962 resultados para complex issues


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The north Queensland banana industry is under pressure from government and community expectations to exhibit good environmental stewardship. The industry is situated on the high-rainfall north Queensland coast adjacent to 2 natural icons, the Great Barrier Reef to the east and World Heritage-listed rain forest areas to the west. The main environmental concern is agricultural industry pollutants harming the Great Barrier Reef. In addition to environmental issues the banana industry also suffers financial pressure from declining margins and production loss from tropical cyclones. As part of a broader government strategy to reduce land-based pollutants affecting the Great Barrier Reef, the formation of a pilot banana producers group to address these environmental and economic pressures was facilitated. Using an integrated farming systems approach, we worked collaboratively with these producers to conduct an environmental risk assessment of their businesses and then to develop best management practices (BMP) to address environmental concerns. We also sought input from technical experts to provide increased rigour for the environmental risk assessment and BMP development. The producers' commercial experience ensured new ideas for improved sustainable practices were constantly assessed through their profit-driven 'filter' thus ensuring economic sustainability was also considered. Relying heavily on the producers' knowledge and experience meant the agreed sustainable practices were practical, relevant and financially feasible for the average-sized banana business in the region. Expert input and review also ensured that practices were technically sound. The pilot group producers then implemented and adapted selected key practices on their farms. High priority practices addressed by the producers group included optimizing nitrogen fertilizer management to reduce runoff water nitrification, developing practical ground cover management to reduce soil erosion and improving integrated pest management systems to reduce pesticide use. To facilitate wider banana industry understanding and adoption of the BMP's developed by the pilot group, we conducted field days at the farms of the pilot group members. Information generated by the pilot group has had wider application to Australian horticulture and the process has been subsequently used with the north Queensland sugar industry. Our experiences have shown that integrated farming systems methodologies are useful in addressing complex issues like environmental and economic sustainability. We have also found that individual horticulture businesses need on-going technical support for change to more sustainable practices. One-off interventions have little impact, as farm improvement is usually an on-going incremental process. A key lesson from this project has been the need to develop practical, farm scale economic tools to clarify and demonstrate the financial impact of alternative management practices. Demonstrating continued profitability is critical to encourage widespread industry adoption of environmentally sustainable practices


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provocatively enter four imagined worlds of enterprise education with the express aim of contemplating an emerging future. The authors do so not to expressly determine what positioning is most appropriate for enterprise/entrepreneurship education, but rather to consider the issues associated with each of the four imagined worlds. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ approach is built around a combination of cycles of reflective practice and the use of scenario development processes. The authors seek to suspend their collective judgement whilst entering the four imagined worlds, but ultimately do not claim to have hidden their personal biases. Findings It is concluded that enterprise/entrepreneurship education should be shared across the university and not owned by any school or faculty. While the authors find it difficult to dismiss the underlying purpose of each scenario, they sense an opportunity to unite their common focus on the development of a transformative student experience. Practical implications This process has provided unexpected insights into the potential of scenario planning as a tool that could conceivably be employed more often to tackle complex issues, such as the positioning of enterprise/entrepreneurship education in Higher Education. Originality/value This paper, despite its inherent biases, offers the reader an opportunity to gain a sense of the various roles forced upon enterprise/entrepreneurship education by its various key stakeholders. In doing so, the shortcomings of the current situation are highlighted.


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The legality of the operation of Google’s search engine, and its liability as an Internet intermediary, has been tested in various jurisdictions on various grounds. In Australia, there was an ultimately unsuccessful case against Google under the Australian Consumer Law relating to how it presents results from its search engine. Despite this failed claim, several complex issues were not adequately addressed in the case including whether Google sufficiently distinguishes between the different parts of its search results page, so as not to mislead or deceive consumers. This article seeks to address this question of consumer confusion by drawing on empirical survey evidence of Australian consumers’ understanding of Google’s search results layout. This evidence, the first of its kind in Australia, indicates some level of consumer confusion. The implications for future legal proceedings in against Google in Australia and in other jurisdictions are discussed.


