996 resultados para b1,3 glucan


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Pathogenesis-related proteins from intercellular fluid washings of stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves were analyzed to determine their binding to various water-insoluble polysaccharides. Three proteins (19, 16, and 15 kD) bound specifically to several water-insoluble β-1,3-glucans. Binding of the barley proteins to pachyman occurred quickly at 22°C at pH 5.0, even in the presence of 0.5 m NaCl, 0.2 m urea, and 1% (v/v) Triton X-100. Bound barley proteins were released by acidic treatments or by boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Acid-released barley proteins could bind again specifically and singly to pachyman. Water-soluble laminarin and carboxymethyl-pachyman competed for the binding of the barley proteins to pachyman. The N-terminal sequence of the 19-kD barley β-1,3-glucan-binding protein showed near identity to the barley seed protein BP-R and high homology to other thaumatin-like (TL) permatins. The 16-kD barley protein was also homologous to TL proteins, whereas the 15-kD barley protein N-terminal sequence was identical to the pathogenesis-related Hv-1 TL protein. Antifungal barley protein BP-R and corn (Zea mays) zeamatin were isolated by binding to pachyman. Two extracellular proteins from stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) also bound to pachyman and were homologous to TL proteins.


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Selected isolates of Cladosporium tenuissimum were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro aeciospore germination of the two-needle pine stem rusts Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini and to suppress disease development in planta. The antagonistic fungus displayed a number of disease-suppressive mechanisms. Aeciospore germination on water agar slides was reduced at 12, 18, and 24 h when a conidial suspension (1.5 x 10(7) conidia per ml) of the Cladosporium tenuissimum isolates was added. When the aeciospores were incubated in same-strength conidial suspensions for 1, 11, 21, and 31 days, viability was reduced at 20 and 4 degreesC. Light and scanning electron microscopy showed that rust spores were directly parasitized by Cladosporium tenuissimum and that the antagonist had evolved several strategies to breach the spore wail and gain access to the underlying tissues. Penetration occurred with or without appressoria. The hyperparasite exerted a mechanical force to destroy the spore structures (spinules, cell wall) by direct contact, penetrated the aeciospores and subsequently proliferated within them. However, an enzymatic action could also be involved. This was shown by the dissolution of the host tell wall that comes in contact with the mycelium of the mycoparasite, by the lack of indentation in the host wall at the contact site, and by the minimal swelling at the infecting hyphal tip. Culture filtrates of the hyperparasite inhibited germination of rust propagules. A compound purified from the filtrates was characterized by chemical and spectroscopic analysis as cladosporol, a known beta -1,3-glucan biosynthesis inhibitor. Conidia of Cladosporium tenuissimum reduced rust development on new infected pine seedlings over 2 years under greenhouse conditions. Because the fungus is an aggressive mycoparasite, produces fungicidal metabolites, and can survive and multiply in forest ecosystems without rusts, it seems a promising agent for the biological control of pine stem rusts in Europe.


