955 resultados para broiler production


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Desde que Estados Unidos y Colombia firmaron el Tratado de Libre Comercio se establecieron una serie de acuerdos respecto a diferentes sectores, como lo es el sector avícola. Con su entrada en vigencia se hizo efectiva la desgravación arancelaria y por ende la liberalización de este sector, lo cual pone a la avicultura colombiana y en especial a la avicultura del departamento de Cundinamarca en riesgo debido a los bajos niveles arancelarios que se tienen, así como el diferencial de precios de venta entre Colombia y Estados Unidos. Por tal razón el presente trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo principal analizar los efectos que se han dado por el incumplimiento de los compromisos arancelarios acordados en la negociación del tratado en el sector avícola de Cundinamarca, así como analizar las asimetrías existentes en el nivel de desarrollo económico y la competitividad sectorial.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the poultry industry, the use of water with adequate physical, chemical and microbiological quality it is of fundamental importance. Since many birds have access to the same water source, quality problems will affect a great number of animals. The drinking water plays an important role in the transmission of some bacterial, viral and protozoan diseases that are among the most common poultry diseases. Important factors to prevent waterborne diseases in broiler production are the protection of supply sources, water disinfection and the quality control of microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics. Water is an essential nutrient for birds and therefore quality preservation is fundamental for good herd performance. The farmer may prevent many diseases in bird flocks by controlling the quality of the ingested water, will certainly result in decreased costs and increased profit, two essential aims of animal production nowadays.


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The objective was to evaluate the differences between distinct types of litter material and their combinations in the dynamics of degradation on the organic matter fractions and the quality of the final compound. The treatments were established according to material used as substrate for broiler litter: treatment 1 - rice husks; 2 - sugar cane bagasse; 3 - wood shavings; 4 - wood shavings + sugar cane bagasse; 5 - rice husks + sugar cane bagasse; and 6 - Napier grass. The following variables were monitored: temperature, levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), mass and volume of the pile, fibrous fraction, and levels and reductions of N, P and K during the process. Piles formed with Napier grass and sugar cane bagasse presented the highest average temperatures during composting. The greater average reductions in TS and VS were attained in piles with sugar cane bagasse (68.12 and 73.07%, for TS and VS, respectively). The reductions of greatest volume occurred in piles with sugar cane bagasse (52.08%), followed by Napier grass (50.56%). Poultry litters composed of rice husks and wood shavings presented 13.21 and 10.23% of lignin, respectively, which contributed to the lower degradation of fibrous fraction and degradability. Substrates with lower lignin content were those with greatest organic matter degradation rate and had reduced losses of N levels during the process. Composting performance is affected by the initial substrate used to compose the poultry litter.


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This study aimed at developing radiographic techniques for the early detection of dyschondroplastic lesions in the tibia of broilers. The experiment was carried out at the facilities of UNIFOR/MG and Formiga and UNIFENAS/ Alfenas with 420 one-day-old male Cobb broilers. At 20 days of age, all birds were radiographed and identified with an alpha-numeric metal ring in the right leg. At 40 days of age, 42 broilers previously selected as a function of bone mineral density and lesion thickness scores were again radiographed and scored, and then sacrificed. Their right tibia was removed for gross and histological examination of the growth plate. The results showed that radiographic techniques are correlated with gross and histological examination and that there was no significant differences among techniques (P>0.05). it was concluded that the use of radiographic examination to identify tibial dyschondroplasia in broilers precludes the use of bone mineral density to diagnose this condition. The non-parametric statistical Chi-square test at 5% significance level was used to analyze the results.


