971 resultados para cell cycle protein


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FKBP12, the 12-kDa FK506-binding protein, is a ubiquitous abundant protein that acts as a receptor for the immunosuppressant drug FK506, binds tightly to intracellular calcium release channels and to the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) type I receptor. We now demonstrate that cells from FKBP12-deficient (FKBP12−/−) mice manifest cell cycle arrest in G1 phase and that these cells can be rescued by FKBP12 transfection. This arrest is mediated by marked augmentation of p21(WAF1/CIP1) levels, which cannot be further augmented by TGF-β1. The p21 up-regulation and cell cycle arrest derive from the overactivity of TGF-β receptor signaling, which is normally inhibited by FKBP12. Cell cycle arrest is prevented by transfection with a dominant-negative TGF-β receptor construct. TGF-β receptor signaling to gene expression can be mediated by SMAD, p38, and ERK/MAP kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase) pathways. SMAD signaling is down-regulated in FKBP12−/− cells. Inhibition of ERK/MAP kinase fails to affect p21 up-regulation. By contrast, activated phosphorylated p38 is markedly augmented in FKBP12−/− cells and the p21 up-regulation is prevented by an inhibitor of p38. Thus, FKBP12 is a physiologic regulator of cell cycle acting by normally down-regulating TGF-β receptor signaling.


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LLCPK-1 cells were transfected with a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-α tubulin construct and a cell line permanently expressing GFP-α tubulin was established (LLCPK-1α). The mitotic index and doubling time for LLCPK-1α were not significantly different from parental cells. Quantitative immunoblotting showed that 17% of the tubulin in LLCPK-1α cells was GFP-tubulin; the level of unlabeled tubulin was reduced to 82% of that in parental cells. The parameters of microtubule dynamic instability were compared for interphase LLCPK-1α and parental cells injected with rhodamine-labeled tubulin. Dynamic instability was very similar in the two cases, demonstrating that LLCPK-1α cells are a useful tool for analysis of microtubule dynamics throughout the cell cycle. Comparison of astral microtubule behavior in mitosis with microtubule behavior in interphase demonstrated that the frequency of catastrophe increased twofold and that the frequency of rescue decreased nearly fourfold in mitotic compared with interphase cells. The percentage of time that microtubules spent in an attenuated state, or pause, was also dramatically reduced, from 73.5% in interphase to 11.4% in mitosis. The rates of microtubule elongation and rapid shortening were not changed; overall dynamicity increased 3.6-fold in mitosis. Microtubule release from the centrosome and a subset of differentially stable astral microtubules were also observed. The results provide the first quantitative measurements of mitotic microtubule dynamics in mammalian cells.


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Many genes involved in cell division and DNA replication and their protein products have been identified in bacteria; however, little is known about the cell cycle regulation of the intracellular concentration of these proteins. It has been shown that the level of the tubulin-like GTPase FtsZ is critical for the initiation of cell division in bacteria. We show that the concentration of FtsZ varies dramatically during the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus. Caulobacter produce two different cell types at each cell division: (i) a sessile stalked cell that can initiate DNA replication immediately after cell division and (ii) a motile swarmer cell in which DNA replication is blocked. After cell division, only the stalked cell contains FtsZ. FtsZ is synthesized slightly before the swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells and the intracellular concentration of FtsZ is maximal at the beginning of cell division. Late in the cell cycle, after the completion of chromosome replication, the level of FtsZ decreases dramatically. This decrease is probably mostly due to the degradation of FtsZ in the swarmer compartment of the predivisional cell. Thus, the variation of FtsZ concentration parallels the pattern of DNA synthesis. Constitutive expression of FtsZ leads to defects in stalk biosynthesis suggesting a role for FtsZ in this developmental process in addition to its role in cell division.


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A family of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA recombination, and the detection of DNA damage has been recently identified. One of the members of this family, human ATM, is defective in the cells of patients with ataxia telangiectasia and is involved in detection and response of cells to damaged DNA. Other members include Mei-41 (Drosophila melanogaster), Mec1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and Rad3 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), which are required for the S and G2/M checkpoints, as well as FRAP (Homo sapiens) and Torl/2p (S. cerevisiae), which are involved in a rapamycin-sensitive pathway leading to G1 cell cycle progression. We report here the cloning of a human cDNA encoding a protein with significant homology to members of this family. Three overlapping clones isolated from a Jurkat T-cell cDNA library revealed a 7.9-kb open reading frame encoding a protein that we have named FRP1 (FRAP-related protein) with 2644 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 301 kDa. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization and a full-length cDNA FRP1 clone, the FRP1 gene has been mapped to the chromosomal locus 3q22-q24. FRP1 is most closely related to three of the PIK-related kinase family members involved in checkpoint function--Mei-41, Mec1p, and Rad3--and as such may be the functional human counterpart of these proteins.


