465 resultados para compiler backend


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Software transactional memory (STM) is a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multithreaded programs. In order for STMs to be adopted widely for performance critical software, understanding and improving the cache performance of applications running on STM becomes increasingly crucial, as the performance gap between processor and memory continues to grow. In this paper, we present the most detailed experimental evaluation to date, of the cache behavior of STM applications and quantify the impact of the different STM factors on the cache misses experienced by the applications. We find that STMs are not cache friendly, with the data cache stall cycles contributing to more than 50% of the execution cycles in a majority of the benchmarks. We find that on an average, misses occurring inside the STM account for 62% of total data cache miss latency cycles experienced by the applications and the cache performance is impacted adversely due to certain inherent characteristics of the STM itself. The above observations motivate us to propose a set of specific compiler transformations targeted at making the STMs cache friendly. We find that STM's fine grained and application unaware locking is a major contributor to its poor cache behavior. Hence we propose selective Lock Data co-location (LDC) and Redundant Lock Access Removal (RLAR) to address the lock access misses. We find that even transactions that are completely disjoint access parallel, suffer from costly coherence misses caused by the centralized global time stamp updates and hence we propose the Selective Per-Partition Time Stamp (SPTS) transformation to address this. We show that our transformations are effective in improving the cache behavior of STM applications by reducing the data cache miss latency by 20.15% to 37.14% and improving execution time by 18.32% to 33.12% in five of the 8 STAMP applications.


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Exploiting the performance potential of GPUs requires managing the data transfers to and from them efficiently which is an error-prone and tedious task. In this paper, we develop a software coherence mechanism to fully automate all data transfers between the CPU and GPU without any assistance from the programmer. Our mechanism uses compiler analysis to identify potential stale accesses and uses a runtime to initiate transfers as necessary. This allows us to avoid redundant transfers that are exhibited by all other existing automatic memory management proposals. We integrate our automatic memory manager into the X10 compiler and runtime, and find that it not only results in smaller and simpler programs, but also eliminates redundant memory transfers. Tested on eight programs ported from the Rodinia benchmark suite it achieves (i) a 1.06x speedup over hand-tuned manual memory management, and (ii) a 1.29x speedup over another recently proposed compiler--runtime automatic memory management system. Compared to other existing runtime-only and compiler-only proposals, it also transfers 2.2x to 13.3x less data on average.


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Software transactional memory(STM) is a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multithreaded programs. While STM offers the promise of being less error-prone and more programmer friendly compared to traditional lock-based synchronization, it also needs to be competitive in performance in order for it to be adopted in mainstream software. A major source of performance overheads in STM is transactional aborts. Conflict resolution and aborting a transaction typically happens at the transaction level which has the advantage that it is automatic and application agnostic. However it has a substantial disadvantage in that STM declares the entire transaction as conflicting and hence aborts it and re-executes it fully, instead of partially re-executing only those part(s) of the transaction, which have been affected due to the conflict. This "Re-execute Everything" approach has a significant adverse impact on STM performance. In order to mitigate the abort overheads, we propose a compiler aided Selective Reconciliation STM (SR-STM) scheme, wherein certain transactional conflicts can be reconciled by performing partial re-execution of the transaction. Ours is a selective hybrid approach which uses compiler analysis to identify those data accesses which are legal and profitable candidates for reconciliation and applies partial re-execution only to these candidates selectively while other conflicting data accesses are handled by the default STM approach of abort and full re-execution. We describe the compiler analysis and code transformations required for supporting selective reconciliation. We find that SR-STM is effective in reducing the transactional abort overheads by improving the performance for a set of five STAMP benchmarks by 12.58% on an average and up to 22.34%.


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Task-parallel languages are increasingly popular. Many of them provide expressive mechanisms for intertask synchronization. For example, OpenMP 4.0 will integrate data-driven execution semantics derived from the StarSs research language. Compared to the more restrictive data-parallel and fork-join concurrency models, the advanced features being introduced into task-parallelmodels in turn enable improved scalability through load balancing, memory latency hiding, mitigation of the pressure on memory bandwidth, and, as a side effect, reduced power consumption. In this article, we develop a systematic approach to compile loop nests into concurrent, dynamically constructed graphs of dependent tasks. We propose a simple and effective heuristic that selects the most profitable parallelization idiom for every dependence type and communication pattern. This heuristic enables the extraction of interband parallelism (cross-barrier parallelism) in a number of numerical computations that range from linear algebra to structured grids and image processing. The proposed static analysis and code generation alleviates the burden of a full-blown dependence resolver to track the readiness of tasks at runtime. We evaluate our approach and algorithms in the PPCG compiler, targeting OpenStream, a representative dataflow task-parallel language with explicit intertask dependences and a lightweight runtime. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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Association for Computing Machinery, ACM; IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; SIGSOFT


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This paper presents the ideas underlying a program that takes as input a schematic of a mechanical or hydraulic power transmission system, plus specifications and a utility function, and returns catalog numbers from predefined catalogs for the optimal selection of components implementing the design. It thus provides the designer with a high level "language" in which to compose new designs, then performs some of the detailed design process for him. The program is based on a formalization of quantitative inferences about hierarchically organized sets of artifacts and operating conditions, which allows design compilation without the exhaustive enumeration of alternatives.