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Brazil is the world leader in broiler production and export. It achieved this position mainly to its excellent supply chain structure and climate, which favor poultry and grain production throughout its territory. Although Brazilian egg production is not as important as broiler production, this segment presents great potential of increasing its share in the global market. However, as elsewhere in the world, Brazilian poultry production faces the challenge to balance two elements within its supply chain: cruelty and productivity. The consumers of the European Union (EU) are very concerned with animal welfare issues. In order to increase its share in the European market, and eventually in the world market, Brazilian poultry producers must understand the effects of production systems on poultry welfare, and try to develop systems that are suited for its climate and other production conditions. There is a consensus that the natural behaviors performed by poultry in intensive production systems allow better welfare. This objective of this review is to present scientific research studies that relate different behaviors to chicken welfare. Poultry behavior is a reflex of their welfare status at a particular moment, and it is related to internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Several natural behaviors that favor welfare, as well as undesirable behaviors, may be stimulated by environmental enrichment. The correct interpretation of the behaviors expressed by poultry, including their frequency, duration, and sequence, may be used to estimate their welfare. Animal production is an import sector of Brazilian economy. It significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in terms of products destined both to domestic consumption and exports. New technologies applied to products and management practices have been developed for field application, aiming at improving producers' productivity and profitability. In order to comply with the European Union's (EU) guidelines for animal protein production, Brazilian poultry production needs to undergo a process of adaptation. In May, 2007, the EU Commission established its new guidelines for animal welfare in poultry production, pressured by consumer demand. In the EU, there is a growing concern among consumers as to how poultry are reared and slaughtered. European consumers are in the fore front of the demand of high quality products produced with under better welfare conditions, and have spread this concern throughout the world. Beaumont et al. (2010) mentioned that European consumers frequently perceive that standard commercial poultry production has poor animal welfare practices. According to Nääs et al. (2008), Brazilian poultry production today needs to find a balance between cruelty and productivity. In fact, ensuring animal welfare may provide better financial results, as it increases the producer's profit margins and allows maintaining Brazilian chicken export quotas to the EU. França (2008) noted that biological studies that define ethical limits and guidelines for poultry production foster the development of new production practices that may ensure good product quality and productivity without putting bird welfare at risk. Gonyou (1994) states that, when animal welfare started to be studied, the only behavioral factors considered were those related to feeding and reproduction. These first studies used as indicators of animal welfare reduced life expectancy, impaired growth, impaired reproduction, body damage, disease, immunosuppression, adrenal activity, behavior anomalies, and self-narcotization (Broom, 1991). However, current studies evaluate additional indicators, such as natural behaviors, behavioral needs, preferences, behavioral problems, emotional state, cognitive abilities, etc. In the field of ethology, the expression of natural behavior is a frequently used tool used to estimate the welfare of poultry destined to human consumption. According to Bracke & Hopster (2006), natural behavior can be defined as the behavior the animal normaly presents when exposed to conditions similar to its natural habitat. Natural behaviors are pleasurable and promote biological functions that are meaningful to the animal's welfare. The definition of natural behavior, though, does not include the bird's behavior when sick, in flight or during aggression, since these are not considered pleasurable situations. Considering layer behavioral needs in the design of housing facilities optimize their welfare. Mishra et al. (2005) verified that ISA Brown layers spent, during 24 hours, around 97% of the time in the nest, feeding, walking, resting, or dust bathing, and that 57% of these behaviors did not depend on environmental enrichment. It was also observed that hens had preferred behavioral sequences, which included foraging and comfort behaviors, such as wing-stretching and preening. The present review aims at discussing, albeit not exhaustively, scientific research studies on the behavior of Gallusgallus domesticus and its relationship to welfare. The following behaviors are reviewed: feather pecking, scratching, dust bathing, nesting, locomotion activities, and aggressive behaviors. These behaviors are the most frequently observed in commercial broiler, broiler breeder, and layer farming, and therefore, monitoring their incidence may contribute to measure poultry welfare.


