996 resultados para computational architecture


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In John Frazer's seminal book An Evolutionary Architecture (1995), from which this essay is extracted, a fundamental approach is established for have natural systems can unfold mechanisms for negotiating the complex design space inherent in architectural systems. In this essay, which forms a critical part of the book, Frazer draws both correlations and distinctions from natural processes as emulated in design processes and form as active manifestations within natural systems. Form is seen as an evolving agent generated via the rules of descriptive genetic coding, functioning as a part of a metabolic environment. Frazer's process-model establishes the realm in which computation must manoeuvre to produce a valid solution space, including the operations of self-organisation, complexity and emergent behaviour. Addressing design as an authored practice, he extends the transference of 'creativity' from the explicit impression into form, to the investment of though, organisation and strategy in the computational processes which produce form. Frazer's text concentrates astutely on the practising of the evolutionary paradigm, the output of which postulates an architecture born of the relationships to dynamic environmental and socio-economic contexts, and realised through morphogenetic materialisation.


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Motivation: Unravelling the genetic architecture of complex traits requires large amounts of data, sophisticated models and large computational resources. The lack of user-friendly software incorporating all these requisites is delaying progress in the analysis of complex traits. Methods: Linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis (LDLA) is a high-resolution gene mapping approach based on sophisticated mixed linear models, applicable to any population structure. LDLA can use population history information in addition to pedigree and molecular markers to decompose traits into genetic components. Analyses are distributed in parallel over a large public grid of computers in the UK. Results: We have proven the performance of LDLA with analyses of simulated data. There are real gains in statistical power to detect quantitative trait loci when using historical information compared with traditional linkage analysis. Moreover, the use of a grid of computers significantly increases computational speed, hence allowing analyses that would have been prohibitive on a single computer. © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Tissue engineering focuses on the repair and regeneration of tissues through the use of biodegradable scaffold systems that structurally support regions of injury whilst recruiting and/or stimulating cell populations to rebuild the target tissue. Within bone tissue engineering, the effects of scaffold architecture on cellular response have not been conclusively characterized in a controlled-density environment. We present a theoretical and practical assessment of the effects of polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold architectural modifications on mechanical and flow characteristics as well as MC3T3-E1 preosteoblast cellular response in an in vitro static plate and custom-designed perfusion bioreactor model. Four scaffold architectures were contrasted, which varied in inter-layer lay-down angle and offset between layers, whilst maintaining a structural porosity of 60 ± 5%. We established that as layer angle was decreased (90° vs. 60°) and offset was introduced (0 vs. 0.5 between layers), structural stiffness, yield stress, strength, pore size and permeability decreased, whilst computational fluid dynamics-modeled wall shear stress was increased. Most significant effects were noted with layer offset. Seeding efficiencies in static culture were also dramatically increased due to offset (~45% to ~86%), with static culture exhibiting a much higher seeding efficiency than perfusion culture. Scaffold architecture had minimal effect on cell response in static culture. However, architecture influenced osteogenic differentiation in perfusion culture, likely by modifying the microfluidic environment.


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Computational epigenetics is a new area of research focused on exploring how DNA methylation patterns affect transcription factor binding that affect gene expression patterns. The aim of this study was to produce a new protocol for the detection of DNA methylation patterns using computational analysis which can be further confirmed by bisulfite PCR with serial pyrosequencing. The upstream regulatory element and pre-initiation complex relative to CpG islets within the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene were determined via computational analysis and online databases. The 1,104 bp long CpG island located near to or at the alternative promoter site of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene was identified. The CpG plot indicated that CpG islets A and B, within the island, contained 62 and 75 % GC content CpG ratios of 0.70 and 0.80–0.95, respectively. Further exploration of the CpG islets A and B indicates that the transcription start sites were GGC which were absent from the TATA boxes. In addition, although six PROSITE motifs were identified in CpG B, no motifs were detected in CpG A. A number of cis-regulatory elements were found in different regions within the CpGs A and B. Transcription factors were predicted to bind to CpGs A and B with varying affinities depending on the DNA methylation status. In addition, transcription factor binding may influence the expression patterns of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene by recruiting chromatin condensation inducing factors. These results have significant implications for the understanding of the architecture of transcription factor binding at CpG islets as well as DNA methylation patterns that affect chromatin structure.


