991 resultados para anti-mycobacterial therapeutics


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Tuberculosis is continuing as a problem of mankind. With evolution, MDR and XDR forms of tuberculosis have emerged from drug sensitive strain. MDR and XDR strains are resistant to most of the antibiotics, making the management more difficult. BCG vaccine is not providing complete protection against tuberculosis. Therefore new infections are spreading at a tremendous rate. At the present moment there is experimental evidence to believe that Vitamin A and Vitamin D has anti-mycobacterial property. It is in this context, we have hypothesized a host based approach using the above vitamins that can cause possible prevention and cure of tuberculosis with minimal chance of resistance or toxicity. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new, phenoxo-bridged Cu-II dinuclear complex Cu-2(L)(2)(DMF)(2)] (1) has been obtained by employing the coumarin-assisted tridentate precursor, H2L, benzoic acid(7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-8-ylmethylene)-hydrazide]. Complex 1 has been systematically characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, fluorescence and PR spectrometry. The single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 shows that the geometry around each copper ion is square pyramidal, comprising two enolato oxygen atoms belonging to different ligands (which assemble the dimer bridging the two metal centers), one imine-N and one phenolic-O atoms of the Schiff base and one oxygen atom from the DMF molecule. The temperature dependent magnetic interpretation agrees with the existence of weak ferromagnetic interactions between the bridging dinuclear Cu(II) ions. Both the ligand and complex 1 exhibit anti-mycobacterial activity and considerable efficacy towards M. tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27294 and M. tuberculosis H37Ra ATCC 25177 strains. The cytotoxicity study on human adenocarcinoma cell lines (MCF7) suggests that the ligand and complex 1 have potential anticancer properties. Molecular docking of H2L with the enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase of M. tuberculosis H37R(v) (PDB ID: 4U0K) is examined and the best docked pose of H2L shows one hydrogen bond with Thr196 (1.99 angstrom).


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Acetyltransferases and deacetylases catalyze the addition and removal, respectively, of acetyl groups to the epsilon-amino group of protein lysine residues. This modification can affect the function of a protein through several means, including the recruitment of specific binding partners called acetyl-lysine readers. Acetyltransferases, deacetylases, and acetyl-lysine readers have emerged as crucial regulators of biological processes and prominent targets for the treatment of human disease. This work describes a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, cell-biological, and organismal studies undertaken on a set of proteins that cumulatively include all steps of the acetylation process: the acetyltransferase MEC-17, the deacetylase SIRT1, and the acetyl-lysine reader DPF2. Tubulin acetylation by MEC-17 is associated with stable, long-lived microtubule structures. We determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MEC-17 in complex with the cofactor acetyl-CoA. The structure in combination with an extensive enzymatic analysis of MEC-17 mutants identified residues for cofactor and substrate recognition and activity. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch distal to the active site was shown to be necessary for catalysis, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the alpha-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. Experiments in C. elegans showed that while MEC-17 is required for touch sensitivity, MEC-17 enzymatic activity is dispensible for this behavior. SIRT1 deacetylates a wide range of substrates, including p53, NF-kappaB, FOXO transcription factors, and PGC-1-alpha, with roles in cellular processes ranging from energy metabolism to cell survival. SIRT1 activity is uniquely controlled by a C-terminal regulatory segment (CTR). Here we present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human SIRT1 in complex with the CTR in an apo form and in complex with a cofactor and a pseudo-substrate peptide. The catalytic domain adopts the canonical sirtuin fold. The CTR forms a beta-hairpin structure that complements the beta-sheet of the NAD^+-binding domain, covering an essentially invariant, hydrophobic surface. A comparison of the apo and cofactor bound structures revealed conformational changes throughout catalysis, including a rotation of a smaller subdomain with respect to the larger NAD^+-binding subdomain. A biochemical analysis identified key residues in the active site, an inhibitory role for the CTR, and distinct structural features of the CTR that mediate binding and inhibition of the SIRT1 catalytic domain. DPF2 represses myeloid differentiation in acute myelogenous leukemia. Finally, we solved the crystal structure of the tandem PHD domain of human DPF2. We showed that DPF2 preferentially binds H3 tail peptides acetylated at Lys14, and binds H4 tail peptides with no preference for acetylation state. Through a structural and mutational analysis we identify the molecular basis of histone recognition. We propose a model for the role of DPF2 in AML and identify the DPF2 tandem PHD finger domain as a promising novel target for anti-leukemia therapeutics.


