990 resultados para contaminated soil
A crude biosurfactant solution was produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa growing on agroindustrial wastes as the substrate and used to study its effect on hydrocarbon biodegradation by the indigenous soil microflora under laboratory conditions. Two concentrations were studied at first and 1 mg of biosurfactant/g of soil showed to be the most efficient for the total petroleum hydrocarbon reduction, which reached 85% at the first 20 days in soil microcosms. Respirometric and microbial analyses showed that the biosurfactant added did not have toxic effects over the microbial population. The use of a biosurfactant for bioremediation has been limited because of its high cost production. Biosurfactants produced from cost-free by-products combines waste minimization with economic potential bioremediation process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis métodos para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação aeróbia de hidrocarbonetos (tratamentos ex-situ). Neste trabalho, processos de biorremediação foram aplicados a um solo arenoso com alto nível de contaminação ocasionada por um vazamento de um tanque de armazenamento de óleo diesel subterrâneo em um posto de combustíveis. Experimentos em escala laboratorial (respirômetros de Bartha) foram utilizados para avaliar a biodegradação do óleo diesel. Estímulo da biodegradação foi realizado utilizando-se as técnicas de bioestímulo (adição de soluções de nitrogênio e fósforo ou surfactante Tween 80) e de bioaumento (consórcio bacteriano isolado de um sistema de landfarming). Para investigar as interações entre os fatores otimizadores, e encontrar a melhor combinação entre esses agentes, o estudo foi baseado em um delineamento experimental fatorial completo. A eficiência de biodegradação foi simultaneamente medida com dois métodos: respirométrico (produção de CO2 microbiano) e cromatografia gasosa. Testes de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia similis foram aplicados para examinar a eficiência dos processos em termos de geração de produtos menos tóxicos. Resultados mostraram que todas as estratégias de biorremediação aceleraram a biorremediação natural do solo contaminado e os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando os tratamentos tinham adição de nutrientes. Dados respirométricos indicaram uma máxima mineralização de hidrocarbonetos de 19,8%, obtida com a combinação dos três agentes, com uma remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (TPH) de 45,5% em 55 dias de tratamento. No final dos experimentos, duas espécies predominantes de bactéria foram isoladas e identificadas como Staphylococcus hominis e Kocuria palustris.
The degradation of DDT [1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane] and DDE [2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene] in highly and long-term contaminated soil using Fenton reaction in a slurry system is studied in this work. The influence of the amount of soluble iron added to the slurry versus the mineral iron originally present in the soil, and the influence of H2O2 concentration on the degradation process are evaluated. The main iron mineral species encountered in the soil, hematite (Fe2O3), did not show catalytic activity in the decomposition of H2O2, resulting in low degradation of DDT (24%) and DDE (4%) after 6 h. The addition of soluble iron (3.0 mmol L-1) improves the reaction reaching 53% degradation of DDT and 46% of DDE. The increase in iron concentration from 3.0 to 24 mmol L-1 improves slightly the degradation rate of the contaminants. However, similar degradation percentages were obtained after 24 h of reaction. It was observed that low concentrations of H2O2 were sufficient to degrade around 50% of the DDT and DDE present in the soil, while higher degradation percentages were achieved only with high amounts of this reagent (1.1 mol L-1). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
