967 resultados para angiotensin analogs


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Most of the diseases affecting public health, like hypertension, are multifactorial by etiology. Hypertension is influenced by genetic, life style and environmental factors. Estimation of the influence of genes to the risk of essential hypertension varies from 30 to 50%. It is plausible that in most of the cases susceptibility to hypertension is determined by the action of more than one gene. Although the exact molecular mechanism underlying essential hypertension remains obscure, several monogenic forms of hypertension have been identified. Since common genetic variations may predict, not only to susceptibility to hypertension, but also response to antihypertensive drug therapy, pharmacogenetic approaches may provide useful markers in finding relations between candidate genes and phenotypes of hypertension. The aim of this study was to identify genetic mutations and polymorphisms contributing to human hypertension, and examine their relationships to intermediate phenotypes of hypertension, such as blood pressure (BP) responses to antihypertensive drugs or biochemical laboratory values. Two groups of patients were investigated in the present study. The first group was collected from the database of patients investigated in the Hypertension Outpatient Ward, Helsinki University Central Hospital, and consisted of 399 subjects considered to have essential hypertension. Frequncies of the mutant or variant alleles were compared with those in two reference groups, healthy blood donors (n = 301) and normotensive males (n = 175). The second group of subjects with hypertension was collected prospectively. The study subjects (n=313) underwent a protocol lasting eight months, including four one-month drug treatment periods with antihypertensive medications (thiazide diuretic, β-blocker, calcium channel antagonist, and an angiotensin II receptor antagonist). BP responses and laboratory values were related to polymorphims of several candidate genes of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, two patients with typical features of Liddle’s syndrome were screened for mutations in kidney epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) subunits. Two novel mutations causing Liddle’s syndrome were identified. The first mutation identified located in the beta-subunit of ENaC and the second mutation found located in the gamma-subunit, constituting the first identified Liddle mutation locating in the extracellular domain. This mutation showed 2-fold increase in channel activity in vitro. Three gene variants, of which two are novel, were identified in ENaC subunits. The prevalence of the variants was three times higher in hypertensive patients (9%) than in reference groups (3%). The variant carriers had increased daily urinary potassium excretion rate in relation to their renin levels compared with controls suggesting increased ENaC activity, although in vitro they did not show increased channel activity. Of the common polymorphisms of the RAS studied, angiotensin II receptor type I (AGTR1) 1166 A/C polymorphism was associated with modest changes in RAS activity. Thus, patients homozygous for the C allele tended to have increased aldosterone and decreased renin levels. In vitro functional studies using transfected HEK293 cells provided additional evidence that the AGTR1 1166 C allele may be associated with increased expression of the AGTR1. Common polymorphisms of the alpha-adducin and the RAS genes did not significantly predict BP responses to one-month monotherapies with hydroclorothiazide, bisoprolol, amlodipin, or losartan. In conclusion, two novel mutations of ENaC subunits causing Liddle’s syndrome were identified. In addition, three common ENaC polymorphisms were shown to be associated with occurrence of essential hypertension, but their exact functional and clinical consequences remain to be explored. The AGTR1 1166 C allele may modify the endocrine phenotype of hypertensive patients, when present in homozygous form. Certain widely studied polymorphisms of the ACE, angiotensinogen, AGTR1 and alpha-adducin genes did not significantly affect responses to a thiazide, β-blocker, calcium channel antagonist, and angiotensin II receptor antagonist.


