799 resultados para comfort


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Among the building materials used in rural facilities, roofs are noteworthy for being largely responsible for thermal comfort, influencing the thermal balance within the shelter. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of roof on the Enthalpy (H), Thermal Load of Radiation (TLR), and Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index (BGHI) in individual shelters for dairy calves. The design was completely randomized with three treatments: Z - zinc tile, AC - asbestos-cement tile and ACW - asbestos-cement tile painted white on the upper side. The averages were compared by the Scott Knott test at 1% probability. The results showed no statistical difference between treatments (P<0.01) and the external environment for H. For TLR, there was statistical difference among all treatments, where ACW showed the lowest TLR, 489.28 W m-2, followed by AC with 506.72 W m-2 and Z with the highest TLR, 523.55 W m-2. For BGHI, the lowest values were observed for ACW (76.8) and AC (77.4), differing significantly from Z, which obtained the highest value (81.6). The tiles with white paint on the upper side promoted the lowest TLR and the lowest BGHI, favoring the thermal environment in the shelter.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of air, bioclimatic indexes of facilities and physiological indices of Guzera and Sindhi calves, reared in climatic conditions of Agreste. The study was conducted at the experimental station of Alagoinha, PB, Brazil, using 16 calves of Sindi and Guzerá races. The average concentration of oxygen (20.85%), ammonia (1.99 ppm), carbon monoxide (<0.01 ppm), methane (0.13 ppm) and hydrogen sulfide (<0.01) within facilities, were within the limits established by the Brazilian and international standards, for both animals and workers. The bioclimatic index of temperature and humidity and the temperature of the black globe and humidity index were within the thermal comfort zone for cattle in most of the experimental period, the mean values of respiratory frequency (26.0 min mov-1) and skin temperature (32.3 °C) were higher in the hottest time of the day (1 pm) and rectal temperature (39.3 ºC) in the late afternoon (5 pm), but remained within normal ranges for the studied races. The races have good adaptability to climatic conditions in the region of the Paraibano Agreste, Brazil.


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In most of Brazilian pig farms, the environmental acclimatization systems run manually. For night and early morning periods, this practice isn't appropriate, because, in general, there are not employees available to run these manual systems. This research aimed to compare the bioclimatic profile of two differently constructed facilities to the external environment, considering the period from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the spring, in order to show that night and early morning temperatures do not coincides with growing pig's thermoneutral zone. For this reason, acclimatization must be also carried out at these periods. It was analyzed the dry bulb temperature, relative air humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI) and enthalpy data of the sheds and external areas. Under the studied conditions, it was possible to conclude that the constructively appropriate shed appeared to be less influenced by the external environment, allowing better thermal control for growing pigs. Further research must be conducted to verify if automatic cooling systems is needed during night and early morning.


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The research was developed to evaluate the use of different types of roofing materials regularly used in poultry houses. Measurements of thermal comfort were made through the use of techniques such as the Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), the Thermal Heat Load (THL) and Enthalpy (H). Conducted in the State University of Goiás, during the months of April and May, 2011, the experiment was composed of five different treatments: AC - Asbestos cement tiles, BA -Bamboo tiles, BAP - Bamboo tiles painted in white, FB -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen, FBP -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen painted in white. The experiment consisted in 15 repetitions, which were considered the different days of measurements taken. Throughout the studied period, the time of the day considered the least comfortable was the one observed at 2:00pm, and the coverage of vegetable fiber and bitumen showed the highest value of BGHI (84.1) when compared to other types of coverage, characterizing a situation of lower thermal comfort, and no difference was found for THL and H on treatments in the studied region.