After the prohibition of organochlorine-pesticide use in Brazil for controlling insect vector diseases, Mato Grosso State gathered the exceeding DDT and stored it irregularly in an open air area that belongs to the National Health Foundation, causing soil contamination. This study aimed to evaluate the contamination level and dissipation of p,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDE in this area. For that, surface soil samples were collected on 19 September 2000, 15 December 2000, 4 April 2001 and soil samples 30-40 cm; 60-70 cm and 90-100 cm deep were taken from five points in the studied area on 17 July 2001. The contaminants were determined by a small scale method which consists on extraction and clean-up steps combined into one step by transferring soil samples mixed with neutral alumina to a chromatographic column prepacked with neutral alumina and elution with hexane:dichloromethane (7:3 v:v). The eluate was concentrated and the analytes were quantified by gas chromatography with an electron-capture detector. p,p′-DDT at surface soil ranged from 3800 to 7300 mg kg -1. 30-40 cm deep soil sample concentrations varied from 0.036 to 440 mg kg -1 while 90-100 cm deep samples varied from 0.069 to 180 mg kg -1. Volatilization is probably the main dissipation process. The p,p′-DDT is moving slowly downward in the soil profile, however, the levels of this contaminant are high enough to present risk to underground waters. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heavy metals have been accumulating in Brazilian soils, due to natural processes, such as atmospheric deposition, or human industrial activities. For certain heavy metals, when in high concentrations in the soil, there is no specific extractant to determine the availability of these elements in the soil. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the availability of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn for rice and soybeans, using different chemical extractants. In this study we used seven soil samples with different levels of contamination, in completely randomized experimental design with four replications. We determined the available concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn extracted by Mehlich-1, HCl 0.1 mol L-1, DTPA, and organic acid extractants and the contents in rice and soybeans, which extracts were analyzed by ICP-OES. It was observed that Mehlich-1, HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and DTPA extractants were effective to assess the availability of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn for rice and soybeans. However, the same was not observed for the organic acid extractant.
Die Verwendung von Metallen zur Entwicklung der heutigen fortschrittlichen technologischenrnGesellschaft lässt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück blicken. Im Zuge des letzten Jahrhundertsrnwurde realisiert, dass die chemischen und radioaktiven Eigenschaften von Metallen einernernsthafte Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellen können. In der modernen Geochemie ist esrnallgemein akzeptiert, dass die spezifischen physikochemische Formen entscheidender sind, alsrndas Verhalten der gesamten Konzentration der Spurenmetalle in der Umwelt. Die Definition derrnArtbildung kann grob als die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der verschiedenen Formen oderrnPhasen für ein Element zugeordnet werden. Die chemische Extraktion ist eine gemeinsamernSpeziierungstechnik bei der die Fraktionierung des Gesamtmetallgehaltes zur Analyse der Quellernanthropogener Metallkontamination und zur Vorhersage der Bioverfügbarkeit von verschiedenenrnMetallformen dient. Die Philosophie der partiellen und sequenziellen Extraktionsmethodernbesteht darin, dass insbesondere das Extraktionsmittel phasenspezifisch unter chemischemrnAngriff unterschiedlicher Mischungsformen steht. Die Speziation von Metall ist wichtig bei derrnBestimmung der Toxizität, Mobilität, Bioverfügbarkeit des Metalls und damit ihr Schicksal inrnder Umwelt und biologischem System. Die Artenbildungsanalyse kann für das Verständnis derrnAuswirkung auf die menschliche Gesundheit und bei ökologischen Risiken durch diernQuantifizierung von Metallspezies bei einem Untersuchungs-standort angewendet werden undrnanschließend können Sanierungsstrategien für den Standort umgesetzt werden. Mit Hilfe derrnSpezifizierung wurden Arsen und Kupfer in landwirtschaftlichem Kalkdünger und Thallium inrnkontaminierten Böden untersucht und in den folgenden Abschnitten im Einzelnen dargestellt.
