899 resultados para cardiac tamponade
A 33-year-old woman complained of unilateral eyelid edema and blurred vision. Initial ophthalmic examination disclosed anterior chamber reaction with keratic precipitates on the cornea, without posterior abnormalities. Anterior uveitis was treated. Despite that, patient showed rapidly progressive unilateral vision loss with optic nerve swelling. Systemic workup was inconclusive, as well as cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Based on the hypothesis of optic neuritis, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse was performed with no success. During the following days, the patient presented pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, progressing to death. Necropsy was performed and diagnosis of extranodal natural killers/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type with ocular involvement was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.
Background. The pericardial biopsy has opened a new perspective for the etiologic diagnosis of pericardial effusions, because adequate pericardial visualization via the use of a video camera can provide more accurate results. We assessed the usefulness of videopericardioscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion of indeterminate origin. Methods. We conducted a retrospective study of clinical data from patients who underwent videopericardioscopy examination for pericardial effusion without an established diagnosis. The video-assisted pericardioscopy procedure was performed through a small incision in the xiphoid area. Results. From January 1998 to January 2007, 101 consecutive patients underwent videopericardioscopy evaluation for pericardial effusion. Ten patients were excluded because of lack of data. Fifty men and 41 women were included ( mean age, 50 years; range, 14-76 years). All of the patients had moderate or significant pericardial effusion as demonstrated by echocardiography or computed tomography. The following diagnoses for the pericardial effusions were established: nonspecific inflammation, 50 cases ( 54.94%); neoplastic disorders, 22 cases ( 24.17%); tuberculous, 11 cases ( 12.08%); bacterial inflammatory process, 3 cases ( 3.29%); chylopericardial, 2 cases ( 2.19%); fungal infection, 2 cases ( 2.19%); and viral infection, 1 case ( 1.09%). Pericardioscopy evaluation provided the definitive diagnosis via the pericardial biopsy in 36.26% of the cases and via the results of fluid analyses in 13.18% of the cases; the use of both methods established the definitive diagnosis in 45.05% of the cases in this group of patients. The overall morbidity rate was 4.3%, and the most common complication was arrhythmia due to intraoperative manipulation, which ceased with the removal of the instruments from the pericardial cavity. We had 1 death, by cardiac tamponade, in the perioperative period. Conclusion. Videopericardioscopy is a safe and efficient method for obtaining a better diagnosis of and satisfactory therapeutic results for pericardial effusions of indeterminate cause, and such results are obtained via an improved exploration of the pericardial cavity.
Encerramento Percutâneo de Shunts Interauriculares: Experiência de uma Década de um Centro Terciário
INTRODUCTION: Atrial septal defects (ASD) are among the most common congenital anomalies and account for 10% of congenital heart disease in the pediatric age-group and 30% in adults. Closure is indicated when there is evidence of hemodynamic significance or after a paradoxical embolic event. Ten years ago, percutaneous closure became the treatment of choice in our center for all patients with a clear indication and favorable anatomy. In this paper we report the experience of this first decade. OBJECTIVE: To assess the short- and long-term results of our ten-year experience with percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: We studied retrospectively all patients with ASD treated with a percutaneous approach between November 1998 and December 2008. The pediatric age-group consisted of patients younger than 19 years old. Demographic data, clinical indications, minor and major complication rates, success rate and long-term outcome were assessed. RESULTS: In the first ten years of experience 510 patients, of whom 166 were in the pediatric group, were treated in our center by a team of adult and pediatric cardiologists. The overall success rate of the procedure was 98% (97.5% in ASD and 99.5% in patent foramen ovale (PFO). The minor complication rate was 3% (3.4% in ASD and 2% in PFO). The most frequent complication was supraventricular tachycardia. The major complication rate was 1.2% (0.6% in ASD and 2% in PFO). Two patients developed cardiac tamponade due to hemopericardium that was resolved by pericardiocentesis, without need for surgery. One patient had an arterial pseudoaneurysm corrected by vascular surgery. There was no device embolization and no need for urgent surgery in this population. During follow-up two patients had recurrence of ischemic stroke, one had a transient ischemic attack and another had a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality was 0.6% (0.6% in ASD and 0.5% in PFO). There were no in-hospital deaths. During follow-up there were two deaths, both in the adult group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this population the success rate was high and most of the complications were minor. The results of this collaboration between adult and pediatric cardiologists in the first ten years of activity confirm the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of septal defects, when there is careful patient selection and a standardized technique.
