996 resultados para bimetallic catalyst


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Bimetallic catalyst system of ruthenium oxide (RuO) and niobium oxide (NbO) was prepared using the Adams method and the hydrolysis method. Physical and electrochemical characterizations of the catalysts were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammogram (CV) and polarization measurements. NbO addition to RuO was found to increase the stability of RuO. In Adams method the sodium nitrate was found to be forming complex with NbO at high temperature reaction. This makes Adams method unsuitable for the synthesis of RuO -NbO bimetallic system. Hydrolysis method on other hand does not have this problem. But a proper mixture of two oxides was not obtained in hydrolysis method. A lower crystallite size for bimetallic system was obtained with Adams method compared to hydrolysis method. RuO prepared by Adams method had higher activity compared to the hydrolysis counterpart in electrolyzer operation with nafion membrane. A cell voltage of 1.62 V was obtained with RuO (A) at 1 A/cm. A higher stability for RuNbO(A) compared to RuO(A) was observed in continuous cyclic voltammogram and electrolyzer cell test. Copyright © 2013, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability of a gold palladium bimetallic catalyst to selectively oxidise toluene has been used to enhance the hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction of NOx, a reaction in which the interaction of partial oxidation intermediates is considered important. The combination of gold with palladium has a synergistic effect, producing a catalyst that is more active for NOx conversion than the arithmetic sum of the corresponding mono-metallic materials. Three regimes in the conversion profile of the AuPd catalyst are proposed relating to production and consumption of toluene derived species, such as benzaldehyde and benzonitrile. The possible role of these reaction intermediates in the toluene HC-SCR reaction is examined. Using 15NO, the formation of N2 and N2O is observed via the direct interaction between the nitrogen atom of benzonitrile and 15NO. The higher activity of the bimetallic catalyst for the NOx reduction reaction by toluene is discussed in the context of these partial oxidation intermediates.


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A 20% Pt3Sn/C catalyst was prepared by reduction with formic acid and used in a direct ethanol fuel cell at low temperatures. The electro-catalytic activity of this bimetallic catalyst was compared to that of a commercial 20% Pt/C catalyst. The PtSn catalyst showed better results in the investigated temperature range (30 degrees-70 degrees C). Generally, Sn promotes ethanol oxidation by adsorption of OH species at considerably lower potentials compared to Pt, allowing the occurrence of a bifunctional mechanism. The bimetallic catalyst was physico-chemically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses. The presence of SnO2 in the bulk and surface of the catalyst was observed. It appears that SnO2 can enhance the ethanol electro-oxidation activity at low potentials due to the supply of oxygen-containing species for the oxidative removal of CO and CH3CO species adsorbed on adjacent Pt active sites.


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A new bimetallic catalyst derived from nickel and copper has been used successfully for the first time in the multicomponent reaction of terminal alkynes, sodium azide, and benzyl bromide derivatives. The presence of both metallic species on the surface of magnetite seems to have a positive and synergetic effect. The catalyst loading is the lowest ever published for a catalyst of copper anchored on any type of iron support. The catalyst could be easily removed from the reaction media just by magnetic decantation and it could be reused up to ten times without any negative effect on the initial results.


