad: 82,7%(IC 95%, 76- 87.8) y exactitud: 78,2%(IC 95%, 72-83,4). La prevalencia de la enfermedad fue 22,8%, con probabilidad postprueba positiva de 88.3%(IC 95%, 82,1-92.6). Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio evidencian un menor rendimiento de la ecografía como prueba diagnóstica para apendicitis en pediatría en nuestro medio comparado al descrito en la literatura. Dicha discordancia probablemente se encuentra determinada por los sesgos propios de un estudio histórico como este, en el que básicamente la falta de uniformidad en el registro de datos en la historia clínica por los observadores (clínicos y radiólogos), así como las limitaciones para determinar el seguimiento de todos los pacientes que no fueron operados, pueden alterar la capacidad operativa real de la prueba. De ahí la importancia de realizar a futuro un estudio concurrente.
In the forecasting of binary events, verification measures that are “equitable” were defined by Gandin and Murphy to satisfy two requirements: 1) they award all random forecasting systems, including those that always issue the same forecast, the same expected score (typically zero), and 2) they are expressible as the linear weighted sum of the elements of the contingency table, where the weights are independent of the entries in the table, apart from the base rate. The authors demonstrate that the widely used “equitable threat score” (ETS), as well as numerous others, satisfies neither of these requirements and only satisfies the first requirement in the limit of an infinite sample size. Such measures are referred to as “asymptotically equitable.” In the case of ETS, the expected score of a random forecasting system is always positive and only falls below 0.01 when the number of samples is greater than around 30. Two other asymptotically equitable measures are the odds ratio skill score and the symmetric extreme dependency score, which are more strongly inequitable than ETS, particularly for rare events; for example, when the base rate is 2% and the sample size is 1000, random but unbiased forecasting systems yield an expected score of around −0.5, reducing in magnitude to −0.01 or smaller only for sample sizes exceeding 25 000. This presents a problem since these nonlinear measures have other desirable properties, in particular being reliable indicators of skill for rare events (provided that the sample size is large enough). A potential way to reconcile these properties with equitability is to recognize that Gandin and Murphy’s two requirements are independent, and the second can be safely discarded without losing the key advantages of equitability that are embodied in the first. This enables inequitable and asymptotically equitable measures to be scaled to make them equitable, while retaining their nonlinearity and other properties such as being reliable indicators of skill for rare events. It also opens up the possibility of designing new equitable verification measures.
This paper examines the short and long-term persistence of tax-exempt real estate funds in the UK through the use of winner-loser contingency table methodology. The persistence tests are applied to a database of varying numbers of funds from a low of 16 to a high of 27 using quarterly returns over the 12 years from 1990 Q1 to 2001 Q4. The overall conclusion is that the real estate funds in the UK show little evidence of persistence in the short-term (quarterly and semi-annual data) or for data over a considerable length of time (bi-annual to six yearly intervals). In contrast, the results are better for annual data with evidence of significant performance persistence. Thus at this stage, it seems that an annual evaluation period, provides the best discrimination of the winner and loser phenomenon in the real estate market. This result is different from equity and bond studies, where it seems that the repeat winner phenomenon is stronger over shorter periods of evaluation. These results require careful interpretation, however, as the results show that when only small samples are used significant adjustments must be made to correct for small sample bias and second the conclusions are sensitive to the length of the evaluation period and specific test used. Nonetheless, it seems that persistence in performance of real estate funds in the UK does exist, at least for the annual data, and it appears to be a guide to beating the pack in the long run. Furthermore, although the evidence of persistence in performance for the overall sample of funds is limited, we have found evidence that two funds were consistent winners over this period, whereas no one fund could be said to be a consistent loser.
