999 resultados para aqueous electrolytes


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Carbonization of milk-free coconut kernel pulp is carried out at low temperatures. The carbon samples are activated using KOH, and electrical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) properties are studied. Among the several samples prepared, activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C has a large surface area (1,200 m(2) g(-1)). There is a decrease in surface area with increasing temperature of preparation. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge studies suggest that activated carbons derived from coconut kernel pulp are appropriate materials for EDLC studies in acidic, alkaline, and non-aqueous electrolytes. Specific capacitance of 173 F g(-1) is obtained in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte for the activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C. The supercapacitor properties of activated carbon sample prepared at 600 A degrees C are superior to the samples prepared at higher temperatures.


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Iridium nanoparticles-anchored reduced graphene oxide (Ir-RGO) was prepared by simultaneous reduction of graphene oxide and Ir3+ ions and its catalytic activity for oxygen electrode in Li-O-2 cells was demonstrated. Ir particles with an average size of 3.9 nm were uniformly distributed on RGO sheets. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was studied on an Ir-RGO catalyst in non-aqueous electrolytes using cyclic voltammetry and rotating disk electrode techniques. Li-O-2 cells with Ir-RGO as a bifunctional oxygen electrode catalyst were subjected to charge-discharge cycling at several current densities. A discharge capacity of 9529 mA h g(-1) (11.36 mA h cm(-2)) was obtained initially at a current density of 0.5 mA cm(-2) (393 mA g(-1)). A decrease in capacity was observed on increasing the current density. Although there was a decrease in capacity on repeated discharge-charge cycling initially, a stable capacity was observed for about 30 cycles. The results suggest that Ir-RGO is a useful catalyst for rechargeable Li-O-2 cells.


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In this thesis, dry chemical modification methods involving UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments are explored to precisely control the wettability of CNT arrays. By varying the exposure time of these treatments the surface concentration of oxygenated groups adsorbed on the CNT arrays can be controlled. CNT arrays with very low amount of oxygenated groups exhibit a superhydrophobic behavior. In addition to their extremely high static contact angle, they cannot be dispersed in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is extremely high. These arrays have an extreme water repellency capability such that a water droplet will bounce off of their surface upon impact and a thin film of air is formed on their surface as they are immersed in a deep pool of water. In contrast, CNT arrays with very high surface concentration of oxygenated functional groups exhibit an extreme hydrophilic behavior. In addition to their extremely low static contact angle, they can be dispersed easily in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is tremendously low. Since the bulk structure of the CNT arrays are preserved during the UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments, all CNT arrays can be repeatedly switched between superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic, as long as their O/C ratio is kept below 18%.

The effect of oxidation using UV/ozone and oxygen plasma treatments is highly reversible as long as the O/C ratio of the CNT arrays is kept below 18%. At O/C ratios higher than 18%, the effect of oxidation is no longer reversible. This irreversible oxidation is caused by irreversible changes to the CNT atomic structure during the oxidation process. During the oxidation process, CNT arrays undergo three different processes. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios lower than 40%, the oxidation process results in the functionalization of CNT outer walls by oxygenated groups. Although this functionalization process introduces defects, vacancies and micropores opening, the graphitic structure of the CNT is still largely intact. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios between 40% and 45%, the oxidation process results in the etching of CNT outer walls. This etching process introduces large scale defects and holes that can be obviously seen under TEM at high magnification. Most of these holes are found to be several layers deep and, in some cases, a large portion of the CNT side walls are cut open. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios higher than 45%, the oxidation process results in the exfoliation of the CNT walls and amorphization of the remaining CNT structure. This amorphization process can be implied from the disappearance of C-C sp2 peak in the XPS spectra associated with the pi-bond network.

The impact behavior of water droplet impinging on superhydrophobic CNT arrays in a low viscosity regime is investigated for the first time. Here, the experimental data are presented in the form of several important impact behavior characteristics including critical Weber number, volume ratio, restitution coefficient, and maximum spreading diameter. As observed experimentally, three different impact regimes are identified while another impact regime is proposed. These regimes are partitioned by three critical Weber numbers, two of which are experimentally observed. The volume ratio between the primary and the secondary droplets is found to decrease with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes other than the first one. In the first impact regime, this is found to be independent of Weber number since the droplet remains intact during and subsequent to the impingement. Experimental data show that the coefficient of restitution decreases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of decrease of the coefficient of restitution in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Experimental data also show that the maximum spreading factor increases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of increase of the maximum spreading factor in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Phenomenological approximations and interpretations of the experimental data, as well as brief comparisons to the previously proposed scaling laws, are shown here.