Apresentamos um caso raro de migração de fio de Kirschner usado para osteossíntese de fractura multifragmentar de colo do úmero causando tamponamento cardíaco por lesão do tronco da artéria pulmonar e lesão do lobo superior esquerdo do pulmão. Reportamos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino de 65 anos de idade, admitida no Serviço de Urgência após queda acidental, que resultou em fractura multifragmentar do colo do úmero tratada cirurgicamente com implantação percutânea de três fios de Kirschner. Seis dias após a intervenção, a doente iniciou um quadro de dor torácica lancinante com irradiação ao braço e região dorsal esquerda, dispneia e ortopneia, tendo sido readmitida dois dias mais tarde no Serviço de Urgência onde a telerradiografia do tórax revelou a migração de um fio de Kirschner para a cavidade intratorácica e alargamento do mediastino. O ecocardiograma confirmou o diagnóstico de tamponamento pericárdico e a TAC do tórax complementar demonstrou a migração do fio de Kirschner para a cavidade pleural esquerda.
Bartonellosis (Carrion's Disease) during pregnancy is associated with high rates of maternal and perinatal mortality. We report the immunological patterns in two cases of human bartonellosis during pregnancy. One patient had an uncomplicated course while the second patient developed life threatening anasarca and cardiac tamponade. The patient with a complicated course had a Th1 response with a higher elevation of IL-10. This elevation has been associated with poor outcome pregnancies during bacterial infections.
As pericardites bacterianas, apesar da sua baixa incidência e das terapêuticas actuais, apresentam um prognóstico desfavorável, sobretudo quando causadas por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (MRSA). O Tamponamento cardíaco é uma complicação potencialmente letal nos doentes com pericardites por este agente. Numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, para além da imunossupressão, constituem factores predisponentes para este tipo de infecção, a elevada taxa de colonização nasal e cutânea, assim como a utilização de técnicas invasivas (1) entre as quais a simples colocação de catéteres intravenosos. Relatam-se dois casos clínicos de tamponamento cardíaco em doentes jovens, no contexto de imunossupressão de diferentes etiologias (infecção HIV e pós transplante hepático). Os internamentos foram complicados de quadros sépticos importantes com isolamento de MRSA nos líquidos biológicos e desenvolvimento de pericardite bacteriana e subsequente tamponamento cardíaco. Os autores salientam a importância dos quadros clínicos infecciosos em doentes imunodeprimidos, que constituem uma população cada vez mais numerosa, e a importância da monitorização ecocardiográfica na evolução prognóstica das pericardites bacterianas no contexto de sépsis.
SUMMARY Chagas disease (CD) is an endemic anthropozoonosis from Latin America of which the main means of transmission is the contact of skin lesions or mucosa with the feces of triatomine bugs infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. In this article, we describe the first acute CD case acquired by vector transmission in the Rio de Janeiro State and confirmed by parasitological, serological and PCR tests. The patient presented acute cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusion without cardiac tamponade. Together with fever and malaise, a 3 cm wide erythematous, non-pruritic, papule compatible with a "chagoma" was found on his left wrist. This case report draws attention to the possible transmission of CD by non-domiciled native vectors in non-endemic areas. Therefore, acute CD should be included in the diagnostic workout of febrile diseases and acute myopericarditis in Rio de Janeiro.
Percutaneous mitral valvotomy in patients eighteen years old and younger. Immediate and late results
OBJECTIVE - To analyze immediate and late results of percutaneous mitral valvotomy (PMV) in patients <= 18 year. METHODS - Between August '87 and July '97, 48 procedures were performed on 40 patients. The mean age was 15.6 years; 68.7% were females four of whom were pregnant. RESULTS - Success was obtained in 91.7% of the procedures. Immediate complications were severe mitral regurgitation (6.3%) and cardiac tamponade (2.0%). Late follow-up was obtained in 88.8% of the patients (mean value=43.2±33.9 months). NYHA functional class (FC) I or II was observed in 96.2% of the patients and restenosis developed in five patients, at a mean follow-up of 29.7±11.9 months. Three patients presented with severe mitral insufficiency and underwent surgery. Two patients died. CONCLUSION - PMV represents a valid therapeutic option in young patients. In these patients, maybe because of subclinical rheumatic activity, restenosis may have a higher incidence and occur at an earlier stage than in others persons.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the immediate results of percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy performed with a Cribier's metallic valvulotome from 8/11/99 to 2/4/00. Mean age was 30.7 years, and 73.3% were women. With regards to functional class, 63.3% were class III, and 36.7% were class IV. The echocardiographic score had a mean value of 7.5± 1.8. RESULTS: The mitral valve area increased from 0.97±0.15cm² to 2.16±0.50cm² (p>0.0001). The mean diastolic gradient decreased from 17.9±5.0mmHg to 3.2±1.4mmHg. The mean left atrial pressure decreased from 23.6±5.4mmHg to 8.6±3.1mmHg, (p>0.0001). Systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery decreased from 52.7±18.3mmHg to 32.2±7.4mmHg. Twenty-nine cases were successful. One patient developed severe mitral regurgitation. Interatrial septal defect was observed and one patient. One patient had cardiac tamponade due to left ventricular perforation. No deaths occurred. CONCLUSION: This method has proven to be safe and efficient in the treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis. The potential advantage is that it can be used multiple times after sterilization, which decreases procedural costs significantly.