771 resultados para boom
This article analyses the relationship between state policies and economy in Argentina 1991-2001. In 1991 the currency board regime named 'convertibility' was implemented, within the framework of important neoliberal reforms introduced by the State. These neoliberal reforms facilitated capitalist restructuring, characterized by a leap in productivity, investment and profits. Likewise, these reforms generated imbalances which, along with the changes in the world market conditions from 1998, led to the deepest crisis in Argentina's history. The inefficiency of state neoliberal policies in managing the crisis, based on fiscal adjustment to guarantee the continuity of external financing, led to an economic depression and a financial crash, sparking a mass rebellion and the end of convertibility.
The baby-boom and subsequent baby-bust have shaped much of the history of the second half of the 20th century; yet it is still largely unclear what caused them. This paper presents a new unified explanation of the fertility Boom-Bust that links the latter to the Great Depression and the subsequent economic recovery. We show that the 1929 Crash attracted young married women 20 to 34 years old in 1930 (whom we name D-cohort) in the labor market possibly via an added worker effect. Using several years of Census micro data, we further document that the same cohort kept entering into the market in the 1940s and 1950s as economic conditions improved, decreasing wages and reducing work incentives for younger women. Its retirement in the late 1950s and in the 1960s instead freed positions and created employment opportunities. Finally, we show that the entry of the D-cohort is associated with increased births in the 1950s, while its retirement turned the fertility Boom into a Bust in the 1960s. The work behavior of this cohort explains a large share of the changes in both yearly births and completed fertility of all cohorts involved.
Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Curturals (CRIC), Curs 2008-2009, Directora: Dra. Nora Elena Catelli Quiroga
IT and related services played a major role for India’s current 9.2. GDP growth. Organized retailing in India is one more example for its open economy. The IT industries where able develop a demand for Indian talents all over the world and improved their living standards. It directly impacts only a small minority of Indian population while organized retail affects every single Indian and every sector of Indian society. The paper gives a glimpse of the slow evolution of retail market over the years in India and its contribution for economic growth. The likely positive impact of this revolution in different sectors is enumerated. Paper addresses its ability to manipulate consumption pattern of society, increased customer satisfaction and likely change in the market shares of the different types of sellers. Paper discusses its flip sides like increasing social tension among families below poverty line and greater loss of self employment opportunities by this revolution. The main theme of enquiry of this paper is what it all means for the Indian society.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
In the context of economic growth and recovering socio-economic conditions, many Latin American countries have implemented deep educational reforms since the beginning of the century. This paper aims to analyse whether these changes have promoted equality of educational opportunities in the region. Both the access and knowledge and skills dimensions are evaluated for six important countries, deepening the analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, in order to better understand the trends observed. Results point to reasonable progress in access, but reflect an unsatisfactory evolution of the level and distribution of knowledge and skills as reflected by PISA test scores.
La crisis estructural generalizada ha hecho tomar conciencia a diversos sistemas educativos de la necesidad de efectuar reformas curriculares en las políticas públicas de educación. La propuesta actual es el enfoque por competencias. Este estudio se aborda desde el marco de la identidad cultural, con el fin de concretar estas competencias generales en habilidades que permitan de forma ética afrontar esta desestructuración global, resaltando la necesaria adaptación de los formadores de los docentes..
El boom petrolero que alimentó el crecimiento con distribución que Ecuador experimentó durante la última década terminó. Durante estos años se reactivaron viejas prácticas para captar rentas para el estado, y nuevas formas de distribuir esas rentas a la sociedad, pero también para intentar disminuir los impactos de la extracción petrolera en el ambiente. Este modo de funcionamiento está condenado a desaparecer con la crisis de los mercados internacionales de las materias primas. ¿Cómo pueden la sociedad y los gobiernos ecuatorianos prepararse para los efectos de la crisis de rentas del Estado?
How do changing notions of children’s reading practices alter or even create classic texts? This article looks at how the nineteenth-century author Jules Verne (1828-1905) was modernised by Hachette for their Bibliothèque Verte children’s collection in the 1950s and 60s. Using the methodology of adaptation studies, the article reads the abridged texts in the context of the concerns that emerged in postwar France about what children were reading. It examines how these concerns shaped editorial policy, and the transformations that Verne’s texts underwent before they were considered suitable for the children of the baby-boom generation. It asks whether these adapted versions damaged Verne’s reputation, as many literary scholars have suggested, or if the process of dividing his readership into children and adults actually helped to reinforce the new idea of his texts as complex and multilayered. In so doing, this article provides new insights into the impact of postwar reforms on children’s publishing and explores the complex interplay between abridgment, censorship, children’s literature and the adult canon.
Esta dissertação visa identificar o papel dos fundamentos econômicos e demográficos na determinação do boom imobiliário dos EUA nos anos 2000. Afinal, qual seria o equilíbrio do mercado? Qual seria uma estimativa do ajuste em termos de sua intensidade e duração? A conclusão é que houve uma conjunção de fatores atuando simultaneamente na geração do boom de construções e altas de preços dos imóveis e que houve, a partir de 2003, um considerável desvio das variáveis de seu equilíbrio de longo prazo. A metodologia aplicada baseou-se na construção na análise se cointegração e modelos de correção de erro (VEC) para identificar a relação de longo prazo e a dinâmica de ajuste a eventuais os desvios dela.