944 resultados para cognate objects


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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of resonant buried objects are modelled in the presence of ground surface clutter. The method of moments (MoM) is used to model scattered fields from a resonant buried conductor and clutter is modelled as a bivariant Gaussian distribution. A diffraction stack SAR imaging technique is applied to the ultra-wideband waveforms to give a bipolar signal image. A number of examples have been computed to illustrate the combined effects of SAR processing with resonant targets and clutter. SAR images of different targets show differences which may facilitate target identification. To maximise the peak signal-to-clutter ratio, an image correlation technique is applied and the results are shown.


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A scheme is presented to incorporate a mixed potential integral equation (MPIE) using Michalski's formulation C with the method of moments (MoM) for analyzing the scattering of a plane wave from conducting planar objects buried in a dielectric half-space. The robust complex image method with a two-level approximation is used for the calculation of the Green's functions for the half-space. To further speed up the computation, an interpolation technique for filling the matrix is employed. While the induced current distributions on the object's surface are obtained in the frequency domain, the corresponding time domain responses are calculated via the inverse fast Fourier transform (FFT), The complex natural resonances of targets are then extracted from the late time response using the generalized pencil-of-function (GPOF) method. We investigate the pole trajectories as we vary the distance between strips and the depth and orientation of single, buried strips, The variation from the pole position of a single strip in a homogeneous dielectric medium was only a few percent for most of these parameter variations.


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In this paper we describe a distributed object oriented logic programming language in which an object is a collection of threads deductively accessing and updating a shared logic program. The key features of the language, such as static and dynamic object methods and multiple inheritance, are illustrated through a series of small examples. We show how we can implement object servers, allowing remote spawning of objects, which we can use as staging posts for mobile agents. We give as an example an information gathering mobile agent that can be queried about the information it has so far gathered whilst it is gathering new information. Finally we define a class of co-operative reasoning agents that can do resource bounded inference for full first order predicate logic, handling multiple queries and information updates concurrently. We believe that the combination of the concurrent OO and the LP programming paradigms produces a powerful tool for quickly implementing rational multi-agent applications on the internet.


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The blame for the semantic and set-theoretic paradoxes is often placed on self-reference and circularity. Some years ago, Yablo [1985; 1993] challenged this diagnosis, by producing a paradox that's liar-like but does not seem to involve circularity. But is Yablo's paradox really non-circular? In a recent paper, Beall [2001] has suggested that there are no means available to refer to Yablo's paradox without invoking descriptions, and since Priest [1997] has shown that any such description is circular, Beall concludes that Yablo's paradox itself is circular. In this paper, we argue that Beall's conclusion is unwarranted, given that (1) descriptions are not the only way to refer to Yablo's paradox, and (ii) we have no reason to believe that because the description involves self-reference, the denotation of the description is also circular. As a result, for all that's been said so far, we have no reason to believe that Yablo's paradox is circular.


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Ontologies are becoming an important mechanism to build information systems. Nevertheless, there is still no systematic approach to support the design of such systems using tools that are common to information systems developers. In this paper, we propose an approach for deriving object frameworks from domain ontologies and then we show the application of this approach in the software process domain.


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O uso crescente da Internet (World Wide Web), e das suas potencialidades tecnológicas têm contribuído para uma proliferação de ambientes de ensino/aprendizagem, baseados em Tecnologia. A comunidade científica reúne consenso quanto às vantagens da reutilização de conteúdos de aprendizagem e à adopção de standards com vista à interoperabilidade entre conteúdos/objectos partilháveis e plataformas. Este artigo tem como objectivo reflectir sobre o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de ensino combinada de aprendizagem com recurso a Learning Objects, no âmbito do trabalho de doutoramento.


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O uso das tecnologias com base na Web, no processo ensino/aprendizagem, têm obtido excelentes resultados, onde a Internet é a plataforma base de comunicação e interacção entre estudantes e professores. Assiste-se, também, a uma partilha/reutilização constante de conteúdos educativos/Learning Objects, em diferentes formatos e diferentes tipos de plataformas, incrementada pela Web 2.0. Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento, disponibilização e utilização de Learning Objects em instituições de Ensino Superior. Conclui-se que as instituições de Ensino Superior inquiridas não desenvolvem, não reutilizam nem promovem a reutilização de LOs, que utilizam as especificações SCORM e IMS, e apresentam-se observações sobre as vantagens e desvantagens da sua utilização.


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The aim of this paper is presenting the modules of the Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System PCMAT, responsible for the recommendation of learning objects. PCMAT is an online collaborative learning platform with a constructivist approach, which assesses the user’s knowledge and presents contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of students of mathematics in basic schools. The recommendation module and search and retrieval module choose the most adequate learning object, based on the user's characteristics and performance, and in this way contribute to the system’s adaptability.


