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The provisioning of offspring can have far-reaching consequences for later life in a wide range of organisms and generally this provisioning is thought to be under maternal influence or control. In experiments with a broadcast-spawning ascidian, we found that the size of offspring was determined by egg size and the abundance of sperm present during fertilization. Larger eggs were fertilized at low sperm concentrations, whilst smaller eggs were successfully fertilized at high sperm concentrations. These differences in fertilized egg size resulted in differences in the development rate, hatching success and mean size of the subsequent larvae. Our results suggest that, in contrast to females that reproduce by other mating systems, free-spawning mothers lack some control over the provisioning of offspring. Furthermore, because males can alter the sperm environment, they can exert paternal (non-genetic) control over key offspring characteristics.
The positive relationship between offspring size and offspring fitness is a fundamental assumption of life-history theory, but it has received relatively little attention in the marine environment. This is surprising given that substantial intraspecific variation in offspring size is common in marine organisms and there are clear links between larval experience and adult performance. The metamorphosis of most marine invertebrates does not represent a newbeginning, and larval experiences can have effects that carry over to juvenile survival and growth. We show that larval size can have equally important carryover effects in a colonial marine invertebrate. In the bryozoan Bugula neritina, the size of the non-feeding larvae has a prolonged effect on colony performance after metamorphosis. Colonies that came from larger larvae survived better, grew faster, and reproduced sooner or produced more embryos than colonies that came from smaller larvae. These effects crossed generations, with colonies from larger larvae themselves producing larger larvae. These effects were found in two populations (in Australia and in the United States) in contrasting habitats.
We have characterized the kinetic properties of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (E-NTPDase1) from rat osseous plate membranes. A novel finding of the present study is that the solubilized enzyme shows high- and low-affinity sites for the substrate in contrast with a single substrate site for the membrane-bound enzyme. In addition, contrary to the Michaelian chraracteristics of the membrane-bound enzyme, the site-site interactions after solubilization with 0.5% digitonin plus 0.1% lysolecithin resulted in a less active ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, showing activity of about 398.3 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1). The solubilized enzyme has M(r) of 66-72 kDa, and its catalytic efficiency was significantly increased by magnesium and calcium ions; but the ATP/ADP activity ratio was always < 2.0. Partial purification and kinetic characterization of the rat osseous plate E-NTPDase1 in a solubilized form may lead to a better understanding of a possible function of the enzyme as a modulator of nucleotidase activity or purinergic signaling in matrix vesicle membranes. The simple procedure to obtain the enzyme in a solubilized form may also be attractive for comparative studies of particular features of the active sites from this and other ATPases.
Objectives: Lung hyperinflation may be assessed by computed tomography (CT). As shown for patients with emphysema, however, CT image reconstruction affects quantification of hyperinflation. We studied the impact of reconstruction parameters on hyperinflation measurements in mechanically ventilated (MV) patients. Design: Observational analysis. Setting: A University hospital-affiliated research Unit. Patients: The patients were MV patients with injured (n = 5) or normal lungs (n = 6), and spontaneously breathing patients (n = 5). Interventions: None. Measurements and results: Eight image series involving 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm slices and standard and sharp filters were reconstructed from identical CT raw data. Hyperinflated (V-hyper), normally (V-normal), poorly (V-poor), and nonaerated (V-non) volumes were calculated by densitometry as percentage of total lung volume (V-total). V-hyper obtained with the sharp filter systematically exceeded that with the standard filter showing a median (interquartile range) increment of 138 (62-272) ml corresponding to approximately 4% of V-total. In contrast, sharp filtering minimally affected the other subvolumes (V-normal, V-poor, V-non, and V-total). Decreasing slice thickness also increased V-hyper significantly. When changing from 10 to 3 mm thickness, V-hyper increased by a median value of 107 (49-252) ml in parallel with a small and inconsistent increment in V-non of 12 (7-16) ml. Conclusions: Reconstruction parameters significantly affect quantitative CT assessment of V-hyper in MV patients. Our observations suggest that sharp filters are inappropriate for this purpose. Thin slices combined with standard filters and more appropriate thresholds (e.g., -950 HU in normal lungs) might improve the detection of V-hyper. Different studies on V-hyper can only be compared if identical reconstruction parameters were used.