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Leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças com um largo espectro de manifestações clínicas, as quais variam desde lesões cutâneas até o envolvimento visceral severo, podendo levar ao óbito. A leishmaniose é, ainda hoje, uma doença negligenciada, estando entre os agravos prioritários do programa de pesquisa sobre doenças da pobreza da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Além de não haver vacinas disponíveis, a terapia é baseada em medicamentos injetáveis que causam sérios efeitos colaterais, tornando o tratamento inviável para muitos países endêmicos. Drogas derivadas de metal representam um novo arsenal terapêutico antimicrobiano e anti-câncer. Os inibidores de peptidase/agentes quelantes tais como 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados, no estado livre de metal ou como ligantes com metais de transição, interferem com a função de vários sistemas biológicos. Em trabalhos anteriores, nosso grupo descreveu que o parasito L. braziliensis produziu moléculas gp63 sensíveis a 1,10-fenantrolina. No presente trabalho, demonstramos a distribuição celular da molécula gp63 em uma cepa virulenta de L. braziliensis por meio de análises bioquímicas e imuno-histoquímica. Depois disso, relatamos os efeitos inibitórios de três compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina, 1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] e [Ag(phendio)2], nas atividades metalopeptidases celulares e extracelulares produzidas por promastigotas de L. braziliensis, bem como as suas ações sobre a viabilidade do parasita e na interação com as células de macrófagos murinos. As moléculas gp63 foram detectadas em compartimentos de parasitos, incluindo membrana citoplasmatica e bolsa flagelar. O tratamento de promastigotas de L. braziliensis durante 1 hora com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados resultou numa inibição significativa da viabilidade celular e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível. Estes inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram apoptose em promastigotas de L. braziliensis, demonstrada através da marcação com anexina/iodeto de propídio e ensaio TUNEL. O pré-tratamento de promastigotas com os inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram uma diminuição na expressão de moléculas de superfície gp63, assim como uma redução significativa no índice de associação com macrófagos. Em paralelo, macrófagos infectados com L. braziliensis e tratados com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados promoveram uma potente redução sobre o número de amastigotas intracelulares. O tratamento de macrófagos com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. A ação combinatória sobre a capacidade de crescimento entre os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e Glucantime, quando ambos foram utilizados em concentracões sub-inibidoras, também foi observada. In vivo os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e seus drivados foram capazes de controlar o tamanho das lesões a partir da terceira semana de tratamento em relação ao controle não tratado em hamsters infectados quando administrado por via intraperitoneal. Os animais tratados com os compostos apresentaram maior resposta intradérmica (DTH) aos antígenos de L. braziliensis. Coletivamente, a 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados metálicos apresentam uma nova perspectiva de estudos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos anti-L. braziliensis