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RÉSUMÉ La protéine kinase cyciine-cdc2p (Cdk) joue un rôle fondamental dans la progression du cycle cellulaire dans la levure de fission Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nous avons étudié le rôle de cdc2p dans la régulation de la cascade de septation ou SIN (septation initiation network) en mitose et en méiose. Le SIN contrôle l'initiation de la cytokinèse à la fin de la mitose, et est supposé être négativement régulé par cdc2p. Nous avons mutagénéisé le site actif de cdc2p afin qu'il puisse lier un analogue de l'ATP (PP1) qui agit comme inhibiteur. Cet analogue ne peut pas lier la kinase de type sauvage. Cette approche dite «chemical genetics» permet une meilleure résolution temporelle comparée à l'approche classique utilisant les mutants sensibles à une température élevée. Nous avons montré que ce mutant cdc2-as (analogue sensitive) est fonctionnel et que, in vitro, l'activité kinase est inhibée en présence de l'analogue. Les cellules portant cette mutation, contrairement aux cellules de type sauvage s'arrêtent de manière irréversible soit en G2 soit en G1 et G2, suivant la concentration de l'inhibiteur. L'inactivation de cdc2p-as dans des cellules arrêtées en métaphase conduit au recrutement asymétrique des protéines du SIN sur le pôle du fuseau mitotique et au recrutement des composants du SIN, ainsi que de la ß-(1,3)glucan synthase à l'anneau contractile. De plus, nos résultats montrent que l'orthologue de la phosphatase cdc14p dans S. pombe, fip1p/clp1p, joue un rôle dans la régulation de la localisation des protéines du SIN suite à l'inactivation de cdc2p. Finalement, l'activité de cdc2p est requise pour maintenir la polo-like kinase plo1p sur les pôles du fuseau mitotique dans les premiers stages de la mitose. C'est pourquoi nous concluons que l'inactivation de cdc2p est suffisante pour activer le SIN et promouvoir la cytokinèse. Dans une étude séparée, nous avons caractérisé des potentiellement nouveaux composants ou régulateurs du SIN qui ont été isolés dans deux criblages génétiques visant à isoler des mutants atténuants la signalisation du SIN. Summary : The cyclin dependent protein kinase (Cdk) cdc2p plays a central role in the cell cycle progression of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have studied the role of cdc2p in regulating the septation initiation network (SIN) in mitosis and meiosis. The SIN regulates the initiation of cytokinesis at the end of mitosis and is thought to be inhibited by cdc2p. We have mutated the active site of cdc2p to permit binding of an inhibitory ATP analogue (PP1), which is unable to bind unmodified kinases. This "chemical genetic" approach provides a much higher temporal resolution than it can be achieved with classical temperature-sensitive mutants. We demonstrate that cdc2-as (analogue sensitive) is functional and that addition of PP1 inhibits cdc2p kinase activity in vitro. Cells carrying the cdc2-as allele, but not cdc2+, undergo reversible cell cycle arrest following addition of PP1 either in G2, or at both major commitment points in the cell cycle (G1 and G2), depending upon the concentration of PP1. Inactivation of cdc2p-as in cells arrested in early mitosis promotes both the asymmetric recruitment of SIN proteins to the spindle pole bodies (SPBs), and the recruitment of the most downstream SIN components and ß-(1,3)-glucan synthase to the contractile ring. Furthermore, our results indicate that the S. pombe orthologue of Cdc14p, flp1p/clp1p, plays a role in regulating the relocalisation of SIN proteins following inactivation of cdc2p, and that cdc2p activity is required to retain the polo like kinase plot p on the SPBs in early mitosis. Thus, we conclude that inactivation of cdc2p is sufficient to activate the SIN and to promote cytokinesis. In a separate study, we have initially characterised potential novel components or regulators of the SIN pathway identified by two genetic screens for mutants attenuating SIN signaling.


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Les sports équestres sont en plein développement en France où l'on compte plus d'un million de chevaux. Le nombre de cavaliers pratiquant en club ou chez eux est estimé à 600 000 et l'on dénombre plus de 68 000 emplois en France dans tous les domaines : agriculture, environnement, courses, loisirs, sports (www.haras-nationaux.fr). On trouve également dans les métiers du cheval les vétérinaires spécialisés ainsi que les maréchaux-ferrants. De plus, la France est un pays reconnu pour son activité d'élevage avec une production de chevaux de concours de très grande qualité.Récemment, plusieurs études relatant les expositions professionnelles à la poussière des écuries ont paru dans les journaux scientifiques. Les résultats montrent que la poussière issue des écuries contient, entre autres, des concentrations relativement élevées d'endotoxines (1) et de ?(1-3)-glucan (2) pouvant avoir des conséquences sur la santé respiratoire des travailleurs. En effet, des études précédentes ont montré que le fait de travailler ou de côtoyer des chevaux était associé avec une augmentation des risques de problèmes des voies respiratoires supérieures tels que des irritations du nez, de la toux (sèche et productive), de l'asthme, des bronchites chroniques et des épisodes d'" organic dust toxic syndrome (3) " (Gallagher et al., 2007 ; Mazan et al., 2009). [Auteure]