Air pollution is an important environmental health risk factor that can result in many different gestational and reproductive negative outcomes. In this study, we have investigated the effects of two different times of exposure (before conception and during pregnancy) to urban ambient particulate matter on reproductive and pregnancy outcomes in mice. Using exposure chambers receiving filtered (F) and non-filtered (NF) air, we observed that exposed females exhibited changes in the length of estrus cycle and extended estrus and, therefore, a reduction in the number of cycles during the studied period (F2.6 +/- 0.22 and NF 1.2 +/- 0.29, p = 0.03). The mean number of antral follicles declined by 36% (p = 0.04) in NF mice (75 +/- 35.2) compared to F mice (118.6 +/- 18.4). our results further indicate a significant increase in time necessary for mating and decreased fertility and pregnancy indices (p = 0.003) in NF couples. Mean post-implantation loss rates were increased by 70% (p <= 0.005) in the NF2 group (exposed before and during pregnancy to NF air) compared to the F1 group (exposed before and during pregnancy to F air) and were influenced by both pre-gestational (p < 0.004) and gestational (p < 0.01) period exposure. Fetal weight was significantly higher in the F1 group when compared with the other groups (p < 0.001), at a 20% higher weight in the F1 group (0.86 +/- 0.18 g) than in the NF2 group (0.68 +/- 0.10g). Furthermore, fetal weight was influenced by both pre-gestational and gestational period exposure, and a significant interaction between these two factors was found (p < 0.001). This study demonstrated that exposure to ambient levels of urban traffic-generated particulate matter negatively affects different functions and stages of the reproductive process. Our results also reinforce the idea that maternal exposure to air pollution is linked to negative pregnancy outcomes, even if the exposure occurs only before conception. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
in humans, adverse pregnancy outcomes (low birth weight, prematurity, and intrauterine growth retardation) are associated with exposure to urban air pollution. Experimental data have also shown that such exposure elicits adverse reproductive outcomes. We hypothesized that the effects of urban air pollution on pregnancy outcomes could be related to changes in functional morphology of the placenta. To test this, future dams were exposed during pregestational and gestational periods to filtered or nonfiltered air in exposure chambers. Placentas were collected from near-term pregnancies and prepared for microscopical examination. Fields of view on vertical uniform random tissue slices were analyzed using stereological methods. Volumes of placental compartments were estimated, and the labyrinth was analyzed further in terms of its maternal vascular spaces, fetal capillaries, trophoblast, and exchange surface areas. From these primary data, secondary quantities were derived: vessel calibers (expressed as diameters), trophoblast thickness (arithmetic mean), and total and mass-specific morphometric diffusive conductances for oxygen of the intervascular barrier. Two-way analysis of variance showed that both periods of exposure led to significantly smaller fetal weights. Pregestational exposure to nonfiltered air led to significant increases in fetal capillary surface area and in total and mass-specific conductances. However, the calibers of maternal blood spaces were reduced. Gestational exposure to nonfiltered air was associated with reduced volumes, calibers, and surface areas of maternal blood spaces and with greater fetal capillary surfaces and diffusive conductances. The findings indicate that urban air pollution affects placental functional morphology. Fetal weights are compromised despite attempts to improve diffusive transport across the placenta.
This work characterizes the effects of ambient levels of urban particulate matter (PM(2.5)) from the city of Sao Paulo on spermatogenesis using mice exposed during the embryo-fetal and/or postnatal phases of development. Parental generations (BALB/c mice) were exposed to air pollution in chambers with or without filtering PM(2.5) for 4 months. Animals were mated, and half of the 1-day-old offspring were moved between chambers, which yielded prenatal and postnatal groups. Remaining offspring comprised the non-exposed and pre+postnatal exposed groups. After 90 days, the animals were sacrificed for testis collection and weighing. Optical microscopy was used for the morphometric analyses of the cell counts, spermatogenic cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis. Prenatally exposed animals presented reduced body and testicular weight with an increased gonadosomatic index (GSI). Testicular volume also decreased, as well as the tubular diameter in testes of the same animals. Proliferation, apoptosis, and spermatogenic cycle analyses showed no significant differences among groups. However, the tubules at stage VII of pre- and postnatal animals presented a reduced number of elongated spermatids. Pre+postnatal group presented higher spermatid head retention at stages VIII-XII. These results show that ambient levels of PM(2.5) from Sao Paulo city affect spermatogenesis by damaging sperm production.
