984 resultados para contemporary cinema


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Cette étude a pour principal objectif d’examiner l’usage de la caméra à l’épaule dans les films de fiction Faces de John Cassavetes et La Vie nouvelle de Philippe Grandrieux. Loin d’associer la caméra portée à la vision subjective d’un personnage, ces cinéastes semblent plutôt inscrire la caméra et son tremblé comme un tiers autonome qui entre néanmoins dans la zone fictionnelle. Par la position similaire qu’ils attribuent à la caméra et par l’importance qu’ils accordent à l’improvisation au tournage, ces deux cinéastes créent une proximité entre le personnage et la caméra, qui a un impact sur l’esthétique visuelle de leurs films. De par cette esthétique affectée, l’expérience vécue par le spectateur devant le film est intensifiée. En interrogeant le processus de création, l’esthétique de la caméra à l’épaule ainsi que la réception spectatorielle, nous verrons comment un tel transfert d’affect est rendu possible par cette tripartition. Pour faire l’analyse de ce transfert affectif, phénomène causé par ce que nous pourrons appeler la caméra catalytique, nous nous appuierons sur quelques philosophies choisies.


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Notre thèse décrit et analyse les conditions esthétiques, matérielles et idéelles qui rendent possibles les agencements sonores du cinéma contemporain. Au cours des 30 dernières années, le raffinement des outils de manipulation du son, l’importance grandissante du concepteur sonore et le nouvel espace de cohabitation des sons (favorisé par le Dolby et la diffusion multicanal) sont des facteurs qui ont transformé la création et l’écoute du son au cinéma. Ces transformations révèlent un nouveau paradigme : le mixage s’est graduellement imposé comme le geste perceptif et créateur qui rend compte de la sensibilité contemporaine. Notre thèse explore les effets de la pensée du mixage (qui procède par résonance, simultanéité, dosage et modulation) sur notre écoute et notre compréhension de l'expérience cinématographique. À l'aide de paroles de concepteurs sonores (Murch, Beaugrand, Thom, Allard…), de textes théoriques sur le son filmique (Cardinal, Chion, Campan), de documentaires sur des musiciens improvisateurs (Lussier, Glennie, Frith), de films de fiction à la dimension sonore affirmée (Denis, Van Sant), de textes philosophiques sur la perception (Leibniz, James, Straus, Szendy…), d'analyses du dispositif sonore cinématographique, notre thèse rend audibles des tensions, des récurrences, de nouveaux agencements, des problèmes actuels et inactuels qui forgent et orientent l'écoute du théoricien, du créateur et de l'auditeur. En interrogeant la dimension sonore de la perception, de l’action, de l’espace et de la pensée, cette thèse a pour objectif de modifier la façon dont on écoute, crée et pense le son au cinéma.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse aux propriétés politiques du médium audiovisuel, et plus spécifiquement de la pratique cinématographique, devant un problème concret : la marginalisation de la jeunesse dans la société américaine contemporaine, symptomatique d’une perte d’espoir en l’avenir. Guidé par la théorie politique de Hannah Arendt, l’argumentaire consiste d’abord en deux analyses filmiques : une première de Kids (1995), réalisé par Larry Clark, porte sur l’invisibilité sociale de la jeunesse et la faculté du médium audiovisuel à confronter le spectateur. La seconde se penche sur le pouvoir systématisé auquel sont soumis les jeunes dans une institution scolaire bureaucratique, tel qu’il est mis en scène dans Elephant (2003) de Gus Van Sant, et interroge la capacité du médium à susciter la pensée chez le spectateur. Dans un troisième temps, une réflexion plus globale sur la situation actuelle de la culture cinématographique au sein du domaine audiovisuel dominé par le divertissement de masse explore la possibilité d’une polis audiovisuelle. Cette troisième et dernière partie reprend les thèmes soulevés dans les précédentes dans une perspective politique basée directement sur la pensée d’Arendt : ils donnent lieu aux questions de l’apparaître et de la durabilité du monde, qui sont les principales fonction de la polis, ainsi qu’à la question du rôle du spectateur.