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of laser-assisted extraction of permanent pacemaker and defibrillator leads. METHODS: We operated upon 36 patients, whose mean age was 54.2 years, and extracted 56 leads. The reasons for extracting the leads were as follows: infection in 19 patients, elective replacement in 13, and other causes in 4 patients. The mean time of catheter placement was 7.5±5.5 years. Forty-seven leads were from pacemakers, and 9 were from defibrillators. Thirty-eight leads were in use, 14 had been abandoned in the pacemaker pocket, and 4 had been abandoned inside the venous system. RESULTS: We successfully extracted 54 catheters, obtaining a 96.4% rate of success and an 82.1% rate for complete extraction. The 2 unsuccessful cases were due to the presence of calcium in the trajectory of the lead. The mean duration of laser light application was 123.0±104.5 s, using 5,215.2±4,924.0 pulses, in a total of 24.4±24.2 cycles of application. Thirty-four leads were extracted from the myocardium with countertraction after complete progression of the laser sheath, 12 leads came loose during the progression of the laser sheath, and the remaining 10 were extracted with other maneuvers. One patient experienced cardiac tamponade after extraction of the defibrillator lead, requiring open emergency surgery. CONCLUSION: The use of the excimer laser allowed extraction of the leads with a 96% rate of success; it was not effective in 2 patients who had calcification on the lead. One patient (2.8%) had a complication that required cardiac surgery on an emergency basis.
Objective: Postmortem radiology had in recent years appeared in the field of forensic medicine and is now considered by some authors as a good replacement for conventional autopsy and by others as a complementary examination. Although postmortem CT radiological imaging is very useful in demonstrating traumatic lesions, its utility is still quite limited in the cardiovascular field. This limitation could be minimized by the introduction of postmortem angiography. At the University Center of Legal Medicine of Lausanne, CT scans and postmortem multiphase CTangiography are used in cases with a suspicion of ischemic heart disease.Method: The goal of this presentation is to demonstrate some correlations between postmortem CT, CTangiography and conventional autopsy examination in cases of ischemic heart disease.Results: We observed that the native CT scan can show only some pathological findings as cardiac tamponade and calcifications of coronary arteries. However, postmortem angiography allows a better visualization of coronary arteries and evaluation of stenosis and occlusion as well as better imaging of soft tissue.Conclusion: The interpretation of postmortem modern radiology is a new field for both forensic pathologists and radiologists who have to learn to read the postmortem modified images. The information obtained from both parties can help to further the understanding of CT and CT angiography in postmortem cases.
Purpose: Forensic imaging and especially forensic radiology is a new trend in forensic medicine. More and more forensic institutes set up their own CT-scanner in order to perform postmortem cross-sectional imaging. Due to this trend, a new subspecialty was born: the forensic radiology. To image the vascular system after death, a postmortem CT- angiography can be performed. Methods and materials: In the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Lausanne, a science group has been created with specialists of different medical fields that has set up a new technique of forensic CT-angiography. The method consists in the creation of a postmortem circulation by the use of a modified heart lung machine. As circulating liquid Angiofil, an oily contrast agent, is injected. Results: With the aid of this technique, the whole vascular system of a deceased person can be imaged in detail without autopsy. The circulating contrast allows demonstrating the vascular system when it is under pressure, similarly to living patients. First experiences showed, that vascular pathologies such as cardiac tamponade and aortic dissection can be well demonstrated. Since the oily Angiofil strictly remains in the intravascular space, no artifacts had been observed during the CT-examination and the later performed autopsy. Conclusion: Post-mortem dynamic CT angiography is of great advantage in forensic pathology, because the detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools.
This is a case report about a seven year-old child who arrived at Emergency Department of Hospital da Restauração with gunshot wound on precordial area and clinical signs of cardiac tamponade. The roentgenogram showed 27 retained pellets in cardiac area. Thoracotomy was performed and repaired a cardiac wound in right ventricule. The patient developed conduction disturbance and valvar defect, but was discharged on the tenth postoperative day. Diagnosis, treatment and complications of retained projectiles are discussed.
We report a case of a 17-year-old man with punctiforms thoracic and abdominal wounds. Clinical examination showed signs of cardiac tamponade. Roentgenogram demonstrated widened mediastinum and thoracotomy confirmed cardiac wound. We analyse the unusual trauma agent and prognostic factors in cardiac trauma. Wounds with "innocent" aspect can cause fatal lesions.