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As recentes restrições ao uso de antibióticos melhoradores do desempenho na produção de frangos de cortes têm incentivado a busca por aditivos alternativos. Entre os produtos naturais, o óleo de copaíba tem uma grande representação social e econômica, especialmente na região amazônica, onde é nativo e largamente empregado. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos da inclusão do óleo de Copaíba (Copaifera reticulata), sobre o desempenho produtivo de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 540 pintos com um dia de idade, machos de linhagem comercial Ross, distribuídos em cinco tratamentos e seis repetições com 15 aves em cada unidade experimental. Os tratamentos foram definidos pela inclusão do promotor de crescimento (avilamicina, 10ppm) e do nível do óleo essencial na dieta, sendo caracterizados como: T1: Óleo essencial 0,15% (sem promotor de crescimento); T2: Óleo essencial 0,30% (sem promotor de crescimento); T3: Óleo essencial 0,45% (sem promotor de crescimento); T4: Óleo essencial 0,60% (sem promotor de crescimento) e T5: Controle promotor de crescimento: virginiamicina, 10ppm (sem óleo essencial). Os resultados foram analisados com o auxílio do programa computacional Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2001) e as diferenças entre as médias foram analisadas pelo teste Dunnet, a um nível de significância de 5%. Os dados de desempenho do 7 e 35 dias de idade mostraram que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos para as variáveis peso corporal, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade. Aos 21 e 40 dias de idade das aves houve diferença significativa para a variável peso corporal. As demais variáveis estudadas (consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e mortalidade) não apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparada ao tratamento controle (T5). Apenas o tratamento com a inclusão na dieta de 0,15% de óleo de copaíba (T1) foi semelhante estatisticamente com o tratamento controle. Não foi observado efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre as características de carcaça dos frangos estudados. A utilização de óleo essencial de copaíba a 0,15% na dieta de frangos de corte proporcionou desempenho semelhante à dieta controle para as diferentes variáveis de desempenho e características de carcaça avaliada neste estudo, representando uma alternativa promissora como aditivo promotor de crescimento.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Vários países têm buscado investigar as emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) e amônia (NH3) na atividade animal para melhor compreensão da dinâmica e excesso desses gases na atmosfera. As informações disponíveis na literatura sobre as emissões de GEE e NH3 em aviários são variáveis e incertas devido à diversidade e condições particulares das instalações, bem como das inúmeras diferenças no sistema de criação e das complexas interações observadas nos dejetos dos animais. A caracterização das emissões do setor avícola normalmente é realizada por monitoramento aéreo das concentrações dos gases dentro das instalações de produção. No entanto, alguns métodos adotados são insuficientes devido às interferências de outros gases, razão por que as medições podem não refletir, com exatidão, as emissões reais. Diante dessa complexidade, nesta pesquisa buscou-se aplicar técnicas que apresentam menores interferências, bem como desenvolver um sistema de amostragem para medir diretamente as emissões de N2O, CH4 e NH3 dos dejetos de frangos de corte. No desenvolvimento do método, utilizou-se como referência o princípio da câmara estática fechada e a análise por cromatografia gasosa (CG), para estimar as emissões de GEE. Para quantificação direta das emissões de NH3, adaptou-se um método semiaberto estático, baseado na captura, em meio ácido, do NH3 volatilizado dos dejetos das aves. Adicionalmente, buscou-se monitorar as emissões diárias de NH3, CH4 e N2O dos dejetos dos frangos, considerando o típico manejo de reutilização da cama de frango. Foram propostos modelos empíricos para as predições das emissões de N2O, CH4 e NH3, em função do número de reutilizações da cama, da idade das aves e de propriedades físico-químicas da cama de frango. As emissões acumuladas por quatro ciclos de criação permitiram calcular perdas anuais de 0,14, 0,35, e 72,0 g de N2O, CH4 e NH3 ave-alojada-1 ano-1, respectivamente. Considerando o número de frangos de corte alojados em 2015, a atividade avícola emitiu cerca de 545,1 Gg CO2eq pelo manejo dos dejetos nos aviários, correspondente a 0,04 kg CO2eq por kg de carne. Reduções de 21, 40 e 78% foram observadas nas emissões anuais de N2O, CH4 e NH3, respectivamente, ao utilizar (seis ciclos) a cama somente em um ciclo de criação. Contudo, um balanço de N foi conduzido para contabilizar as entradas e saídas de N na produção de frangos de corte durante os quatro ciclos de criação avaliados. A principal entrada de N no sistema foi pela ração, como entrada secundária, o N via cama de frango, o qual aumentou consideravelmente a cada ciclo de reutilização. Considerando que esta pesquisa apresenta uma metodologia aplicável e inovadora para determinar os fluxos de GEE em galpões abertos no país, os dados serão úteis para o inventário anual brasileiro das emissões de GEE oriundas dos dejetos da avicultura de corte. Os resultados são úteis também para incentivar novas pesquisas que possam avançar no conhecimento de impactos e alternativas de mitigação de GEE na produção de frangos de corte e, adicionalmente, conferir sustentabilidade à produção de carne no Brasil