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An intact T/E1A-binding domain (the pocket) is necessary, but not sufficient, for the retinoblastoma protein (RB) to bind to DNA-protein complexes containing E2F and for RB to induce a G1/S block. Indirect evidence suggests that the binding of RB to E2F may, in addition to inhibiting E2F transactivation function, generate a complex capable of functioning as a transrepressor. Here we show that a chimera in which the E2F1 transactivation domain was replaced with the RB pocket could, in a DNA-binding and pocket-dependent manner, mimic the ability of RB to repress transcription and induce a cell cycle arrest. In contrast, a transdominant negative E2F1 mutant that is capable of blocking E2F-dependent transactivation did not. Fusion of the RB pocket to a heterologous DNA-binding domain unrelated to E2F likewise generated a transrepressor protein when scored against a suitable reporter. These results suggest that growth suppression by RB is due, at least in part, to transrepression mediated by the pocket domain bound to certain promoters via E2F.


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The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBx protein is a small transcriptional activator that is essential for virus infection. HBx is thought to be involved in viral hepatocarcinogenesis because it promotes tumorigenesis in transgenic mice. HBx activates the RAS-RAF-mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascade, through which it activates transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kappa B, and stimulates cell DNA synthesis. We show that HBx stimulates cell cycle progression, shortening the emergence of cells from quiescence (G0) and entry into S phase by at least 12 h, and accelerating transit through checkpoint controls at G0/G1 and G2/M. Compared with serum stimulation, HBx was found to strongly increase the rate and level of activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK2 and CDC2, and their respective active association with cyclins E and A or cyclin B. HBx is also shown to override or greatly reduce serum dependence for cell cycle activation. Both HBx and serum were found to require activation of RAS to stimulate cell cycling, but only HBx could shorten checkpoint intervals. HBx therefore stimulates cell proliferation by activating RAS and a second unknown effector, which may be related to its reported ability to induce prolonged activation of JUN or to interact with cellular p53 protein. These data suggest a molecular mechanism by which HBx likely contributes to viral carcinogenesis. By deregulating checkpoint controls, HBx could participate in the selection of cells that are genetically unstable, some of which would accumulate unrepaired transforming mutations.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle-regulatory protein suc1, named as the suppressor of cdc2 temperature-sensitive mutations, is essential for cell cycle progression. To understand suc1 structure-function relationships and to help resolve conflicting interpretations of suc1 function based on genetic studies of suc1 and its functional homologs in both lower and higher eukaryotes, we have determined the crystal structure of the beta-interchanged suc1 dimer. Each domain consists of three alpha-helices and a four-stranded beta-sheet, completed by the interchange of terminal beta-strands between the two subunits. This beta-interchanged suc1 dimer, when compared with the beta-hairpin single-domain folds of suc1, reveals a beta-hinge motif formed by the conserved amino acid sequence HVPEPH. This beta-hinge mediates the subunit conformation and assembly of suc1: closing produces the intrasubunit beta-hairpin and single-domain fold, whereas opening leads to the intersubunit beta-strand interchange and interlocked dimer assembly reported here. This conformational switch markedly changes the surface accessibility of sequence-conserved residues available for recognition of cyclin-dependent kinase, suggesting a structural mechanism for beta-hinge-mediated regulation of suc1 biological function. Thus, suc1 belongs to the family of domain-swapping proteins, consisting of intertwined and dimeric protein structures in which the dual assembly modes regulate their function.