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Experiences showed that developing business applications that base on text analysis normally requires a lot of time and expertise in the field of computer linguistics. Several approaches of integrating text analysis systems with business applications have been proposed, but so far there has been no coordinated approach which would enable building scalable and flexible applications of text analysis in enterprise scenarios. In this paper, a service-oriented architecture for text processing applications in the business domain is introduced. It comprises various groups of processing components and knowledge resources. The architecture, created as a result of our experiences with building natural language processing applications in business scenarios, allows for the reuse of text analysis and other components, and facilitates the development of business applications. We verify our approach by showing how the proposed architecture can be applied to create a text analytics enabled business application that addresses a concrete business scenario. © 2010 IEEE.


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This thesis presents a highly sensitive genome wide search method for recessive mutations. The method is suitable for distantly related samples that are divided into phenotype positives and negatives. High throughput genotype arrays are used to identify and compare homozygous regions between the cohorts. The method is demonstrated by comparing colorectal cancer patients against unaffected references. The objective is to find homozygous regions and alleles that are more common in cancer patients. We have designed and implemented software tools to automate the data analysis from genotypes to lists of candidate genes and to their properties. The programs have been designed in respect to a pipeline architecture that allows their integration to other programs such as biological databases and copy number analysis tools. The integration of the tools is crucial as the genome wide analysis of the cohort differences produces many candidate regions not related to the studied phenotype. CohortComparator is a genotype comparison tool that detects homozygous regions and compares their loci and allele constitutions between two sets of samples. The data is visualised in chromosome specific graphs illustrating the homozygous regions and alleles of each sample. The genomic regions that may harbour recessive mutations are emphasised with different colours and a scoring scheme is given for these regions. The detection of homozygous regions, cohort comparisons and result annotations are all subjected to presumptions many of which have been parameterized in our programs. The effect of these parameters and the suitable scope of the methods have been evaluated. Samples with different resolutions can be balanced with the genotype estimates of their haplotypes and they can be used within the same study.


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The physical design of a VLSI circuit involves circuit partitioning as a subtask. Typically, it is necessary to partition a large electrical circuit into several smaller circuits such that the total cross-wiring is minimized. This problem is a variant of the more general graph partitioning problem, and it is known that there does not exist a polynomial time algorithm to obtain an optimal partition. The heuristic procedure proposed by Kernighan and Lin1,2 requires O(n2 log2n) time to obtain a near-optimal two-way partition of a circuit with n modules. In the VLSI context, due to the large problem size involved, this computational requirement is unacceptably high. This paper is concerned with the hardware acceleration of the Kernighan-Lin procedure on an SIMD architecture. The proposed parallel partitioning algorithm requires O(n) processors, and has a time complexity of O(n log2n). In the proposed scheme, the reduced array architecture is employed with due considerations towards cost effectiveness and VLSI realizability of the architecture.The authors are not aware of any earlier attempts to parallelize a circuit partitioning algorithm in general or the Kernighan-Lin algorithm in particular. The use of the reduced array architecture is novel and opens up the possibilities of using this computing structure for several other applications in electronic design automation.


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Even though dynamic programming offers an optimal control solution in a state feedback form, the method is overwhelmed by computational and storage requirements. Approximate dynamic programming implemented with an Adaptive Critic (AC) neural network structure has evolved as a powerful alternative technique that obviates the need for excessive computations and storage requirements in solving optimal control problems. In this paper, an improvement to the AC architecture, called the �Single Network Adaptive Critic (SNAC)� is presented. This approach is applicable to a wide class of nonlinear systems where the optimal control (stationary) equation can be explicitly expressed in terms of the state and costate variables. The selection of this terminology is guided by the fact that it eliminates the use of one neural network (namely the action network) that is part of a typical dual network AC setup. As a consequence, the SNAC architecture offers three potential advantages: a simpler architecture, lesser computational load and elimination of the approximation error associated with the eliminated network. In order to demonstrate these benefits and the control synthesis technique using SNAC, two problems have been solved with the AC and SNAC approaches and their computational performances are compared. One of these problems is a real-life Micro-Electro-Mechanical-system (MEMS) problem, which demonstrates that the SNAC technique is applicable to complex engineering systems.


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In this paper we propose the architecture of a SoC fabric onto which applications described in a HLL are synthesized. The fabric is a homogeneous layout of computation, storage and communication resources on silicon. Through a process of composition of resources (as opposed to decomposition of applications), application specific computational structures are defined on the fabric at runtime to realize different modules of the applications in hardware. Applications synthesized on this fabric offers performance comparable to ASICs while retaining the programmability of processing cores. We outline the application synthesis methodology through examples, and compare our results with software implementations on traditional platforms with unbounded resources.