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Amphibian skin secretions contain a broad spectrum of biologically active compounds, particularly antimicrobial peptides, which are considered to constitute a first line of defence against bacterial infection. Here we describe the identification of two prototype peptides representing a novel structural class of antimicrobial peptide from the skin secretion of the oriental broad-folded frog, Hylarana latouchii. Named hylaranin-L1 (GVLSAFKNALPGIMKIIVamide) and hylaranin-L2 (GVLSVIKNALPGIMRFIAamide), both peptides consist of 18 amino acid residues, are C-terminally amidated and are of unique primary structures. Their primary structures were initially deduced by MS/MS fragmentation sequencing from reverse-phase HPLC fractions of skin secretion that demonstrated antimicrobial activity. Subsequently, their precursor-encoding cDNAs were cloned from a skin secretion-derived cDNA library and their primary structures were confirmed unequivocally. Synthetic replicates of both peptides exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity with mean inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 34 µM against Gram-negative Escherichia coli, 4.3 µM against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and 4–9 µM against the yeast, Candida albicans. Both peptides exhibited little haemolytic activity (<6 %) at the MICs for S. aureus and C. albicans. Amphibian skin secretions thus continue to provide novel antimicrobial peptide structures that may prove to be lead compounds in the design of new classes of anti-infection therapeutics.


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The skin secretions of Neotropical phyllomedusine leaf frogs have proven to be a rich source of biologically-active peptides, including antimicrobials. The major families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) reported are the dermaseptins and phylloseptins and the minor families, the dermatoxins, phylloxins, plasticins, distinctins and the medusins. Here, we report a novel AMP of 10 amino acid residues (LRPAILVRIKamide), named balteatide, from the skin secretion of wild Peruvian purple-sided leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa baltea. Balteatide was found to exhibit a 90% sequence identity with sauvatide, a potent myotropic peptide from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa sauvagei. However, despite both peptides exhibiting only a single amino acid difference (I/T at position 9), sauvatide is devoid of antimicrobial activity and balteatide is devoid of myotropic activity. Balteatide was found to have differential activity against the Gram-positive bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, the Gram-negative bacterium, Escherichia coli and the yeast, Candida albicans, and unusually for phyllomedusine frog skin AMPs, was most potent (MIC 32 mg/L) against the yeast. Balteatide was also devoid of haemolytic activity up to concentrations of 512 mg/L. Phyllomedusine frog skin secretions thus continue to provide novel AMPs, some of which may provide templates for the rational design of new classes of anti-infective therapeutics.


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The disruption of the human immunolobulin E–high affinity receptor I (IgE–FcεRI) protein–protein interaction (PPI) is a validated strategy for the development of anti asthma therapeutics. Here, we describe the synthesis of an array of conformationally constrained cyclic peptides based on an epitope of the A–B loop within the Cε3 domain of IgE. The peptides contain various tolan (i.e., 1,2-biarylethyne) amino acids and their fully and partially hydrogenated congeners as conformational constraints. Modest antagonist activity (IC50 660 μM) is displayed by the peptide containing a 2,2′-tolan, which is the one predicted by molecular modeling to best mimic the conformation of the native A–B loop epitope in IgE.


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The synthesis, characterization and the anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) activities of three ruthenium complexes containing the 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid anion (picolinate), with formulae cis-[Ru(pic)(dppm)(2)]PF(6) (1), Cis- [Ru(pic)(dppe)(2)]PF(6) (2) and [Ru(pic)(2)(PPh(3))(2)] (3) [pic = 2-pyridinecarboxylate; dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane: dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane; PPh(3) = triphenylphosphine] are reported in this article. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. Their in vitro anti mycobacterial activity was determinated as the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MTB cell growth, measured by the REMA method. The best MICs were found for complexes (1) and (2), with values of 0.78 and 0.26 mu g/mL, respectively. The results are comparable to or better than ""first line"" or ""second line"" drugs commonly used in the treatment of TB. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In this study zebrafish were used to identify, characterize and study leukemic "cancer"-genes as well as to investigate their role in normal development, particularly blood cell development. The experiments demonstrated that zebrafish represent an excellent tool for studying leukemogenesis, the genes involved in this process and for testing anti-cancer therapeutics.