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The mechanisms by which insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can be both mitogenic and differentiation-promoting in skeletal myoblasts are unclear because these two processes are believed to be mutually exclusive in this tissue. The phosphorylation state of the ubiquitous nuclear retinoblastoma protein (Rb) plays an important role in determining whether myoblasts proliferate or differentiate: Phosphorylated Rb promotes mitogenesis, whereas un- (or hypo-) phosphorylated Rb promotes cell cycle exit and differentiation. We hypothesized that IGFs might affect the fate of myoblasts by regulating the phosphorylation of Rb. Although long-term IGF treatment is known to stimulate differentiation, we find that IGFs act initially to inhibit differentiation and are exclusively mitogenic. These early effects of IGFs are associated with maintenance of Rb phosphorylation typical of proliferating cells; upregulation of the gene expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and cyclin D1, components of a holoenzyme that plays a principal role in mediating Rb phosphorylation; and marked inhibition of the gene expression of myogenin, a member of the MyoD family of skeletal muscle-specific transcription factors that is essential in muscle differentiation. We also find that IGF-induced inhibition of differentiation occurs through a process that is independent of its mitogenic effects. We demonstrate, thus, that IGFs regulate Rb phosphorylation and cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 gene expression; together with their biphasic effects on myogenin expression, these results suggest a mechanism by which IGFs are initially mitogenic and subsequently differentiation-promoting in skeletal muscle.


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The mechanism of cell cycle withdrawal during terminal differentiation is poorly understood. We report here that the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p21Cip1/WAF1 is induced at early times of both keratinocyte and myoblast differentiation. p21Cip1/WAF1 induction is accompanied by a drastic inhibition of total Cdk2, as well as p21Cip1/WAF1-associated CDK kinase activities. p21Cip1/WAF1 has been implicated in p53-mediated G1 arrest and apoptosis. In keratinocyte differentiation, Cip1/WAF1 induction is observed even in cells derived from p53-null mice. Similarly, keratinocyte differentiation is associated with induction of Cip1/WAF1 promoter activity in both wild-type and p53-negative keratinocytes. Induction of the Cip1/WAF1 promoter upon differentiation is abolished by expression of an adenovirus E1A oncoprotein (d1922/947), which is unable to bind p105-Rb, p107, or cyclin A but which still binds the nuclear phosphoprotein p300. Overexpression of p300 can suppress the E1A effect, independent of its direct binding to E1A. Thus, terminal differentiation-induced growth arrest in both keratinocyte and myoblast systems is associated with induction of Cip1/WAF1 expression. During keratinocyte differentiation, Cip1/WAF1 induction does not require p53 but depends on the transcriptional modulator p300.


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The CDC47 gene was isolated by complementation of a cdc47 temperature-sensitive mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and was shown to encode a predicted polypeptide, Cdc47, of 845 aa. Cdc47 belongs to the Cdc46/Mcm family of proteins, previously shown to be essential for initiation of DNA replication. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation techniques, we show that Cdc47 undergoes cell cycle-regulated changes in its subcellular localization. At mitosis, Cdc47 enters the nucleus, where it remains until soon after the initiation of DNA replication, when it is rapidly exported back into the cytoplasm. Cdc47 protein levels do not vary with the cell cycle, but expression of CDC47 and nascent synthesis of Cdc47 occur late in the cell cycle, coinciding with mitosis. Together, these results show that Cdc47 is not only imported into the nucleus at the end of mitosis but is also exported back into the cytoplasm at the beginning of S phase. The observation that Cdc47 is exported from the nucleus at the beginning of S phase has important implications for how initiation of DNA replication is controlled.


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p53 is the central member of a critical tumor suppressor pathway in virtually all tumor types, where it is silenced mainly by missense mutations. In melanoma, p53 predominantly remains wild type, thus its role has been neglected. To study the effect of p53 on melanocyte function and melanomagenesis, we crossed the 'high-p53'Mdm4+/- mouse to the well-established TP-ras0/+ murine melanoma progression model. After treatment with the carcinogen dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), TP-ras0/+ mice on the Mdm4+/- background developed fewer tumors with a delay in the age of onset of melanomas compared to TP-ras0/+ mice. Furthermore, we observed a dramatic decrease in tumor growth, lack of metastasis with increased survival of TP-ras0/+: Mdm4+/- mice. Thus, p53 effectively prevented the conversion of small benign tumors to malignant and metastatic melanoma. p53 activation in cultured primary melanocyte and melanoma cell lines using Nutlin-3, a specific Mdm2 antagonist, supported these findings. Moreover, global gene expression and network analysis of Nutlin-3-treated primary human melanocytes indicated that cell cycle regulation through the p21WAF1/CIP1 signaling network may be the key anti-melanomagenic activity of p53.


