933 resultados para collaborative enterprise networks


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This paper presents the findings of a recently completed research project. It sheds light upon the appropriate governance of inter-firm relationships, in order to achieve competitive success for the whole partnership and its individual members. An exploratory study in the German automotive industry using inductive Grounded Theory was conducted, in order to form a set of propositions that were then validated. The research has resulted in the consolidation of these propositions into a novel concept termed Collaborative Enterprise Governance, which draws on an inter-disciplinary body of knowledge. The core of the concept is a competence based contingency framework that helps enterprise managers in selecting the most appropriate governance strategy (i.e. enterprise structure) for an inter-firm relationships within automotive supply networks (i.e. enterprises), depending on various exogenous and endogenous factors.


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Part 19: Knowledge Management in Networks


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Part 19: Knowledge Management in Networks


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This paper examines an initiative promoting collaboration between schools located in a city setting in Northern Ireland, which is broadly divided along ethnic and political lines. The schools involved, like the vast majority of schools in Northern Ireland, educate Protestant and Catholic children separately. This presents particular challenges for school collaboration as it implies the establishment of new, connected relationships in an education system, which is historically and contemporaneously more characterised by division. Since 2007, the schools in this study have been involved in an education initiative which promotes cross-sectoral shared learning in core areas of the curriculum with a view to promoting school improvement; the additional, indirect goal is also about improving community relations. However, over this period, the relationship between the institutions has deepened, leading schools to examine how they can sustain partnership and evolve collaborative practice. This paper explores how the partnership has evolved and assesses its effectiveness as a collaborative enterprise. The paper concludes by demonstrating how effective collaboration between schools in Northern Ireland mitigates the potentially negative impacts of educating children separately, but also how effective models of school collaboration are capable of providing enhanced learning opportunities for pupils and are also capable of developing the communities in which they are located.


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This paper introduces a framework that supports users to implement enterprise modelling within collaborative companies. These enterprise models are the basis for a holistic interoperability measurement and management methodology which will be presented in the second part of the paper. The discipline of enterprise modelling aims at capturing all dimensions of an enterprise in a simplified model. Thus enterprise models are the appropriate basis for managing collaborative enterprise as they reduce the complexity of interoperability problems. Therefore, a first objective of this paper is to present an approach that enables companies to get the most effect out of enterprise modelling in a collaborative environment based on the maturity of their organisation relative to modelling. Within this first step, the user will get recommendations e.g. for the correct modelling language as well as the right level of detail.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son las variables que repercuten en la efectividad de las redes empresariales. Esto, con base en la búsqueda de literatura existente de la efectividad en equipos, en organizaciones y en las redes interorganizacionales, así como el análisis de modelos y estudios empíricos que permitieron el análisis. De acuerdo con la búsqueda, se encontró que variables como la estructura de la red, la estabilidad del sistema, el compromiso de los empleados en cada una de las organizaciones que hacen parte de la red, la confianza dentro de la red, la transferencia de conocimiento y la apertura del sistema son las variables que en conclusión, mostraron ser buenas predictoras de efectividad dentro de las redes empresariales.


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A colaboração interorganizacional, é uma realidade que atinge muitas empresas, de todos os portes e setores. A TI aumenta a capacidade de gerenciamento e coordenação através de fronteiras organizacionais, permitindo redução de custos, otimização de recursos e melhor coordenação e o controle gerencial. Este projeto identificou o papel da TI nos relacionamentos colaborativos entre empresas. Para isso, analisou-se o emprego da TI no relacionamento colaborativo entre varejistas e fornecedores, no Setor de Confecção. Como resultado da pesquisa, os conceitos estabelecidos foram organizados em um modelo teórico e resumidos em um constructo sobre a colaboração interorganizacional apoiada pela TI.


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RESTful services gained a lot of attention recently, even in the enterprise world, which is traditionally more web-service centric. Data centric RESfFul services, as previously mainly known in web environments, established themselves as a second paradigm complementing functional WSDL-based SOA. In the Internet of Things, and in particular when talking about sensor motes, the Constraint Application Protocol (CoAP) is currently in the focus of both research and industry. In the enterprise world a protocol called OData (Open Data Protocol) is becoming the future RESTful data access standard. To integrate sensor motes seamlessly into enterprise networks, an embedded OData implementation on top of CoAP is desirable, not requiring an intermediary gateway device. In this paper we introduce and evaluate an embedded OData implementation. We evaluate the OData protocol in terms of performance and energy consumption, considering different data encodings, and compare it to a pure CoAP implementation. We were able to demonstrate that the additional resources needed for an OData/JSON implementation are reasonable when aiming for enterprise interoperability, where OData is suggested to solve both the semantic and technical interoperability problems we have today when connecting systems