Rationale- Chronic exposure to air pollution has been associated with adverse effects on children`s lung growth. Objectives: We analyzed the effects of chronic exposure to urban levels of particulate matter (PM) on selected phases of mouse lung development. Methods: The exposure occurred in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in Sao Paulo, 24 hours/day for 8 months. There was a significant reduction of the levels of PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 2.9 +/- 3.0 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 16.8 +/- 8.3 mu g/m(3); P = 0.001). At this exposure site, vehicular sources are the major components of PM(2.5) (PM <= 2.5 mu m). Exposure of the parental generation in the two chambers occurred from the 10th to the 120th days of life. After mating and birth of offspring, a crossover of mothers and pups occurred within the chambers, resulting in four groups of pups: nonexposed, prenatal, postnatal, and pre+postnatal. Offspring were killed at the age of 15 (n = 42) and 90 (n = 35) days; lungs were analyzed by morphometry for surface to volume ratio (as an estimator of alveolization). Pressure-volume curves were performed in the older groups, using a 20-ml plethysmograph. Measurements and Main Results: Mice exposed to PM(2.5) pre+postnatally presented a smaller surface to volume ratio when compared with nonexposed animals (P = 0.036). The pre+postnatal group presented reduced inspiratory and expiratory volumes at higher levels of transpulmonary pressure (P = 0.001). There were no differences among prenatal and postnatal exposure and nonexposed animals. Conclusions: Our data provide anatomical and functional support to the concept that chronic exposure to urban PM affects lung growth.
Using two mouse strains with different abilities to generate interferon (IFN)-gamma production after Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, we tested the hypothesis that the frequency and activity of regulatory T (Treg) cells are influenced by genetic background. Our results demonstrated that the suppressive activity of spleen Treg cells from infected or uninfected BALB/c mice was enhanced, inhibiting IFN-gamma and interleukin (IL)-2 production. Infected C57BL/6 mice exhibited a decrease in the frequency of lung Treg cells and an increased ratio CD4(+):CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cells compared with infected BALB/c mice and uninfected C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, infected C57BL/6 mice also had a decrease in the immunosuppressive capacity of spleen Treg cells, higher lung IFN-gamma and IL-17 production, and restricted the infection better than BALB/c mice. Adoptive transfer of BALB/c Treg cells into BALB/c mice induced an increase in bacterial colony-forming unit (CFU) counts. Furthermore, BALB/c mice treated with anti-CD25 antibody exhibited lung CFU counts significantly lower than mice treated with irrelevant antibody. Our results show that in BALB/c mice, the Treg cells have a stronger influence than that in C57BL/6 mice. These data suggest that BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice may use some different mechanisms to control M. tuberculosis infection. Therefore, the role of Treg cells should be explored during the development of immune modulators, both from the perspective of the pathogen and the host. Immunology and Cell Biology (2011) 89, 526-534; doi:10.1038/icb.2010.116; published online 19 October 2010
Dopamine (DA) is a neuromodulator in the brainstem involved with the generation and modulation of the autonomic and respiratory activities. Here we evaluated the effect of microinjection of DA intracistema magna (icm) or into the caudal nucleus tractus solitarii (cNTS) on the baseline cardiovascular and respiratory parameters and on the cardiovascular and respiratory responses to chemoreflex activation in awake rats. Guide cannulas were implanted in cisterna magna or cNTS and femoral artery and vein were catheterized. Respiratory frequency (f(R)) was measured by whole-body plethysmography. Chemoreflex was activated with KCN (iv) before and after microinjection of DA icm or into the cNTS bilaterally while mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and f(R) were recorded. Microinjection of DA icm (n = 13), but not into the cNTS (n = 8) produced a significant decrease in baseline MAP (-15 +/- 1 vs 1 +/- 1 mm Hg) and HR (-55 +/- 11 vs -11 +/- 17 bpm) in relation to control (saline with ascorbic acid, n = 9) but no significant changes in baseline f(R). Microinjection of DA icm or into the cNTS produced no significant changes in the pressor, bradycardic and tachypneic responses to chemoreflex activation. These data show that a) DA icm affects baseline cardiovascular regulation, but not baseline f(R) and autonomic and respiratory components of chemoreflex and b) DA into the cNTS does not affect either the autonomic activity to the cardiovascular system or the autonomic and respiratory responses of chemoreflex activation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Experimental animal studies have shown that nicotine exposure during gestation alters the expression of fetal hypothalamic neuropeptides involved in the control of appetite. We aimed to determine whether the exposure to maternal smoking during gestation in humans is associated with an altered feeding behavior of the adult offspring. A longitudinal prospective cohort study was conducted including all births from Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo, Brazil) between 1978 and 1979. At 24 years of age, a representative random sample was re-evaluated and divided into groups exposed (n = 424) or not (n = 1586) to maternal smoking during gestation. Feeding behavior was analyzed using a food frequency questionnaire. Covariance analysis was used for continuous data and the chi(2) test for categorical data. Results were adjusted for birth weight ratio, body mass index, gender, physical activity and smoking, as well as maternal and subjects` schooling. Individuals exposed to maternal smoking during gestation ate more carbohydrates than proteins (as per the carbohydrate-to-protein ratio) than non-exposed individuals. There were no differences in the consumption of the macronutrients themselves. We propose that this adverse fetal life event programs the individual`s physiology and metabolism persistently, leading to an altered feeding behavior that could contribute to the development of chronic diseases in the long term.
