975 resultados para boundary element


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We consider the classical coupled, combined-field integral equation formulations for time-harmonic acoustic scattering by a sound soft bounded obstacle. In recent work, we have proved lower and upper bounds on the $L^2$ condition numbers for these formulations, and also on the norms of the classical acoustic single- and double-layer potential operators. These bounds to some extent make explicit the dependence of condition numbers on the wave number $k$, the geometry of the scatterer, and the coupling parameter. For example, with the usual choice of coupling parameter they show that, while the condition number grows like $k^{1/3}$ as $k\to\infty$, when the scatterer is a circle or sphere, it can grow as fast as $k^{7/5}$ for a class of `trapping' obstacles. In this paper we prove further bounds, sharpening and extending our previous results. In particular we show that there exist trapping obstacles for which the condition numbers grow as fast as $\exp(\gamma k)$, for some $\gamma>0$, as $k\to\infty$ through some sequence. This result depends on exponential localisation bounds on Laplace eigenfunctions in an ellipse that we prove in the appendix. We also clarify the correct choice of coupling parameter in 2D for low $k$. In the second part of the paper we focus on the boundary element discretisation of these operators. We discuss the extent to which the bounds on the continuous operators are also satisfied by their discrete counterparts and, via numerical experiments, we provide supporting evidence for some of the theoretical results, both quantitative and asymptotic, indicating further which of the upper and lower bounds may be sharper.


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We consider scattering of a time harmonic incident plane wave by a convex polygon with piecewise constant impedance boundary conditions. Standard finite or boundary element methods require the number of degrees of freedom to grow at least linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave in order to maintain accuracy. Extending earlier work by Chandler-Wilde and Langdon for the sound soft problem, we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method, with the approximation space consisting of the products of plane waves with piecewise polynomials supported on a graded mesh with smaller elements closer to the corners of the polygon. Theoretical analysis and numerical results suggest that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows only logarithmically with respect to the frequency of the incident wave.


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In this paper we propose and analyze a hybrid $hp$ boundary element method for the solution of problems of high frequency acoustic scattering by sound-soft convex polygons, in which the approximation space is enriched with oscillatory basis functions which efficiently capture the high frequency asymptotics of the solution. We demonstrate, both theoretically and via numerical examples, exponential convergence with respect to the order of the polynomials, moreover providing rigorous error estimates for our approximations to the solution and to the far field pattern, in which the dependence on the frequency of all constants is explicit. Importantly, these estimates prove that, to achieve any desired accuracy in the computation of these quantities, it is sufficient to increase the number of degrees of freedom in proportion to the logarithm of the frequency as the frequency increases, in contrast to the at least linear growth required by conventional methods.


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In this paper we propose and analyse a hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary element method for the solution of problems of high frequency acoustic scattering by a class of sound-soft nonconvex polygons. The approximation space is enriched with carefully chosen oscillatory basis functions; these are selected via a study of the high frequency asymptotic behaviour of the solution. We demonstrate via a rigorous error analysis, supported by numerical examples, that to achieve any desired accuracy it is sufficient for the number of degrees of freedom to grow only in proportion to the logarithm of the frequency as the frequency increases, in contrast to the at least linear growth required by conventional methods. This appears to be the first such numerical analysis result for any problem of scattering by a nonconvex obstacle. Our analysis is based on new frequency-explicit bounds on the normal derivative of the solution on the boundary and on its analytic continuation into the complex plane.


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We propose and analyse a hybrid numerical–asymptotic hp boundary element method (BEM) for time-harmonic scattering of an incident plane wave by an arbitrary collinear array of sound-soft two-dimensional screens. Our method uses an approximation space enriched with oscillatory basis functions, chosen to capture the high-frequency asymptotics of the solution. We provide a rigorous frequency-explicit error analysis which proves that the method converges exponentially as the number of degrees of freedom N increases, and that to achieve any desired accuracy it is sufficient to increase N in proportion to the square of the logarithm of the frequency as the frequency increases (standard BEMs require N to increase at least linearly with frequency to retain accuracy). Our numerical results suggest that fixed accuracy can in fact be achieved at arbitrarily high frequencies with a frequency-independent computational cost, when the oscillatory integrals required for implementation are computed using Filon quadrature. We also show how our method can be applied to the complementary ‘breakwater’ problem of propagation through an aperture in an infinite sound-hard screen.


