Postmortem dynamic CT-angiography : P30

Autoria(s): Grabherr S.; Doenz F.; Gygax E.; Bollmann M.; Schmidt S.; Meuli R.; Mangin P.; Meuli R.



Purpose: Forensic imaging and especially forensic radiology is a new trend in forensic medicine. More and more forensic institutes set up their own CT-scanner in order to perform postmortem cross-sectional imaging. Due to this trend, a new subspecialty was born: the forensic radiology. To image the vascular system after death, a postmortem CT- angiography can be performed. Methods and materials: In the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Lausanne, a science group has been created with specialists of different medical fields that has set up a new technique of forensic CT-angiography. The method consists in the creation of a postmortem circulation by the use of a modified heart lung machine. As circulating liquid Angiofil, an oily contrast agent, is injected. Results: With the aid of this technique, the whole vascular system of a deceased person can be imaged in detail without autopsy. The circulating contrast allows demonstrating the vascular system when it is under pressure, similarly to living patients. First experiences showed, that vascular pathologies such as cardiac tamponade and aortic dissection can be well demonstrated. Since the oily Angiofil strictly remains in the intravascular space, no artifacts had been observed during the CT-examination and the later performed autopsy. Conclusion: Post-mortem dynamic CT angiography is of great advantage in forensic pathology, because the detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools.






SGR-SSR 2009, 96th Annual Swiss Congress of Radiology