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Desde a década de 1990, o «cinema da retomada» focaliza a violência social, a corrupção e a crise institucional no Brasil. São poucos os filmes que se afastam desta postura de transparência e de ajuste aos códigos dominantes no mercado, trabalhando dentro de um estilo afinado ao cinema moderno de autor. Um dos melhores exemplos nesta direção é Estorvo (2000), de Ruy Guerra, adaptação do livro de Chico Buarque. O artigo demonstrará como o filme, tal qual a obra original, opta por uma narrativa que nos desconcerta ao trabalhar na própria forma a crise do sujeito na atualidade, repondo nossa interrogação sobre o percurso das personagens – e da ordem familiar – em seu peculiar envolvimento com aspectos contundentes da violência social no Brasil.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Kulturoznawstwa


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Independent filmmaking within the context of Australian cinema is a multifaceted subject. In comparison to the United States, where production can be characterised as bifurcated between major studio production and so-called “indie” or independent production without the backing of the majors, since the 1970s and until recently the vast majority of Australian feature film production has been independent filmmaking. Like most so-called national cinemas, most Australian movies are supported by both direct and indirect public subvention administered by state and federal government funding bodies, and it could be argued that filmmakers are, to a certain degree, “dependent” on official mandates. As this chapter demonstrates national production slates are subjected to budget restraints and cut-backs, official cultural policies (for example pursuing international co-productions and local content quotas) and shifts in policy directions among others. Therefore, within the context of Australian cinema, feature film production operating outside the public funding system could be understood as “independent”. However, as is the case for most English-language national cinemas, independence has long been defined in terms of autonomy from Hollywood, and – as alluded to above – as Australia becomes more dependent upon international inputs into production, higher budget movies are becoming less independent from Hollywood. As such, this chapter argues that independence in Australian cinema can be viewed as having two poles: independence from direct government funding and independence from Hollywood studios. With a specific focus on industry and policy contexts, this chapter explores key issues that constitute independence for Australian cinema. In so doing it examines the production characteristics of four primary domains of contemporary independent filmmaking in Australia, namely: “Aussiewood” production; government-backed low-to-mid budget production; co-productions; and guerrilla filmmaking.


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This report, written for the Australian Film Commission (now Screen Australia) is the first major study of the development and role of studio complexes in the spread of film production around the world. The report is divided in to five chapters. First, it examines policy-making around studios, including government support for new facilities around the world. Second, it situates the phenomenon of the contemporary studio complex within the international production ecology. Third, it provides examples of the three types of studio complex: production precinct; cinema city; and media city. Fourth, it describes the networks of production that sustain studios. And fifth it explores the place of the studio in the relationship between 'local' and international production.


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Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass Anton Chekhov Representations of Africa in cinema are almost as old as cinema itself and date back to Hollywood’s silent era. Most early examples feature the continent as a mere exotic backdrop and include The Sheik (Melford 1921), soon followed, in 1926, by George Fitzmaurice’s Son of the Sheik starring Rudolph Valentino. The next decade brought Van Dyke’s Tarzan movies, Robert Stevenson’s King Solomon’s Mines (1937), and, on the European side, Duvivier’s Pépé le Moko (1936). For representations of Francophone Africa by Africans themselves, the viewing public more or less had to wait, however, until decolonisation in the 1960s (with, for example, Sembene Ousmane’s Borom Sarret and La Noire de…, both released in 1966 and, in 1968, Mandabi). Since then Francophone African cinema has come a long way and has diversified into various strands. Between Borom Sarret and Mahamat-Saleh Haroun’s 2006 Daratt, Saison sèche - or the same director’s Un homme qui crie, almost half a century has elapsed. Over this period, films inevitably have addressed a spectrum of visual, ideological and political tropes. They range from unadorned depictions of the newly independent states and their societies to highly aestheticised productions, not to mention surreal and poetic visions as displayed for instance in Djibril Diop Mambéty’s Touki Bouki (1973). Most of the early films send an overt socio-political message which is a clear and explicit denunciation of a corrupt state of affairs (Souleymane Cissé’s Baara, 1977). They aim to trigger strong emotional and political responses from the viewer, in unambiguous support for the film-maker’s stand. Sembene himself declared: “I consider cinema a means of political action” (Murphy 2000: 221). Similarly, the Mauritanian director Med Hondo wishes to “take up this technical medium and to make it a mouthpiece on behalf of [his] fellow Africans and Arabs” (Jeffries 2002: 11). All this echoes the claims of the Fédération Panafricaine des Cinéastes (FEPACI, founded in 1969), an organisation “dedicated to the liberation of Africa”. In sharp contrast to the incipient momentum given Francophonie by Bourguiba, the Nigerien Hamani Diori and the Senegalese Senghor, who invoked a worldwide communauté organique francophone, FEPACI called for “the creation of an aesthetics of disalienation… [using] didactic... forms to denounce the alienation of countries that were politically independent but culturally and economically dependent on the West” (Diawara 1996: 40). Sembene’s Xala (1974) became the blueprint for this, to this day the best-known vein of Francophone African cinema. Thus considered, this pedigree seems a million miles from mainstream global cinema with its overriding mission to entertain. A question therefore arises: to what extent can a cinema that sprang from such beginnings be seen to interface in any meaningful way with a global film industry that, overwhelmingly and for a century, has indeed entertained the world – with Hollywood at its centre?