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Academic researchers have followed closely the interest of companies in establishing industrial networks by studying aspects such as social interaction and contractual relationships. But what patterns underlie the emergence of industrial networks and what support should research provide for practitioners? First, it appears that manufacturing is becoming a commodity rather than a unique capability, which accounts especially for low-technology approaches in downstream parts of the network, for example, in assembly operations. Second, the increased tendency towards specialisation has forced other, upstream, parts of industrial networks to introduce advanced manufacturing technologies for niche markets. Third, the capital market for investments in capacity, and the trade in manufacturing as a commodity, dominates resource allocation to a larger extent than was previously the case. Fourth, there is becoming a continuous move towards more loosely connected entities that comprise manufacturing networks. Finally, in these networks, concepts for supply chain management should address collaboration and information technology that supports decentralised decision-making, in particular to address sustainable and green supply chains. More traditional concepts, such as the keiretsu and chaibol networks of some Asian economies, do not sufficiently support the demands now being placed on networks. Research should address these five fundamental challenges to prepare for the industrial networks of 2020 and beyond. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London.


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Part 21: Mobility and Logistics


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The telecommunication industry is entering a new era. The increased traffic demands imposed by the huge number of always-on connections require a quantum leap in the field of enabling techniques. Furthermore, subscribers expect ever increasing quality of experience with its joys and wonders, while network operators and service providers aim for cost-efficient networks. These requirements require a revolutionary change in the telecommunications industry, as shown by the success of virtualization in the IT industry, which is now driving the deployment and expansion of cloud computing. Telecommunications providers are currently rethinking their network architecture from one consisting of a multitude of black boxes with specialized network hardware and software to a new architecture consisting of “white box” hardware running a multitude of specialized network software. This network software may be data plane software providing network functions virtualization (NVF) or control plane software providing centralized network management — software defined networking (SDN). It is expected that these architectural changes will permeate networks as wide ranging in size as the Internet core networks, to metro networks, to enterprise networks and as wide ranging in functionality as converged packet-optical networks, to wireless core networks, to wireless radio access networks.


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In November 1999, the Queensland Health (QH) Transition to Practice Nurse Education Program - Intensive Care (TPNEP-IC) was initiated in QH Intensive Care Units (ICUs) across Queensland. This 12-month, state-wide, workplace based education program has set minimum standards for intensive care nursing education and therefore minimum standards for intensive care nursing practice in QH. In the 12 years of operation, 824 nurses have completed TPNEP-IC, 761 achieving academic credit status and 453 utilising this academic credit status to undertake postgraduate study in critical/intensive care nursing at three Queensland universities. These outcomes were achieved through the appointment of nurse educators within ICUs who, through a united and strong commitment to this state-wide approach formed collaborative professional networks, which resulted in the development, implementation and maintenance of the program. Furthermore, these networks enabled a framework of support for discussion and dissemination of evidence based practice, to endorse quality processes for TPNEP-IC and to nurture leadership potential among educators. Challenges to overcome included obtaining adequate resources to support all aspects of the program, gaining local management and administrative support, and embedding TPNEP-IC within ICU culture. The 12 years of operation of the program have demonstrated its long term sustainability. The program is being launched through a new blended learning approach utilising e-learning strategies. To capitalise on the current success, a strong commitment by all stakeholders will be required to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the program.


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Hoje em dia, distribuições de grandes volumes de dados por redes TCP/IP corporativas trazem problemas como a alta utilização da rede e de servidores, longos períodos para conclusão e maior sensibilidade a falhas na infraestrutura de rede. Estes problemas podem ser reduzidos com utilização de redes par-a-par (P2P). O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão em redes corporativas e também realizar a análise após uma modificação no comportamento padrão do protocolo BitTorrent. Nesta modificação, o rastreador identifica o endereço IP do par que está solicitando a lista de endereços IP do enxame e envia somente aqueles pertencentes à mesma rede local e ao semeador original, com o objetivo de reduzir o tráfego em redes de longa distância. Em cenários corporativos típicos, as simulações mostraram que a alteração é capaz de reduzir o consumo médio de banda e o tempo médio dos downloads, quando comparados ao BitTorrent padrão, além de conferir maior robustez à distribuição em casos de falhas em enlaces de longa distância. As simulações mostraram também que em ambientes mais complexos, com muitos clientes, e onde a restrição de banda em enlaces de longa distância provoca congestionamento e descartes, o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão pode ser semelhante a uma distribuição em arquitetura cliente-servidor. Neste último caso, a modificação proposta mostrou resultados consistentes de melhoria do desempenho da distribuição.