52 resultados para biopower


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EI caso espanol de dopaje conocido como "Operaci6n Puerto" queda enmarcado dentro del
abandono de las antiguas concepciones legales y la construcci6n de un nuevo sistema funcional de alcance global. "Operaci6n Puerto" ilustra el temor de Verner Moeller de que la politica anti dopaje senala el final de la modernidad - donde se elabora y aplica la ley tanto en los tribunales como en los medios de comunicaci6n. OP es el ejemplo perfecto de la distancia existente entre la ret6rica de la crisis mediatica que rodea al dopaje y al ciclismo profesional y la verdadera realidad de los procesos materiales que tienen lugar mientras el ciclismo atraviesa por un proceso global de reajuste estructural y de construcci6n de una nueva cartografla global del ciclismo. La legitimidad se obtiene a traves de la gesti6n de las crisis y de los acontecimientos: la excepci6n, la funcionalidad y el espectaculo bajo una apariencia de guerra justa contra el mal del dopaje


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This paper describes the construction of the visual space of surveillance by the global anti-doping apparatus, it is a space inhabited daily by professional cyclists. Two principal mechanisms of this apparatus will be discussed—the Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport; in order to illustrate how this space is constructed and how it visualises the invisible act of doping. These mechanisms act to supervise and govern the professional cyclist and work to classify them as either clean or dirty in terms of the use of prohibited doping substances or methods. Contrary to the analysis of liberal anti-doping scholars such as Hanstad, Loland and Møller this paper argues that Foucault’s Panopticon paradigm is a useful tool for the analysis of this apparatus. The Whereabouts System and Biological Passport are the instruments by which the anti-doping apparatus intensifies the construction of the space of surveillance in professional sport. This space of surveillance not only locates and makes visible the physical location of each individual cyclist, but it also makes visible their internal bodily functions, in this case the composition and the fluctuations of the composition of their blood. In making the cyclist visible the instruments do not allow the cause of doping, or the event of doping to be known or observed. Rather what they do is cast the body in terms of abnormalities of time, place or blood. In the case of an abnormality of the cyclist’s blood, the cause itself cannot be identified with any certainty, all that is made visible is a suggestion, or a probability, that doping may have occurred. The ultimate effects are twofold—an internalisation and continual monitoring of one’s self as well as by the authorities, and a radical change in the nature and the definition of the offence of doping. No longer is it positive evidence of doping that is punishable, but what becomes punishable is an abnormality, in the cyclist’s location, or their body, which suggests a probability that the invisible act of doping may have occurred. In the course of this process accepted manners of proving an offence by the use of scientific evidence and expert commentary are transformed. The Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport open up a new manner in which the invisible can be visualised. Through the discourse and the attendant commentary of the expert a new alliance between doping and the law is constructed. The result is a redistribution of the way in which the law visualises and treats the symptoms (the signifier) and the signified act of doping. The Whereabouts System and Biological Passport are the instruments by which the anti-doping apparatus intensifies the construction of the space of surveillance in professional sport. This space of surveillance not only locates and makes visible the physical location of each individual cyclist, but it also makes visible their internal bodily functions, in this case the composition and the fluctuations of the composition of their blood. In making the cyclist visible the instruments do not allow the cause of doping, or the event of doping to be known or observed. Rather what they do is cast the body in terms of abnormalities of time, place or blood. In the case of an abnormality of the cyclists’s blood, the cause itself cannot be identified with any certainty, all that is made visible is a suggestion, or a probability, that doping may have occurred. The ultimate effects are twofold—an internalisation and continual monitoring of one’s self as well as by the authorities, and a radical change in the nature and the definition of the offence of doping. No longer is it positive evidence of doping that is punishable, but what becomes punishable is an abnormality, in the cyclist’s location, or their body, which suggests a probability that the invisible act of doping may have occurred. In the course of this process accepted manners of proving an offence by the use of scientific evidence and expert commentary are transformed. The Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport open up a new manner in which the invisible can be visualised. Through the discourse and the attendant commentary of the expert a new alliance between doping and the law is constructed. The result is a redistribution of the way in which the law visualises and treats the symptoms (the signifier) and the signified act of doping.