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Este artículo considera el papel variable de las mujeres con respecto a la institución del matrimonio y al entorno familiar a través de la representación cinematográfica de relaciones interculturales y de lesbianas. Sostiene que ese tipo de relación constituye un ejemplo de la visibilidad emergente de formas familiares alternativas al modelo heteronormativo. Tomando en cuenta las dimensiones lingüísticas, temporales, y espaciales de estas relaciones, analiza tres películas: Costa Brava: Family Album, A mi madre le gustan las mujeres y Room in Rome. En resumen, el artículo cuestiona la posición del deseo intercultural lésbico dentro de las representaciones cinematográficas de la familia contemporánea en España.


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There has been a renaissance in Australian genre cinema in recent years. Indeed, not since the 1980s have Australian genre movies across action, adventure, horror, and science-fiction among others, experienced such prominence within production, policy discourse, and industry debate. Genre movies, typically associated with commercial filmmaking and entertainment, have been identified as a strategy to improve the box-office performance of Australian feature films and to attract larger audiences. Much of this conversation has revolved around the question of whether or not genre can deliver on these high expectations and transform the unpredictable local film industry into a popular and profitable commercial production sector. However, this debate for the most part has been disconnected from analysis of Australia’s genre movie heritage in terms of their position within Australian cinema and their reception with domestic audiences, and how this correlates to contemporary trends. As this chapter argues, genre production is not a silver bullet which will single handedly improve the Australian feature film industry’s commercial performance. Genre movies have occupied, and continue to occupy, a difficult position within Australian cinema and face numerous challenges in terms of reception with national audiences, limited production scale and enterprise structures, and ongoing tensions between culture and commerce.


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Brisbane stands at the cross roads of many major economic, social and cultural opportunities as it positions itself as a cosmopolitan, globally networked metropolis of the twenty-first century. In order to link and leverage the existing screen industries infrastructure into Brisbane’s creative city’s plans, the paper argues for a re-think of the existing policy frameworks that support Australian screen culture and the national screen industries. Instead of remaining premised on a separation of these two activities the paper argues for a greater recognition of the overlaps occurring in both production and consumption of screen content. By acknowledging the impact new media technologies and social behaviours and the way they are re-shaping media consumption and media production practices, film and media policy could be better positioned to complement the emerging creative city policy frameworks that are being fostered in a city like Brisbane. The paper argues that reconsideration of the culture/industry separation that characterizes contemporary policy settings underpinning Australian media and screen production assistance would not only assist in identifying crucial synergies within a creative city policy it would also invigorate policy settings for the screen industries and enable them to connect more efficiently to a shifting film and media production and consumption landscape.


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Modern and Postmodern Los Angeles is examined through the lens of film noir and neo noir. The unique relationship between the city of Los Angeles and cinema is discussed in terms of a historiography emphasizing the role played by these defining film styles and genres. The research draws and extends on the work conducted by Edward Dimendberg, Paula Rabinowitz and Mike Davis, and urban theory approaches associated with the Los Angeles School of Urbanism.