963 resultados para brown coal sector
Triggered by the continuing global financial crisis, most public administration systems internationally are reviewing their ability to meet public expectations in more challenging strategic environments, while satisfying the pressure from their political masters to drive down the costs of public administration. Consequently public sector organizations are under constant pressure to reform to meet not only the global economic challenges, but the need for more responsive government (Brown et al 2003). Doyle et al (2000) propose that organizational change is seldom well managed, but that the public sector faces greater difficulty in implementing corporate change than the private sector because of its unique environment, e.g. the need to deliver bureaucratically impartial outcomes. The scale of the changes required, and the constraints imposed by the context within which these changes need to occur, have intensified the need for capable public sector leadership and management. The types of capability required now extend beyond those typically required in public organizations through the efficiency drive of new public management. Acquiring these capabilities remains a key issue for public organizations. One challenge for public management, then, is leadership and management quality, including the need to recruit externally to refresh, re-energize and change the sector and its individual organizations as well as develop advanced skills among existing senior executives.
Organisations within the not-for-profit sector provide services to individuals and groups that government and for-profit organisations cannot or will not consider. The not-for-profit sector has come to be a vibrant and rich agglomeration of services and programs that operate under a myriad of philosophical stances, service orientation, client groupings and operational capacities. In Australia these organisations and services are providing social support and service assistance to many people in the community; often targeting their assistance to the most difficult of clients. Initially, in undertaking this role, the not-for-profit sector received limited sponsorship from government. Over time governments assumed greater responsibility in the form of service grants to particular groups: ‘the worthy poor’. More recently, they have entered into contractual service agreements with the not-for-profit sector, which specify the nature of the outcomes to be achieved and, to a degree, the way in which the services will be provided. A consequence of this growing shift to a more marketised model of service contracting, often offered-up under the label of enhanced collaborative practice, has been increased competitiveness between agencies that had previously worked well together (Keast and Brown, 2006). Another trend emerging from the market approach is the entrance of for-profit providers. These larger organisations have higher levels of organisational capacity with considerable organisational slack to allow them to adopt new service roles. Shaped almost as ‘shadow governments’ they appear to be a strong preference for governments looking for greater accountability of outcomes and an easier way to control the interaction with the conventional not-for-profit sector. The question is will governments’ apparent preference for larger organisational arrangements lead to the demise of the vibrancy of the not-for-profit sector and impact on service provision to those people who fall outside of the remit of the new service providers? To address this issue, this paper uses information gleaned from a state-wide survey of not-for-profit organisations in Queensland, Australia which included organisational size, operational scope, funding arrangements and governance/management approaches. Supplementing this information is qualitative data derived from 17 focus groups and 120 interviews conducted over ten years of study of this sector. The findings contribute to greater understanding of the practice and theory of the future provision of social services.
Safety culture is a concept that has long been accepted in high risk industries such as aviation, nuclear industries and mining, however, considerable research is now being undertaken within the construction sector, with varying levels of success. The current paper discusses three recent interlocked projects that have had some success in the Australian construction industry. The first project examined the development and implementation of a safety competency framework targeted at safety critical positions across first tier construction organisations. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods, the project: developed a matrix of safety critical positions (n=11) and safety managements tasks (SMTs; n=39); mapped the process steps for their acquisition and ongoing development; detailed the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for all SMTs; and outlined organisational cultural outcomes that could be anticipated in a successful implementation of the framework. The second project extended research on safety competency and leadership to develop behavioural guidelines for leaders to drive safety culture change down to second tier companies. This was designed to assist smaller construction companies to customise their own competency framework and develop implementation guidelines that match their aspirations and resources. The third interlocked project explored the use of safety effectiveness indicators (SEIs) as an industry-relevant assessment tool for reducing risk on construction sites. With direct linkages to safety competencies and safety management tasks, the SEIs are the next step towards an integrated safety cultural approach to safety and extend the concept of positive performance indicators (PPIs) by providing a valid, reliable, and user friendly measurement platform. Taken together, the results of the interlocked projects suggest that safety culture research has many potential benefits for the construction industry, particularly when research is conducted in partnership with industry stakeholders. Suggestions are made for future research, including further application and testing of the safety competency framework and aligning SEIs across construction projects of varying size, location and design.