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Gene expression is the most fundamental biological process, which is essential for phenotypic variation. It is regulated by various external (environment and evolution) and internal (genetic) factors. The level of gene expression depends on promoter architecture, along with other external factors. Presence of sequence motifs, such as transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) and TATA-box, or DNA methylation in vertebrates has been implicated in the regulation of expression of some genes in eukaryotes, but a large number of genes lack these sequences. On the other hand, several experimental and computational studies have shown that promoter sequences possess some special structural properties, such as low stability, less bendability, low nucleosome occupancy, and more curvature, which are prevalent across all organisms. These structural features may play role in transcription initiation and regulation of gene expression. We have studied the relationship between the structural features of promoter DNA, promoter directionality and gene expression variability in S. cerevisiae. This relationship has been analyzed for seven different measures of gene expression variability, along with two different regulatory effect measures. We find that a few of the variability measures of gene expression are linked to DNA structural properties, nucleosome occupancy, TATA-box presence, and bidirectionality of promoter regions. Interestingly, gene responsiveness is most intimately correlated with DNA structural features and promoter architecture.


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Human Guanine Monophosphate Synthetase (hGMPS) converts XMP to GMP, and acts as a bifunctional enzyme with N-terminal ``glutaminase'' (GAT) and C-terminal ``synthetase'' domain. The enzyme is identified as a potential target for anticancer and immunosuppressive therapies. GAT domain of enzyme plays central role in metabolism, and contains conserved catalytic residues Cys104, His190, and Glu192. MD simulation studies on GAT domain suggest that position of oxyanion in unliganded conformation is occupied by one conserved water molecule (W1), which also stabilizes that pocket. This position is occupied by a negatively charged atom of the substrate or ligand in ligand bound crystal structures. In fact, MD simulation study of Ser75 to Val indicates that W1 conserved water molecule is stabilized by Ser75, while Thr152, and His190 also act as anchor residues to maintain appropriate architecture of oxyanion pocket through water mediated H-bond interactions. Possibly, four conserved water molecules stabilize oxyanion hole in unliganded state, but they vacate these positions when the enzyme (hGMPS)-substrate complex is formed. Thus this study not only reveals functionally important role of conserved water molecules in GAT domain, but also highlights essential role of other non-catalytic residues such as Ser75 and Thr152 in this enzymatic domain. The results from this computational study could be of interest to experimental community and provide a testable hypothesis for experimental validation. Conserved sites of water molecules near and at oxyanion hole highlight structural importance of water molecules and suggest a rethink of the conventional definition of chemical geometry of inhibitor binding site.


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A fundamental task of vision systems is to infer the state of the world given some form of visual observations. From a computational perspective, this often involves facing an ill-posed problem; e.g., information is lost via projection of the 3D world into a 2D image. Solution of an ill-posed problem requires additional information, usually provided as a model of the underlying process. It is important that the model be both computationally feasible as well as theoretically well-founded. In this thesis, a probabilistic, nonlinear supervised computational learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human body or human hands, given images obtained via one or more uncalibrated cameras. The SMA consists of several specialized forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data, and a possibly known feedback function. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). A probabilistic model for the architecture is first formalized. Solutions to key algorithmic problems are then derived: simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, as well as performing inference given inputs and a feedback function. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and approximate inference. The approach allows the use of alternative conditional independence assumptions for learning and inference, which are derived from a forward model and a feedback model. Experimental validation of the proposed approach is conducted in the task of estimating articulated body pose from image silhouettes. Accuracy and stability of the SMA framework is tested using artificial data sets, as well as synthetic and real video sequences of human bodies and hands.


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Memories in Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) networks are based on matched patterns that focus attention on those portions of bottom-up inputs that match active top-down expectations. While this learning strategy has proved successful for both brain models and applications, computational examples show that attention to early critical features may later distort memory representations during online fast learning. For supervised learning, biased ARTMAP (bARTMAP) solves the problem of over-emphasis on early critical features by directing attention away from previously attended features after the system makes a predictive error. Small-scale, hand-computed analog and binary examples illustrate key model dynamics. Twodimensional simulation examples demonstrate the evolution of bARTMAP memories as they are learned online. Benchmark simulations show that featural biasing also improves performance on large-scale examples. One example, which predicts movie genres and is based, in part, on the Netflix Prize database, was developed for this project. Both first principles and consistent performance improvements on all simulation studies suggest that featural biasing should be incorporated by default in all ARTMAP systems. Benchmark datasets and bARTMAP code are available from the CNS Technology Lab Website: http://techlab.bu.edu/bART/.