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Background L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) uptake neutral amino acids including L-leucine into cells, stimulating mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 signaling and protein synthesis. LAT1 and LAT3 are overexpressed at different stages of prostate cancer, and they are responsible for increasing nutrients and stimulating cell growth. Methods We examined LAT3 protein expression in human prostate cancer tissue microarrays. LAT function was inhibited using a leucine analog (BCH) in androgen-dependent and -independent environments, with gene expression analyzed by microarray. A PC-3 xenograft mouse model was used to study the effects of inhibiting LAT1 and LAT3 expression. Results were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U or Fisher exact tests. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results LAT3 protein was expressed at all stages of prostate cancer, with a statistically significant decrease in expression after 4–7 months of neoadjuvant hormone therapy (4–7 month mean = 1.571; 95% confidence interval = 1.155 to 1.987 vs 0 month = 2.098; 95% confidence interval = 1.962 to 2.235; P = .0187). Inhibition of LAT function led to activating transcription factor 4–mediated upregulation of amino acid transporters including ASCT1, ASCT2, and 4F2hc, all of which were also regulated via the androgen receptor. LAT inhibition suppressed M-phase cell cycle genes regulated by E2F family transcription factors including critical castration-resistant prostate cancer regulatory genes UBE2C, CDC20, and CDK1. In silico analysis of BCH-downregulated genes showed that 90.9% are statistically significantly upregulated in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Finally, LAT1 or LAT3 knockdown in xenografts inhibited tumor growth, cell cycle progression, and spontaneous metastasis in vivo. Conclusion Inhibition of LAT transporters may provide a novel therapeutic target in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, via suppression of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 activity and M-phase cell cycle genes.


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The eukaryotic cell cycle is a fundamental evolutionarily conserved process that regulates cell division from simple unicellular organisms, such as yeast, through to higher multicellular organisms, such as humans. The cell cycle comprises several phases, including the S-phase (DNA synthesis phase) and M-phase (mitotic phase). During S-phase, the genetic material is replicated, and is then segregated into two identical daughter cells following mitotic M-phase and cytokinesis. The S- and M-phases are separated by two gap phases (G1 and G2) that govern the readiness of cells to enter S- or M-phase. Genetic and biochemical studies demonstrate that cell division in eukaryotes is mediated by CDKs (cyclin-dependent kinases). Active CDKs comprise a protein kinase subunit whose catalytic activity is dependent on association with a regulatory cyclin subunit. Cell-cycle-stage-dependent accumulation and proteolytic degradation of different cyclin subunits regulates their association with CDKs to control different stages of cell division. CDKs promote cell cycle progression by phosphorylating critical downstream substrates to alter their activity. Here, we will review some of the well-characterized CDK substrates to provide mechanistic insights into how these kinases control different stages of cell division.


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a dominantly inherited disorder, which predisposes to multiple tumours of the nervous system, typically schwannomas and meningiomas. Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene occurs both in sporadic and NF2-related schwannomas and in most meningiomas. The NF2 gene product merlin (or schwannomin) is structurally related to the ERM proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin, which act as molecular linkers between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Merlin is a tumor suppressor that participates in cell cycle regulation. Merlin s phosphorylation status appears to be associated with its tumour suppressor activity, i.e. non-phosphorylated merlin functions as a tumour suppressor, whereas protein phosphorylation results in loss of functional activity. This thesis study was initiated to investigate merlin s role as a tumor suppressor and growth inhibitor. These studies show, that like many other tumor suppressors, also merlin is targeted to the nucleus at some stages of the cell cycle. Merlin s nuclear localization is regulated by cell cycle phase, contact inhibition and adhesion. In addition, a potential nuclear binding partner for merlin was identified, Human Enhancer of Invasion 10 (HEI10), a cyclin B interacting protein. Many tumor suppressors interact with microtubules and this thesis work shows that also merlin colocalizes with microtubules in mitotic structures. Merlin binds microtubules directly, and increases their polymerization in vitro and in vivo. In addition, primary mouse Schwann cells lacking merlin displays disturbed microtubule cytoskeleton. Fourth part of this thesis work began from the notion that PKA phosphorylates an unidentified site from the merlin N-terminus. Our studies show that serine 10 is a target for PKA and modulation of this residue regulates cytoskeletal organization, lamellipodia formation and cell migration. In summary, this thesis work shows that merlin s role is much more versatile than previously thought. It has a yet unidentified role in the nucleus and it participates in the regulation of both microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. These studies have led to a better understanding of this enigmatic tumor suppressor, which eventually will aid in the design of specific drugs for the NF2 disease.