In 2009, QUT’s Office of Research and the Institute for Adult Learning Singapore funded a six-month pilot project that represented the first stage of a larger international comparative study. The study is the first of its kind to investigate to what extent and how digital content workers’ learning needs are being met by adult education and training in Australia and Singapore. The pilot project involved consolidating key theoretical literature, studies, policies, programs and statistical data relevant to the digital content industries in Australia and Singapore. This had not been done before, and represented new knowledge generation. Digital content workers include professionals within and beyond the creative industries as follows: Visual effects and animation (including virtual reality and 3D products); Interactive multimedia (e.g. websites, CD-ROMs) and software development; Computer and online games; and Digital film & TV production and film & TV post-production. In the last decade, the digital content industries have been recognised as an industry sector of strong and increasing significance. The project compared Australia and Singapore on aspects of the digital content industries’ labour market, skill requirements, human capital challenges, the role of adult education in building a workforce for the digital content industries, and innovation policies. The consolidated report generated from the project formed the basis of the proposal for an ARC Linkage Project application submitted in the May 2010 round.
The impact of the GST has on nonprofit organisations has been largely ignored in the compliance cost literature. Most studies to date, both in Australia and overseas, have focused exclusively on measuring the nature and extent of GST compliance costs of businesses in the for-profit sector (particularly the impact on small businesses). This paper examines the impact of The New Tax System, and in particular, the GST on Queensland community sector organisations. The results are extracted from a QCOSS report entitled “Taxing Goodwill: The Impact of GST on Community Services” released in October 2001.
Purpose – This mixed-method study aims to determine the extent to which the career paths of senior managers conform with the traditional versus protean elements described in the careers literature and whether these paths vary by gender. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 15 senior managers (seven women and eight men) in a large public sector agency in Australia were interviewed about their career trajectories to date. Data were coded according to four major areas which characterise and distinguish between traditional and protean careers: development, orientation of the employee, definition of success, and organisational environment. A total of 81 managers (34 women and 47 men) from the same organisation were also surveyed. Variables of interest were those that could be triangulated with qualitative data such as the availability of career opportunities. Findings – Results suggest that, contrary to much existing literature which proposes that all careers have been fundamentally altered, the traditional career which relies on length of service, geographic mobility and a steady climb up the corporate ladder, is still the dominant model in some organisations. However, the trend towards protean careers is evident and is more pronounced for women than for men. Research limitations/implications – The specific nature of the organisation (large, male-dominated, public sector) may limit the generalisability of results. Practical implications – The framework used to explore career paths according to traditional/ protean elements in this study may assist human resource practitioners to develop appropriate strategies which maximise the professional development of employees. Originality/value – The results of this research challenge the universality of change in the nature of careers, particularly in public sector environments.
A wet scrubber is a device used in underground coal mines for the exhaust treatment system of various internal combustion engines (generally diesel) primarily as a spark arrestor with a secondary function to remove pollutants from the exhaust gas. A pool of scrubbing liquid (generally water based) is used in conjunction with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). Scrubbers are widely used in underground applications of diesel engines as their exhaust contains high concentration of harmful diesel particulate matter (DPM) and other pollutant gases. Currently the DPFs have to be replaced frequently because moisture output from the wet scrubber blocks the filter media and causes reduced capacity. This paper presents experimental and theoretical studies on the heat and mass transfer mechanisms of the exhaust flow both under and above the water surface, aiming at finding the cause and effects of the moisture reaching the filters and employing a solution to reduce the humidity and DPM output, and to prolong the change-out period of the DPF. By assuming a steady flow condition, heat transfer from the inlet exhaust gas balances energy required for the water evaporation. Hence the exit humidity will decrease with the increase of exit temperature. Experiments on a real scrubber are underway.
In open-cut strip mining, waste material is placed in-pit to minimise operational mine costs. Slope failures in these spoil piles pose a significant safety risk to personnel, along with a financial risk from loss of equipment and scheduling delays. It has been observed that most spoil pile failures occur when the pit has been previously filled with water and then subsequently dewatered. The failures are often initiated at the base of spoil piles where the material can undergo significant slaking (disintegration) over time due to overburden pressure and water saturation. It is important to understand how the mechanical properties of base spoil material are affected by slaking when designing safe spoil pile slope angles, heights, and dewatering rates. In this study, fresh spoil material collected from a coal mine in Brown Basin Coalfield of Queensland, Australia was subjected to high overburden pressure (0 – 900 kPa) under saturated condition and maintained over a period of time (0 – 6 months) allowing the material to slake. To create the above conditions, laboratory designed pressure chambers were used. Once a spoil sample was slaked under certain overburden pressure over a period of time, it was tested for classification, permeability, and strength properties. Results of this testing program suggested that the slaking of saturated coal mine spoil increase with overburden pressure and the time duration over which the overburden pressure was maintained. Further, it was observed that shear strength and permeability of spoil decreased with increase in spoil slaking.