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The conformationally restricted CHO-L-Met-Xxx-L-Phe-OY (where Xxx = Aib, Ac3c, Ac5c, Ac6c, and Ac7c; Y = H, Me) tripeptides, analogs of the chemoattractant CHO-L-Met-L-Leu-L-Phe-OH, have been synthesized in solution by classical methods and fully characterized. Compounds were compared to determine the combined effect of backbone conformational preferences and side-chain bulkiness on the relation of three-dimensional structure to biological activity. Each peptide was tested for its ability to induce granule enzyme secretion from rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In parallel, a conformational analysis on the CHO-blocked peptide and their tertbutyloxycarbonylated synthetic precursors was performed in the crystal state and in solution using X-ray diffraction, infrared absorption, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance. The biological and conformational data are discussed in relation to the proposed model of the chemotactic peptide receptor of rabbit neutrophils.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, ischaemic heart disease, and the development of heart failure. Hypertension-induced heart failure is usually preceded by the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which represents an adaptive and compensatory response to the increased cardiac workload. Biomechanical stress and neurohumoral activation are the most important triggers of pathologic hypertrophy and the transition of cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure. Non-clinical and clinical studies have also revealed derangements of energy metabolism in hypertensive heart failure. The goal of this study was to investigate in experimental models the molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways involved in hypertension-induced heart failure with special emphasis on local renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), cardiac metabolism, and calcium sensitizers, a novel class of inotropic agents used currently in the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure. Two different animal models of hypertensive heart failure were used in the present study, i.e. hypertensive and salt-sensitive Dahl/Rapp rats on a high salt diet (a salt-sensitive model of hypertensive heart failure) and double transgenic rats (dTGR) harboring human renin and human angiotensinogen genes (a transgenic model of hypertensive heart failure with increased local RAAS activity). The influence of angiotensin II (Ang II) on cardiac substrate utilization and cardiac metabolomic profile was investigated by using gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry to detect 247 intermediary metabolites. It was found that Ang II could alter cardiac metabolomics both in normotensive and hypertensive rats in an Ang II receptor type 1 (AT1)-dependent manner. A distinct substrate use from fatty acid oxidation towards glycolysis was found in dTGR. Altered cardiac substrate utilization in dTGR was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Cardiac expression of the redox-sensitive metabolic sensor sirtuin1 (SIRT1) was increased in dTGR. Resveratrol supplementation prevented cardiovascular mortality and ameliorated Ang II-induced cardiac remodeling in dTGR via blood pressure-dependent pathways and mechanisms linked to increased mitochondrial biogenesis. Resveratrol dose-dependently increased SIRT1 activity in vitro. Oral levosimendan treatment was also found to improve survival and systolic function in dTGR via blood pressure-independent mechanisms, and ameliorate Ang II-induced coronary and cardiomyocyte damage. Finally, using Dahl/Rapp rats it was demonstrated that oral levosimendan as well as the AT1 receptor antagonist valsartan improved survival and prevented cardiac remodeling. The beneficial effects of levosimendan were associated with improved diastolic function without significantly improved systolic changes. These positive effects were potentiated when the drug combination was administered. In conclusion, the present study points to an important role for local RAAS in the pathophysiology of hypertension-induced heart failure as well as its involvement as a regulator of cardiac substrate utilization and mitochondrial function. Our findings suggest a therapeutic role for natural polyphenol resveratrol and calcium sensitizer, levosimendan, and the novel drug combination of valsartan and levosimendan, in prevention of hypertension-induced heart failure. The present study also provides a better understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension-induced heart failure, and may help identify potential targets for novel therapeutic interventions.


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Distamycin and netropsin, a class of minor groove binding nonintercalating agents, are characterized by their B-DNA and A-T basespecific interactions. To understand the CQI I ~OIT~ ~ I ~ ~aOnMd ~c hemical basis of the above specificities, the DNA-binding characteristics of a novel synthetic analogue of distamycin have been studied. The analogue, mPD derivative, has the requisite charged end groups and a number of potential hydrogen-bonding loci equal to those of distamycin. The difference in the backbone curvatures of the ligands, distamycin, the mPD derivative, and NSC 101327 (another structurally analogous compound),is a major difference between these ligands. UV and CD spectrosoopic studies reported here show the following salient features: The mPD derivative recognizes only B-DNA, to which it binds via the minor groove. On the other hand, unlike distamycin, it binds with comparable affinities to A-T and G-C base pairs in a natural DNA. These DNA-binding properties are compared with those reported earlier for distamycin and NSC 101327 [Zimmer, Ch., & Wahnert, U. (1986) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 47, 31-1121. The backbone structures of these three ligands were compared to show the progressive decrease in curvatures in the order distamycin, mPD derivative, and NSC 101327. The plausible significance of the backbone curvature vis-&vis the characteristic B-DNA and AT-specific binding of distamycin is discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt (with a model synthetic analogue) to probe the possible influence of backbone curvature upon the specificity of interactions of the distamycin class of groove-binding ligands with DNA.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I (Ang I) to angiotensin II (Ang II). ACE also cleaves the terminal dipeptide of vasodilating hormone bradykinin (a nonapeptide) to inactivate this hormone. Therefore, inhibition of ACE is generally used as one of the methods for the treatment of hypertension. `Oxidative stress' is another disease state caused by an imbalance in the production of oxidants and antioxidants. A number of studies suggest that hypertension and oxidative stress are interdependent. Therefore, ACE inhibitors having antioxidant property are considered beneficial for the treatment of hypertension. As selenium compounds are known to exhibit better antioxidant behavior than their sulfur analogues, we have synthesized a number of selenium analogues of captopril, an ACE inhibitor used as an antihypertensive drug. The selenium analogues of captopril not only inhibit ACE activity but also effectively scavenge peroxynitrite, a strong oxidant found in vivo.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) regulates the blood pressure by converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II and bradykinin to bradykinin 1-7. These two reactions elevate the blood pressure as angiotensin II and bradykinin are vasoconstrictory and vasodilatory hormones, respectively. Therefore, inhibition of ACE is an important strategy for the treatment of hypertension. The natural substrates of ACE, i.e., angiotensin II and bradykinin, contain a Pro-Phe motif near the site of hydrolysis. Therefore, there may be a Pro-Phe binding pocket at the active site of ACE, which may facilitate the substrate binding. In view of this, we have synthesized a series of thiol-and selenol-containing dipeptides and captopril analogues and studied their ACE inhibition activities. This study reveals that both the selenol or thiol moiety and proline residues are essential for ACE inhibition. Although the introduction of a Phe residue to captopril and its selenium analogue considerably reduces the inhibitory effect, there appears to be a Phe binding pocket at the active site of ACE.


