477 resultados para calabria
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This copy has a printed leaf inserted after the t.-p. containing a letter, in Latin, addressed to Pope Gregory XVI. presenting a copy of the work, with a letter of acceptance from the Pope's secretary, dated December 1, 1838 (2 p.)
Given its strategic position at the center of the Mediterranean Basin, and its unique history of contacts and migrations, Calabria is an ideal region to decipher the genetic traces of at least some of the numerous demographic prehistoric events in Southern Italy. This thesis focuses on the genetic and social changes of ancient inhabitants of Calabria, covering a timeline of approximately 7000 to 3300 years ago, ranging from the Middle Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. We generated the first genome-wide data from Calabria, by focusing on the single inhumation of “Grotta di Pietra Sant’Angelo” (San Lorenzo Bellizzi, Cosenza) and on the vast community found buried in “Grotta della Monaca” (Sant’Agata di Esaro, Cosenza). Supported by archaeological evidence, the primary objective of this research was to employ paleogenomic evidence to decipher funerary customs, social organization, family ties, and demographic shifts in Southern Italy over a period extending beyond three millennia. The possibility of gender-related burial practices and kinship ties among the deceased was also explored. Subsequently, the biogeographical origin and ancestry of prehistoric people of Calabria was contextualized within the broad landscape of existing data on Mediterranean populations. By generating the first genomic evidence from prehistoric Calabria, unresolved questions were addressed, related to the appearance and persistence of distinct genomic components, such as the Iran-related and the Steppe-related ancestry, whose impact on ancient Southern Italian genomes remains uncharted.
Reconstruction of the evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea shows that the major stage of rifting associated with the opening of this basin began at similar to10 Ma. It involved two episodes of back arc extension, which were induced by the rollback of a west dipping subducting slab. The first period of extension (10-6 Ma) was prominent in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and in the western part of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. The second period of extension, mainly affected the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, began in the latest Messinian (6-5 Ma) and has been accompanied by subduction rollback at rates of 60-100 km Myr(-1). Slab reconstruction, combined with paleomagnetic and paleogeographic constraints, indicates that in the central Apennines, the latest Messinian (6-5 Ma) arrival of a carbonate platform at the subduction zone impeded subduction and initiated a slab tear and major strike-slip faults. These processes resulted in the formation of a narrow subducting slab beneath the Ionian Sea that has undergone faster subduction rollback and induced extreme rates of back arc extension.
Myosin-Va is a Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated unconventional myosin involved in the transport of vesicles, membranous organelles, and macromolecular complexes composed of proteins and mRNA. The cellular localization of myosin-Va has been described in great detail in several vertebrate cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, lymphocytes, auditory tissues, and a number of cultured cells. Here, we provide an immunohistochemical view of the tissue distribution of myosin-Va in the major endocrine organs. Myosin-Va is highly expressed in the pineal and pituitary glands and in specific cell populations of other endocrine glands, especially the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, the principal cells of the parathyroid, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and a subpopulation of interstitial testicular cells. Weak to moderate staining has been detected in steroidogenic cells of the adrenal cortex, ovary, and Leydig cells. Myosin-Va has also been localized to non-endocrine cells, such as the germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium and maturing oocytes and in the intercalated ducts of the exocrine pancreas. These data provide the first systematic description of myosin-Va localization in the major endocrine organs of rat.
The present study compared two heating methods currently used for antigen retrieval (AR) immunostaining: the microwave oven and the steam cooker. Myosin-V, a molecular motor involved in vesicle transport, was used as a neuronal marker in honeybee Apis mellifera brains fixed in formalin. Overall, the steam cooker showed the most satisfactory AR results. At 100 degrees C, tissue morphology was maintained and revealed epitope recovery, while evaporation of the AR solution was markedly reduced; this is important for stabilizing the sodium citrate molarity of the AR buffer and reducing background effects. Standardization of heat-mediated AR of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections results in more reliable immunostaining of the honeybee brain.
