817 resultados para breach and violation of psychological contracts
Over the past decade, the independent sales contractor (ISC) has emerged as both an important distribution channel and a management challenge. This study makes two contributions to this evolving field. First, it explores the interrelations of the psychological contract with sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy of ISCs, which have hitherto been largely unexplored. Second, it examines differences between high- and low-performing sales contractors on these linkages, due to findings in the literature that a small number of sales contractors often achieve a majority of sales. Based on survey data as well as 7 years of contractor-level data related to sales performance and voluntary turnover (n = 189), results indicate that psychological contract fulfilment and perceived dependency are important determinants of subsequent sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy, with significant differences reported between high- and low-performing ISCs. A notable finding pertinent for sales managers responsible for managing ISCs is that high-performing sales contractors are motivated by psychological contract fulfilment and a low perception of dependency, while low-performing sales contractors are more likely to act as advocates for the firm due to perceived dependency, but may concurrently engage in organisational advocacy as a means to leave the firm.
Drawing on the perceived organizational membership theoretical framework and the social identity view of dissonance theory, I examined in this study the dynamics of the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational identification. I included group-level transformational and transactional leadership as well as procedural justice in the hypothesized model as key antecedents for organizational membership processes. I further explored the mediating role of psychological contract breach in the relationship between leadership, procedural justice climate, and organizational identification and proposed separateness–connectedness self-schema as an important moderator of the above mediated relationship. Hierarchical linear modeling results from a sample of 864 employees from 162 work units in 10 Greek organizations indicated that employees' perception of psychological contract breach negatively affected their organizational identification. I also found psychological contract breach to mediate the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on organizational identification. Results further provided support for moderated mediation and showed that the indirect effects of transformational and transactional leadership on identification through psychological contract breach were stronger for employees with a low connectedness self-schema.
The psychological contract is a frequently deployed construct to examine the dynamics of the employee-employer exchange relationship. While there is consensus that the contract comprises employee and employer beliefs regarding this relationship, the various belief types are not conceptually well-defined and understood. Over time, the contract has been conceptualised as comprising expectations, obligations, promises or some combination therein. While most contemporary researchers focus solely upon promises, the justifications for this position are unpersuasive. This paper theoretically describes the various belief types, identifies their interrelationships and proposes a reconceptualisation of the beliefs constituting the contract. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the extant promise-based belief framework provides too restrictive a theoretical base for a comprehensive understanding of individuals’ psychological contracts.
A lifespan perspective on psychological contracts and their relations with organizational commitment
The current study investigated the influence of age-related constructs on the psychological contract and its relationships with continuance and normative commitment. It was proposed that as people age, their future time perspective (FTP) decreases. Consequently, it was expected that contract fulfilment would be positively related to continuance commitment for workers with short FTP, while it would be positively related to normative commitment for workers with long FTP. Conversely, it was argued that, with age, workers’ perceived work-related expertise increases, resulting in stronger reactions to obligation fulfilment on normative commitment. A study among 334 employees showed that FTP and work-related expertise indeed moderated the relationships between contract fulfilment and organizational commitment. The results showed that the influence of age on the relations between contract fulfilment with outcomes is dependent upon FTP and occupational expertise. The study shows the value of a lifespan perspective on psychological contracts and their relations with organizational commitment.