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We describe some recent advances in the numerical solution of acoustic scattering problems. A major focus of the paper is the efficient solution of high frequency scattering problems via hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary element methods. We also make connections to the unified transform method due to A. S. Fokas and co-authors, analysing particular instances of this method, proposed by J. A. De-Santo and co-authors, for problems of acoustic scattering by diffraction gratings.


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The goal of this work is the efficient solution of the heat equation with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions using the Boundary Elements Method (BEM). Efficiently solving the heat equation is useful, as it is a simple model problem for other types of parabolic problems. In complicated spatial domains as often found in engineering, BEM can be beneficial since only the boundary of the domain has to be discretised. This makes BEM easier than domain methods such as finite elements and finite differences, conventionally combined with time-stepping schemes to solve this problem. The contribution of this work is to further decrease the complexity of solving the heat equation, leading both to speed gains (in CPU time) as well as requiring smaller amounts of memory to solve the same problem. To do this we will combine the complexity gains of boundary reduction by integral equation formulations with a discretisation using wavelet bases. This reduces the total work to O(h


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A direct version of the boundary element method (BEM) is developed to model the stationary dynamic response of reinforced plate structures, such as reinforced panels in buildings, automobiles, and airplanes. The dynamic stationary fundamental solutions of thin plates and plane stress state are used to transform the governing partial differential equations into boundary integral equations (BIEs). Two sets of uncoupled BIEs are formulated, respectively, for the in-plane state ( membrane) and for the out-of-plane state ( bending). These uncoupled systems are joined to formamacro-element, in which membrane and bending effects are present. The association of these macro-elements is able to simulate thin-walled structures, including reinforced plate structures. In the present formulation, the BIE is discretized by continuous and/or discontinuous linear elements. Four displacement integral equations are written for every boundary node. Modal data, that is, natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of reinforced plates, are obtained from information contained in the frequency response functions (FRFs). A specific example is presented to illustrate the versatility of the proposed methodology. Different configurations of the reinforcements are used to simulate simply supported and clamped boundary conditions for the plate structures. The procedure is validated by comparison with results determined by the finite element method (FEM).


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In this work, a numerical model to perform non-linear analysis of building floor structures is proposed. The presented model is derived from the Kirchhoff-s plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BENI) for zoned domains, in which the plate stiffness is modified by the presence of membrane effects. In this model, no approximation of the generalized forces along the interface is required and the compatibility and equilibrium conditions along interfaces are imposed at the integral equation level. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, the Navier Bernoulli hypothesis is assumed to simplify the strain field for the thin sub-regions (rectangular beams). The non-linear formulation is obtained from the linear formulation by incorporating initial internal force fields, which are approximated by using the well-known cell sub-division. Then, the non-linear solution of algebraic equations is obtained by using the concept of the consistent tangent operator. The Von Mises criterion is adopted to govern the elasto-plastic material behaviour checked at points along the plate thickness and along the rectangular beam element axes. The numerical representations are accurately obtained by either computing analytically the element integrals or performing the numerical integration accurately using an appropriate sub-elementation scheme. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to present a formulation of the boundary element method to analyse elastic and isotropic plates with curved boundaries. In this study the plate boundary is approximated, along each element, by a second degree polynomial relation or by a circular arch, in order to better represent the real boundary. The numerical integration is performed by the self-adaptive coordinate transformation proposed by Telles. The effective shear forces are approximated by concentrated reactions applied at the boundary element nodes, according to the alternative formulation introduced by Paiva. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the better accuracy obtained with the proposed elements.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents an application of a Boundary Element Method (BEM) formulation for anisotropic body analysis using isotropic fundamental solution. The anisotropy is considered by expressing a residual elastic tensor as the difference of the anisotropic and isotropic elastic tensors. Internal variables and cell discretization of the domain are considered. Masonry is a composite material consisting of bricks (masonry units), mortar and the bond between them and it is necessary to take account of anisotropy in this type of structure. The paper presents the formulation, the elastic tensor of the anisotropic medium properties and the algebraic procedure. Two examples are shown to validate the formulation and good agreement was obtained when comparing analytical and numerical results. Two further examples in which masonry walls were simulated, are used to demonstrate that the presented formulation shows close agreement between BE numerical results and different Finite Element (FE) models. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.