P>In the context of either Bayesian or classical sensitivity analyses of over-parametrized models for incomplete categorical data, it is well known that prior-dependence on posterior inferences of nonidentifiable parameters or that too parsimonious over-parametrized models may lead to erroneous conclusions. Nevertheless, some authors either pay no attention to which parameters are nonidentifiable or do not appropriately account for possible prior-dependence. We review the literature on this topic and consider simple examples to emphasize that in both inferential frameworks, the subjective components can influence results in nontrivial ways, irrespectively of the sample size. Specifically, we show that prior distributions commonly regarded as slightly informative or noninformative may actually be too informative for nonidentifiable parameters, and that the choice of over-parametrized models may drastically impact the results, suggesting that a careful examination of their effects should be considered before drawing conclusions.Resume Que ce soit dans un cadre Bayesien ou classique, il est bien connu que la surparametrisation, dans les modeles pour donnees categorielles incompletes, peut conduire a des conclusions erronees. Cependant, certains auteurs persistent a negliger les problemes lies a la presence de parametres non identifies. Nous passons en revue la litterature dans ce domaine, et considerons quelques exemples surparametres simples dans lesquels les elements subjectifs influencent de facon non negligeable les resultats, independamment de la taille des echantillons. Plus precisement, nous montrons comment des a priori consideres comme peu ou non-informatifs peuvent se reveler extremement informatifs en ce qui concerne les parametres non identifies, et que le recours a des modeles surparametres peut avoir sur les conclusions finales un impact considerable. Ceci suggere un examen tres attentif de l`impact potentiel des a priori.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of alternative erasing times of DenOptix (R) (Dentsply/Gendex, Chicargo, IL) digital plates oil subjective image quality and the probability of double exposure image not Occurring.Methods: Human teeth were X-rayed with phosphor plates using tell different erasing times. Two observers evaluated the images for subjective Image quality (sharpness, brightness, contrast, enamel definition, dentin definition and dentin-enamal Junction definition) and for the presence or absence of double exposure image. Spearman's correlation analysis and ANOVA was performed to verify the existence ora linear association between the subjective image quality parameters and the alternative erasing times. A contingency table was constructed to evaluate the agreement among the observers, and a binominal logistic regression was performed to verify the correlation between the erasing time and the probability of double exposure image not occurring.Results: All 6 parameters or image quality were rated high by the examiners for the erasing times between 25 s and 130 s. The same erasing time range, from 25 to 130 s, was considered a safe erasing time interval, with no probability of a double exposure image Occurring.Conclusions: The alternative erasing times from 25 s to 130 s showed high quality and no probability of double image Occurrence. Thus, it is possible to reduce the operating time or the DenOptix (R) digital system Without jeopardizing the diagnostic task.Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2010) 39, 23-27. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/49065239.
Anaplasma marginale is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Some studies have suggested that cows during peripartum may present a transient immunosuppression state and development of clinical signs of anaplasmosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between some risk factors and the seroprevalence of A. marginale in dairy cows during peripartum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The risk factors analyzed in association with the prevalence of antibodies against A. marginale in dairy cows were calving season, reproductive experience, breed standard, tick infestations, stocking density, and milk yield. The antibodies against A. marginale were tested in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A primary screening using a 2 x k contingency table of the exposed variables with the outcomes was performed. All variables for which p < 0.20 were included in a fixed effects log regression. The risk factors investigated to anaplasmosis were calving (OR 2.61, IC 1.08-7.63), breed standard (OR 3.83, IC 0.08-0.28), reproductive experience (OR 33.7, IC 2.14-5.16), milk yield (OR 3.9, IC 2.24-7.03), Rhipicephalus microplus infestations (OR 10.3, IC 0.05-0.17), and stocking density (OR 22.3, IC 0.05-0.17). Low titers of antibodies against A. marginale during peripartum had been characterized as a period previous to development of clinical anaplasmosis. Thus, studies on anaplasmosis should consider each farm as an epidemiological unit, where environmental and immunological factors may influence the endemic status of the pathogen.