The management of public sector risk is increasingly seen as a priority area of UK government policy. This has been highlighted recently by the Prime Minister Gordon Brown who stated that “the issue of public risk is one of the most challenging areas of policy-making for any government” (Strategic Risk, 2008). In response to these challenges, the UK Prime Minister has appointed a new body - the Risk and Regulation Advisory Council (RRAC) which is tasked with improving the way risk to the public is understood and managed. One area of particular concern with regard to the governance of public sector risks involves projects procured via the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). These projects involve long-term contracts, complex multi-party interactions and thus create various risks to public sector clients. Today, most PFI actors acknowledge the potentially adverse effects of these risks and make an effort to prevent or mitigate undesirable results. As a consequence, issues of risk allocation, risk transfer and risk management have become central to the PFI procurement process. This paper provides an overview of the risk categories and risk types which are relevant to the public sector in PFI projects. It analyses risk as a feature of uncertain future project-related events and examines potential pitfalls which can be associated with PFI risk management on the basis of a case study of a high-profile PFI hospital in Scotland. The paper concludes that, despite the trend towards diminished risk profiles during the operational phase, the public sector continues to be exposed to significant risks when engaging in PFI-based procurement.
Esta tesis pretende describir la situación actual del sector de seguridad privada, al implementar y adoptar estrategias de CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema, lo cual permitirá constatar la realidad en cuanto la aplicación del modelo, en el sector de seguridad privada, según lo planteado por diversos autores. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán, de este modo, al sector y a sus gerentes, desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción de sus clientes y a la prestación de un mejor servicio. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá como guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores, de modo que permitirá afianzar conocimientos en cuanto al CRM, al marketing relacional y su uso en el sector de seguridad privada. Según este modelo la información acerca de los clientes, es una información estratégica vital para las organizaciones que ayuda a la toma de decisiones, pronosticar cambios en cuanto a demanda, además de establecer control sobre procesos en los que se involucre el cliente; de modo que la adopción e implementación de CRM, ayude a la empresa, en este caso a las del sector de seguridad privada, a estar atentos a la manera como se interactúa con el cliente y por ende mejorar el servicio, lo que tendrá repercusión en la percepción que tenga de la organización el cliente. De este modo, se ve como en la actualidad las estrategias de CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando atraer nuevos clientes y además de esto, ayuda de igual modo a mantener felices a los clientes actuales; lo cual repercute en la demanda o el requerimiento del servicio, y así en una mejor rentabilidad para las empresas del sector. Razones por las que el sector de vigilancia se verá beneficiado por medio de las estrategias del CRM, lo que lo llevara a ofrecer mejores servicios a sus clientes.
El proyecto “Perfil logístico de Colombia” tiene como objetivo poder suplir las falencias de información que existen actualmente en Colombia a la hora de proyectar el proceso logístico de un bien o servicio. Las empresas colombianas cuentan con pocos recursos para llevar la materia prima de forma eficaz a su fin o punto de consumo. Dentro de este proyecto se analizará el sector Minero en Colombia, donde este presenta un alto reconocimiento a nivel mundial. Posee metales preciosos y metales básicos, su principal producción es el carbón térmico, ferroníquel, oro y esmeraldas. De esta manera, la minería en mediana y pequeña escala presenta un alto potencial, el cual si es aprovechado de una manera adecuada puede llegar a convertirse en una fuente muy importante y representativa para el país en cuanto a ingresos y empleos. De acuerdo a los últimos años Colombia se ha convertido en un país atractivo en cuanto a la inversión de explotación minera, gracias al incremento de precios internacionales de los minerales y el desarrollo de la seguridad en Colombia. Se realizará un análisis global en el cual se mostrará la posición de Colombia frente a la situación internacional, esto se investigará de acuerdo a los diferentes indicadores como el PIB, índice global de competitividad, productividad, y balanza comercial. Así mismo, se examinará el nivel de infraestructura logística que promueve la planeación de los flujos logísticos teniendo variables de costo, tiempo, y transporte. Además se tendrán en cuenta factores como cadena de suministro, problemática del sector minero con el gobierno, caracterización mundial, panorama nacional, VSM (proveedores, productores, almacenamiento, distribución y logística inversa) y gremios.
Se analizará cuál ha sido el comportamiento de la IED y los mecanismos y acuerdos hasta ahora logrados en el marco de la Comunidad Andina, con el fin de determinar la influencia que estos han tenido en el caso específico del sector minero colombiano.