In this study, we isolated eight copper-resistant bacteria from Torch Lake sediment contaminated by copper mine tailings (stamp sand). Sequence analysis of gyrB and rpoD genes revealed that these organisms are closer to various Pseudomonas species. These eight bacterial isolates were also resistant to zinc, cesium, lead, arsenate and mercury. Further characterization showed that all the strains produced plant growth promoting indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), iron chelating siderophore and solubilized mineral phosphate and metals. The effect of bacterial inoculation on plant growth and copper uptake by maize (Zea mays) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) was investigated using one of the isolates (Pseudomonas sp. TLC 6-6.5-4) with higher IAA production and phosphate and metal soubilization, which resulted in a significant increase in copper accumulation in maize and sunflower, and an increase in the total biomass of maize. Genes involved in copper resistance of Pseudomonas sp. TLC 6-6.5-4 was analyzed by transposon mutational analysis. Two copper sensitive mutants with significant reduction in copper resistance were identified: CSM1, a mutant disrupted in trp A gene (tryptophan synthase alpha subunit); CSM2, a mutant disrupted in clpA gene (ATP-dependent Clp protease). Proteomic and metabolomic analysis were performed to identify biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in copper resistance using CSM2 due to its lower minimum inhibitory concentration compared with CSM1 and the wild type. The effect of different bacterial inoculation methods on plant growth, copper uptake and soil enzyme activities was investigated. Four different delivery methods were used including soil inoculation (before or after plant emergence), seed coating and root dipping. Soil inoculation before sowing seeds and coating seeds with PGPB led to better growth of maize, higher copper uptake and an increase in soil invertase and dehydrogenase activities. Proteomic and metabolomic analyses were performed to investigate the effect of bacterial inoculation on maize grown in normal soil and stamp sand. Our results revealed that bacterial inoculation led to environment-dependent effects on maize proteome and metabolome.
Oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (oxy-PAHs) and nitrogen heterocyclic polycyclic aromatic compounds (N-PACs) are toxic, highly leachable and often abundant at sites that are also contaminated with PAHs. However, due to lack of regulations and standardized methods for their analysis, they are seldom included in monitoring and risk-assessment programs. This intercomparison study constitutes an important step in the harmonization of the analytical methods currently used, and may also be considered a first step towards the certification of reference materials for these compounds. The results showed that the participants were able to determine oxy-PAHs with accuracy similar to PAHs, with average determined mass fractions agreeing well with the known levels in a spiked soil and acceptable inter- and intra-laboratory precisions for all soils analyzed. For the N-PACs, the results were less satisfactory, and have to be improved by using analytical methods more specifically optimized for these compounds.
Pot experiments were performed to evaluate the phytoremediation capacity of plants of Atriplex halimus grown in contaminated mine soils and to investigate the effects of organic amendments on the metal bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants. Soil samples collected from abandoned mine sites north of Madrid (Spain) were mixed with 0, 30 and 60 Mg ha?1 of two organic amendments, with different pH and nutrients content: pine-bark compost and horse- and sheep-manure compost. The increasing soil organic matter content and pH by the application of manure amendment reduced metal bioavailability in soil stabilising them. The proportion of Cu in the most bioavailable fractions (sum of the water-soluble, exchangeable, acid-soluble and Fe?Mn oxides fractions) decreased with the addition of 60 Mg ha?1 of manure from 62% to 52% in one of the soils studied and from 50% to 30% in the other. This amendment also reduced Zn proportion in water-soluble and exchangeable fractions from 17% to 13% in one of the soils. Manure decreased metal concentrations in shoots of A. halimus, from 97 to 35 mg kg?1 of Cu, from 211 to 98 mg kg?1 of Zn and from 1.4 to 0.6 mg kg?1 of Cd. In these treatments there was a higher plant growth due to the lower metal toxicity and the improvement of nutrients content in soil. This higher growth resulted in a higher total metal accumulation in plant biomass and therefore in a greater amount of metals removed from soil, so manure could be useful for phytoextraction purposes. This amendment increased metal accumulation in shoots from 37 to 138 mg pot?1 of Cu, from 299 to 445 mg pot?1 of Zn and from 1.8 to 3.7 mg pot?1 of Cd. Pine bark amendment did not significantly alter metal availability and its uptake by plants. Plants of A. halimus managed to reduce total Zn concentration in one of the soils from 146 to 130 mg kg?1, but its phytoextraction capacity was insufficient to remediate contaminated soils in the short-to-medium term. However, A. halimus could be, in combination with manure amendment, appropriate for the phytostabilization of metals in mine soils.