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Due to changes in genetics and nutrition, as well as in acclimatization of broiler chickens to the Brazilian climate, temperature values currently accepted as optimal may be outdated. The objective of this research was to update the environment temperatures that characterize the thermal comfort for broilers chickens from one to 21 days of age, under Brazilian production conditions. This research was conducted with 600 COBB birds, which were distributed in five growth chambers maintained at different temperatures during the first three weeks of age. During the experimental period, temperature values were progressively reduced, consisting in five treatments: T2724/21, T30/27/24, T33/30/27, T36/33/30 and T39/36/33. It was observed that the birds maintained in the T30(27-24) treatment presented better performance compared to other environment conditions. Based on the obtained regression models, the environment temperature values that provide greater weighing gain for the broiler chicken growth in the initial period were 31.3, 25.5 and 21.8 ºC, respectively for the first, second and third week of age.


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Ride comfort of elevators is one of the quality criteria valued by customers. The objective of this master’s thesis was to develop a process to measure the ride comfort of automatic elevator doors. The door’s operational noise was chosen as a focus area and other kinds of noise for example caused by pressure differences in the elevator shaft were excluded. The thesis includes a theory part and an empirical part. In the first part theories of quality management, measuring of quality and acoustics are presented. In the empirical part the developed ride comfort measuring process is presented, different operational noise sources are analyzed and an example is presented of how this measuring process can be used to guide product development. To measure ride comfort a process was developed where a two-room silent room was used as a measuring environment and EVA-625 device was used in the actual measuring of door noise. A-weighted decibels were used to scale noise pressure levels and the door movement was monitored with an accelerometer. This enabled the connection between the noise and noise sources which in turn helped to find potential ride comfort improvement ideas. The noise isolation class was also measured with the Ivie-measuring system. Measuring of door ride comfort gives feedback to product development and to managing current product portfolio. Measuring enables the continuous improvement of elevator door ride comfort. The measuring results can also be used to back up marketing arguments for doors.


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Receipt to the Estate of the late J.A. Woodruff from Dr. John Comfort for medical services, Oct. 5, 1886.


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Cubicle should provide good resting comfort as well as clean udders. Dairy cows in cubicle houses often face a restrictive environment with regard to resting behaviour, whereas cleanliness may still be impaired. This study aimed to determine reliable behavioural measures regarding resting comfort applicable in on-farm welfare assessments. Furthermore, relationships between cubicle design, cow sizes, management factors and udder cleanliness (namely teats and teat tips) were investigated. Altogether 15 resting measures were examined in terms of feasibility, inter-observer reliability (IOR) and consistency of results per farm over time. They were recorded during three farm visits on farms in Germany and Austria with cubicle, deep litter and tie stall systems. Seven measures occurred to infrequently to allow reliable recording within a limited observation time. IOR was generally acceptable to excellent except for 'collisions during lying down', which only showed good IOR after improvement of the definition. Only three measures were acceptably repeatable over time: 'duration of lying down', 'percentage of collisions during lying down' and 'percentage of cows lying partly or completely outside lying area'. These measures were evaluated as suitable animal based welfare measures regarding resting behaviour in the framework of an on-farm welfare assessment protocol. The second part of the thesis comprises a cross-sectional study on resting comfort and cow cleanliness including 23 Holstein Friesian dairy herds with very low within-farm variation in cubicle measures. Height at withers, shoulder width and diagonal body length were measured in 79-100 % of the cows (herd size 30 to115 cows). Based on the 25 % largest animals, compliance with recommendations for cubicle measures was calculated. Cleanliness of different body parts, the udder, teats and teat tips was assessed for each cow in the herd prior to morning milking. No significant correlation was found between udder soiling and teat or teat tip soiling on herd level. The final model of a stepwise regression regarding the percentage of dirty teats per farm explained 58.5 % the variance and contained four factors. Teat dipping after milking which might be associated with an overall clean and accurate management style, deep bedded cubicles, increasing cubicle maintenance times and decreasing compliance concerning total cubicle length predicted lower teat soiling. The final model concerning teat tip soiling explained 46.0 % of the variance and contained three factors. Increasing litter height in the rear part of the cubicle and increased alley soiling which is difficult to explain, predicted for less soiled teat tips, whereas increasing compliance concerning resting length was associated with higher percentages of dirty teat tips. The dependent variable ‘duration of lying down’ was analysed using again stepwise regression. The final model explained 54.8 % of the total variance. Lying down duration was significantly shorter in deep bedded cubicles. Further explanatory though not significant factors in the model were neck-rail height, deep bedding or comfort mattresses versus concrete floor or rubber mats and clearance height of side partitions. In the attempt to create a more comprehensive lying down measure, another analysis was carried out with percentage of ‘impaired lying down’ (i.e. events exceeding 6.3 seconds, with collisions or being interrupted) as dependent variable. The explanatory value of this final model was 41.3 %. An increase in partition length, in compliance concerning cubicle width and the presence of straw within bedding predicted a lower proportion of impaired lying down. The effect of partition length is difficult to interpret, but partition length and height were positively correlated on the study farms, possibly leading to a bigger zone of clear space for pelvis freedom. No associations could be found between impaired lying down and teat or teat tip soiling. Altogether, in agreement with earlier studies it was found that cubicle dimensions in practice are often inadequate with regard to the body dimensions of the cows, leading to high proportions of impaired lying down behaviour, whereas teat cleanliness is still unsatisfactory. Connections between cleanliness and cow comfort are far from simplistic. Especially the relationship between cubicle characteristics and lying down behaviour apparently is very complex, so that it is difficult to identify single influential factors that are valid for all farm situations. However, based on the results of the present study the use of deep bedded cubicles can be recommended as well as improved management with special regard to cubicle and litter maintenance in order to achieve both better resting comfort and teat cleanliness.