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Esta Dissertação tem o objetivo de problematizar algumas campanhas de saúde realizadas na escola, discutindo o caráter curativo/terapêutico da Pedagogia. O estudo aqui apresentado, baseado numa perspectiva pós-estruturalista, incorpora algumas contribuições de Michel Foucault, entre outros autores, possibilitando pensar algumas práticas de controle dos sujeitos na escola através do disciplinamento e do biopoder como formas de governamento que asseguram a normalização, a disciplinarização e a regulação da população (escolar). Os materiais de pesquisa se constituem em fitas VHS, cartilhas e manuais para professores e alunos, cadernos recreativos, histórias e fichas médicas produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde e pelo Ministério da Educação, em parceria com entidades não-governamentais. Esses materiais foram elaborados para as escolas públicas brasileiras e estão inseridos no Programa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar. Nesse sentido, analiso algumas campanhas de saúde e os modos como elas operam para regular e produzir nos sujeitos modos de ser com relação à prevenção de doenças e à regulação da saúde. Discuto os modos pelos quais essas campanhas participam na produção de uma criança considerada saudável, com ênfase em algumas práticas (de higiene, cuidado e cura) que se articulam com os fazeres escolares e que posicionam a escola como uma das principais responsáveis pela educação em saúde.


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The birth models of care are discussed, in the light of classical and contemporary social science theoretical background, emphasizing the humanistic model. The double spiral of the sociology of absences and the sociology of emergences is detailed, being based, on one hand, on the translation of experiences of knowledge, and, on the other, on the translation of experiences of information and communication, by revealing the movement articulated by Brazilian women on blogs that defend and bring into light initiatives aiming to recover natural and humanized birth. A cartography of the thematic ideas in birth literature is produced, resulting in the elaboration of a synthetic map on obstetric models of care in contemporaneity, pointing out the consequences of the obstetric model that has become hegemonic in contemporary societies, and comparing that model to others that work more efficaciously to mothers and babies. A symbolic cartography of the activism for humanizing birth on the Brazilian blogosphere is configured by the elaboration of an analytical map synthetizing the main mottos defended by the movement: Normal humanized birth; Against obstetrical violence; and Planned home birth. The superposition of the obstetric models of care s map and the rebirth of birth s analytical map indicates it is necessary to reinforce three main measures in order to make a paradigmatic turn in contemporary birth models of care possible: pave the way for the humanistic care of assistance in normal birth, by defending and highlighting practices and professionals that act in compliance with evidence based medicine, respecting the physiology of birth; denaturalize obstetric violence, by showing how routine procedures and interventions can be means of aggression, jeopardizing the autonomy, the protagonism and the respect towards women; and motivate initiatives of planned home birth, the best place for the occurrence of holistic experiences of birth. It is concluded that Internet tools have allowed a pioneer mobilization in respecting women s reproductive rights in Brazil and that the potential of the crowd s biopower that resides on the blogosphere can turn blogs into a hegemonic alternative way to reach more democratic forms of social organization. In that condition of being virtually hegemonic in contesting the established power, these blogs can be understood, therefore, as potentially great contra-hegemonic channels for the rebirth of birth and for the reinvention of social emancipation, as their author s articulate and organize themselves to strive against the waste of experience, trying to create reciprocal intelligibility amongst different experiences of world


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The present study had as a main objective to analyze how the professionals at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN conceive the knowledge-practice process with regard to the Harm Reduction Policy (HRP) towards alcohol and other drugs. For the accomplishment of this proposal, it was intended: 1) Verifying the possibilities and limits of the HRP implementation at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN; 2) Relating the professionals knowledge at a CAPS ad unit in Natal in regard to the Harm Reduction Policy; 3) Enumerating the HRP programmatic actions at the institution. The research had exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach aspects, guided by the concepts of biopower and self care proposed by Michel Foucault. Data collection occurred in June and July 2011, in which the focal group technique was used. After that, collect field material was analyzed through the content analysis method proposed by Minayo. The results showed some conceptual and practical approach between the harm reduction strategy and the knowledge-practice of the professionals at this CAPS ad unit. The discursive models about drug usage, especially the moral-legal model, still have a significant role in the daily lives of these professionals, being amplified by some demands of their jobs or even through the instituted discourse. The individuals recognize the need for less prohibited practices and more socializing ones, identifying them with the Harm Reduction (HR) logic, when there is a coherent and well-founded understanding about HR among the professionals. Distorted and reductionist views about HR as considering the simple instrumental function of this strategy (distribution of basic supplies) among the professionals, represent one of the main barriers for its implementation. There are few programmatic activities that are related to the RD strategy at this CAPS ad unit which makes a more effective appropriation by the working team difficult to reach. The working processes and the postures adopted by this CAP ad unit professionals have been showing that many of their practices and conceptions were modified to the detriment of new necessities emerged from the demands. Consequently, the self care notion is revealed which brings the need for the valorization of these care agents roles, that is, their collective and individual contribution.