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les changements observés sur le marché amènent les organisations à améliorer leurs conditions de travail afin d’être en mesure d’attirer et de retenir des travailleurs performants. Les PRH n’y font pas exception. En effet, les PRH présentent des attentes bien précises et développent un contrat psychologique qui leur est propre. Cette recherche porte sur l’intention de quitter des PRH. Plus précisément, elle vise à identifier à travers la théorie du contrat psychologique, les conditions d’emploi et d’exercice de la profession qui, lorsqu’elles ne sont pas respectées, influencent positivement l’intention de quitter des PRH. Il ressort de nos analyses statistiques que la violation du contrat psychologique, notamment des conditions d’emploi et des conditions d’exercice de la profession, influence positivement l’intention de quitter des PRH. Nos analyses nous ont permis d’identifier les différentes conditions d’emploi et d’exercice de la profession qui ont une influence sur l’intention de quitter des PRH. En ce qui concerne les conditions d’emploi, il s’agit de celles reliées au développement de carrière, à l’atmosphère au travail et au contenu de l’emploi. Du côté des conditions d’exercice de la profession, il s’agit du rôle d’agent de changement et de partenaires d’affaires qui ont une influence positive, tandis que le rôle d’expert fonctionnel influence négativement les intentions de quitter des PRH. Nos analyses mettent en évidence l’importance du respect des conditions d’emploi comparativement à celles associées aux conditions d’exercice de la profession. En effet, on constate que les trois conditions d’emploi qui ont une influence positive sur les intentions de quitter des PRH peuvent, sans contredit, être associées au développement professionnel, une valeur importante chez les PRH.
In this study, we investigated the relationships between psychological contract breach, affective commitment, and two types of employee performance (i.e. civic virtue behaviour and in-role performance). It was predicted that an experience of contract breach can severely hurt the affective commitment of the employees and this, in turn, results in poor in-role performance and less civic virtue behaviours. Results revealed that affective commitment had differential mediating effects on the two types of employee performance. That is, affective commitment mediated the relationship between breach and self-reported and supervisor-rated civic virtue, but not the relationship between breach and in-role performance.
This study explored the prediction of psychological climate and stresses on job satisfaction in non U.S. setting. A total of 450 surveys were sent to 11 organisations in Thailand and employees were asked to fill out the survey. The first hypothesis that positive psychological climate dimensions predicted lower level of stresses among Thai employees was partially accepted. Further regression analysis tested second hypothesis that positive psychological climate dimensions and low level of stresses predict job satisfaction among Thai employees. Contrary to expectation, only stress variables predicted job satisfaction. Thai culture influence was discussed.
Contextualizing the tensions and weaknesses of information privacy and data breach notification laws
Data breach notification laws have detailed numerous failures relating to the protection of personal information that have blighted both corporate and governmental institutions. There are obvious parallels between data breach notification and information privacy law as they both involve the protection of personal information. However, a closer examination of both laws reveals conceptual differences that give rise to vertical tensions between each law and shared horizontal weaknesses within both laws. Tensions emanate from conflicting approaches to the implementation of information privacy law that results in different regimes and the implementation of different types of protections. Shared weaknesses arise from an overt focus on specified types of personal information which results in ‘one size fits all’ legal remedies. The author contends that a greater contextual approach which promotes the importance of social context is required and highlights the effect that contextualization could have on both laws.
Aim. To explore and compare older home care clients’ (65+) and their professionals’ perceptions of the clients’ psychological well-being and care and to identify possible differences in these perceptions. Background. Psychological well-being is considered an important dimension of quality of life. With advancing age, older people require home care support to be able to remain in their own home. The main goal of care is to maximise their independence and quality of life. Design. Descriptive, survey design with questionnaire. Methods. A postal questionnaire was distributed to 200 older home care clients and 570 social and health care professionals in 2007. The total response rate was 63%. The questionnaire consisted of questions about clients’ psychological well-being and the provision of care by home care professionals. The differences in responses between clients and professionals were analysed using cross-tabulations, the Pearson Chi-Square Test and Fisher’s Exact Tests. Results. The professional group believed that their clients did not have plans for the future. They believed that their clients felt themselves depressed and suffering from loneliness significantly more often than the client group did. The client group were also significantly more critical of the care (motivating independent actions, physical, psychological and social care) they got from the professional group than how the professionals evaluated the care they gave. Conclusions. To be able to support older clients to continue living at home, professionals need to provide a service that meets client’s own perceptions and complex social and health care needs as well as personal sense of well-being. Relevance to clinical practice. The findings offer useful insights for the professional in planning and delivering appropriate home care services. A better understanding of differences between clients’ and professionals’ perceptions could lead to a better individualised care outcome.