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Histoplasma capsulatum is an intracellular fungal pathogen that causes respiratory and systemic disease by proliferating within phagocytic cells. The binding of H. capsulatum to phagocytes may be mediated by the pathogen's cell wall carbohydrates, glucans, which consist of glucose homo and hetero-polymers and whose glycosydic linkage types differ between the yeast and mycelial phases. The ±-1,3-glucan is considered relevant for H. capsulatum virulence, whereas the ²-1,3-glucan is antigenic and participates in the modulation of the host immune response. H. capsulatum cell wall components with lectin-like activity seem to interact with the host cell surface, while host membrane lectin-like receptors can recognize a particular fungal carbohydrate ligand. This review emphasizes the relevance of the main H. capsulatum and host carbohydrate-driven interactions that allow for binding and internalization of the fungal cell into phagocytes and its subsequent avoidance of intracellular elimination.


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The study revealed the potential of marine yeasts as a source of single cell protein and immunostimulant for prawns. Prawns fed with the selected marine yeasts were showing more growth compared to the control feed and commercial feed. Yeasts being rich with proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates serve as a growth promoter for prawns as being evidenced in this study. The better performance of marine yeasts, D. hansenii S8 and S100 and C. tropicalis S186 compared to S. cerevisiae S36 as a feed supplement is worth investigating. Besides being a rich nutritional source, yeasts act as immunostimulants by virtue of its high carbohydrate (Beta, 1-3 glucan) and RNA content. Beta, 1-3 glucan, a cell wall component of yeasts /fungi is the most commonly used immunostimulant in aquaculture. The present study shows that even the whole cell yeast could serve as a good immunostimulant when supplied through diet. Extraction of Beta-1,3 glucan results in the removal of nutrients like proteins, vitamins etc. from the cell biomass.Utilization of the yeast biomass as such in the diet would help perform a dual role as nutritional component and immunostimulant for aquaculture applications.


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The present investigation revealed three types of circulating haemocytes in the haemolymph of F. indicus: hyalinocytes, small-granule haemocytes, and large-granule haemocytes. Intermediate stages indicate the maturing process of a single cell. The presence of enzymes such as peroxidase, phenoloxidase and acid phosphatase in the haemocytes, and the substantial production of oxygen radicals during phagocytosis show that the haemocytes are capable of mounting a fme cellular defense mechanism. The enzyme activities of the serum and the presence of agglutinins in the serum, which may act as opsonins, agglutinate foreign particles and augment phagocytosis, confirm the presence of a superior humoral immune system in F. indicus.Bacterial infection caused considerable variations in the cellular and humoral factors, such as the number of circulating cells and haemagglutinating activity, especially in the initial hours of infection. The total haemocyte count, haemagglutination titer and phenoloxidase enzyme showed significant reductions on bacterial presence and could be used as indicators of bacterial infection.The number of circulating cells showed drastic fluctuation on exposure to pollutants. Nuvan at low concentrations was able to produce changes in the haemolymph factors and in the tissue organization, which implies that the animal is under stress and is easily prone to infections. Exposure to nuvan resulted in significant variation in all of the cellular and humoral factors, especially, the total haemocyte count, percentage of small granule haemocytes, phagocytic activity and the haemagglutinating activity, which might be good indicators of pesticide pollution. Heavy metal exposure caused significant increase in total haemocyte count and reduction in phenoloxidase enzyme activity Even changes in the physio-chemical parameters, such as salinity caused fluctuations in the defense factors, indicating stress in this euryhaline species. The dietary incorporation of a commercial immunostimulant containing P-l,3 glucan resulted in stimulation of some of the humoral defense factors of F indicus, but was time dependent. The modulations, on exposure to various external factors, in the cellular and humoral factors, especially, total haemocyte count, phagocytic activity, haemagglutinating activity and the phenoloxidase and acid phosphatase enzymes suggest that these parameters could be used as indicators of the health status of F indicus, which assist in better monitoring and effective health management of this important cultured species.