"HWRIC project number 92-107."
Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation has gained importance in soil remediation. Since surfactants can be sorbed on soils, the concentration of free surfactant could drop below the critical micelle concentration, CMC, which may reduce the ability of the surfactant to solubilize the contaminants in soils. ^ The main goal of this research was to study the factors affecting the surfactant sorption on soil such as surfactant concentration, soil organic content, and organic contaminants in soil and to determine the organic contaminants removed from soils by surfactant. The results would be served as the basis for the implementation of a future study in the pilot scale and field scale for surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation. ^ This research study investigated the relationship between the organic content of soils and the sorption characteristics of a nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100. The experiments were performed using uncontaminated soils and soil contaminated with naphthalene and decane. The first part of the experiments were conducted in batch mode utilizing surface tension technique to determine the CMC of surfactant Triton X-100 and the effective CMC in the soil/aqueous system. The sorption of Triton X-100 was calculated from the surface tension measurements. The second part of the experiments utilized the SPME/GC/FID technique to determine the concentration of the contaminants solubilized from the soils by the surfactant Triton X-100 at different concentrations. ^ The results indicated that when the concentration of surfactant was lower than the CMC, the amount of surfactant sorbed on soil increased with the increasing surfactant concentration and the surfactant sorption characteristics of the uncontaminated soils could be modeled by the Freundlich isotherm. For the contaminated soils, the amount of surfactant sorbed was higher than those for the uncontaminated soils. The amount of surfactant sorbed on soils also depends on the organic content in the soils. The higher the organic content in the soil, higher is the amount of surfactant sorbed onto the soil. When the concentration of surfactant was higher than the CMC, the amount of surfactant added into the soil/aqueous system will increase the number of micelle and it increase the solubilization of organic contaminant from the soils. The ratio of the moles of organic contaminant solubilized to the moles of surfactant present as micelles is called the molar solubilization ratio (MSR). MSR value for naphthalene was about 0.16 for the soil-water systems. The organic content of soil did not appear to affect MSR for naphthalene. On the other hand, the MSR values for decane were 0.52, 0.39 and 0.38 for soils with 25%, 50% and 75% organic content, respectively. ^
The uptake of arsenic (As) by plants from contaminated soils presents a health hazard that may affect the use of agricultural and former industrial land. Methods for limiting the hazard are desirable. A proposed remediation treatment comprises the precipitation of iron (Fe) oxides in the contaminated soil by adding ferrous sulfate and lime. The effects on As bioavailability were assessed using a range of vegetable crops grown in the field. Four UK locations were used, where soil was contaminated by As from different sources. At the most contaminated site, a clay loam containing a mean of 748 mg As kg(-1) soil, beetroot, calabrese, cauliflower, lettuce, potato, radish and spinach were grown. For all crops except spinach, ferrous sulfate treatment caused a significant reduction in the bioavailability of As in some part of the crop. Application of ferrous sulfate in solution, providing 0.2% Fe oxides in the soil (0-10 cm), reduced As uptake by a mean of 22%. Solid ferrous sulfate was applied to give concentrations of 0.5% and 1% Fe oxides: the 0.5% concentration reduced As uptake by a mean of 32% and the 1% concentration gave no significant additional benefit. On a sandy loam containing 65 mg As kg(-1) soil, there was tentative evidence that ferrous sulfate treatment up to 2% Fe oxides caused a significant reduction in lettuce As, but calabrese did not respond. At the other two sites, the effects of ferrous sulfate treatment were not significant, but the uptake of soil As was low in treated and untreated soils. Differences between sites in the bioavailable fraction of soil As may be related to the soil texture or the source of As. The highest bioavailability was found on the soil which had been contaminated by aerial deposition and had a high sand content. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.