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The reaction of producing hydrogen for fuel cell which used normal octane as gasoline or diesel oil reactant through catalytic partial oxidizing and steam reforming method has been researched in the fixed-bed reactor. A series of catalysts that mainly used nickel supported on Al2O3 have been studied. It showed that the activity of the catalyst was increased with the content of nickel by using only nickel supported on Al2O3. However, its activity was not obviously increased when the content of nickel was over 5 wt%. The conversion ratio of normal octane and hydrogen selectivity were higher at higher reaction temperature. The single noble catalyst of palladium had better stability compared with that of platinum catalyst although their activity and selectivity were similar during the experimental reaction temperature. The prepared bimetallic catalyst consisted mainly of nickel and little noble metal of palladium supported on Al2O3. It showed that this catalyst had higher activity and selectivity, especially at lower or higher reaction temperatures compared with single nickel or palladium catalyst, and better stability. ((C) 2001 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In order to improve the sulfur resistance of noble metal catalysts in the aromatic hydrogenation of diesel fuel, the alloying effect of non-noble metals with Pd was studied. Toluene hydrogenation over Pd and Pd-M bimetallic catalysts (M = Cr, W,La, Mn, Mo, Ag) on a mixed HY-Al2O3 support was investigated in the presence of 3000 ppm sulfur as thiophene in the feedstock. The results showed that the addition of the second metals strongly affected the activity of toluene hydrogenation, which suggests that the sulfur resistibility of Pd-M bimetallic catalysts is much different from single Pd. La, Mn, Mo and Ag decreased the sulfur resistance of the palladium catalysts. For example, the toluene conversion at 553 K was observed to decrease sharply from 39.4 wt.% on Pd to 1.6 wt.% on Pd-Ag, which is by a factor of 25. One of the important findings in this article is that Cr and W increase hydrogenation activity of Pd catalysts. The reactions occurring on these catalysts include hydrogenation, isomerization and hydrocracking, The addition of the second metals has no noticeable effects on the hydrogenation and isomerization selectivity, but it slightly suppresses hydrocracking reactions. The four typical catalysts, Pd-Cr, Pd-W, Pd-Ag and Pd were characterized by infrared (IR) spectroscopy of pyridine and CO. LR spectra of CO revealed the strong interaction between Pd and the second metal as Cr, W and Ag (or their oxide), indicating that the improvement in sulfur resistance originates from electron-deficient Pd with the addition of second metals. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Compreender a correlação entre as características de um catalisador particular e seu desempenho catalítico tem sido um dos principais objetos da pesquisa em catálise heterogênea a fim de usar esse conhecimento para o desenho racional de catalisadores mais ativos, seletivos e estáveis. A seletividade é um dos fatores mais importantes a ser controlado pelo desenho de catalisadores, podendo ser alcançada de diversas maneiras, levando-se em consideração mudanças do tipo estrutural, química, eletrônica, de composição, de cinética e de energia. O trabalho descrito nessa tese de doutorado compreende a síntese e caracterização de catalisadores compostos de nanopartículas de óxido de cobre, paládio e cobre-paládio e seu estudo em reações de hidrogenação e oxidação seletivas de hidrocarbonetos insaturados. Os catalisadores foram preparados através da deposição de nanopartículas dos metais cataliticamente ativos sobre suportes magneticamente recuperáveis compostos de nanopartículas de magnetita revestidas por sílica com superfícies funcionalizada com diferentes grupos orgânicos. A natureza magnética do suporte permitiu a fácil separação do catalisador do meio reacional pela simples aproximação de um ímã na parede do reator. O catalisador pôde ser completamente separado da fase líquida, fazendo com que a utilização de outros métodos de separação como filtração e centrifugação, comumente utilizados em sistemas heterogêneos líquidos, fossem completamente dispensados. Os catalisadores foram inicialmente testados em reações de hidrogenação de alquenos e alquinos. As reações de hidrogenação foram realizadas utilizando hidrogênio molecular como agente redutor, dispensando a utilização de agentes redutores mais agressivos. Os catalisadores compostos de NPs de Pd mostram excelente atividade e capacidade de reutilização na hidrogenação de cicloexeno, podendo ser utilizados em até 15 ciclos sem perda de atividade. Nas reações de hidrogenação de alquinos, os catalisadores que contêm cobre mostraram maior seletividade para a obtenção dos produtos de semi-hidrogenação, com destaque para o catalisador composto de NPs de CuPd, que não apresenta nem traços do produto de hidrogenação completa na amostra final. Esse catalisador bimetálico alia as características do paládio (elevada atividade) e do cobre (elevada seletividade) para fornecer um catalisador ativo e seletivo para a transformação desejada. Além disso, os grupos funcionais presentes na superfície do suporte catalítico mostraram influência na atividade e seletividade para a hidrogenação de alquenos e alquinos. Os catalisadores sintetizados também foram testados na reação de oxidação de cicloexeno e mostraram seletividade para a produção do composto carbonílico α,β-insaturado, cicloex-2-en-1-ona, que é um reagente de partida de grande interesse para a síntese de diversos materiais na indústria química. As reações de oxidação foram realizadas utilizando-se apenas O2 como oxidante primário, dispensando o uso de oxidantes tóxicos como cromatos, permanganatos ou compostos halogenados, que não são recomendados do ponto de vista ambiental. Os catalisadores sintetizados puderam ser reutilizados em sucessivos ciclos de oxidação, mostrando seletividade para a formação dos produtos alílicos em todos os ciclos. Os catalisadores foram estáveis sob as condições reacionais e não apresentaram problemas de lixiviação da espécie ativa para o meio reacional, que é comum na catálise heterogênea. Um estudo cinético mostrou que, mesmo no início da reação, o catalisador tem seletividade para a ocorrência de oxidação alílica em detrimento da reação de oxidação direta que dá origem ao epóxidos correspondente, e se mostrou condizente com o mecanismo proposto na literatura para a reação de oxidação de alquenos via radicalar.