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Human somatic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), a zinc-dependent dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, is central to the regulation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system. It is a well-known target for combating hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. In a recent study by Bhuyan and Mugesh [Org. Biomol. Chem. (2011) 9, 1356-1365], it was shown that the selenium analogues of captopril (a well-known clinical inhibitor of ACE) not only inhibit ACE, but also protect against peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of peptides and proteins. Here, we report the crystal structures of human testis ACE (tACE) and a homologue of ACE, known as AnCE, from Drosophila melanogaster in complex with the most promising selenium analogue of captopril (SeCap) determined at 2.4 and 2.35 angstrom resolution, respectively. The inhibitor binds at the active site of tACE and AnCE in an analogous fashion to that observed for captopril and provide the first examples of a protein-selenolate interaction. These new structures of tACE-SeCap and AnCE-SeCap inhibitor complexes presented here provide important information for further exploration of zinc coordinating selenium-based ACE inhibitor pharmacophores with significant antioxidant activity.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) catalyses the conversion of angiotensin I (Ang I) to angiotensin II (Ang II). The ACE activity directly related to hypertension as Ang II is the blood pressure regulating hormone. Therefore, ACE inhibitors are a major class of antihypertensive drugs. Captopril, chemical name, was the first orally active ACE inhibitory antihypertensive drug, discovered in 1977. Since then, a number of such drugs have been synthesized. Enzyme-inhibitor bound crystal structural studies reveal a great deal of understanding about the interactions of the inhibitors at the active site of ACE. This can be helpful in the rational design of ACE inhibitors. With the advancement of the combination therapy, it is known that ACE inhibitors having antioxidant activity can be beneficial for the treatment of hypertension. This study describes the development of ACE inhibitors in the treatment of hypertension. Importance of ACE inhibitors having antioxidant activity is also described.


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Obestatin is a more recently discovered hormone that is encoded by the ghrelin gene and produced in the stomach and gut. We report NMR analysis on synthetic Obestatin (OB23), a 23 residue peptide, along with three overlapping fragments of the same in methanol solvent as a first step towards structure activity relationship. Selective substitutions on the promising N-terminal and middle fragments of obestatin have been carried out in order to improve the efficacy and potency. In the N-terminal fragment two peptides were obtained by the replacement of Gly (8) with a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib, U) and Phe (F5) with Cyclohexylalanine (Cha). In case of the middle fragment both Gly (3) and Gly (8) were replaced with Aib residues. The rationale being, these unusual amino acids could provide protection from immediate degradation and aid structure stabilization. Our previous studies showed that the N-terminal and the middle fragment were unstructured and hence this substitution would directly evaluate the effect of structure on the activity of these fragment analogs. Detailed NMR analysis clearly demonstrates formation of helical secondary structure in all the peptide analogues and provides justification for relative activities reported by our group previously (Nagaraj et al. 2009).


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are important for the treatment of hypertension as they can decrease the formation of vasopressor hormone angiotensin II (Ang II) and elevate the levels of vasodilating hormone bradykinin. It is observed that bradykinin contains a Ser-Pro-Phe motif near the site of hydrolysis. The selenium analogues of captopril represent a novel class of ACE inhibitors as they also exhibit significant antioxidant activity. In this study, several di- and tripeptides containing selenocysteine and cysteine residues at the N-terminal were synthesized. Hydrolysis of angiotensin I (Ang I) to Ang II by ACE was studied in the presence of these peptides. It is observed that the introduction of L-Phe to Sec-Pro and Cys-Pro peptides significantly increases the ACE inhibitory activity. On the other hand, the introduction of L-Val or L-Ala decreases the inhibitory potency of the parent compounds. The presence of an L-Pro moiety in captopril analogues appears to be important for ACE inhibition as the replacement of L-Pro by L-piperidine 2-carboxylic acid decreases the ACE inhibition. The synthetic peptides were also tested for their ability to scavenge peroxynitrite (PN) and to exhibit glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-like activity. All the selenium-containing peptides exhibited good PN-scavenging and GPx activities.