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Cap. 1. La interrelación entre los sistemas turístico y patrimonial: más allá de los discursos apologéticos y las prácticas reduccionistas. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea Cap. 2. Turistas y museos. Apocalípticos e integrados. José Antonio Donaire. Cap. 3. Turismo cultural. Ficciones sobre realidades, realidades sobre invenciones. Agustín Santana Talavera, Pablo Díaz Rodríguez y Alberto Jonay Rodríguez Darias. Cap. 4. ¿Museos a la deriva o continentes a la deriva?: consecuencias de la crisis financiera para los museos de América del Norte, Yves Bergeron. Cap. 5. Patrimonio histórico, turismo, economía: ¿un desafío o una alianza? El caso de Populonia (Toscana, Italia). Daniele Manacorda. Cap. 6. Diagnóstico posrevolucionario en Túnez: delirio turístico, fiebre museística y la locura del jazmín. Habib Saidi. Cap. 7. Patrimonio etnológico: ¿recurso socioeconómico o instrumento sociopolítico? El caso de los Astilleros Nereo de Málaga. Esther Fernández de Paz. Cap. 8. De Rampas y Pasarelas: los museos Guggenheim como espacios artísticos genéricos. Sophia Carmen Vackimes. Cap. 9. El patrimonio como fuente de desarrollo sostenible en las regiones del interior norte de Portugal: el caso del municipio de Vieira do Minho. Eduardo Jorge Duque. Cap. 10. Museos, turismo y desarrollo local: el caso de Belmonte, Portugal. Luís Silva. Cap. 11. ¿Existen razones de eficiencia económica en las decisiones de cierre parcial de algunos museos locales? Análisis del caso del Museo Darder (Banyoles) en el contexto de los museos de Cataluña. Gabriel Alcalde, Josep Burch, Modest Fluvià, Ricard Rigall i Torrent y Albert Saló.


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O Estado, em seus âmbitos econômico, político e social, tem papel decisivo na formulação das ciências. A ciência, que buscava explicar os fenômenos naturais, desenvolveu-se e desdobrou-se em diversas áreas e campos, buscando responder às complexas questões que fazem parte do mundo moderno. A saúde se coloca enquanto um desses campos complexos, que inicialmente compreendia a história das doenças e das condições de vida e teve que ser questionada à medida que somente essa teoria não mais justificava as complexas existências e modos de andar a vida. Especificamente a Saúde Coletiva no Brasil reinventou formas de responder aos inúmeros e complexos questionamentos que se colocam no âmbito da vida e das condições de vida. Assim, buscou-se explorar a trajetória históricopolítica-conceitual da constituição do campo da Saúde Coletiva no Brasil apoiado em uma metodologia que se utiliza de elementos analíticos da própria reflexão que o estudo traz, em um movimento de investigação denominado como entre-meios. São apresentadas as falas dos participantes, abordando episódios e reflexões sobre os acontecimentos que marcaram a história da Saúde Coletiva em nosso país, o que deu base para compor uma caixa de ferramenta para o desenvolvimento do estudo. Os diferentes significados da Saúde Coletiva foram apresentados a partir do material empírico, bem como de uma análise considerando outros olhares sobre o mesmo objeto, pela qual se buscou construir um olhar autoral sobre o objeto estudado. Além disso, após a busca de conceitos e teorias sobre os campos, foram apresentadas diferentes abordagens para a conceituação de campo, sendo que a caixa de ferramentas e as análises dos significantes antes expostos foram utilizados para construir algumas considerações e questões. Desenvolveu-se, através das bases de dados empíricos e teórico conceituais, uma análise sobre a Saúde Coletiva no Brasil para compreender o campo a partir de um olhar crítico sobre a cientifização das áreas de conhecimento. Considerando a singularidade de um campo ainda em transformação que se constituiu em um cenário político particular, onde a Reforma Sanitária Brasileira estava em construção compreendesse sua conformação enquanto um campo de saberes e práticas militantes, para a construção de novos paradigmas para explicar e intervir na saúde do povo brasileiro.


