Offspring size affects the post-metamorphic performance of a colonial marine invertebrate

Autoria(s): Marshall, D. J.; Bolton, T. F.; Keough, M. J.



The positive relationship between offspring size and offspring fitness is a fundamental assumption of life-history theory, but it has received relatively little attention in the marine environment. This is surprising given that substantial intraspecific variation in offspring size is common in marine organisms and there are clear links between larval experience and adult performance. The metamorphosis of most marine invertebrates does not represent a newbeginning, and larval experiences can have effects that carry over to juvenile survival and growth. We show that larval size can have equally important carryover effects in a colonial marine invertebrate. In the bryozoan Bugula neritina, the size of the non-feeding larvae has a prolonged effect on colony performance after metamorphosis. Colonies that came from larger larvae survived better, grew faster, and reproduced sooner or produced more embryos than colonies that came from smaller larvae. These effects crossed generations, with colonies from larger larvae themselves producing larger larvae. These effects were found in two populations (in Australia and in the United States) in contrasting habitats.





Ecological Society of America

Palavras-Chave #Ecology #Bryozoan #Bugula Neritina #Carryover Effect #Maternal Effect #Reproductive Success #Bryozoan Bugula-neritina #Larval Swimming Duration #Egg Size #Quality #Growth #Reproduction #Mortality #Patterns #Field

Journal Article