Durante las últimas décadas se ha intentado recuperar el suelo del sitio de la construcción para combinarlo con materiales aglutinantes como el cemento o la cal, a los fines de disminuir la incidencia de costo del material en el monto total de la obra. Como antecedente, la ingeniería vial ha utilizado las mezclas de suelo cemento o suelo cal en terraplenes compactados en búsqueda de estabilidad tenso-deformacional de las obras geotécnicas desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta nuestros días (Guney et al. 2006, Aiassa y Arrúa 2007. En esta región del país, la construcción de diversas obras de ingeniería se realiza con materiales tradicionales como el hormigón, morteros o ladrillos comunes, estos últimos obtenidos de la cocción de una mezcla de suelo arcilloso y paja cocidos (Millogo et al. 2008, Calabria et al. 2009) que provocan un impacto ambiental negativo atribuido a la contaminación atmosférica y la tala excesiva de vegetación local. Se planteará y definirá el manejo de materiales, ensayos y experimentos para el estudio sistematizado de las propiedades del material construido. Con esto se definirá el estudio experimental. Con los resultados obtenidos en el paso anterior, se procederá al análisis e interpretación de estos. Formulando las recomendaciones y conclusiones del proyecto. Se realizará la caracterización del suelo empleado como material de base para las mezclas. Se parametrizarán funciones de densidad de probabilidades para índices típicos del suelo (contenido de humedad natural, pesos unitario seco, límites de consistencia, etc.) Se pretende fijar definiciones respecto de: 1.Caracterización del comportamiento de los suelos limo arcillosos típicos del centro del país como material de construcción 2.Planteo de modelos teóricos-experimentales de caracterización de las relaciones tensión-deformación y la influencia del humedecimiento y permeabilidad en suelos limo arenosos y limo arcillosos compactados con aglomerante 3.Evaluación de los efectos ocasionados sobre el terreno natural, de características típicamente colapsables 4.Estimación de los tiempos requeridos para el curado de los elementos estructurales 5.Niveles de compactación y contenidos de humedad recomendable para el empleo de estos materiales como construcciones de uso civil 6.Elementos o componentes adicionales a los elementos estructurales requeridos para garantizar y verificar el adecuado funcionamiento Con los resultados recavados se establecerán comparaciones económicas entre la fabricación de elementos estructurales con materiales tradicionales o suelo-aglomentante. Hipótesis: Las mezclas suelo-aglomerante son mas económicas a igual calidad que los materiales tradicionales. Desarrollar criterios normativos para establecer estándares de calidad en la fabricación de elementos estructurales de esta naturaleza. Hipótesis: con procedimientos estandarizados se puede lograr la aceptación de los productos de esta investigación en el medio local.
L’objectiu per fer aquest projecte és crear una base de dades amb Oracle 10g per tal d’emmagatzemar les dades d’interferometria d’una manera ordenada i fàcil de consultar. A més a més de la base de dades, també s’ha de crear un aplicatiu de càrrega que permeti a l’usuari guardar noves dades a la base de dades de forma senzilla. Per a fer aquest aplicatiu de càrrega s’ha utilitzat el llenguatge .NET a través de Visual Basic 2010
El presente estudio de investigación pretende establecer si las necesidades personales y sociales de las mujeres de la ciudad de Lleida, en riesgo de ser víctima de MGF y/o MF o de las que ya han sufrido esta práctica, se han tenido en cuenta en el periodo de elaboración de los protocolos de Mutilación Genital Femenina (MGF) y de Matrimonios Forzados (MF). Los dos protocolos son complementarios al protocolo de atención a las mujeres en situación de violencia machista de fecha 11 de noviembre de 2008 en el municipio de Lleida. Ambos protocolos tienen como base los siguientes protocolos elaborados por el Departamento de Interior de la Generalitat de Cataluña: Procedimiento de Prevención y Atención Policial de los Matrimonios Forzados, junio de 2009 Protocolo de Prevención y Atención Policial de la Mutilación Genital Femenina, julio de 2008. Y también el Protocolo Marco de actuación para prevenir la Mutilación Genital Femenina. Departamento de Acción Social y Ciudadanía. Secretaria para la Inmigración. Generalidad de Cataluña. 2007.
Essential hypertension is a multifactorial disorder and is the main risk factor for renal and cardiovascular complications. The research on the genetics of hypertension has been frustrated by the small predictive value of the discovered genetic variants. The HYPERGENES Project investigated associations between genetic variants and essential hypertension pursuing a 2-stage study by recruiting cases and controls from extensively characterized cohorts recruited over many years in different European regions. The discovery phase consisted of 1865 cases and 1750 controls genotyped with 1M Illumina array. Best hits were followed up in a validation panel of 1385 cases and 1246 controls that were genotyped with a custom array of 14 055 markers. We identified a new hypertension susceptibility locus (rs3918226) in the promoter region of the endothelial NO synthase gene (odds ratio: 1.54 [95% CI: 1.37-1.73]; combined P=2.58 · 10(-13)). A meta-analysis, using other in silico/de novo genotyping data for a total of 21 714 subjects, resulted in an overall odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI: 1.25-1.44; P=1.032 · 10(-14)). The quantitative analysis on a population-based sample revealed an effect size of 1.91 (95% CI: 0.16-3.66) for systolic and 1.40 (95% CI: 0.25-2.55) for diastolic blood pressure. We identified in silico a potential binding site for ETS transcription factors directly next to rs3918226, suggesting a potential modulation of endothelial NO synthase expression. Biological evidence links endothelial NO synthase with hypertension, because it is a critical mediator of cardiovascular homeostasis and blood pressure control via vascular tone regulation. This finding supports the hypothesis that there may be a causal genetic variation at this locus.
The NW Mediterranean region experiences every year heavy rainfall and flash floods that occasionally produce catastrophic damages. Less frequent are floods that affect large regions. Although a large number of databases devoted exclusively to floods or considering all kind of natural hazards do exist, usually they only record catastrophic flood events. This paper deals with the new flood database that is being developed within the framework of HYMEX project. Results are focused on four regions representative of the NW sector of Mediterranean Europe: Catalonia, Spain; the Balearic Islands, Spain; Calabria, Italy; and Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrenées and PACA, France. The common available 30-yr period starts in 1981 and ends in 2010. The paper shows the database structure and criteria, the comparison with other flood databases, some statistics on spatial and temporal distribution, and an identification of the most important events. The paper also provides a table that includes the date and affected region of all the catastrophic events identified in the regions of study, in order to make this information available for all audiences.