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Pt–Pd bimetallic nanoparticles supported on graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets were prepared by a sonochemical reduction method in the presence of polyethylene glycol as a stabilizing agent. The synthetic method allowed for a fine tuning of the particle composition without significant changes in their size and degree of aggregation. Detailed characterization of GO-supported Pt–Pd catalysts was carried out by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), AFM, XPS, and electrochemical techniques. Uniform deposition of Pt–Pd nanoparticles with an average diameter of 3 nm was achieved on graphene nanosheets using a novel dual-frequency sonication approach. GO-supported bimetallic catalyst showed significant electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation. The influence of different molar compositions of Pt and Pd (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) on the methanol oxidation efficiency was also evaluated. Among the different Pt/Pd ratios, the 1:1 ratio material showed the lowest onset potential and generated the highest peak current density. The effect of catalyst loading on carbon paper (working electrode) was also studied. Increasing the catalyst loading beyond a certain amount lowered the catalytic activity due to the aggregation of metal particle-loaded GO nanosheets.


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Acknowledgements We thank the University of Aberdeen for financial support and Dr K. McManus (University of Aberdeen) for performing preliminary experiments with these samples. Electron microscopy and EDS were performed by RTB at the Electron Microscopy Facility, University of St Andrews.


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The base free oxidation of glycerol with molecular oxygen in water using bimetallic Au-Pt catalysts on three different acidic zeolite supports (H-mordenite, H-β and H-USY) was explored in a batch setup. At temperatures between 140 and 180 °C, lactic acid formation was significant and highest selectivity (60 % lactic acid at 80 % glycerol conversion) was obtained using Au-Pt/USY-600 (180 °C). A selectivity switch to glyceric acid (GLYA) was observed when the reactions were performed at 100 °C. Highest conversion and selectivity towards GLYA were obtained with Au-Pt/H-β as the catalyst (68 % selectivity at 68 % conversion).


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Electrochemical oxidation of borohydride is studied on nanosized rhodium, iridium, and bimetallic rhodium-iridium catalysts supported onto Vulcan XC72R carbon. The catalysts are characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in conjunction with cyclic voltammetry and polarization studies. The studies reveal that a 20 wt % bimetallic Rh-Ir catalyst supported onto carbon (Rh-Ir/C) is quite effective for the oxidation of borohydride. Direct borohydride fuel cell with Rh-Ir/C as the anode catalyst and Pt/C as the cathode catalyst exhibits a peak power density of 270 mW/cm(2) at a load current density of 290 mA/cm(2) as against 200 mW/cm(2) at 225 mA/cm(2) for Rh/C and 140 mW/cm(2) at 165 mA/cm(2) for Ir/C while operating at 80 degrees C. The synergistic catalytic activity for the bimetallic Rh-Ir nanoparticles toward borohydride oxidation is corroborated by density-functional theory calculations using electron-localization function. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI:10.1149/1.3442372] All rights reserved.


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We systematically study the growth of carbon nanotube forests by chemical vapor deposition using evaporated monometallic or bimetallic Ni, Co, or Fe films supported on alumina. Our results show two regimes of catalytic activity. When the total thickness of catalyst is larger than nominally 1nm, bimetallic catalysts tend to outperform the equivalent layers of a single metal, yielding taller forests of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In contrast, for layers thinner than ~1nm, bimetallic catalysts are notably less active than individually. However, the amount of small diameter and single-walled CNTs is significantly increased. This possible transition at ~1nm might be related to different catalyst composition after annealing, depending whether or not the films overlap during evaporation and alloy during catalyst formation. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.