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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie aplikacji zastosowania na krajowym poziomie stosowania przepisów unijnych koncepcji wykładni derywacyjnej Macieja Zielińskiego. Podjęto w nim próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie o wzajemne relacje przepisów prawnych ustanowionych przez socjologicznie różnych prawodawców do norm postępowania odtwarzanych w procesie wykładni w oparciu o analizę syntaktyczną oraz treściową krajowych i unijnych przepisów prawnych z różnych gałęzi prawa. Zastosowanie założeń koncepcji derywacyjnej do rozstrzygania spraw z elementem unijnym prowadzi do konkluzji, że zarówno zjawisko rozczłonkowania (na poziomie syntaktycznym oraz treściowym), jak również kondensacja norm postępowania w przepisach prawnych przebiegać może w sposób krzyżowy pomiędzy aktami prawnymi ustanowionymi przez różnych prawodawców socjologicznych (faktycznych). Ponadto, analiza szczególnego typu unijnych przepisów bezpośrednio skutecznych, prima facie stanowiących źródło obowiązku normatywnego wyłącznie dla państw członkowskich, w świetle założeń koncepcji wykładni derywacyjnej uświadamia, że przepisy te stanowią w gruncie rzeczy modelową egzemplifikację zjawiska kondensacji elementów norm prawnych. Przeprowadzona analiza relacji zakresowych przepisów prawnych do norm postępowania wykazuje stosowalność koncepcji derywacyjnej w procesie rozstrzygania spraw z elementem unijnym. Koncepcja ta wyjaśnia szczególnie złożone problemy wykładni prawa w sprawach z elementem unijnym oraz dostarcza teorii i praktyce instrumentarium do ich rozwiązywania. Jej zastosowanie unaocznia jednocześnie złożoną strukturę systemu prawa, którą charakteryzuje zjawisko hybrydyzacji.


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With increasing recognition of the roles RNA molecules and RNA/protein complexes play in an unexpected variety of biological processes, understanding of RNA structure-function relationships is of high current importance. To make clean biological interpretations from three-dimensional structures, it is imperative to have high-quality, accurate RNA crystal structures available, and the community has thoroughly embraced that goal. However, due to the many degrees of freedom inherent in RNA structure (especially for the backbone), it is a significant challenge to succeed in building accurate experimental models for RNA structures. This chapter describes the tools and techniques our research group and our collaborators have developed over the years to help RNA structural biologists both evaluate and achieve better accuracy. Expert analysis of large, high-resolution, quality-conscious RNA datasets provides the fundamental information that enables automated methods for robust and efficient error diagnosis in validating RNA structures at all resolutions. The even more crucial goal of correcting the diagnosed outliers has steadily developed toward highly effective, computationally based techniques. Automation enables solving complex issues in large RNA structures, but cannot circumvent the need for thoughtful examination of local details, and so we also provide some guidance for interpreting and acting on the results of current structure validation for RNA.


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Purpose: Social enterprise organisations (SEOs) operate across the boundaries of the public, private and not‐for‐profit (NFP) sectors in delivering public services and competing for resources and legitimacy. While there is a rich literature on accountability in the private and public sectors, together with the wider NFP sector, SEOs have received comparatively little attention and remain a relatively under‐researched organisational form. Drawing on accountability, legitimacy and user‐needs theories, the purpose of this paper is to develop a practical framework which can be used to explore how accountability within SEOs is constructed and discharged.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper draws on user‐needs, accountability, legitimacy and impression management theories expounded in relation to the private, public and NFP sectors.

Findings: A framework to better understand how accountability can be discharged by SEOs is developed and discussed.

Research limitations/implications: While a framework for better understanding SEO accountability is presented, it is not empirically tested. However, the framework has the potential to facilitate a deeper appreciation of the theory and practice of accountability within SEOs and, notwithstanding the inherent difficulties in measuring and managing accountability, could be used to stimulate practitioner involvement.

Practical implications
– As little is known about the current extent of SEO information disclosure or accountability relationships, the framework could be used to assess the discharge of accountability by SEOs, with the findings informing future developments. This should provide useful insights into internal processes and organisational views on accountability bases and mechanisms and can then be used to inform the debate on how SEOs can best discharge their duty to account.

Social implications
– Understanding the nature of SEO accountability reporting has important implications for those involved in advancing the SEO agenda. At a time of public sector cutbacks, and with the government searching for new and more effective ways of delivering services, the role of SEOs in this process is likely to receive greater attention and scrutiny.

– SEOs have grown extensively in size and prominence in recent years and policymakers have come to embrace the role that they play in societal development. This paper responds to a gap in the theoretical literature and contributes to the debate by developing a framework which can be empirically tested. Moreover, it can be used to prompt practitioner involvement and facilitate a better understanding of the complex issues surrounding accounting and accountability in this under‐researched area.