Dry oxidation methods are used for the first time to characterize the influence of oxidation on the capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs. The capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs can be tailored by varying their oxygen content, represented by their O/C ratio. The specific capacitance of these CNT arrays increases with the increase of their oxygen content in both KOH and Et4NBF4/PC electrolytes. As a result, their gravimetric energy density increases with the increase of their oxygen content. However, their gravimetric power density decreases with the increase of their oxygen content. The optimally oxidized CNT arrays are able to withstand more than 35,000 charge/discharge cycles in Et4NBF4/PC at a current density of 5 A/g while only losing 10% of their original capacitance.


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In this study, the effect of dry oxidation on the electrochemical properties of carbon nanotube arrays is investigated. Oxygenated surface functional groups were introduced to the arrays by oxygen plasma treatment, where their surface concentrations were varied by controlling the exposure time. The finding presented herein shows an augmentation of nearly thirty times in term of specific capacitance when the arrays are oxidized. Similar behavior is also observed in the non-aqueous electrolytes where the specific capacitance of the oxidized carbon nanotube arrays is measured more than three times higher than that of the pristine ones. However, overexposure to oxygen plasma treatment reverses this effect. At such high oxidation level, the damage to the graphitic structure becomes more pronounced such that the capacitive behavior of the arrays is overshadowed by their resistive behavior. These findings are important for further development of carbon nanotube based electrochemical capacitors. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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The EER spectra of a single quantum well GaAs\AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied as a function of applied reverse bias in ferrocene, p-methyl nitrobenzene and hydroquinone+benzoquinone non-aqueous solutions. EER spectra were compared for different redox species and showed that a pronounced quantum-confined Stark effect and a Franz-Keldysh oscillation for a single quantum well electrode were obtained in the p-methyl-nitrobenzene- and hydroquinone+benzoquinone-containing solutions. A surface interaction of the single quantum well electrode with ferrocene led to fewer changes in the electric field of the space charge layer for reverse bias; this was suggested to explain the weak quantum-confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation effect observed for the single quantum well electrode in the ferrocene-containing solution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Polyaniline-camphorsulfonic acid (PAN-CSA) composite film on platinum electrode surface has been synthesized via the electrochemical polymerization of aniline in the presence of camphorsulfonic acid (CSA). It was found that the doping of polyaniline (PAN) with CSA extends the electroactivity of PAN in neutral and even in alkaline media. The PAN-CSA composite film coated platinum electrodes are shown to be good electrocatalytic surfaces for the oxidation of ascorbic acid (AA) in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) of pH 7.0. The anodic peak potential of AA shifts from 0.63 V at the bare platinum electrode to 0.34 V at the PAN-CSA composite modified platinum electrode with a greatly enhanced current response. A linear calibration graph is obtained over the AA concentration range of 5-50 mM using cyclic voltammetry. The kinetics of the catalytic reaction are investigated using rotating disk electrode voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The results are explained using the theory of electrocatalytic reactions at chemically modified electrodes. The PAN-CSA composite on the electrode surface shows good reproducibility and stability.


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The combination of in situ surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with electrochemistry was used to investigate the electrochemical doping/dedoping processes of anions on a polyaniline (PAn)-modified electrode. Electrochemical SPR characteristics of the PAn film before and after doping/dedoping were revealed. The redox transformation between the insulating leucoemeraldine, and the conductive emeraldine, corresponding to the doping/dedoping of anion, can lead to very distinct changes in both the resonance minimum angle and the shape of SPR curve. This is ascribed to the swelling/shrinking effect, and the change of the PAn film in the imaginary part of the dielectric constant resulted from the transition of the film conductivity. In situ recording the time evolution of reflectance change at a fixed angle permits the continuous monitoring of the kinetic processes of doping/dedoping anions. The size and the charge of anions, the film thickness, as well as the concentration of anions are shown to strongly influence the rate of ingress/egress of anions. The time differential of SPR kinetic curves can be well applied in the detecting electroinactive anion by flow injection analysis. The approach has higher sensitivity and reproducibility compared with other kinetic measurements, such as those obtained by amperometry.