BACKGROUND: Until August 2004 there were 106 forensic cases examined with postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging before traditional autopsy within the Virtopsy project. Intrahepatic gas (IHG) was a frequent finding in postmortem MSCT examinations. The aim of this study was to investigate its cause and significance. METHODS: There were 84 virtopsy cases retrospectively investigated concerning the occurrence, location, and volume of IHG in postmortem MSCT imaging (1.25 mm collimation, 1.25 mm thickness). We assessed and noted the occurrence of intestinal distention, putrefaction, and systemic gas embolisms and the cause of death, possible open trauma, possible artificial respiration, and the postmortem interval. We investigated the relations between the findings using the contingency table (chi2 test) and the comparison of the postmortem intervals in both groups was performed using the t test in 79 nonputrefied corpses. RESULTS: IHG was found in 47 cases (59.5%). In five of the cases, the IHG was caused or influenced by putrefaction. Gas distribution within the liver of the remaining 42 cases was as follows: hepatic arteries in 21 cases, hepatic veins in 35 cases, and portal vein branches in 13 cases; among which combinations also occurred in 20 cases. The presence of IHG was strongly related to open trauma with systemic gas. Pulmonary barotrauma as occurring under artificial respiration or in drowning also caused IHG. Putrefaction did not seem to influence the occurrence of IHG until macroscopic signs of putrefaction were noticeable. CONCLUSIONS: IHG is a frequent finding in traumatic causes of death and requires a systemic gas embolism. Exceptions are putrefied or burned corpses. Common clinical causes such as necrotic bowel diseases appear rarely as a cause of IHG in our forensic case material.
BACKGROUND: Environment and genetics influence the manifestation of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), but the associations of specific factors with mild, moderate, and severe clinical signs are unknown. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that sire, feed, bedding, time outdoors, sex, and age are associated with clinical manifestations of mild, moderate, and severe lower airway disease. ANIMALS: Direct offspring of 2 RAO-affected Warmblood stallions (F1S1, n = 172; F1S2, n = 135); maternal half-siblings of F1S1 (mHSS1, n = 66); and an age-matched, randomly chosen control group (CG, n = 33). METHODS: A standardized questionnaire was used to assess potential risk factors and to establish a horse owner assessed respiratory signs index (HOARSI 1-4, from healthy to severe) according to clinical signs of lower airway disease. RESULTS: More F1S1 and F1S2 horses showed moderate to severe clinical signs (HOARSI 3 and HOARSI 4 combined, 29.6 and 27.3%, respectively) compared with CG and mHSS1 horses (9.1 and 6.2%, respectively; contingency table overall test, P < .001). Sire, hay feeding, and age (in decreasing order of strength) were associated with more severe clinical signs (higher HOARSI), more frequent coughing, and nasal discharge. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There is a genetic predisposition and lesser but also marked effects of hay feeding and age on the manifestation of moderate to severe clinical signs, most markedly on coughing frequency. In contrast, mild clinical signs were not associated with sire or hay feeding in our populations.
The penetration, translocation, and distribution of ultrafine and nanoparticles in tissues and cells are challenging issues in aerosol research. This article describes a set of novel quantitative microscopic methods for evaluating particle distributions within sectional images of tissues and cells by addressing the following questions: (1) is the observed distribution of particles between spatial compartments random? (2) Which compartments are preferentially targeted by particles? and (3) Does the observed particle distribution shift between different experimental groups? Each of these questions can be addressed by testing an appropriate null hypothesis. The methods all require observed particle distributions to be estimated by counting the number of particles associated with each defined compartment. For studying preferential labeling of compartments, the size of each of the compartments must also be estimated by counting the number of points of a randomly superimposed test grid that hit the different compartments. The latter provides information about the particle distribution that would be expected if the particles were randomly distributed, that is, the expected number of particles. From these data, we can calculate a relative deposition index (RDI) by dividing the observed number of particles by the expected number of particles. The RDI indicates whether the observed number of particles corresponds to that predicted solely by compartment size (for which RDI = 1). Within one group, the observed and expected particle distributions are compared by chi-squared analysis. The total chi-squared value indicates whether an observed distribution is random. If not, the partial chi-squared values help to identify those compartments that are preferential targets of the particles (RDI > 1). Particle distributions between different groups can be compared in a similar way by contingency table analysis. We first describe the preconditions and the way to implement these methods, then provide three worked examples, and finally discuss the advantages, pitfalls, and limitations of this method.