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O artigo trabalha a noção de amizade em Foucault como um modo de vida que se opõe ao processo de normalização empreendido pelo biopoder. Inicia com uma caracterização acerca do Estado Moderno. Logo após, aborda a historicidade dos processos de subjetivação e de como a atitude frente a estes implica estados de maior autonomia ou sujeição. em seguida, aborda a amizade como resistência à normalização, situando-a em relação ao prazer e à sexualidade. Por fim, discute o papel da filosofia no processo de constituição da amizade, particularmente quanto à possibilidade de pensá-la por meio de uma teoria das relações.


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The fundamental question developed in this research is to consider the possible meanings of biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault. In the first chapter of this study seeks to examine the rationality of biopower. It is able to show the rationality of acting as a social machinery for the manufacture of the subjectivity of individuals, biopolitics as a producer of bodies and subjectivity. The theme of biopolitics appears as inspiration of Nietzsche's metaphor of war. The idea that history is the war for dominance of the bodies. In the second chapter, the (bio) political will and political thought of resistance, fighting criticism as an attitude of revolt of the subject before his condition subjugated. The biopolitical here is intended as a conceptual tool for reading the thought / Foucault's work. A resistance that can be thought of as a biopolitical as a "refractoriness reflected". The third chapter will seek to show how the Foucault argues that power was already present the ethics of self-care. If the subject is a product, is captured by the discourse of biopower that manufactures its subjectivity, self care, it's time to think about the inner contents. Self care is something that offers resistance, as a possibility to think that these contents are constructed historically, and that therefore it is possible to reestablish the self-care is a policy of fighting these sedimented content that promotes colonization of the subjects. You can move from ruler to ruled itself, although this pursuit of liberty is always unfinished, always be a tension, a desire for freedom that can be undertaken not as a state, but at least the minimum and temporarily in other forms of existence, and other ways of relating, other ways of sociability, friendship, sexuality


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Os problemas que afetam a sociedade não estão mais centrados no âmbito da reflexão sobre a cultura, a política e em uma inflexão a si mesmos. A vida, um dos principais elementos da reflexão filosófica, tornou-se destituída de valor e passou a ser medida pelo desejo do mercado. Por isso, segundo Foucault, é difícil criar condições de resistência, uma vez que não se sabe de onde vem o poder, onde estamos e qual o nosso desejo: tudo o que pertencia ao sujeito está capturado pelo biopoder. Assim, vivemos (sobrevivemos, nos termos de Agamben) num momento de empobrecimento da experiência, da vida, dos valores e de nós mesmos. O problema que se coloca é, então, como resistir a esse empobrecimento? Pensamos que uma possível chave para pensar esse problema esteja na procura por compreender como nos tornamos empobrecidos dessa capacidade de fazer experiência. Nossa intenção é compreender como o ensino da filosofia se posiciona face à pobreza de experiência, apontada por Benjamin.


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O presente artigo procura refletir sobre a produção de conhecimento e verdade no contemporâneo articuladas com o conceito de biopoder e a imersão do sujeito na construção desse conhecimento. Mediante tais reflexões, chega-se à conclusão que as ciências humanas precisam rever o lugar cômodo do cientificismo acadêmico para repensar e relativizar a verdade visando a transformação das práticas sociais objetivantes e historicamente construídas para uma outra forma de conhecimento capaz de questionar as instâncias instituídas nos campos do saber e do poder a fim de propor novos paradigmas científicos e uma subjetividade mais autêntica e com novas significações