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In this paper, the polypyrrole (PPy) film modified electrodes are used as an electroreleasing reservoir. The electrochemically controlled release of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) from a PPy film modified electrode to aqueous electrolytes is studied by the in situ probe beam deflection (PBD) method combined with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA). The PBD results reveal that the release of 5-FU from PPy film depends on the electrochemical redox process of the PPy film electrode. The released amount is controlled by the reduction potential and is proportional to the thickness of the film. The exchange of 5-FU anions with Cl- on an open circuit is slow on the time scale of minutes, but the release of 5-FU anions can proceed quickly at -0.6 V (vs Ag/AgCl). The amount of released 5-FU decreases with the time that the PPy film is soaked in aqueous solution. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Template electrodeposition has been used to prepare a wide range of nanostructures but has generally been restricted to aqueous electrolytes. We report the deposition of silver nanowires in a commercial nuclear track-etched polycarbonate template from the nonaqueous ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim][PF6]) using silver electrochemically dissolved from the anode. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that the nanowires have a very high aspect ratio with an average diameter of 80 nm and length of 5 mu m. Ionic liquid electrolytes should greatly extend the range of metals that can be electrodeposited as nanowires using templates.


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Intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere sind durch eine Reihe materialspezifischer Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet. In Abhängigkeit des angelegten Potenzials und der chemischen Umgebung zeigen sie elektrochromes Verhalten, Veränderungen der Masse, des Volumens und der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit. Basierend auf diesen Eigenschaften eignen sich halbleitende organische Polymere als funktionales Material für Anwendungen in der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, insbesondere für miniaturisierte chemische Sensoren und Aktoren. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Piezo-Aktoren operieren diese Aktoren z. B. bei Spannungen unterhalb 1 V. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den elektrochemomechanischen Eigenschaften der ausgewählten Polymere Polyanilin und Polypyrrol, d. h. mit den potenzialkontrollierten Veränderungen des Volumens, der Struktur und der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Bei diesem Prozess werden positive Ladungen innerhalb der Polymerphase generiert. Um die für den Ladungsausgleich benötigten Gegenionen bereitzustellen, werden alle Messungen in Anwesenheit eines wässrigen Elektrolyten durchgeführt. Der Ladungstransport und die Volumenänderungen werden mit den Methoden der zyklischen Voltammetrie, der elektrochemischen Quarzmikrowaage und der Rastersondenmikroskopie untersucht. Signifikante Ergebnisse können für dünne homogene Polymerschichten erhalten werden, wobei Schichtdicken oberhalb 150 nm aufgrund der insbesondere bei Polyanilin einsetzenden Bildung von Fadenstrukturen (Fibrillen) vermieden werden. Von besonderem Interesse im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist die Kombination der funktionalen Polymere mit Strukturen auf Siliziumbasis, insbesondere mit mikrostrukturierten Cantilevern. Die zuvor erhaltenen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für das Design und die Dimensionierung der Mikroaktoren. Diese bestehen aus Siliziumcantilevern, die eine Elektrodenschicht aus Gold oder Platin tragen. Auf der Elektrode wird mittels Elektrodeposition eine homogene Schicht Polymer mit Schichtdicken bis zu 150 nm aufgebracht. Die Aktorcharakteristik, die Biegung des Cantilevers aufgrund des angelegten Potenzials, wird mit dem aus der Rastersondenmikroskopie bekannten Lichtzeigerverfahren gemessen. Das Aktorsystem wird hinsichtlich des angelegten Potenzials, des Elektrolyten und der Redox-Kinetik charakterisiert. Die verschiedenen Beiträge zum Aktorverhalten werden in situ während des Schichtwachstums untersucht. Das beobachtete Verhalten kann als Superposition verschiedener Effekte beschrieben werden. Darunter sind die Elektrodenaufladung (Elektrokapillarität), die Veränderungen der Elektrodenoberfläche durch dünne Oxidschichten und die Elektrochemomechanik des Polymers.


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Electrochemical gating at the single molecule level of viologen molecular bridges in ionic liquids is examined. Contrary to previous data recorded in aqueous electrolytes, a clear and sharp peak in the single molecule conductance versus electrochemical potential data is obtained in ionic liquids. These data are rationalized in terms of a two-step electrochemical model for charge transport across the redox bridge. In this model the gate coupling in the ionic liquid is found to be fully effective with a modeled gate coupling parameter, ξ, of unity. This compares to a much lower gate coupling parameter of 0.2 for the equivalent aqueous gating system. This study shows that ionic liquids are far more effective media for gating the conductance of single molecules than either solid-state three-terminal platforms created using nanolithography, or aqueous media.