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In the competitive aviation market as a result of the emergence of low cost carriers, charter airlines have had to reconsider their approach to service provision. Specifically, the reduction in service and comfort levels offered by the low cost airlines provides charter carriers with an opportunity to differentiate their product based on the quality of the offering. To consider this strategic option we employ an on-line choice experiment to examine consumer choices with respect to the bundle of services on offer when deciding to purchase a flight, With these data we use the Bayesian methods to estimate a mixed logit specification. Our results reveal that in principle passengers are willing to pay a relatively large amount for enhanced service quality. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The method of distributing the outdoor air in classrooms has a major impact on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of pupils. In a previous study, ([11] Karimipanah T, Sandberg M, Awbi HB. A comparative study of different air distribution systems in a classroom. In: Proceedings of Roomvent 2000, vol. II, Reading, UK, 2000. p. 1013-18; [13] Karimipanah T, Sandberg M, Awbi HB, Blomqvist C. Effectiveness of confluent jets ventilation system for classrooms. In: Idoor Air 2005, Beijing, China, 2005 (to be presented).) presented results for four and two types of air distribution systems tested in a purpose built classroom with simulated occupancy as well as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling. In this paper, the same experimental setup has been used to investigate the indoor environment in the classroom using confluent jet ventilation, see also ([12]Cho YJ, Awbi HB, Karimipanah T. The characteristics of wall confluent jets for ventilated enclosures. In: Proceedings of Roomvent 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, 2004.) Measurements of air speed, air temperature and tracer gas concentrations have been carried out for different thermal conditions. In addition, 56 cases of CFD simulations have been carried to provide additional information on the indoor air quality and comfort conditions throughout the classroom, such as ventilation effectiveness, air exchange effectiveness, effect of flow rate, effect of radiation, effect of supply temperature, etc., and these are compared with measured data.


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Physiological parameters measured by an embedded body sensor system were demonstrated to respond to changes of the air temperature in an office environment. The thermal parameters were monitored with the use of a wireless sensor system that made possible to turn any existing room into a field laboratory. Two human subjects were monitored over daily activities and at various steady-state thermal conditions when the air temperature of the room was altered from 22-23°C to 25-28°C. The subjects indicated their thermal feeling on questionnaires. The measured skin temperature was distributed close to the calculated mean skin temperature corresponding to the given activity level. The variation of Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) reflected the evaporative heat loss through the body surfaces and indicated whether sweating occurred on the subjects. Further investigations are needed to fully evaluate the influence of thermal and other factors on the output given by the investigated body sensor system.