Between 1966 and 2003, the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) experienced declines of 3.4% per year in large parts of the breeding range and has been identified by Partners in Flight as one of 28 land birds requiring expedient action to prevent its continued decline. It is currently being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act. A major step in advancing our understanding of the status and habitat preferences of Golden-winged Warbler populations in the Upper Midwest was initiated by the publication of new predictive spatially explicit Golden-winged Warbler habitat models for the northern Midwest. Here, I use original data on observed Golden-winged Warbler abundances in Wisconsin and Minnesota to compare two population models: the hierarchical spatial count (HSC) model with the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model. I assessed how well the field data compared to the model predictions and found that within Wisconsin, the HSC model performed slightly better than the HSI model whereas both models performed relatively equally in Minnesota. For the HSC model, I found a 10% error of commission in Wisconsin and a 24.2% error of commission for Minnesota. Similarly, the HSI model has a 23% error of commission in Minnesota; in Wisconsin due to limited areas where the HSI model predicted absences, there was incomplete data and I was unable to determine the error of commission for the HSI model. These are sites where the model predicted presences and the Golden-winged Warbler did not occur. To compare predicted abundance from the two models, a 3x3 contingency table was used. I found that when overlapped, the models do not complement one another in identifying Golden-winged Warbler presences. To calculate discrepancy between the models, the error of commission shows that the HSI model has only a 6.8% chance of correctly classifying absences in the HSC model. The HSC model has only 3.3% chance of correctly classifying absences in the HSI model. These findings highlight the importance of grasses for nesting, shrubs used for cover and foraging, and trees for song perches and foraging as key habitat characteristics for breeding territory occupancy by singing males.
Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States. In this study, evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that specific chromosomal aberrations (involving one or more chromosomal regions) are associated with prostate cancer progression from organ-confined to locally advanced tumors and that some aberrations seen in high frequency in metastatic tumors may also be present in a subset of primary tumors. To determine the appropriate approach to address this hypothesis, I have established a modified CGH protocol by microdissection and DOP-PCR for use in detecting chromosomal changes in clinical prostate tumor specimens that is more sensitive and accurate than conventional CGH methods. I have successfully performed the improved CGH protocol to screen for genetic changes of 24 organ confined (pT2) and 21 locally advanced (pT3b) clinical prostate cancer specimens without metastases (N0M0). Comparisons of tumors by stage or Gleason scores following contingency table analysis showed that seven regions of the genome differed significantly between pT2 and pT3b tumors or between low and high Gleason tumors suggesting that these regions may be important in local prostate cancer progression. These included losses on 6p21–25, 6q24–27, 8p, 10q25–26, 15q22–26, and 18cen–q12 as well as gain of 3p13–q13. Multivariate analyses showed that loss of 8p (step1) and loss of 6q25–26 (or 6p21–25 or 10q25–26) (step 2) were predictive of pathologic stage or Gleason groups with 80% accuracy. Additional 5–7 steps in the multivariate model increased the predictive value to 91–95%. Comparison of the CGH data from the primary prostate tumors of this study with those obtained from published literature on metastases and recurrent tumors showed that the clinically more aggressive stage pT3b tumors shared more abnormalities in high frequency with metastases and recurrent tumors than less aggressive stage pT2 tumors. Furthermore, loss of 11cen–q22 was shared only between the primary tumors and metastases while gain of Xcen–q13 and loss of 18cen–q12 were in common between primary and recurrent tumors. These analyses suggest that the multistage model of prostate cancer progression is not linear and that some early primary tumors may be predisposed to metastasize or evolve into recurrent tumors due to the presence of specific genetic alterations. ^
Using data from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982-1984 (HHANES) of the Nutritional Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the heights, weights and arm circumferences of 217 Mexican-American children ranging in age from six to sixty months were examined to assess whether birth weight, parental stature, and economic status greatly influenced growth patterns of Mexican-American children living with both parents.^ Heights, weights, and arm circumferences were converted to standardized values of height-for-age, weight-for-age, and arm circumference-for-age using norms developed for Anglo-American children (NCHS, 1977).^ Correlation and contingency table analysis were performed to test hypotheses concerning factors found associated with the stature of children in earlier studies.^ While relationships among childhood stature and birth weight, parental stature, and economic status were in the expected direction, few were statistically significant due to the small number of cases in the analyses. Reliable conclusions concerning these relationships require a much longer sample of families. ^