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Aquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades to become an important activity worldwide.The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN acknowledge that global fishery output must be increased by at least 50% to offset projected shortfalls in dietary protein by 2030.LAquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades and has become an importat industry as today’s demand for fish exceeds the natural supply.lmmunostimulants are chemical compounds that activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. lmmunostimulants have been obtained from diverse natural sources where, microbial cell wall acts as the main source.The salient findings of the study are summariseSeven marine yeasts were screened for growth promoting and immunostimulant property in F. indicus. Candida sake S165 was found to be best in terms of its support for growth and protection against white spot virus infection.The study revealed that marine yeast Candida sake can be effectively used as potential source of immunostimulants for application in penaeid prawns culture systems. The study emphasise the fact that the dose and frequency of application of immunostimulants are to be standardised and validated before commercialisation to achieve optimum stimulation of the immune system and to avoid immune fatigue die to verdose.Marine yeast (whole cell) was found to support better immunostimulation compared to its cell wall component B-1,3-glucan. This study shows that administration of marine yeast (whole cell) or B-1,3-glucan as immunostimulants in aquaculture would definitely help in protection of the stock to a few more days even though total protection is not being imparted. This partial protection itself would be highly helpful to the farming industry so that they can get sufficient time to plan for a safe harvest and save the crop from cent percent mortality.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the methodology to establish the hemolytic activity of alternative complement pathway as an indicator of the innate immunity in Brazilian fish pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), in addition to verifying the influence of beta-glucan as an immunostimulant. Fish were fed with diets containing 0, 0.1 and 1% beta-glucan, during seven days, and then inoculated with Aeromonas hydrophila. Seven days after the challenge, they were bled for serum extraction. The methodology consisted of a kinetic assay that allows calculating the required time for serum proteins of the complement to promote 50% lysis of a rabbit red blood cell suspension. The method developed in mammals was successfully applied for pacu and determined that the hemolytic activity of the proteins of the complement system (alternative pathway) increased after the pathogen challenge, but was not influenced by the beta-glucan treatment.


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Abstract Background Mycelium-to-yeast transition in the human host is essential for pathogenicity by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and both cell types are therefore critical to the establishment of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic mycosis endemic to Latin America. The infected population is of about 10 million individuals, 2% of whom will eventually develop the disease. Previously, transcriptome analysis of mycelium and yeast cells resulted in the assembly of 6,022 sequence groups. Gene expression analysis, using both in silico EST subtraction and cDNA microarray, revealed genes that were differential to yeast or mycelium, and we discussed those involved in sugar metabolism. To advance our understanding of molecular mechanisms of dimorphic transition, we performed an extended analysis of gene expression profiles using the methods mentioned above. Results In this work, continuous data mining revealed 66 new differentially expressed sequences that were MIPS(Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences)-categorised according to the cellular process in which they are presumably involved. Two well represented classes were chosen for further analysis: (i) control of cell organisation – cell wall, membrane and cytoskeleton, whose representatives were hex (encoding for a hexagonal peroxisome protein), bgl (encoding for a 1,3-β-glucosidase) in mycelium cells; and ags (an α-1,3-glucan synthase), cda (a chitin deacetylase) and vrp (a verprolin) in yeast cells; (ii) ion metabolism and transport – two genes putatively implicated in ion transport were confirmed to be highly expressed in mycelium cells – isc and ktp, respectively an iron-sulphur cluster-like protein and a cation transporter; and a putative P-type cation pump (pct) in yeast. Also, several enzymes from the cysteine de novo biosynthesis pathway were shown to be up regulated in the yeast form, including ATP sulphurylase, APS kinase and also PAPS reductase. Conclusion Taken together, these data show that several genes involved in cell organisation and ion metabolism/transport are expressed differentially along dimorphic transition. Hyper expression in yeast of the enzymes of sulphur metabolism reinforced that this metabolic pathway could be important for this process. Understanding these changes by functional analysis of such genes may lead to a better understanding of the infective process, thus providing new targets and strategies to control PCM.