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The debate about the complex issues of human development during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition period (45-35 ka BP) has been hampered by concerns about the reliability of the radiocarbon dating method. Large C-14 anomalies were postulated and radiocarbon dating was considered flawed. We show here that these issues are no longer relevant, because the large anomalies are artefacts beyond plausible physical limits for their magnitude. Previous inconsistencies between C-14 radiocarbon datasets have been resolved, and a new radiocarbon calibration curve, IntCal09 (Reimer et al., 2009), was created. Improved procedures for bone collagen extraction and charcoal pre-treatment generally result in older ages, consistent with independently dated time markers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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People are now becoming more environmentally aware and as a consequence of this, industries such as the aviation industry are striving to design more environmentally friendly products. To achieve this, the current design methodologies must be modified to ensure these issues are considered from product conception through to disposal. This paper discusses the environmental problems in relation to the aviation industry and highlights some logic for making the change from the traditional Systems Engineering approach to the recent design paradigm known as Value Driven Design. Preliminary studies have been undertaken to aid in the understanding of this methodology and the existing surplus value objective function. The main results from the work demonstrate that surplus value works well bringing disparate issues such as manufacture and green taxes together to aid decision making. Further, to date studies on surplus value have used simple sensitivity analysis, but deeper consideration shows non-linear interactions between some of the variables and further work will be needed to fully account for complex issues such as environmental impact and taxes.


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The discussion of human dignity raises such complex issues, and the issues that current scholarship now considers central to its understanding are so daunting, that we are in danger of not being able to see the forest for the trees. This Introduction forms the first chapter of a book of essays (Christopher McCrudden (ed.), UNDERSTANDING HUMAN DIGNITY,
Proceedings of the British Academy/Oxford University Press, in press) by a multi-disciplinary group of historians, legal academics, judges, political scientists, theologians, and philosophers, arising from a Conference held in Rhodes House, Oxford In June 2012. The Introduction aims to provide a guide, a map, through the thicket of current dignity scholarship. It situates the subsequent chapters of the book within an overview of the terrain that currently constitutes debates about the use of dignity in these fields. I have not attempted to put forward my own
comprehensive account of dignity. Mostly based on the rich conversations that took place at the Conference, I have sought, rather, to probe the potential strengths and weaknesses of all of the principal positions identified, at least in some contexts taking on the role of a Devil’s Advocate.


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A evolução constante em novas tecnologias que providenciam suporte à forma como os nossos dispositivos se ligam, bem como a forma como utilizamos diferentes capacidades e serviços on-line, criou um conjunto sem precedentes de novos desafios que motivam o desenvolvimento de uma recente área de investigação, denominada de Internet Futura. Nesta nova área de investigação, novos aspectos arquiteturais estão ser desenvolvidos, os quais, através da re-estruturação de componentes nucleares subjacentesa que compõem a Internet, progride-a de uma forma capaz de não são fazer face a estes novos desafios, mas também de a preparar para os desafios de amanhã. Aspectos chave pertencendo a este conjunto de desafios são os ambientes de rede heterogéneos compostos por diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, a cada vez maior mudança do tráfego peer-to-peer (P2P) como o tipo de tráfego mais utilizado na Internet, a orquestração de cenários da Internet das Coisas (IoT) que exploram mecanismos de interação Maquinaa-Maquina (M2M), e a utilização de mechanismos centrados na informação (ICN). Esta tese apresenta uma nova arquitetura capaz de simultaneamente fazer face a estes desafios, evoluindo os procedimentos de conectividade e entidades envolvidas, através da adição de uma camada de middleware, que age como um mecanismo de gestão de controlo avançado. Este mecanismo de gestão de controlo aproxima as entidades de alto nível (tais como serviços, aplicações, entidades de gestão de mobilidade, operações de encaminhamento, etc.) com as componentes das camadas de baixo nível (por exemplo, camadas de ligação, sensores e atuadores), permitindo uma otimização conjunta dos procedimentos de ligação subjacentes. Os resultados obtidos não só sublinham a flexibilidade dos mecanismos que compoem a arquitetura, mas também a sua capacidade de providenciar aumentos de performance quando comparados com outras soluÇÕes de funcionamento especÍfico, enquanto permite um maior leque de cenáios e aplicações.


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This paper links research and teaching through an applied Soft Systems Methodology case study. The case study focuses on the redevelopment of a Research and Professional Skills module to provide support for international postgraduate students through the use of formative feedback with the aim of increasing academic research skills and confidence. The stages of the Soft Systems Methodology were used as a structure for the redevelopment of module content and assessment. It proved to be a valuable tool for identifying complex issues, a basis for discussion and debate from which an enhanced understanding was gained and a successful solution implemented together with a case study that could be utilised for teaching Soft Systems Methodology concepts. Changes to the module were very successful and resulted in significantly higher grades and a higher pass rate.


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências do Sono, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015