Documented risks of physical activity include reduced bone mineral density at high activity volume, and sudden cardiac death among adults and adolescents. Further illumination of these risks is needed to inform future public health guidelines. The present research seeks to 1) quantify the association between physical activity and bone mineral density (BMD) across a broad range of activity volume, 2) assess the utility of an existing pre-screening questionnaire among US adults, and 3) determine if pre-screening risk stratification by questionnaire predicts referral to physician among Texas adolescents. ^ Among 9,468 adults 20 years of age or older in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010, linear regression analyses revealed generally higher BMD at the lumbar spine and proximal femur with greater reported activity volume. Only lumbar BMD in women was unassociated with activity volume. Among men, BMD was similar at activity beyond four times the minimum volume recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines. These results suggest that the range of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at either site. ^ The American Heart Association / American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation Questionnaire (AAPQ) was applied to 6,661 adults 40 years of age or older from NHANES 2001-2004 by using NHANES responses to complete AAPQ items. Following AAPQ referral criteria, 95.5% of women and 93.5% of men would be referred to a physician before exercise initiation, suggesting little utility for the AAPQ among adults aged 40 years or older. Unnecessary referral before exercise initiation may present a barrier to exercise adoption and may strain an already stressed healthcare infrastructure. ^ Among 3181 athletes in the Texas Adolescent Athlete Heart Screening Registry, 55.2% of boys and 62.2% of girls were classified as high-risk based on questionnaire answers. Using sex-stratified contingency table analyses, risk categories were not significantly associated with referral to physician based on electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, nor were they associated with confirmed diagnoses on follow-up. Additional research is needed to identify which symptoms are most closely related to sudden cardiac death, and determine the best methods for rapid and reliable assessment. ^ In conclusion, this research suggests that the volume of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at two clinically relevant sites, casts doubts on the utility of two existing cardiac screening tools, and raises concern about barriers to activity erected through ineffective screening. These findings augment existing research in this area that may inform revisions to the Physical Activity Guidelines regarding risk mitigation.^
Question: How do tree species identity, microhabitat and water availability affect inter- and intra-specific interactions between juvenile and adult woody plants? Location: Continental Mediterranean forests in Alto Tajo Natural Park, Guadalajara, Spain. Methods: A total of 2066 juveniles and adults of four co-occurring tree species were mapped in 17 plots. The frequency of juveniles at different microhabitats and water availability levels was analysed using log-linear models. We used nearest-neighbour contingency table analysis of spatial segregation and J-functions to describe the spatial patterns. Results: We found a complex spatial pattern that varied according to species identity and microhabitat. Recruitment was more frequent in gaps for Quercus ilex, while the other three species recruited preferentially under shrubs or trees depending on the water availability level. Juveniles were not spatially associated to conspecific adults, experiencing segregation from them inmany cases. Spatial associations, both positive and negative, were more common at higher water availability levels. Conclusions: Our results do not agree with expectations from the stressgradient hypothesis, suggesting that positive interactions do not increase in importance with increasing aridity in the study ecosystem. Regeneration patterns are species-specific and depend on microhabitat characteristics and dispersal strategies. In general, juveniles do not look for conspecific adult protection. This work contributes to the understanding of species co-existence, proving the importance of considering a multispecies approach at several plots to overcome limitations of simple pair-wise comparisons in a limited number of sites.
A pilot study posits that conducting a number of literacy workshops with teenage mothers translated into a greater number of appropriate booksharing skills implemented while reading to the child. The results of one- and two-way ANOVAs and of a contingency table with crosstabs are included.