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Vanadium nitride (VN) is currently one of the most promising materials for electrodes of supercapacitors. The structure and electrochemical properties of VN synthesized by temperature-programmed NH3 reduction of V2O5 are analyzed in this paper. Vanadium nitride produced via this route has distinctive structural characteristics. VN mimics the shape of the initial V2O5 precursor indicating a pronounced direct attachment of nitride grains. The particles have domains of grains with a preferential orientation (texture). The large volume of pores in VN is represented by the range of 15−110 nm. VN demonstrates capacitive properties in three different types of aqueous electrolytes, 1 M KOH, 1 M H2SO4, and 3 M NaCl. The material has an acceptable rate capability in all electrolytes, showing about 80% of its maximal capacitance at a current load of 1 A/g in galvanostatic charging/discharging experiments. The capacitance of 186 F/g is observed in 1 M KOH electrolyte at 1 A/g. The previously reported negative effect of material loading on the capacitance is significantly suppressed. The observed electrochemical characteristics related to the application of this material in supercapacitors can be correlated with the crystalline structure of the nitride and the composition of its surface layer.


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Pronounced and stable pseudocapacitance has been found in flowerlike FeTiO3 nanostructures that were synthesized from ball-milled ilmenite (natural mineral) under mild hydrothermal conditions. Each nanoflower is composed of many thin petals with a thickness of 5–20 nm and a width of 100–200 nm. The formation of these flowerlike nanostructures is attributed to a dissolution–precipitation mechanism involving an intermediate sodium-containing phase. Electrochemical properties of the obtained FeTiO3 nanostructures are evaluated in aqueous electrolytes. The capacitance of 122 ± 14.5 F/g is measured in 1 M KOH aqueous electrolyte at the current rate of 500 mA/g, and 50 ± 6 F/g is retained at 5 A/g. The material has good long-term cycling stability. According to our data, FeTiO3 nanostructures show functionality as an electrode material for supercapacitors.


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The synthesis and characterisation of nanorods of vanadium pentoxide, V(2)O(5), vanadium trioxide, V(2)O(3), vanadium dioxide, VO(2)(B), and vanadium nitride, VN, are presented, and their application in electrochemical supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries is outlined. Specifically, a novel method for the preparation of V(2)O(5) nanorods is discussed. It involves ball milling as a first step and controlled annealing as a second step. Nanorods of V(2)O(5) can be converted into those of other vanadium-related phases by simple chemical reduction treatments. Such chemical transformations are pseudomorphic and often topotactic, that is, the resulting nanorods belong to a different chemical phase but tend to retain the original morphology and preferential crystal orientation dictated by parent V(2)O(5) crystals.

The corresponding properties of nanorods for their prospective application in electrochemical energy storage (lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical supercapacitors) are discussed. The synthesised V(2)O(5) nanorods possess a stable cyclic behaviour when they are used in a cathode of a lithium-ion battery and are suitable for use in an anode. VN nanorods synthesised by NH(3) reduction of V(2)O(5) were found to possess pseudocapacitive properties in aqueous electrolytes.


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We describe for the first time the electrochemical co-deposition of composites based on a reactive base metal and graphene directly from a one-pot aqueous mixture containing graphene oxide and Zn2+. In order to overcome stability issues the Zn2+ concentration was kept below a critical threshold concentration, ensuring stable graphene oxide suspensions in the presence of cationic base metal precursors. This approach ensures the compatibility between the cationic base metal precursor and graphene oxide, which is more challenging compared to previously reported anionic noble metal complexes. Spectroscopic evidence suggests that the reason for destabilisation is zinc complexation involving the carboxylate groups of graphene oxide. The composition of the electrodeposited co-composites can be tuned by adjusting the concentration of the precursors in the starting mixture. The nano-composites show zinc particles (<3 nm) being uniformly dispersed amongst the graphene sheets. It is also demonstrated that the composites are electrochemically active and suitable for energy storage and energy conversion applications. However, a factor limiting the discharge efficiency is the reactivity of the base metal (low reduction potential and small particle size) which undergoes rapid oxidation when exposed to aqueous electrolytes.