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We constructed a parallelizing compiler that utilizes partial evaluation to achieve efficient parallel object code from very high-level data independent source programs. On several important scientific applications, the compiler attains parallel performance equivalent to or better than the best observed results from the manual restructuring of code. This is the first attempt to capitalize on partial evaluation's ability to expose low-level parallelism. New static scheduling techniques are used to utilize the fine-grained parallelism of the computations. The compiler maps the computation graph resulting from partial evaluation onto the Supercomputer Toolkit, an eight VLIW processor parallel computer.


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We have developed a compiler for the lexically-scoped dialect of LISP known as SCHEME. The compiler knows relatively little about specific data manipulation primitives such as arithmetic operators, but concentrates on general issues of environment and control. Rather than having specialized knowledge about a large variety of control and environment constructs, the compiler handles only a small basis set which reflects the semantics of lambda-calculus. All of the traditional imperative constructs, such as sequencing, assignment, looping, GOTO, as well as many standard LISP constructs such as AND, OR, and COND, are expressed in macros in terms of the applicative basis set. A small number of optimization techniques, coupled with the treatment of function calls as GOTO statements, serve to produce code as good as that produced by more traditional compilers. The macro approach enables speedy implementation of new constructs as desired without sacrificing efficiency in the generated code. A fair amount of analysis is devoted to determining whether environments may be stack-allocated or must be heap-allocated. Heap-allocated environments are necessary in general because SCHEME (unlike Algol 60 and Algol 68, for example) allows procedures with free lexically scoped variables to be returned as the values of other procedures; the Algol stack-allocation environment strategy does not suffice. The methods used here indicate that a heap-allocating generalization of the "display" technique leads to an efficient implementation of such "upward funargs". Moreover, compile-time optimization and analysis can eliminate many "funargs" entirely, and so far fewer environment structures need be allocated at run time than might be expected. A subset of SCHEME (rather than triples, for example) serves as the representation intermediate between the optimized SCHEME code and the final output code; code is expressed in this subset in the so-called continuation-passing style. As a subset of SCHEME, it enjoys the same theoretical properties; one could even apply the same optimizer used on the input code to the intermediate code. However, the subset is so chosen that all temporary quantities are made manifest as variables, and no control stack is needed to evaluate it. As a result, this apparently applicative representation admits an imperative interpretation which permits easy transcription to final imperative machine code. These qualities suggest that an applicative language like SCHEME is a better candidate for an UNCOL than the more imperative candidates proposed to date.


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The efficient development of multi-threaded software has, for many years, been an unsolved problem in computer science. Finding a solution to this problem has become urgent with the advent of multi-core processors. Furthermore, the problem has become more complicated because multi-cores are everywhere (desktop, laptop, embedded system). As such, they execute generic programs which exhibit very different characteristics than the scientific applications that have been the focus of parallel computing in the past.
Implicitly parallel programming is an approach to parallel pro- gramming that promises high productivity and efficiency and rules out synchronization errors and race conditions by design. There are two main ingredients to implicitly parallel programming: (i) a con- ventional sequential programming language that is extended with annotations that describe the semantics of the program and (ii) an automatic parallelizing compiler that uses the annotations to in- crease the degree of parallelization.
It is extremely important that the annotations and the automatic parallelizing compiler are designed with the target application do- main in mind. In this paper, we discuss the Paralax approach to im- plicitly parallel programming and we review how the annotations and the compiler design help to successfully parallelize generic programs. We evaluate Paralax on SPECint benchmarks, which are a model for such programs, and demonstrate scalable speedups, up to a factor of 6 on 8 cores.


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An overview is given of a systolic VLSI compiler (SVC) tool currently under development for the automated design of high performance digital signal processing (DSP) chips. Attention is focused on the design of systolic vector quantization chips for use in both speech and image coding systems. The software in question consists of a cell library, silicon assemblers, simulators, test pattern generators, and a specially designed graphics shell interface which makes it expandable and user friendly. It allows very high performance digital coding systems to be rapidly designed in VLSI.


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One of the outstanding issues in parallel computing is the selection of task granularity. This work proposes a solution to the task granularity problem by lowering the overhead of the task scheduler and as such supporting very fine-grain tasks. Using a combination of static (compile-time) scheduling and dynamic (run-time) scheduling, we aim to make scheduling decisions as fast as with static scheduling while retaining the dynamic load- balancing properties of fully dynamic scheduling. We present an example application and discuss the requirements on the compiler and runtime system to realize hybrid static/dynamic scheduling.