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Pathogenic viruses have developed a molecular defense arsenal for their survival by counteracting the host anti-viral system known as RNA interference (RNAi). Cellular RNAi, in addition to regulating gene expression through microRNAs, also serves as a barrier against invasive foreign nucleic acids. RNAi is conserved across the biological species, including plants, animals and invertebrates. Viruses in turn, have evolved mechanisms that can counteract this anti-viral defense of the host. Recent studies of mammalian viruses exhibiting RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) activity have further advanced our understanding of RNAi in terms of host–virus interactions. Viral proteins and non-coding viral RNAs can inhibit the RNAi (miRNA/siRNA) pathway through different mechanisms. Mammalian viruses having dsRNA-binding regions and GW/WG motifs appear to have a high chance of conferring RSS activity. Although, RSSs of plant and invertebrate viruses have been well characterized, mammalian viral RSSs still need in-depth investigations to present the concrete evidences supporting their RNAi ablation characteristics. The information presented in this review together with any perspective research should help to predict and identify the RSS activity-endowed new viral proteins that could be the potential targets for designing novel anti-viral therapeutics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Extracts of the spice ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) are rich in gingerols and shogaols, which exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti mycobacterial, and anticarcinogenic proprieties. The present study evaluated the chemoprotective effects of a ginger extract on the DNA damage and the development of bladder cancer induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxibutyl) nitrosamine (BBN)/N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in male Swiss mice. Groups G1-G3 were given 0.05% BBN in drinking water for 18 weeks and four i.p. injections of 30 mg/kg body weight MNU at 1, 3, 10, and 18 weeks. Group G4 and G5 received only the BBN or MNU treatments, respectively, and groups G6 and G7 were not treated with BBN or MNU. Additionally, Groups G2, G3, and G6 were fed diets containing 1, 2, and 2% ginger extract, respectively, while Groups G1, G4, G5, and G7 were fed basal diet. Samples of peripheral blood were collected during the experiment for genotoxicity analysis; blood collected 4 hr after each MNU dose was used for the analysis of DNA damage with the Comet assay (assay performed on leukocytes from all groups), while reficulocytes collected 24 hr after the last MNU treatment of Groups G5-G7 were used for the micronucleus assay. At the end of the experiment, the urinary bladder was removed, fixed, and prepared for histopathological, cell proliferation, and apoptosis evaluations. Ginger by itself was not genotoxic, and it did not alter the DNA damage levels induced by the BBN/MNU treatment during the course of the exposure. The incidence and multiplicity of simple and nodular hyperplasia and transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) were increased by the BBN/MNU treatment, but dietary ginger had no significant effect on these responses. However, in Group G2 (BBN/MNU/2% ginger-treated group), there was an increased incidence of Grade 2 TCC. The results suggest that ginger extract does not inhibit the development of BBN-induced mouse bladder tumors.


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The shikimate pathway is an attractive target for herbicides and antimicrobial agent development because it is essential in algae, higher plants, bacteria, and fungi, but absent from mammals. Homologues to enzymes in the shikimate pathway have been identified in the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among them, the EPSP synthase was proposed to be present by sequence homology. Accordingly, in order to pave the way for structural and functional efforts towards anti-mycobacterial agent development, here we describe the molecular modeling of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase isolated from M. tuberculosis that should provide a structural framework on which the design of specific inhibitors may be based on. Significant differences in the relative orientation of the domains in the two models result in open and closed conformations. The possible relevance of this structural transition in the ligand biding is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis (TB) resurged in the late 1980s and now kills approximately 3 million people a year. The reemergence of tuberculosis as a public health threat has created a need to develop new anti-mycobacterial agents. The shikimate pathway is an attractive target for herbicides and anti-microbial agents development because it is essential in algae, higher plants, bacteria, and fungi, but absent from mammals. Homologs to enzymes in the shikimate pathway have been identified in the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among them, the shikimate kinase I encoding gene (aroK) was proposed to be present by sequence homology. Accordingly, to pave the way for structural and functional efforts towards anti-mycobacterial agents development, here we describe the molecular modeling of M. tuberculosis shikimate kinase that should provide a structural framework on which the design of specific inhibitors may be based. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.