Objective: This study investigates the effects of prenatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure on the maternal behavior of pregnant rats and the physical development and sexual behavior of their male offspring in adulthood. Methods: For two experiments, pregnant rats were injected with LPS (250 mu g/kg, i.p.) on gestation day (GD) 21. In the first experiment, the maternal behavior (postnatal day, PND, 6) and the dam`s open-field general activity (PND7) were evaluated. In the second experiment, the maternal pre- and postnatal parameters, the pup`s development, the offspring`s sexual behavior in adulthood, and the pup`s organ weights were assessed. Results: Compared to the control group, the LPS-treated dams presented reduced maternal behavior, decreased general activity, a smaller body weight difference between GD21 and PND1, a greater number of perinatal deaths, and smaller litters. For the male pups, LPS treatment resulted in a decreased body weight on PND2, whereas the anogenital distance and the day of testis descent were not modified. The male sexual behavior was impaired by prenatal LPS. Particularly the number of ejaculating animals was reduced. The testis weight was also lower in the prenatally LPS-treated rats than in the control rats. Conclusion: We propose that prenatal LPS exposure on GD21 acts as an imprinting factor that interferes with the programming of brain sexual determination in offspring. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Prostate growth and physiology are regulated by steroid hormones and modulated by multiple endocrine factors We investigated the action of insulin on the tissue organization and kinetics of epithelial cells in the rat ventral prostate (VP) in response to castration up to 120 hours after surgery by using an acute protocol of alloxan induced diabetes Diabetes caused a reduction in volume density (Vv(o)/) and volume of the epithelium The effects of castration on the epithelium were accelerated in the diabetic animals as determined by changes in V(o)/, and volume The smooth muscle cells became atrophic and apparently relaxed in response to castration in contrast to the spinous aspect observed in nondiabetic castrated rats Counting of apoptotic nuclei in the epithelium showed the classical apoptosis peak at 72 hours in nondiabetic rats and an advance of the apoptosis peak to 48 hours after castration in diabetic rats Insulin restored the time of the peak to 72 hours These results were confirmed after immunostaining for cleaved caspase 3 and suggest a survival and antiapoptotic effect on VP epithelial cells in both the presence and absence of androgen stimulation This idea is supported by the observation that insulin also reduced the overall rate of apoptosis at all experimental points analyzed before and after castration
The paper reports the findings of an experimental survey conducted to determine the public's willingness to pay (WTP) for the protection and conservation of the golden-shouldered parrot in Australia. This parrot is endemic to Australia and is one of Australia's most endangered birds. The paper examines the public's knowledge of this parrot and compares it with other endangered birds as well as common birds and the public's WTP for conservation from a hypothetical allocation of money based on their current knowledge. We then examine how this allocation changes with increased knowledge about all species.
Our aim was to investigate the effect of central NOS inhibition on hypothalamic arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene expression, hormone release and on the cardiovascular response during experimental sepsis. Male Wistar rats were intracerebroventricularly injected with the non-selective NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor (L-NAME) or aminoguanidine, a selective inhibitor of the inducible isoform (iNOS). After 30 min. sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) causing an increase in heart rate (HR), as well as a reduction in median arterial pressure (MAP) and AVP expression ratio (AVP(R)), mainly in the supraoptic nucleus. AVP plasma levels (AVP(P)) increased in the early but not in the late phase of sepsis. L-NAME pretreatment increased MAP but did not change HR. It also resulted in an increase in AVP(P) at all time points, except 24 h, when it returned to basal levels. AVP(R), however remained reduced in both nuclei. Aminoguanidine pretreatment resulted in increased MAP in the early phase and higher AVP(R) in the supraoptic, but not in the paraventricular nucleus, while AVP(P) remained elevated at all time points. We suggest that increased central NO production, mainly inducible NOS-derived, reduces AVP gene expression differentially in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and that this may contribute to low AVP plasma levels and hypotension in the late phase of sepsis. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.