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The Brazilian agricultural research agency has, over the years, contributed to solve social problems and to promote new knowledge, incorporating new advances and seeking technological independence of the country, through the transfer of knowledge and technology generated. However, the process of transfering of knowledge and technology has represented a big challenge for public institutions. The Embrapa is the largest and main brazilian agricultural research company, with a staff of 9.790 employees, being 2.440 researchers and an annual budget of R$ 2.52 billion. Operates through 46 decentralized research units, and coordinate of the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA. Considering that technology transfer is the consecration of effort and resources spent for the generation of knowledge and the validity of the research, this work aims to conduct an assessment of the performance of Embrapa Swine and Poultry along the production chain of broilers and propose a technology transfer model for this chain, which can be used by the Public Institutions Research – IPPs. This study is justified by the importance of agricultural research for the country, and the importance of the institution addressed. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach, documentary and bibliographic research and interviews with use of semi-structured questionnaires. The survey was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, there was a diagnosis of the Technology Transfer Process (TT), the contribution of the Embrapa Swine and poultry for the supply chain for broiler. At this stage it was used bibliographical and documentary research and semi- structured interviews with agroindustrial broiler agents, researchers at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, professionals of technology transfer, from the Embrapa and Embrapa Swine and Poultry, managers of technology transfer and researchers from the Agricultural Research Service - ARS. In the second step, a model was developed for the technology transferring poultry process of Embrapa. In this phase, there were made documentary and bibliographic research and analysis of information obtained in the interviews. The third phase was to validate the proposed model in the various sectors of the broilers productive chain. The data show that, although the Embrapa Swine and Poultry develops technologies for broiler production chain, the rate of adoption of these technologies by the chain is very low. It was also diagnosed that there is a gap between the institution and the various links of the chain. It was proposed an observatory mechanism to approximate Embrapa Swine and Poultry and the agents of the broiler chain for identifying and discussing research priorities. The proposed model seeks to improve the interaction between the institution and the chain, in order to identify the chain real research demands and the search and the joint development of solutions for these demands. The proposed TT model was approved by a large majority (96.77%) of the interviewed agents who work in the various links in the chain, as well as by representatives (92%) of the entities linked to this chain. The acceptance of the proposed model demonstrates the willingness of the chain to approach Embrapa Swine and Poultry, and to seek joint solutions to existing problems.


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Climate may affect broiler production, especially where there are heat waves, which may cause high mortality rates due to the heat stress. Heat wave prediction and characterization may allow early mitigation actions to be taken. Data Mining is one of the tools used for such a characterization, particularly when a large number of variables is involved. The objective of this study was to classify heat waves that promote broiler chicken mortality in poultry houses equipped with minimal environmental control. A single day of heat, a heat-shock day, is capable of producing high broiler mortality. In poultry houses equipped with fans and evaporative cooling, the characterization of heat waves affecting broiler mortality between 29 days of age and market age presented 89.34% Model Accuracy and 0.73 Class Precision for high mortality. There was no influence on high mortality (HM) of birds between 29 and 31 days of age. Maximum temperature humidity index (THI) above 30.6 ºC was the main characteristic of days when there was a heat wave, causing high mortality in broilers older than 31 days. The high mortality of broilers between 31 and 40 days of age occurred when maximum THI was above 30.6 ºC and maximum temperature of the day was above 34.4 ºC. There were two main causes of high mortality of broilers older than 40 days: 1) maximum THI above 30.6 ºC and minimum THI equal or lower than 15.5 ºC; 2) maximum THI above 30.6 ºC, minimum THI lower than 15.5 ºC, and the time of maximum temperature later than 15:00h. The heat wave influence on broiler mortality lasted an average of 2.7 days.


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The main sources of ammonia generation are in agricultural activities, with great representation of poultry, by using feed lot systems with adoption of deep bedding on floor to retain the manure. Ammonia produced in broiler systems production generates damages to animals, humans and environment. The main source of ammonia in the manure deposited on the bed is the excreted nitrogen. With the adoption of appropriate techniques of environmental management, through of adequate ventilation and bed management, control of pH, temperature and humidity are possible significant reductions in ammonia emission, as well as with the use of additives and control the appropriate nitrogen content that is provided in the rations.