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Com o crescimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação os métodos de ensino também foram evoluindo, verificando-se assim mudanças bastante significativas na forma como se adquire o conhecimento. O aparecimento do ensino à distância aliado aos meios digitais, que estão cada vez mais disponíveis e acessíveis, tanto a alunos como a professores, são um excelente complemento à actividade lectiva. Exemplo disso é mesmo o caso do e-learning que veio revolucionar todo o processo de aquisição de conhecimento, deixando para segundo plano pormenores como o local ou a hora de aquisição do conhecimento. Entre muitos tipos de recursos disponíveis, os OA’s (Objecto de Aprendizagem) têm uma utilização cada vez mais frequente. No levantamento do estado da arte e no estudo dos recursos educativos utilizados actualmente na Medicina Dentária, foi assinalado a utilização recorrente dos OA’s, que basicamente são pequenos pedaços de informação que podem ser reutilizados ou referenciados tecnologicamente. Seguidamente, iniciou-se a realização de um OA que pudesse servir de apoio ao ensino da Medicina Dentária, focando-se concretamente na higiene oral para as crianças entre os 7 e 12 anos. Finalmente, procedeu-se à sua validação conclui-se que no futuro será possível a sua reutilização em diferentes contextos de ensino e aprendizagem na área.


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— In the new learning environments, built width digital technologies, the need to promote quality of education resources, commonly known as Learning Objects, which can support formal and informal distance learning, emerge as one of the biggest challenge that educational institutions will have to face. Due to the fact that is expensive, the reuse and sharing became very important issue. This article presents a Learning Object Repository which aims to store, to disseminate and maintain accessible Learning Objects.


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In this paper we discuss how the inclusion of semantic functionalities in a Learning Objects Repository allows a better characterization of the learning materials enclosed and improves their retrieval through the adoption of some query expansion strategies. Thus, we started to regard the use of ontologies to automatically suggest additional concepts when users are filling some metadata fields and add new terms to the ones initially provided when users specify the keywords with interest in a query. Dealing with different domain areas and having considered impractical the development of many different ontologies, we adopted some strategies for reusing ontologies in order to have the knowledge necessary in our institutional repository. In this paper we make a review of the area of knowledge reuse and discuss our approach.


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A repository of learning objects is a system that stores electronic resources in a technology-mediated learning process. The need for this kind of repository is growing as more educators become eager to use digital educa- tional contents and more of it becomes available. The sharing and use of these resources relies on the use of content and communication standards as a means to describe and exchange educational resources, commonly known as learning objects. This paper presents the design and implementation of a service-oriented reposi- tory of learning objects called crimsonHex. This repository supports new definitions of learning objects for specialized domains and we illustrate this feature with the definition of programming exercises as learning objects and its validation by the repository. The repository is also fully compliant with existing commu- nication standards and we propose extensions by adding new functions, formalizing message interchange and providing a REST interface. To validate the interoperability features of the repository, we developed a repository plug-in for Moodle that is expected to be included in the next release of this popular learning management system.


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Simulators are indispensable tools to support the development and testing of cooperating objects such as wireless sensor networks (WSN). However, it is often not possible to compare the results of different simulation tools. Thus, the goal of this paper is the specification of a generic simulation platform for cooperating objects. We propose a platform that consists of a set of simulators that together fulfill desired simulator properties. We show that to achieve comparable results the use of a common specification language for the software-under-test is not feasible. Instead, we argue that using common input formats for the simulated environment and common output formats for the results is useful. This again motivates that a simulation tool consisting of a set of existing simulators that are able to use common scenario-input and can produce common output which will bring us a step closer to the vision of achieving comparable simulation results.


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We use the term Cyber-Physical Systems to refer to large-scale distributed sensor systems. Locating the geographic coordinates of objects of interest is an important problemin such systems. We present a new distributed approach to localize objects and events of interest in time complexity independent of number of nodes.


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A study about the physical appearance of pre-photographic, photomechanical, photographic and digital positive reflective prints was made, relating the obtained images with the history, materials and technology used to create them. The studied samples are from the Image Permanence Institute (IPI) study collection. The digital images were obtained using a digital SLR on a copystand and a compound light microscope, with different lighting angles (0º, 45ºand 90º) and magnifications from overall views on the copystand down to a 20x objective lens on the microscope. Most of these images were originally created by IPI for www.digitalsamplebook.org, a web tool for teaching print identification, and will be used on the www.graphicsatlas.org website, along with textual information on identification, technology and history information about these reproduction processes.